On the last posted video it says : This live event is no longer available. That's like the 3rd time I've seen this 'new message' in the past week.Yess it does that to me too, but when I refresh it, it works
Could at least pick someone that gives a decent synopses in their intro video.
What about The Zohar?
I got "transliteration is neat". Though he did say it's commentary about the Torah, But he didn't do anything to set up what qabalah is, or better yet how the commentary in The Zohar lays the foundation for what qabalah is. But at least he has three dictionaries.
So here's a synopsis that teaches you something.
So there is like, infinite god, the life force, and that is totally above everything, and there's also like its finite creation. And God maintains the finite through direct connections symbolized by a tree of life thing. Which are like the divine connections to God. So like all the gnarly shit like little girls getting run over by drunks is also how god totally maintains its finite creation. But since humans are like totally the anthropomorphic manifestation of a divine imprint there's higher levels of the soul that you can like totally become one with the godhead through. And humans are special because they can do that and like tigers and shit can't. Because a human soul has like 5 levels and theirs don't.
Kabbalah : Kah bah lah (evenly spaced and emphasized)
I specifically recall when I first came here that I didn't think it was an appropriate context for such things, and stuck strictly to science, cosmology, and philosophy. Because I can, to an extent.
Maybe I should've saved that track for a better piece, but then again, a little redundancy is okay as long as the hoops aren't too small, unless of course there is a really good reason. We just don't know at this point.
Saturn is good though, and also an actual sphere as opposed to an empty emanation. It's also where you get those Satanic color associations : crimson king scale, and black for the queen.