Christians don't have demo faith, they only have a "mental emotion to believe", they don't believe or trust their own Scriptures. In their own Bible is written that if they believe they would be able to do all and greater works - miracles than the ones Jesus the false Messiah performed ( changing water into wine, multiplying bred and fish to feed the hunger ones, healing the sick persons, resurrecting dead bodies, walking on water, controlling natural disasters, and the rest of signs and wonders they attributed to Jesus, according to John 14:12, and in the next one ,verse 13, says that the believers will ask anything to God , and it shall be given). Then in Marc 11:22,23, Jesus tells that the person who have faith will order to a mountain to be removed, and the mountain shall be cast into the sea. Christians don't have faith, they don't even know and believe the words of theirs holy books. Jesus said in Marc 16:15-18 that his followers will drink poison and they will not be harmed ,and they will perform miracles ,etc. The only demo faith Christians can produce is to go to their churches to deceive themselves, and to go out telling everybody a bunch of false doctrines, but THEY CAN NOT PRODUCE THE DEMO - FAITH THEY WERE ORDERED TO PRODUCE. The moment when they try to demonstrate their "demo - faith" they fail, and they realize they're believing in something which is sinking sand. That's the reason Christians are afraid of Satan, they know that any satanist will ask them to demonstrate their faith in concordance with their own written Scriptures, after realizing they can't perform it, they discover the falsehood they've been believing.