Satanic Fiction Done Right | Forum

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Obscura TITS
Obscura Aug 29 '18
Speaking on publishing advice for those aspiring Satanic novelists, this is my favorite take on Satan beyond Devil's Advocate with Keanu Reeves and Al Pacino.  I argue where most Satanic fiction fails, romance or not, is that it does not grapple with the question of human nature and humanity.  For the writers out there, this is the first step to master: the short story.  I would argue Flannery O'Connor and Shirley Jackson are the most Satanic writers out there, but this little gem is unbeatable.


Obscura TITS
Obscura Aug 29 '18
My favorite quote:

“I want to stay,” I said, my tears unstoppable by now.

The Devil held me, his wet cheek against mine, his pain etched in the features I adored, his crooked nose, his jumbled teeth, his perfect face. Light suffused me, and the Devil pulled me tighter. I screamed then, as the restaurant faded to white, as the grip of the man I love slipped, and fell away.

I am clean now, soaked in scented waters and fed on ambrosia, yet I can barely lift my head. Loved ones from life surround me, but heaven is empty. I hug my arms around myself, and think of the touch of the Devil, of his eyes, his words, his utter acceptance, and I am alone.

The Creator sits on His throne and weeps.

For the Lord our God is a jealous God, and our hearts are all in hell.

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