Have fun with this one. :)
Any good conspiracy soup needs connections to be made no one gets but the person writing it.
You must give it some accompanying links. Don't worry about losing credibility, as you will never have any to begin with.
Electronic Harassment (Pandora Project)
Don't Forget The Project Stargate Tie In.
As required, you must include another leap and back up your point with a long and complex tangent á la, "What the fuck are you on?"
Start with an insinuation.
Rational Wiki is disinformation!
Now try to back it up.
From Wikipedia on "ELF":
"ELF waves can penetrate seawater, which makes them useful in communication with submarines. The US, Russia, and India are the only nations known to have constructed ELF communication facilities."
From Rational Wiki:
"(ELF) waves are radiowaves with frequencies from 3 Hz to 3 kHz. Because they easily propagate through fluids such as the ocean, they've been used for submarine communications. They're also a favorite target of cranks and conspiracy theoristswho claim they're being used for all sorts of nasty things like mind control. Since the Schumann Resonance lies within the ELF frequency range, weather control is also attributed to ELF"
"Antennas that will transmit ELF are so huge as to be impractical."
Then try to contradict their rationally sound discrediting of it all.
But here's (below) the plan to implenment it, and pay no attention to that thing in Alaska (whatever it is), or that most technologically advanced nations have built them.
Article from 1981
Rational wiki also never really discounts the effect on the brain. The ionosphere does effect the brain. Wind tells you that. Windy days have a higher charge that amounts to a disruption effect that causes higher levels of anger and hostility.
Plus there is a disclosed 1960's experiment on the effects of certain frequencies and controlling large crowds of people that achieved marked success.
You're Done.
Now, try to hang a bell on the fact you are going to get a tin foil detectives hat for your exposé.
This is so much better than a fucking hypercube.