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Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Apr 30 '18

I once took a disastrous day trip to Orange County with a person I haven't seen since around that time. Along the way she played her eclectic music mix.  One of the songs she played was Garbage, Stupid Girl.  

I will never forget what she said,

"I think she's far too hard on herself. It is not easy to trust others..."

I have since expanded that to include my own opinion on this song.

We live a society that coerces programming towards myopic self made traps of faith.  Belief built up inside the head that can backfire.  You can be taken in by a trickster, a liar, a manipulator, or other dishonorable character if you assume your best interest will be upheld, at least in this context.

I feel it taps a tendency that major decisions (that expose vulnerability) should and will be done without empiricism or at least "beyond a shadow of a doubt". And people do it, and act all surprised when they get tricked by their own animal desire masked as belief.  It leads people right to the gallows time after time. The  stigma associated becomes: "Those who don't take chances deserve ridicule for not taking chances."

To me, and my apathetic nihilism, the one truth that can be taken is: "People are all self serving at their core".  Number 1 is number 1, and honestly, you deserve to be fucked if you give ambiguity or mere wishful thinking weight. What makes the world go around is certainly not benevolent or altruistic. But that is a presuppositional argument for another time.

I think the inconsistencies of christianity rooted itself into western culture as another stigma for those who won't mimic the method of society at large.  In this case "faithful thinking". Instead of it being "demanding a higher standard for trust"; it becomes "the pussy afraid of taking a chance". Chastise those who won't let down their armor.

It has to be for personal agenda.

But that is just my opinion. I am sure Shirley Manson would tell me to fuck myself for taking the wrong message.. probably..

In any case, I like 90's music. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment May 1 '18
Anna May 1 '18
Mutual trust is crucial for building any meaningful relationship. If you are dishonest, it will work only until that other party figures out you fake it. For sure, there are people who tend to cling to their toxic partners but sooner or later it will all fall apart. The trust is not based on empty faith but on your experience with that other person.

The same goes for businesses. Why don't bank managers literally steal your money you deposited in their bank? Is this altruism, fear of prison or something else? It's all about building customer trust and loyalty, which is entirely selfish. Being a trickster and a fraud might work if all you want is an immediate profit, like quickly getting the cash and fleeing abroad till the word spreads your business is fake. But it won't work if you want to build the business that will last for decades. In case of the latter, reliability is crucial. Any long term goal must be based on the solid foundation. A house built on stone vs the house built on sand.

The same business ethics applies to all other companies and also to the relationship between an employer and an employee. Would you stay with the one that regularly cheats you on your salary? Would such an employer get others to work for him? A lie is good for short term goals. For any long term goal, credibility works better. It has nothing to do with altruism. 

And the same applies to online businesses and something as "trivial" as web development and forum maintenance. In case anyone was wondering why they are surrounded by graveyards.

As far as taking chances goes, you take the risk all the time. In spite of all the security measures you take, shit just happens. Because how well do you know other people? Can you really be on your guard all the time? Think of all those times you put your fate in other people's hands without even realizing it.

Anna May 1 '18
I don't think I implied otherwise. This is why I said trust should be based on experience rather than on faith alone.
Anna May 1 '18
This is not how I roll. For me credibility is important for any deeper relationship. If you are unreliable, I can talk to you but we won't be friends. Erosion of trust ends friendship. Besides, I'm not talking about total trust because how well can you know the other person, even the one close to you? Shit can always happen. But some basic trust is necessary in my opinion. I mean how not to go crazy if you live with someone and permanently suspect them of all kinds of bullshit?
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment May 1 '18

Quote from AK Have you ever seen Train Spotting? It goes basically like that.
Great movie. In many ways, romantisized ideals are like this next clip. You might get saved in hospital, but it is... but it is... you know what? Fuck it, i just want to post this.  An example of the pitfalls of faith:

Anna May 2 '18
I haven't watched the movie but this scene doesn't look very appealing.
Anna May 2 '18
Oh come on. At least allow us the comfort of choosing washing machines. Washing clothes manually just sucks.
Anna May 2 '18
Yeah I forgot about that. Anton LaVey didn't wash himself and preferred stinking like an animal. And we all know that every good Satanist should emulate the Doctor.
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment May 2 '18

Quote from Trainspotting via AK Choose a life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television. Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers... Choose DSY and wondering who the fuck you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit crushing game shows, stucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away in the end of it all, pishing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourself, choose your future. Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that?
I chose not to choose life myself, but heroin proved too expensive and too hard to wake up from every morning so I switched to an anti-judicious form of trust where everyone is duplicitous until proven trustworthy.  
The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment May 2 '18
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment May 2 '18
Can't i just kill Americans and work towards their end without having to believe? Im totally for patriotic americans getting run over by a van...  This country deserves it, more then most others too.

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment May 2 '18
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment May 2 '18
How many times do I have to fuck with prism before I get nabbed by the fingermen?  Big Brother are such pussies...

I figure if your gonna troll, troll the Patriot Act, and all the bitches sworn to give a fuck about it.  

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment May 2 '18
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment May 2 '18
Well, I appreciate the feedback. That's more of a facebook thing anyway.  I dont have the motivation to actually do it, now. You never know though, I'm a pretty big time bomb.  I could snap at any moment and run over people enjoying a night out while screaming about a dog faced tranny bitch... < REMOVED - I am less mad at that figure from the past today.  >

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment May 3 '18
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