Life After Death Through Fulfillment of the Ego - Atheistic Satanists

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Atheistic Satanists

Atheistic Satanists

This group is intended for atheistic, modern and self styled Satanist.
kittykittygoboom Feb 10 '19
It is a well known fact that many people die simply because they give up and just don't care anymore. This is understandable if the person is very ill, with no apparent chance for recovery. But this is often not the case. Man has become lazy. He has learned to take the easy way out. Even suicide has become less repugnant to many people than any number of other sins. Religion is totally to blame for this.  ~ The Satanic Bible 

Religion may be a contributing factor, but not totally to blame. We still have our instinct to contribute to the prosperity of our species. With the world as it is now, it only makes sense that the desire to keep ourselves alive dwindles in anyone who feels like they serve no purpose, or that the world is in no condition to live in. 

We subconsciously know that there are too man of us here destroying our only home (for now). Our children would only struggle to meet the bare minimum to survive, much less have a decent life. This is what drives people to self-destruction. We aren't being lazy, we've simply accepted our inevitable demise as a species.

The Forum post is edited by kittykittygoboom Feb 10 '19
HAXYPAHE Mar 8 '19
The world is not black & white, & there are many shades of grey to be considered. While I do agree with this statement, I do consider there being people that are terminally ill, & deserve death with dignity. Have you heard of the Final Exit Network? I also don't so.much think we subconsciously feel we are overpopulating the planet.The human mind is fascinated by its own demise, IMO. Ignorance is bliss til you drift into the dark side. Suicidal thoughts become obsessive sometimes, even at the stupidest things.
The Forum post is edited by HAXYPAHE Mar 8 '19
HAXYPAHE Mar 8 '19
I really like the title of this post. Been pondering if there is an afterlife, & if it is a creation of our fears &/or desires. A temporary dream between lives for our conscious energy to play in, an interactive load screen. lol
The Forum post is edited by HAXYPAHE Mar 8 '19
kittykittygoboom Apr 3 '19
I have heard a bit about The Final Exit Network. Things like that just don't exist without enormous groups of ignorants protesting it all over media. You've made some good points I agree with. I was reading TSB and this bit of it struck a nerve. Sure, plenty of people do die because they're lazy, but I disagreed with the part where he blames religion totally. Sure, it's caused quite a lot of it, but not totally.

(The title of the post is just the name of the chapter of the book I found the quote in) :P 
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