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Tucker Member
Tucker Sep 4 '14
There is lots of hate in the world. There is still lots of love. Being positive is mainly about being yourself and, of course, no negativity. What do you think about positivity?; The world will never be 100% positive: Positivity is stupid: We need negativity: Being positive is hard when no one else is positive with you: You try to be positive and all anyone does is put you down. I think positivity is a serious topic and needs discussion. I see negativity every day. Even in my own household. Sometimes, even I'm negative. You can't be negative and use the excuse, "It's just easy." I will tell you, "Being nice is just as easy." Why can't we just drop negativity 100% and live positive? Keep the earth clean, don't ruin someones day, no rude comments, and many more ways to start changing.

The main reason I started this topic is to spread positivity. I think positivity can change the world and just needs spread BIG time. I couldn't have wrote any of this without the help of Lil B(Brandon McCartney). Thank you based god!

Michael Stone
Michael Stone Sep 4 '14
You are affected by the energy you and others give off. I stay positive because I know I will get more out of this life if I do. Get rid of negative people in your life and you will be much happier.
Kagirion Sep 5 '14

I think this topic has something do do with what kinds of things people find positive, and that in that, there would apparently be problems.
People "bothering" each-other with their different ideas of positivity and enjoyment.
I think communication and honesty are important, a clear understanding of what we are working with socially, emotionally, culturally... and psychologically?

I don't think we're really talking about pasted on smiles 24/7.

I, of course, believe that people can and should explore all kinds of enjoyment and/or positivity - people do (usually?) know when they've crossed a line of consent or truth in their own or others happiness.

For example; I think fighting/combat in certain public areas should be permitted and encouraged, depending on the participants understanding of rules, honor and courage. When people understand what they want, and find others that can articulate their similar or same desire, many great things are possible!
There surely is a counterpart, a willing participant or participants for almost any kind pleasure or exploration.
It's an interesting dynamic of being allowed, within ones self, and by society to take part in pleasures - and what effect that perceived freedom, or lack of it, has on our ideas of pleasure.

So "hell yes to positivity", but "BAH, NO!" to mis-communication or involving those that aren't interested in our awesome perversity.

There are willing freaks enough for all of us!
The Forum post is edited by Kagirion Sep 5 '14
Anna Sep 5 '14

Quote from bigmantuck_0 Why can't we just drop negativity 100% and live positive? Keep the earth clean, don't ruin someones day, no rude comments, and many more ways to start changing.

Are you serious?

There is no need to put yourself and others down all the time. You only need to keep it real, see the world as it is. It's not true that the world is a cruel place to live, that all people are douchebags or that you're a worthless piece of shit. But it's also not true that the world is a paradise, people are angels or that you're a special and precious snow flake.

Don't be positive or negative, just keep it real.
Epicurus Member
Epicurus Sep 5 '14
Positive and negative does not exist in reality, it is only an interpretation of reality based on an individuals  past experiences. My positive is not your positive but there is a "form" of positive ,  for example you have 3 apples that are all different but the essence of the 3 of them it is "apple" this gives them something in common.   Positive "energy"  are the endorphins  that make you feel  excitement or satisfaction  and keep you going in life.  The more one focus on negative or positive energy, the more it will come back to you.     
The Forum post is edited by Epicurus Sep 5 '14
Smelly Cat Member
Smelly Cat Sep 5 '14
Positivity is about not letting the shitters get you down. Be nice to the important folks around you, ignore the shit. Never dwell on negative stuff, it's only gonna inhibit you, laugh at it ! 
Berardo Rodriguez Member
Berardo Rodriguez Sep 16 '14
I always concentrate on the people I have contact with,  my family, closer friends, coworkers,  my doctor, etc.  anyone who is really close to me, then I study their behavior,  if they conduct themselves in a positive or negative manner, if they behave totally negative against me , I check it out in my mind if that person is like that or something is influencing that person to act the way  he/she is behaving. I don't care if the people from "x" or "y" country or community that I don't even know are negative, the most important thing is to deal with the people I already know , and the people I interact with, I like to change the atmosphere of those around me to my positivism,  if I can't I'm already prepared to live with such as persons (#$@£€&¥) 
Tucker Member
Tucker Oct 8 '14
I will agree with all of you. I appriciate all of your replies. Here's an edit. Yes, I do understand people "hate," and that we can't get rid of the hate. What could happen is people on the other end could try to make it positive. What I think would help a lot is if everyone understood what "ball busting" is and not take everything so seriously. I consider ball busting a form of hate. I use it a lot and don't mean for it to make people feel as bad as they do afterwards. Yes, I want myself and others to be happy, but even I can't live more than a day without saying something mean or negative. I just think that if THIS view on positivity was spread, it could change everything. It will never take full effect, but it could make things better. If people had a more positive mind, it could effect anything and everything. Instead of not caring about how we litter and treat nature, we could slowly pace ourselves to deal less damage and help, a little at a time, stop climate change(maybe?). Maybe this is a(little) better explanation combining your replies.
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