Phone Hot Spot vs Cox high speed internet | Forum

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Zach Black Owner
Zach Black Feb 14 '18

Interesting fact. My ' high speed ' Cox internet speed is about 20-25 mbps download and about 4-5 mbps upload.

My phone internet acting as a hot spot is 45 mbps download and 15 mbps upload.

Why am I paying Cox 65 a month for internet half as fast? I think I will just tether my phone and drop Cox. You guys might want to look into it to. 

The Forum post is edited by Zach Black Feb 14 '18
Retired Feb 15 '18
Your speed is mostly about what package you get from your provider these days. My cable landline is WAYYYYYYYYYYY faster than anything you can get from the airwaves.
Pusher Mod
Pusher Feb 15 '18

Quote from Dan_Dread Your speed is mostly about what package you get from your provider these days. My cable landline is WAYYYYYYYYYYY faster than anything you can get from the airwaves.
I use like Zach Cox high speed internet. I have the best residential plan available and my speed is only about 25% higher than what Zach listed. Possibly Zach your IP is old and need to be updated. I once had this UFO and my speed was like 5 download and .05 upload. Cable people said it was bad plumbing and unless the UFO owners what to pay thousands to update it my only option was dish. 
Satanic International Network was created by Zach Black in 2009.
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