At 7:45 you have an important 90 minute flight boarding at the airport. You have a job interview you can not pass up. All is set up. All you need do is catch the flight they booked for you to show up on time for the 11 AM interview.
Day of.
The alarm set for 5:30 failed to go off. You wake up at 6:50. Still enough time, but it will be close.
As you wait for your Uber, you notice your driver is driving the wrong direction. You give it a second, but Ahakazahd keeps driving and then cancels. So you request another and that driver doesn't move for what seems like forever. You cancel and realize the time is now 7:13. You are now really glad you have TSA pre-check.
At this point you think, "Fuck it, It's one day of parking, I'll pay the god damn 80 dollars and leave it with the valet." You rush down to the elevator, the time is now 7:25. You get to your car and realize a nail you picked up left you with a flat. You can change a tire in five minutes and still do this. The airport is 12 minutes away.
What is your course of action and why?
Though it may be hard for like 5 of you, please indulge the world where this scenario took place as described.