European event - who's with me? | Forum

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Seth Apr 9 '18
I tried my hand at meeting a few people in the UK, but  - the fact is that we don't have enough of a community here to organize even a small dinner. 

I understand that satanism is a private thing, and nothing encourages us to meet each other. That said, a dinner or similar would give me satisfaction. And that's what satanism is about. 

So, if the UK won't work, how bout anywhere in Europe? A satanic convention. We get a few speakers, we get a location with cheap-ish hotel nearby (and luxury ones for the rich satanists haha). 

Anyone on board? Lets discuss: location, venue, privacy, etc. 


A Satanist dinner or a Satanist even sounds fun. I'm in Florida now, and I never ever lived in or visited the United Kingdom. I'm from New York or New York State. I was in America for most of my life. 

Satanic International Network was created by Zach Black in 2009.
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