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talisman Jun 2 '21
Thanks for Lithium.
RobLaQuq Jun 3 '21
I am individualist Anarchist/ Libertarian 

Do what thou wilt, shall be the whole of the law! 

The Forum post is edited by RobLaQuq Jun 4 '21
Wolfie Jun 3 '21
RobLaQuq, how far do you take your anarchy? "Do what thou wilt" can mean it's fine to go on a shooting spree. That's why Gerald Gardner modified Aleister Crowley's dictum like so: "An it harm none, do what ye will." Of course absolute harmlessness is a ridiculous rule, Jainists be damned.

RobLaQuq Jun 4 '21
I would take it as far as needed 
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jun 4 '21
Crowleys' "Do what thou will" was an explicit reference to exercising ones' own true will, it DOES NOT mean do whatever the fuck you want.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jun 4 '21
Relevant to Thelema there are no limits imposed on ones' 'true' will.
talisman Jun 5 '21
Nah. You don't have the guts.
Aborior Translatione

Quote from SatansSlave all politicians are Liars & cheats. 
Bring back this....

That's still done.

The blade exists where salacious gossip is "trending". 

Just not that effective since Trump's neck broke 168 blades a week in 2020. Right up until they took his Twitter away.. which was fucking hilarious.  

The Forum post is edited by Aborior Translatione Jun 5 '21
Wolfie Jun 6 '21
Lately I've been reading about the alma mater aristocracy that runs America. Both the populist left and the populist right hate it. The populist left hates it because they hate anything that isn't egalitarian. The populist right (mostly blue collar) hates it because they know damn well the alma mater aristocracy looks down on them and think it's better than them and deserves to be the boss of them.

Funny thing is, I like the alma mater aristocracy better than the populists on either side, because egalitarianism is a form of idealism (which I despise) and blue collar envy and resentment is a form of whining (which I despise). And after all, somebody has to run the country, and I prefer that it not be an idealist or a whiner (or someone manipulating either of those groups). The alma mater aristocracy will often have a sense of noblesse oblige that causes them to make an honest effort at doing a good job.


Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle Jun 7 '21
Quote from SatansSlave all politicians are Liars & cheats. 

Agreed but I do think it's more reasonable to vote still instead of not voting because if you don't vote, you give it automatically to those who want to take your freedom or private ownership away from you. 
Wolfie Jun 7 '21
What I deeply appreciate and strongly favor is the American Bill of Rights, all the articles of which were meant to protect citizens (and therefore me personally) from federal abuse of power.   

Aborior Translatione

Quote from Wolfie What I deeply appreciate and strongly favor is the American Bill of Rights, all the articles of which were meant to protect citizens (and therefore me personally) from federal abuse of power.   

You get that pretty much anywhere out west now. Patriotism be damned. 

Westernized Eastern places too. 

I would trade my life here for one in Urban Japan and then learn Japanese.  Pretty much the same 'spirit' of the bill of rights (Thanks McAurther), only it's a completely hilarious version of it.  I want to eat dolphin and whale, see my first naked bitch penis festival, and then live in an equally expensive urban postage stamp.  I could deliver goods on an electric bicycle, only everything would be neon and interactive. I could be the "exotic" white neighbor, with my awesome western penis. I could be like Bill Murray in Lost In Translation, only believable.  

Plus their godless culture of cartoon sex is something I could be completely about. Like how the real Sailor Moon is lesbian hentai anime. 

The Forum post is edited by Aborior Translatione Jun 7 '21
Wolfie Jun 8 '21
Aborior, I would certainly appreciate and favor the analogues of the American Bill of Rights which exist in other countries - if I lived in any of those countries, or even just visited them. But I see that my use of the word "favor" was misguided. I didn't mean that I favor the American version over anyone else's. I meant that I favor the American version over the absence of any such protections. I favor a political system that enshrines such protections over one that doesn't. If fascists came to power in America, my precise fear would be that they would discard or ignore the Bill of Rights.


Aborior Translatione
Yeah, especially the first right. The free speech one. 

 I don't think I would last long as a free Nigerian if this was my legal mandate: 


The shit I would tweet would get me killed in days if some bitch-ass politician told me I could no longer post on global media.  I'd definitely post insults in defiance and dare him to come get me for talking shit. 


I'm somewhat sympathetically pissed off for them.  Next step is a censored version like China has,  a country where I would be sent to the Xinjiang concentration camps with the Uyghurs to be "reeducated" If I had an opinion. 

Fucking Muslims. Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Abubakar "Sandmonkey" Malami, delivers statement on the authoritarian ban.

I wonder if he also thinks Twitter is a tool invented by eugenically engineered white devils  "grafted" by the great mad scienticist Yakub? Or is that just the black Muslims in this country? 

Humorous Non-sequitor Education Moment: 


Though to The Champ's credit, I would go NOI too if a bunch of white commisioners wouldn't let me fight their best opposition for racial bitch boy reasons.

The Forum post is edited by Aborior Translatione Jun 8 '21
Wolfie Jun 8 '21

Speaking of free speech:

Blasphemy laws are a pet peeve of mine. Any country with blasphemy laws is in dire need of regime change.

talisman Jun 12 '21
Free Willy.
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