Lucian Greaves - TST News report W/ Tom Tucker. | Forum

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Zach Black Owner
Zach Black Jan 2 '18
Fun stuff..

The Forum post is edited by Zach Black Jan 2 '18
Anna Jan 4 '18

Quote from AK47 "Don't bother, no one takes anyone in or on FOX news seriously."

So if even Fox doesn't take you seriously, then you have a problem. TST is like the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster; a joke to piss off Christians, nothing more.

I wonder if he's blind in one eye. Or is this a camera trick?
Retired Jan 5 '18
Lucien and his temple of queers are to Satanism as Bruce Jenner is to being a woman.
Retired Jan 5 '18
That about sums them up ya
Zach Black Owner
Zach Black Jan 5 '18

Quote from OU812
Quote from Dan_Dread Lucien and his temple of queers are to Satanism as Bruce Jenner is to being a woman.

Agreed . Liberal Atheists using Satanism to grab headlines and push a SJW left-wing agenda. But, I will say there are some (handful) real Satanists in that organization. Although half of us left. We shall leave protesting bakery for not making gay wedding cakes, coloring books and football games to those guys. Fact is though that they are the ones dancing on the media stage. What are you gonna do about it?

This is what the majority of the current generation believes Satanism is now ..

Zach Black Owner
Zach Black Jan 6 '18

Quote from AK Flog the homeless with milk crates for fun.
Look at all that precious milk TST is wasting. That milk could be used to make gay wedding cakes and be given to the homeless !
Zach Black Owner
Zach Black Jan 6 '18

Quote from AK *take notes

Zach Black Owner
Zach Black Jan 6 '18

Quote from AK *take notes

I dig Rollins. Black Flag was one of the first punk bands I heard. I think the album was ' loose nut '. I like his solo stuff too. Not sure if he identifies as a Satanist but he is in my book.
Retired Jan 6 '18
I would say calling yourself a Satanist is fairly paramount to the whole deal. If not, then what separates Satanists from the patently not-mormons that get retroactively posthumously baptized as LDS?

I can say someone is Satanic based on how I perceive that word and all that goes with it, or someone else can say that of me or anyone else based on their particular standards of what that means, but none of that is worth a copper penny objectively.

That's not to say everyone that claims to be a Satanist is actually a Satanist(far, far from it) any more than some fruitcake in a rubber room is actually Napoleon, yet baptizing people that probably have no knowledge of what Satanism is just because they happen to live life off the chains isn't too useful either.

Retired Jan 6 '18
I can agree with that. Personally, I rarely say to people 'I am a Satanist'. To me it's something I do rather than something I am.

When it does come up its usually because someone has tuned in to the fact that I'm operating on a different frequency than they are, or  far more rarely, a similar one.

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