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I actually had a physical copy of this book, but loned it my mother and eventually lost along with my copy of Rands fountainhead during her recent move. I do believe that both books are worth purchasing but one IS more then welcome to download the pdf virsions at there own discretion, for nothing else then to read her works. She does seem to be a good author but more study is needed to come to a more concise opinion.
Quote from Intooccult The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugges, from what I have heard, are books that should be recommended.

From what I understand people whom read Rand fall into two groups, one are those, such as my self, enjoy her works, and those that don't. To me you might want to read a couple of her books to come to a more conclusive opinion. I understand that you are going on what you hear which is why I recommend doing some reading. You obviously can download one of her books so if you haven't already do it for your own benefit.
ExequySummonings Dec 22 '14
Atlas Shrugged, while a burdensome read, is a monumental book.  I also love Anthem.  Which as a 1984-esque vibe to it.
I do have Anthem on my kindle app but haven't gotten to it yet. I tend to take my readings of any author in strides because I don't want to get burnt out on any given one of them. Actually now that I think about it, once I am done reading the books that I am reading now, I might stick my nose into a Stephen King book, I'm eyeing my hard back copy of Rose Matter that I have had for quite some time but haven't gotten around to it yet, and now I intend to put Anthem and take a look at the Charles Dickens books that I have on my kindle app and pick one out to put on my to read list as well as maybe some Crowley but that is pushing it be cause I have been reading a lot of philosophy and occult books lately so I might put Crowley sit for a little while longer, but it depends on what mood I'm in but I am sure that Dickens and King are on my too read next list.
FraterLucimetheus Member
FraterLucimetheus Sep 29 '15
Walmart now selling a DVD that includes all three Atlas Shrugged movies.I bought it but haven't watch them yet. :). 
There's three versions of the Atlas Shrugged movie? Mmm. I knew there was one that game out that was split up into two part because it was so long.
Joseph-Venport Dec 2 '16
There are three movies that complete the story just as Children of Dune had three parts on the Scifi network.
Gypsiegirl920 Nov 8 '18
great stuff

DemonPig Jul 22 '21
I have long maintained that Ayn was in pretty much every respect a model Satanist even if she would not have thought so herself.  Well, as far as I know.  So good to see that others agree!

BTW avoid those film adaptations of AS like you would a church.  They are woeful.  

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