Do you give to strangers? | Forum

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Guess who
Guess who Sep 1 '14
Do you give your money/recourses to strangers that need them? Why or why not?

I don't quite know. Unconditional altruism is culturally ingrained, so I can't help but feel slightly guilty when thinking "why should I care?", but there appears to be no good reason why I should.
Khandnalie Member
Khandnalie Sep 1 '14
I like to when I can. The way I see it, it's simply another way to help make your will known in some small way. I would like to see a better world, so I would be something of a hypocrite if I didn't take advantage of any reasonable opportunities to make the world just a little bit better. 

And besides, altruism is a perfectly natural feeling. There's nothing wrong with deriving satisfaction from altruistic acts, if you are inclined to do so. If you want to, do it. If you don't, then don't. The satisfaction from a good deed is no less valid than the satisfaction from anything else, so long as it is seen as a choice, and not an obligation. 

Anna Sep 1 '14
When it comes to the beggars on the street I rarely give them money. I prefer to buy them some food. I also don't give to just anyone who asks. Most of the time, I give to children, old women and mothers with children. As for young men and women, fuck them. They can go to work.

Does it make me feel good about myself? Of course, it does, but it's also  some help, however small one, to the people who need it. I doesn't cost me much to give someone a little money or buy them something to eat, but it can help this person to make it through the day.

I don't give money to charities, because I couldn't be bothered. I need to see someone face to face to feel moved and feel some motivation to help.

I also occasionally buy some toys and sweets for the poor children in my neighborhood.

Berardo Rodriguez Member
Berardo Rodriguez Sep 3 '14
If I have I give, if I don't have I don't give, and I don't feel guilty for not giving, this I do it to people on the street,  I used to sleep on the street too, I used to live with less than a beggar has, it was not because I was not able to work or a mental problem, but for political problems. I don't give to charitable organizations , it's because I don't really know what they do without the money, if they really give it to the needed or not. It's good to give when when we have, even to give time, knowledge,  etc. It's a nice experience. 
Epicurus Member
Epicurus Sep 3 '14
I must know about the situation and the person before I give and the value of it.  Some people are lazy and fake.  For some people even if you give them 1000 Euros  they ll end up in the same situation because they don't know how to be better, it's like a curse on them.  If I give and I feel better and satisfied that's OK I would give money.
The Forum post is edited by Epicurus Sep 3 '14
Michael Stone
Michael Stone Sep 4 '14
I give when I can for purely selfish reasons. It makes me feel good to give.
D. Bush
D. Bush Sep 4 '14
I do give but in secret.  I gave many things to many people, but in secret.  Sometimes, I feel like it.  Sometimes I don't.  I almost never donate money to organizations unless they are small or fill a niche need that almost all of society is against helping.  I would be someone to donate to a fund which puts a Satanic display up next to a Manger scene, even if I don't care about the manger being up.  It provides balance and supports the guy in the room everyone hates, I like donating to those types of projects.

I do donate used items, time, and expertise to many.  I have even donated a house to a homeless family for half a year.  Again, this is on a case by case basis.

Wicked Resistor
Wicked Resistor Sep 5 '14
I almost never give anyone money. But if someone is on the side of the road and needs a hand im usually more than willing to lend a hand. I wouldn't give my life for a stranger. But some of my time and a little effort, sure.
Lets be honest though. I do it for me. I like the feeling it gives me. Someone needing me and me being able to help. It feels good. I get that yippy the world is a little better bullshit in my head. Its nice. Besides. Why not? At times my life would be smoother if someone would stop and lend a hand. If im not busy, or wanting to destroy humanity all together then ill help you out. Ask me for money and you can go fuck yourself. I'll buy you a burger though.
Smelly Cat Member
Smelly Cat Sep 5 '14
Good policy. It's nice to be nice.
Reap Paden
Reap Paden Sep 6 '14
Yea nobody who is asking for money gets shit from me. I'll give a couple bucks to someone obviously in need along with a suggestion to use it well. What happens after that is up to them. I'll give to a guy with a sign like
 "Why lie? I need a fucking beer." cause if you got  no place to live but still have a sense of humor you are a unique breed.
Vold3mortia Sep 7 '14

Not really. I tend to dislike beggars and stuff. Though when I was younger and travelling in Rome I gave some money from the change I had on 3 different occasions.

1. I gave something to a Leper ( I know, I know but I DO promise my encounter with him shook me quite a great deal, and even though he was dying, I can honestly say I'm glad I met him)

2. I gave something small to a gypsy with a cat ( he couldn't stop kissing my hand and he promised that he would feed the cat too. Meh)

3. I gave something to a woman near the Vatican with a boy in her arms who wasn't looking too great.

You see. I think that depending on the circumstance you'll do it. Does not mean you should do it all the time either and give LARGE sums of money. I thought it was right back then, I knew they didn't have any social benefit whatsoever and where literally poor beggars living of the street.

