These are after the fact talking points.
The question could be stated as, How do you respond to unwilling positive reinforcement. *AND* does that feel like a manipulation?*
Or in Meme Cat terms:
The alleged O9A's alleged 'legacy' concerning the people these wicked hellcats use as pawns.
Could you ever be that hypothetical 'jape' that breaks to the 'OG's' whatever, waterboarding maybe, and feels fulfilled by a newfound acceptance? Does it feel like you are being made into their slave? And how could such week willed approach leave you fulfilled? 'Belonging'?
The types that trust the good cop and make the pressed for statement instead of asking for a lawyer and ignoring everything else.
I realize this is an absurd topic, but I think it highlights how such things either foster strength through principle or underscore weakness and susceptibility to manipulation.
The 'jape' that cares more about doing it as "right as possible" versus being perturbed at the audacity of "right ways" in general.
Not every situation of "right ways" applies. It's still not a good idea to drive the wrong way in traffic.
We could even put it in Homo terms: What if you were an obvious gay and everyone you knew decided to drag you out of the closet? And what if you did what they wanted and all of sudden they started acting nicer? Would everyone's open arms be a reward at all?
Ok lets go with this:
If I figure out you're vain and people's pleaser, I will shower you with compliments and rewards to make you help me to realize my goal. On the other hand, if I conclude that you're you're rebellious and contrarian or neurotic by nature, I will try to push your reactive buttons, if there are any. Then instead of praises, you're more likely to confront a little bit of harassment that will serve as provocation. In that case, you'd better stay calm instead of going all histerical.
This is a great fucking example. Essentially the person trying to push your buttons, the proverbial neurotic fat ass Southie bitch, wins unless you practice passive resistance. It will remain that way until stop reacting. Until your "self mastery" (ability to not be provoked) wins.
Now that right there is my trigger, what pisses me off.
I don't consider not reacting to button pushing as virtuous. Or as the title says, an example of self mastery. It becomes more like a conduct mandate: "In order to have self mastery here you must not react to this."
In interpersonal interaction that seems like a recipe to be a punk bitch.
It is manipulation on both ends.
"Good for you for not reacting, you must have self control. You turned the other cheek and diffused me. Well done."
"See, you can't control your reaction you have no self control. You will never get past this until you do".
As not caring counts as the former, there are only two possible responses.
Even the bullied kid getting shit talked in passing period will feel better if he/she goes up to the person trying to push them and knocks all the shit out of their hand or body checks them against the lockers.
For me personally: There is no such thing as counter-productive pride. I would rather fight indefinitely then concede my will, which is what not reacting to provocation feels like.
It may be a fucking fallacy or whatever but the Faggot ONA wannabe would still avoid "the trap" with an initial mistrust.
I wonder how you solve conflicts in your life. Do you really go about your business constantly yelling at other people and punching them in the face? Or do you rather employ smarter methods to get your way?
If it doesn't effect my ability to make money. I will only swallow that need to fight if the opponent can leverage that reaction against me.
Like on [insert rideshare] I will not give someone a reason to get me in trouble, a nice PR face.
I have high standards.