The Meaning of Life (appox 1990-1995)
"The Meaning of Death" (approx. 1995 - 2005)
If you have some really nice ideas about the third part please drop me a note - the best suggestions will be rewarded with free prints.:-)
"Ok, today class we are all going to draw pictures of Baby Jesus in the manger."
Though the headless torso, the hebrew looking one, the impaled baby, and the acid posters are all pretty cool to fucking awesome.
In an effort to not be a hypocrite I present to you this minimalist satire. It carries with it a criticism of herd mentality, movements, and provides social commentary on antithetical expressions being scripted by image.
Chicken With The 100th Red Balloon.
This one was made with a paint program on my phone. It has no emotion, feeling, or meaning and is more akin to the shit tweekers draw.
3/12 Edit.
The "Smurf Edition" (night) of the above