A man once hiked the tallest mountain in the land and vowed never to come down until he found God. He never came down. But on his grave which he made himself and lay down and died in said. ' The meaning of life is to simply live. I thought if I were to live on the tallest mountain alone closest to God I would know him and understand his ways. All I managed was to separate myself from those living their lives together down below and have grown old and lonely all alone. God therefore is the emptiness of nothingness . I gave my life to the void so that you may not spend yours wondering what is up on the mountain next to God. Live in the valley down below and rejoice in the pleasures with others around you.
His folly was also buying into another human's thought invention (or mind art painted with a vague plausability). a god.the god.
Extrapolate this out into modern times and god becomes an actual isolate being rather than an ideal idea completly constructed with primate arrogance similar to when supetman comicbook fans write their own fan-fiction to fill out the backstory.All of it....outdated ancient obsolete concepts.The Isolate Intelligence is perhaps not the Universe or "somewhere out in the Universe" but I think its a certain localised property of the Earth's bio-field.Manifesting as your basic archetypes through the geometric platonic solids.Early man started attaching pragmatic meaning to at first. The more man removed itself from Nature's currents the more abstract our meanings became.Who knows what the original meaning (and source for that matter) of god(s) was.
It was perhaps all the intervention of Nyarlat-HotepThe Crawling Chaos of 1,000 forms
Aliso doubtful God has a gender.