Butthurt list | Forum

Zach Black Owner
Zach Black Jan 2 '18
I am thinking about starting a butthurt list. So many have been so butthurt for various reasons as to go to the extent of deleting their account here. If you all saw / read the butthurt emails I get you would sympathize. 

I am not sure how I got pegged as a bleeding heart SJW. Maybe I did not drowned new born puppies ( enough ) . I am not sure why so called ' Satanists ' would lose their minds because I am not socially manipulated into the ' hate Trump or else " Sheeple hood with the rest of you fucking idiots that hang on the media for your own justification of your worthless existence . Who gives a fuck who you voted for ? I do not. I am not red/blue liberal/conservative... Any of you that puts this media fire above everything needs to die. Kill yourself you missed it all and you are pathetic. 

I will start a list of butthurt people that delete their accounts. Many because when you delete your account all content leaves with it. You are retracting your idiotic butthurt memes and bruise my site. This will change shortly . 

So far... although this will be a long list when I get around to it..


Frater Luciferi

Madalyn Madeson 

Kalli Kain 

' Rev' Ronald French 

List goes on but this is what I can brain storm for now. More to come. 

Anna Jan 3 '18
How to leave a forum in style

The more melodramatic the better. :-) 

Retired Jan 3 '18

Quote from Zach Black I am thinking about starting a butthurt list. So many have been so butthurt for various reasons as to go to the extent of deleting their account here. If you all saw / read the butthurt emails I get you would sympathize. 

I am not sure how I got pegged as a bleeding heart SJW. Maybe I did not drowned new born puppies ( enough ) . I am not sure why so called ' Satanists ' would lose their minds because I am not socially manipulated into the ' hate Trump or else " Sheeple hood with the rest of you fucking idiots that hang on the media for your own justification of your worthless existence . Who gives a fuck who you voted for ? I do not. I am not red/blue liberal/conservative... Any of you that puts this media fire above everything needs to die. Kill yourself you missed it all and you are pathetic. 

I will start a list of butthurt people that delete their accounts. Many because when you delete your account all content leaves with it. You are retracting your idiotic butthurt memes and bruise my site. This will change shortly . 

So far... although this will be a long list when I get around to it..


Frater Luciferi

Madalyn Madeson 

Kalli Kain 

' Rev' Ronald French 

List goes on but this is what I can brain storm for now. More to come. 

This is far and away my favourite thing that you have ever written.  Drown Dem puppies.
Zach Black Owner
Zach Black Jan 3 '18
@ Dread - Thank man. I figured you would fancy my Orgone posts more so.

@ E - When it comes to French I think my ' I do not blindly hate Trump ' memes. I could be wrong but I did lose about 300 facebook friends for continually pointing out the epic stupidity of these so called liberal SJW tyoes that blindly hate and froth at the mouth anytime someone mentions Trump. 

French may not be happy with the return of Dread, AK47,Entropic, CM , XG17 and some others. IDK though. French has always been fickle and in my opinion kinda a little to PC and easily bruised. That being said I still like the guy. His opinions are still valid in my book. Although often very different than my own.

The rest of those guys just did not want to play ball when the heavy hitters stepped up. I guess they got to comfortable when no one was calling them out. Some people like to be a big fish in a small pond. What they forget is you can be a big fish in a big pond if you grow some balls and are willing to be forged by fire. Meh... I guess my little pony is mkore aesthetically pleasing to them.

That entire push I made with the ' I do not blindly hate Trump' memes on facebook was a entertaining and enlightening social experiment. I have never seen educated people , some claiming to be Satanists loses there fucking marbles over a triggered , media contrived misdirection theatrical stage with the Trump issue. 

I personally do not give a fuck who is president. I will support the president that has the least negative effect on my personal happiness and ideals. That simple. I am neither democrat or republican. I am not conservative or liberal. I am a Satanist. I am pro-choice, pro-gun, anti big government , pro war, pro stratification. If I could push a button and kill half the world population at random I would. Even knowing it could be me and some loved ones. I would do it with out even thinking about it. 

So, for now I am gonna Trump dance on your liberal bleeding hearts. If you were born with a dick use the boys bathroom. If you are retarded enough to chop your dick off well..... piss outside and kill yourself. I support stricter immigration laws like most of the rest of the world has. I do believe that are welfare system need to be tighter. So what. 

Lets dance. 

Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Jun 13 '21
Let the butthurt list roll on...
Aborior Translatione
This was fun for a second. 
Quote from Zach Black 


Frater Luciferi <--- LOL Why'd you go butthurt Frater? 

Madalyn Madeson 

Kalli Kain 

' Rev' Ronald French 

List goes on but this is what I can brain storm for now. More to come. 

We took their fun away.

They had their like-minded environment disrupted. They were all thinking they were insightful special little snowflakes. A true example of finding the level. It was like the bell curve in a *West Virginia public High School. So satanic they cried to the owner because a few Satans popped their bubble.

And then they all stopped giving a shit again... 

I'm still here to use the network as an "intellectual decompression chamber" of amusing myself, which is a hell of a lot more fun than chanting stupid shit in a closet or something. 

* Fun Fact

These are the Highest & lowest ranking US states in Education.  Ask yourself, what do the smartest and dumbest states all seem to have in common? 

1 Massachusetts 81.54
2 Maryland 78.30
3 Connecticut 72.50
4 Vermont 70.19
5 Colorado 69.28

46 Alabama 32.29
47 Arkansas 30.06
48 Louisiana 25.72
49 Mississippi 25.18
50 West Virginia 23.65

The Forum post is edited by Aborior Translatione Jun 14 '21
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