And then I got stoned.
Michael Heiser has a theory that the similarity in world myth draws to a common oratory source and associated events.
I think geological and climatological history may actually support this.
In recent human existance (70,000 BCE - present) there have been TWO significant population bottlenecks. The first was caused by The Lake Toba Supervolcano. Evidence suggests around 6-12 years of volcanic winter and 1000 years of cooling accompanied the dwindling of the earth's human population to under 3,000, with a speculated 800 breeding adults.
The more important one occuring at the height of the last Ice Age, around 40,000 years ago. The Glacial procession was so extensive that humans were literally pushed to very narrow habitable zone in Subsaharan Africa, with a relatively condensed population falling once again to 2000 breeding pairs. Following this was an extensive prolonged time of little genetic variation that lasted until The Stone Age.
While it is true humans began dispersing out of Africa before the Toba Supervolcano, those who did were killed or later pushed right back by ice. You can form a very plausible chronology dating fossil records.
I add to Heiser by saying the event that gave all of Mankind a similar story can be drawn to around 40,000-70,000 years ago telephoned right to the Stone Age.
With population bottlenecks and global catastrophe so recent in the fossil record it's no wonder why the mythical past is littered with environmental catastrophe.
It is worth noting by 70,000 BCE only three hominids remained; Homo sapien, Neanderthal, and Denisovian (almost gone).