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badasstattooz Sep 19 '14
badasstattooz Sep 19 '14
badasstattooz Sep 19 '14
badasstattooz Sep 19 '14
badasstattooz Sep 19 '14
mrgiggles May 6 '15

First abstracted compulsion to paint. 

sergeymartyn Jul 31 '15
"The Meaning of Life" and "The Meaning of Death" are the first and the second part of the tryptich 'Unholy Triad' - my personal metaphysical journey into the pits of my subconsciousness.These two Satanic icons (as I call them) took about five to ten years to complete - its not that I've been painting these pieces all these years from dawn till dusk or vice versa (one has to be a real retard if he needs that much time for just painting over 400 square inches each pic).The idea behind the tryptich is the cycle of life - we receive the gift of Life which many believe to happen in the kingdom of the Lord Of This World (the first part - The Meaning Of Life), then we learn about the death and spend our lives walking into it's embrace (the second part - The Meaning of Death), but afterwards all just come to Love (the third part - The Meaning of Love, yet to be completed), which is the reason for Life and Death. Each part has began with a simple design which just sprung from dreams and visions and I placed it into the center of the each part of the tryptich having no idea what it will become later. Then, like branches of a growing tree or new capillars spreading through the numb flesh, raising it from the dead, each demonic mandala has been completed, by the little steps and inspirations over the years. Tribute to Hieronymus Bosch and medieval illuminated manuscripts which I studied for hours in my childhood. Original artwork is done by ink pen, colored pencils, watercolors and acrylics, no digital intervention here. The original size is 40x60cm (16"x24") and the details are so intricate (I used specially modified extra fine dip pen nibs because I was not satisfied by the thickness of 0.1 mm rapidograph tip).Prints are available.

The Meaning of Life (appox 1990-1995)

"The Meaning of Death" (approx. 1995 - 2005)

If you have some really nice ideas about the third part please drop me a note - the best suggestions will be rewarded with free prints.:-)

The Forum post is edited by sergeymartyn Oct 27 '15
Aphotic Jun 11 '16

Amazing work in this thread, I tattoo as well but don't get to do many of my designs in that medium.  Keep up the great work. 

Tenebrous_lion Sep 12 '16
Baphomet sculpture I did 
Tenebrous_lion Sep 12 '16
drawing of Baphomet....I improvised
Tenebrous_lion Sep 12 '16
Another one....bigger version 

Hellish Apr 28 '17

Painted in photoshop

holyhell111 Mar 9 '18
(2012 old)

The Forum post is edited by holyhell111 Dec 14 '18
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Mar 10 '18

"Ok, today class we are all going to draw pictures of Baby Jesus in the manger."

Though the headless torso, the hebrew looking one, the impaled baby, and the acid posters are all pretty cool to fucking awesome.

 In an effort to not be a hypocrite I present to you this minimalist satire.  It carries with it a criticism of herd mentality, movements, and provides social commentary on antithetical expressions being scripted by image. 

 Chicken With The 100th Red Balloon.

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Mar 10 '18
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Mar 10 '18
Here's some of my actual art.

This one was made with a paint program on my phone. It has no emotion, feeling, or meaning and is more akin to the shit tweekers draw. 

3/12 Edit.

The "Smurf Edition" (night) of the above 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Mar 13 '18
EdMenonymous Member
EdMenonymous Mar 16 '18
then we learn about the death and spend our lives walking into it's embrace (the second part - The Meaning of Death), but afterwards all just come to Love (the third part - The Meaning of Love, yet to be completed), which is the reason for Life and Death.
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