Solo Black Sabbath Cover | Forum

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Apr 22 '18

** An experiment in singing and playing. **

The following was done because until I listened to this I thought I could sing. I mean I sorta can, I could try projecting, but I have neighbors.  It is not that good.

In any case here is a bit of self deprecation in the form of an Electric Funeral cover.

* The bridge vocals not sang (luckilly) to insure I dont fuck up the guitar part. Unfortunately this is without the wah peddle. Sounds interesting without effects or Geezer.

An I do apologize for the terrible singing and poor sound on par with a cassette recorder positioned somewhere in the room. 


Very Amateur Cover of Black Sabbath.

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Dec 13 '18
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