As former USSR nation resident, I tell you.
Russian people trust only Russian. They stubbornly never trust foreigners
except the case you are actually Russian descendent.
Russian people themselves are very kind & wel-mannered people, but
they tend to treat foreigners as shit due to political issues.
The matter is the huge difference of morality & principle between the
Western & former socialism nationals. Westerners wouldn't understand
why they hate Westerners as shit. Probably, many people in this forum
are American. So you guys couldn't grasp it.
Moreover, most of Russian citizens or Russian speakers are actually not
purely Russian. Wannabe-Russian Caucasian & Tatar or anti-Russian
Ukrainian, Anti-Russian Jews. Do not forget Asian races who have RF
To non-socialist people : guess how much difficult you can adopt in
such a society. If you cannot speak Russian and don't know anything
about the local sense in former USSR nations, how could you survive
It's not that they want to rip off with greedy motive. It's that they
want to chase away Westerners who try to come their territory with
no respect and do what they want in their enemy country. Unfortunately,
most of Western "tourists" who come to former socialism nations are
political agents who want to destabilize Rodina; Mother Russia. I'd say
it's almost impossible to get the true trust of them. So be careful.
Almost of Russian are traditional. So they might dislike counter-culture
like satanism. Practically, it's difficult to convince them. I personally
perceive Satanism as counter culture & movement against corruptive
Roman Catholic & protestantism christianity, while Eastern Orthodox
Church historically rejected the New Testament.
Some satanists might believe in Satan as deity, other might not. It's up to
each people how to live with Satanism. But the core of matter there is that
Satanism as movement is anti-Western christianity as whole. So you might
say "Oh, so it's ok for Russian to practice satanism?"
I don't know ..... Traditional Russian might prefer Orthodox as their
cultural base. Communism lover Russian may love satanism as politically
non-conflict with Socialism principle. Communists would deny religion, so
probably they would love it. I don't know. :-)
I personally perceive satanism as individualism for one unity against
Christianity. Our world is mysterious. If you try to let people unite, it'd
fail. Yes is No, No is Yes. Each Satanists are individualists, but apparently
they go same direction as united when it's against Christianity. Russian
would try to control others by ideology. Yes, big cultural differences. :-)