American History X | Forum

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Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Apr 14 '18
It has always made me wonder why white supremacists enjoy the movie American History X, because it couldn't have any more of a progressive liberal Kike message. 

In synopsis Derek Vineyard learns that his anger is a misplaced rage over his father dying and chosing to blame everyone not a WASP.  Then he gets disillusioned, has an identity crises, gets raped in the ass, finally culminating in some libfag Irony where it was too late to save his brother. The cycle of hate must be broken. Tear. 

So I figured that would be a good topic.

Does the fluff of Hollywood have merit? Would he have been healthier if he repressed his anger? Or learn to understand the mechanism of it?

Here is a scene in which his "misguided point", and a bleeding heart jewish liberal trying to fuck his mother (feeding him the liberal claptrap) erupts into chaos.

What does the totally objective satanist think about his methods? Is he a victim to his violent aggression?

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Apr 14 '18
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Apr 20 '18
I don't know.

He seemed way to principled to be disillusioned by caucasoids selling meth to negroids or caucamongloids (mexicans). And what you did outside matters inside. If you belong to the largest skinhead gang in Los Angeles... He would've garnered instant credibility, respect, and cult of personality status.  He would've been just as Aryan when he left prison. Thus: The character would have never walked away and subsequently ass raped by other white people resulting in a rape paradox.

The hate could've made him like Cameron. A godlike manipulator energized and motivated like Hitler himself. A capitalist in the world of getting a bunch of pissed off white kids to trash a store that hired a bunch of "border jumpers" at minimum wage. This is the bad kind of capitalism, because it affects white people. The landscape of small business ownership in The LA Basin in one of outside investment now, they should be pissed that asian have money. This is also why every god damn small business is owned by a Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai, and/or Cambodian.  

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Apr 20 '18
XG17 Apr 20 '18

Quote from AKnigga (I said it with an a, so as not to offend the black people or my brother and sister "satanists" for who are made uncomfortable by pejoratives)


Quote from Dark Enlightenment It has always made me wonder why white supremacists enjoy the movie American History X, because it couldn't have any more of a progressive liberal Kike message.

Pretty simple, really. They think the purportedly "wrong" side is more compelling.

thecoldtrutharthurs Apr 23 '18
Watched it once what's your favorite scene 
Diane Apr 27 '18

Quote from T. Volt The movie is pretty clear in its message, I don't see much room for debate.

Hate brings despair. Most people who live their lives through hate live a miserable existence.
You took the words right out of my mouth! 
Quote from Dark EnlightenmentThus: The character would have never walked away and subsequently ass raped by other white people resulting in a rape paradox.

What would the paradox be of him being raped in prison? Do you think that wouldn't have eventually happened anyway? And, does it matter that they were white? Would it have been less paradoxical if they were some other race? I understand they were neo Nazis as well, but still...I kind of feel like it would've happened anyway. 

Diane Apr 29 '18
I think you summed it up nicely. It's a shame though, because everyone is so self-entitled nowadays, they don't realize how they are hurting themselves by holding onto anger and hatred. I'm not necessarily saying you have to go around loving everyone, that's ridiculous, because I understand not liking people or a type of person. But, it takes less energy to be neutral towards them, then to hate them. 
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