A admin that I trusted ( Dimirti Hellemond ) gave up his admin password to people he knew would destroy SIN. His excuse was to help get rid of trolls..
7k users and 5 years worth of work, data, forums, blogs... erased.
Here is how I found out. He admitted it. See here.
Hey Zach, concerning that post on 600c. When I was a moderator back at SIN few years ago I had saved the password you had given me in my browser history. I assume it wasn't as unique as thought as I already became aware a few individuals already had acces to it. I had changed it to another but few weeks later rechanged it to the original due to the relentless nagging and bitchfighting from "the usual suspects". I had noticed there were still sleeping troll accounts and the best way to flush them out was getting a few IP-adress hits on the account I had. (SIN, DD and JK are not really tech-savy and did not even use programs to hide their adresses).
To not get too technical, I let them have it (knowing there was a safe back-up of the entire site) got my hands on their IP-adresses and simply wiped CoD's first incarnation. I only underestimated the thoroughness with which they attacked SIN (seeing it was down for a few weeks and in search of a new provider). Result: your network got the enema it needed so you could start "anew" and the salt ceased to be. Sorry for having kept this from you but I preferred to not have too much public involvement. I prefer to work from the shadows and not have too many people know the "trumps" up my sleeves.FEB 2ND, 3:11AM
ZachOkay. I will get back to you on this
FEB 2ND, 9:23AM
Well not much to say really. I thought we were friends and that I could trust you. And you betrayed me for whatever reason.
If that is how you feel then I am sorry.I did it for the best so your project could be purged from the trolls. In any case, I still wish you the best with the documentary and a lot of succes with it.
ZachLol. Wow. You really think I would believe that? So you gave the matches to people you knew would burn it down to help me get rid of trolls?! 7k acounts a 5 years of work data forums blogs destroyed over a handful of trolls ? Trolls come back. Why would you even think that I am naive to believe something that retarded? Go fuck yourself.
Fine by meJust this.. ever since it happened... did they return or had major influences since then?
ZachYes. Some of them. You dont light a house on fire to kill a few roaches. That is one of the most pathetic excuses I have heard. I thought you were smart not malicious .
I admit to using crude methods. Those who did return must have been admitted later on. Now.. FYI.. I've left SIN a few years ago after the re-installment and when things ran smoothly again. (2014-ish). Sometimes I pop by to take a glance to see how things go. I was actually surprised to see some of the usual suspects having returned (like dd) and him sporting a mod-tag.