‘Music for 18 Musicians’ by Steve Reich
I love this piece – this sort of minimal repetition is so moving
‘The Inner Mounting Flame’ by the Mahavishnu Orchestra
‘The Rite of Spring’ by Igor Stravinsky
Las Claypool and Primus are doing a Rush Cover Tribute Tour.
And it makes me wish it didn't take until I was 30 to appreciate it. So this is the closet anyone is gonna get now.
Speaking of 'faggottry' and the Freudian ego and since I am testing the limits of my internal musical library, why not get into some of that 'stuff' that might normally be filtered out, you know, the stuff that "deep down inside you don't talk about at parties..."
But first to pair the Jack Nicholson quote with a cameo...
I know you are 'acting' like a guitar player, but c'mon Jack, you can do better than that.
And then pertaining to the quote...