Like I said, depending on the circumstance, you'll do what feels right besides who the hell are we to judge?


Andrew Young
Andrew Young Sep 8 '14
It depends. Sometimes I give something to people on the street, particularly if it looks like their situation is probably true. Guy with a leaking radiator in a parking lot and smoke everywhere who asks for money will get it. Severely drugged up creep talking about how his faith in God helped him get sober--with his eyes rolled up in the back of his head--isn't getting jack shit. Nobody at the end of a ramp off a highway or interstate gets anything from me because I've seen them trading out with other people, handing over their cardboard signs, and hopping in a car to drive away. 

I give to charity sometimes, too, usually disaster-related things. I like helping out if I can. I'm not altruistic. A less shitty world benefits me. It also gives me a smug sense of self-satisfaction. Not being snarky; it really does and I can admit it.

The Forum post is edited by Andrew Young Sep 8 '14
sonofject Member
sonofject Sep 9 '14
I've given money to strangers, but never out of a sense of altruism or social justice feels. A person's station in life is not my concern when I give of myself. I'll slip a fiver to a homeless person to hold a parking spot for me. I've paid crackheads to steal things for me or to help me resolve street conflicts. I contribute my time and education through social work to help adults less fortunate than me, but I choose to get paid because I provide a service.

The mere act of giving to strangers doesn't warrant a warm and fuzzy outlook about bettering oneself or others (in my opinion). Helping someone out doesn't necessarily facilitate a need to 'give' to them or enable them. Society is a hard hustle, people in need are aware of this, and it's naive to think that if you give to them you're better for it.
Millsy Member
Millsy Nov 23 '15
I usually always do.  I feel like, why not...

I'm not a very frugal person so it might come from that.  And I don't have anyone dependent on me and hardly any family so I don't buy stuff for people very often anyway.

I'd buy a bottle of booze for a dood too if he wanted.  I don't care what they do with my money.  


Hartnell Nov 23 '15

"Do you give your money/recourses to strangers that need them? Why or why not?

Charity = scam.

I'm only given to donate on cases where someone has worked out an effective solution I'm which understand and directly relates to something I give a shit about. This is rarely ever happens.

Without that sort of understanding of the problem and it's solution, "feed the children" and "can yah spare a dollah" mean dick and shit.

@OP: The vague, insettling obligation you appear (to me) to occasionally feel is a sure sign of psychic vampirism. 

ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover Nov 23 '15
I prefer to give clothes to a friend or charity rather than toss them. I think this comes from growing up poor and not liking waste. I also like to shop at thrift shops sometimes because they have interesting stuff and hopefully my money is helping someone else.

And compliments... For example, I might be standing in a lift with someone who looks sad and has no sense of style and is not confident. I will pick one honest thing about them that looks great and tell them - even if it is just the colour of their shirt. I like to watch them pull their shoulders back and raise their head high and smile, and I know they will carry that good feeling with them for at least a couple of hours and maybe even feel it again each time they wear that shirt. ...And that whatever they do in that next couple of hours they will do with more confidence and that could change their life! It's like putting little positive curses on people.

The Forum post is edited by ShadowLover Nov 23 '15
Millsy Member
Millsy Nov 23 '15
I love thrift stores too...and compliments that make people smile.  And bacon.....F*ck the WHO!!!!!  LOL!
Heh Nov 23 '15
It depends on how I feel that day, usually I am not very giving. I've noticed a lot of homeless folk and traveling kids are too lazy and intoxicated to get the help within their reach and would rather fly a sign, sitting on their asses rotting and blaming society for their own laziness and bad attitude. They blame others and not the drugs, booze, and hatred for a society that flying a sign is not going to change. 

It's a touchy subject I guess considering I know what it's like to be cold, hungry, and lonely even, especially, around others in the same situation. I can't just give my money to others who ask because a lot of them are whacked out on drugs, drunk as a sailor, or just sitting around with their crew with signs and instruments not doing much else to get off the streets. If you want to live on the streets due to political or spiritual reasons, all the more power to you, but stop asking others to take care of you with their paychecks and left overs.

RevMel Member
RevMel Dec 5 '15
I volunteer at a clothing bank, and like what I do. I did volunteer for a foodbank as well. I buy food.
FaustHabenicht Dec 7 '15
I do, but only under certain circumstances, and I also need to feel like it in the first place.  I never give money to people begging on the side of the street, I offer them food.  If they want it, I get them some.  If they don't, I move on.

I get a sense of satisfaction from it, and I'm fully aware and accepting of the fact that it is essentially selfish; I don't view myself as a better person because of it.
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