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Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jan 17 '22
Rotting Christ - Victoriatus


Dusche Jan 17 '22
I am listening to this guy [he has a great smile] speak Classical Latin:

The Forum post is edited by Dusche Jan 17 '22
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jan 19 '22
And amongst the whitest teeth a guy ever come across. In programming there is a term called "marshalling" which basically just means increased jurisdiction, or, across threads, which is somewhat analogous to me transferring the theme of one faggoty thread to another so I can continue reliving the 70s under the guise of a subordinate catalyst.


And then I changed my mind. I'm not really feeling like that shit at the moment, how about this instead. I sampled a few, so for the sake of putting something up.


Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jan 19 '22
And as for the Kabbalah. It seems pretty legit from a cosmological standpoint and is allied in forming a basis for arguments against M-theory - which is nothing more than a Ku Ku deterrent.
Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Jan 21 '22
Ghost's new single has me so excited for the new album out in March. Just released yesterday, Call Me Little Sunshine has got the juices flowing. Been on repeat since last night.

Ghost - Call Me Little Sunshine


Zach Black Owner
Zach Black Jan 21 '22

Quote from Baphomets Ghost's new single has me so excited for the new album out in March. Just released yesterday, Call Me Little Sunshine has got the juices flowing. Been on repeat since last night.

Ghost - Call Me Little Sunshine


It not year zero , cirice but it is pretty good. Get tickets to see em again in LA .

Dusche Jan 22 '22
Please watch this:

It's been a year and they have only got 629 views. 

Dantalion Jan 23 '22
Been listening to Wayne Statics solo album Pighammer. I like it but the mixing is really compressed sounding to me.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jan 23 '22
I didn't watch the whole thing but I viewed it. They're up to 630. With the advertising I had it figured for a few more than that by now.
baphomantis Jan 24 '22

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jan 25 '22
Speaking of death and time. I think it's time for this one again.


Dusche Jan 26 '22
This song popped into my mind after a decade or something, and its been running in my mind for the past 2 days:

Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Feb 2 '22
February 11 is on my radar as I'm waiting for the release of Amorphis' new album, Halo. Here are a couple singles from the album. Not as good as Queen of Time's The Bee or Skyforger's Silver Bride or Sky Is Mine. However, been jamming these lately.

Amorphis - On Dark Waters

Amorphis - The Moon

I have also been revisiting Cattle Decapitation - Death Atlas quite a bit because due to the Pandemic happening right after they wished the plague on everyone, they are only just now touring this album in the US. And you fuckers better believe I bought tickets as soon as it was announced. Seeing them on Saturday. Oh fuck yeah, Death At Last! Bring Back The Plague, baby!

Dantalion Feb 3 '22
Octane on SiriusXM. I love Sirius XM. Great way to find cool new bands.
Dusche Feb 3 '22
Listening to bellydance music. And watching two fat bitches, a chubby bitch, and a chunky fag dance to it:

Dusche Feb 4 '22
To some cool drumming.

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 10 '22
Re : Shoutbox : Gold : Andrew Gold


Dusche Feb 10 '22
I'm listening to this again:

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