Demo Faith | Forum

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Shawn Jul 30 '14
What's a simple demo of faith?

What I mean by that is what's an easy way to demo(strate) faith?

A demo is a demonstration, something you can actually so which acts as a proof ( or proof of concept ). If you were to stick a magnet to a refrigerator, that would be a simple demo of magnetism.

This is just for fun.

sonofject Member
sonofject Jul 30 '14
Any game of chance is a simple demo of faith. Buy a lotto ticket. Focus on selecting numbers. Fixate all your positve energy, have FAITH that your numbers are the ones that hit the jackpot. Chalk it up to FATE, not FAITH, when you lose OR if you win. Maybe it's a demonstration of blind belief rather than faith.
Shawn Jul 30 '14
I think it's blind belief, but you bring up a good point in that I never thought of fate and faith as being connected. When I roll a couple of dice I have no faith that I will roll snake eyes, I assume without thinking that there's a mathematical probability based on my knowledge of probability and the arrangement of numbers on dice.

 But how many people check that a die has all the proper sides labeled when they pick them up? One die could have two 2's and no 1 and I wouldn't notice.

 Would it be faith if I don't check the sides before rolling? And.. it just occurred to me, is fate retroactive faith?

The Forum post is edited by Shawn Jul 30 '14
Shawn Jul 31 '14
Is there any difference between blind belief and faith?
sonofject Member
sonofject Jul 31 '14
I think that by not checking the dice, you put a kind of 'faith' that everything is on the up and up. It's a blind belief when the mathematical probability of rolling snake eyes is taken out of the equation (rigged dice). Mathematical probability (chance) trumps faith in that example.

Fate, per se, is often construed as retroactive 'faith'. You can call it karma, payback, what-have-you, but it's hard to prove the event as a direct cause of faith.

How about faith healing? Pretty simple demo, you pray over a person who is ill and totally disregard the physical and logical processes of medical treatment. Faith in a god or 'spiritual entity' to perform a physical, tangible form of healing a sick person's body.
Shawn Jul 31 '14
Good point, placebo effect, which requires faith that the placebo isn't a placebo. Every medicine approved by the FDA has to be better than placebo. :)
Shawn Jul 31 '14
I bought Transformers: Fall of Cybertron, it was awesome.

Then I bought the first game, Transformers: War for Cybertron, and it was pretty good. 

Though I rarely buy games as soon as they are released, I bought the third Transformers game right after it's release on faith that it would be at least as good as Fall of Cybertron. 
 It was horrible ( so horrible I forgot it's title).

The Forum post is edited by Shawn Jul 31 '14
Jul 31 '14
I think a good demo faith is to be cruel with the one who deserves, or to be compassive with our loved ones, naturally without any trace of guilt.

But i think faith is an inside thing, it can't be demonstrated as you can do with the magneto like in your example
The Forum post is edited by Jul 31 '14
sonofject Member
sonofject Jul 31 '14
There isn't really much of a difference between blind belief and faith. Both involve a type of self deception or a suspension of disbelief. Faith as a concept seems to be a fake sort of altruism or desire to place the self secondary for a belief.

Faith can be misplaced, as in OP's example. As he was impressed by a particular video game, he had a modicum of faith that the series would live up to his perhaps unrealistic expectations. So on faith you plunked down some cash and got a lame game. Happens to the best of us :)
Berardo Rodriguez Member
Berardo Rodriguez Dec 11 '14
Christians don't have demo faith, they only have a "mental emotion to believe",  they don't believe or trust their own Scriptures. In their own Bible is written that if they believe they would be able to do all and greater works - miracles than the ones Jesus the false Messiah performed ( changing water into wine, multiplying bred and fish to feed the hunger ones,  healing the sick persons, resurrecting dead bodies,  walking on water, controlling natural disasters, and the rest of signs and wonders they attributed to Jesus, according to John 14:12, and in the next one ,verse 13, says that the believers will ask anything to God , and it shall be given).  Then in Marc 11:22,23, Jesus tells that the person who have faith will order to a mountain to be removed,  and the mountain shall be cast into the sea. Christians don't have faith, they don't even know and believe the words of theirs holy books. Jesus said in Marc 16:15-18 that his followers will drink poison and they will not be harmed ,and they will perform miracles ,etc.  The only demo faith Christians can produce is to go to their churches to deceive themselves, and to go out telling everybody a bunch of false doctrines, but THEY CAN NOT PRODUCE THE DEMO - FAITH THEY WERE  ORDERED TO PRODUCE. The moment when they try to demonstrate their "demo - faith" they fail, and they realize they're believing in something which is sinking sand. That's the reason Christians are afraid of Satan, they know that any satanist will ask them to demonstrate their faith in concordance with their own written Scriptures, after realizing they can't perform it,  they discover the falsehood they've been believing. 
Shawn Dec 15 '14

Quote from demonio Christians don't have demo faith.

Um, yeah, that kinda shit wasn't what this thread was about. It was more based in real life experience and what 'faith' means from a psychological and practical perspective. Kids these days.

Berardo Rodriguez Member
Berardo Rodriguez Dec 16 '14
Shaw: I think I mixed up the word 'faith'  in the thread, it is because faith is a belief in one thing which is not base on evidence or rational arguments,  it's also a group of religious beliefs, it is the confidence which someone has in himself, in another person or thing. A lot of scientific people say that faith is just the belief that a person has in writing things of unknown things that moves his thoughts and actions towards the nonexistence and unreality. I thank you for your observation. My little example of demo faith: I go to work in the morning, and I have faith that I'll be back in the afternoon, when I am back, I can tell you " this is my demo that I had faith in the morning", but as soon I demonstrate it, it stops being faith, it's a reality. 
Shawn Dec 16 '14
Good example, good point, and kudos for being one of the big boys.
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