The Pitfalls of Multiculturalism | Forum

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entropicmomentum Dec 16 '17
I think this guy has a good handle on the issues around multiculturalism.  We can see the devastation mass immigration has on European countries.

Small amounts of immigration is fine if they assimilate, but what we see there is no different than laying down arms to let in an invading force.

Also, has anyone noticed that the Jews are gung-ho with multiculturalism here in the West, but holy fuck you better not touch Israel!

entropicmomentum Dec 16 '17
That reminds me of this comic parody meme

Bismuthiel Dec 19 '17

Quote from entropicmomentum
Also, has anyone noticed that the Jews are gung-ho with multiculturalism here in the West, but holy fuck you better not touch Israel!
Israelis tend to hate non-Israeli Jews for being Leftist faggots, similar to how Hollywood Jews support Palestine. There's a difference between Zionism and Judaism.

Unfortunately I'm not going to watch that video on principle that he looks like Carl the Cuck. If you're going to espouse civic nationalism you've got to look fabulous while doing it.

entropicmomentum Dec 19 '17
Didn't the Dangerous Faggot get sunk by appearing on some below the radar podcast full of stoner neckbeards?
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Dec 19 '17

Quote from entropicmomentum
Also, has anyone noticed that the Jews are gung-ho with multiculturalism here in the West, but holy fuck you better not touch Israel!

It's because Jews love to remind people about "their struggle". 

They were allocated that fair and square when the world felt sorry for the ethnic cleansing thing.  So they gave them their Zion, and everything was great. Jews of all lineage now could be proud of their heritage and apply for return to Jewland.

Even the neighboring country, Lebanon had Beruit, "The Paris of The Middle East."  (1950's-60's)

Then 1967, and the zionists (the actual Zionists), decided they needed more land. And the tenuous acceptance of their presence was over.    But with Israels new F-4 phantoms and other American made toys, The Israel blitzkrieg was a success.

Post Berlin Wall there's no more Afghanis to give weapons to fight communists with, and the rise of Islam from Libya, Ayatollahs, Lockerbie has shifted the focal point to Hajis.

The country that was gifted its existance out of guilt now is a top foreign diplomatic influence in many western governments. This gives you The Western World of ZOG's. Even America's anti-liberal president does what every other president has done, and kisses Israeli (Zion) ass.  There is a dilution effect, and nationalism of Zion morphs into liberal hollywood activism, which translates as incessantly whining and citing two millenia of oppression every chance they get. 

What solidified the "you cant touch us" attitude was political correctness. There is a hierarchy of standards and practices that places the Jews on the upper tier of protected people.  The crocodile tears of the purposely overestimated 5 MILLION outweigh cotton pickers, smallpox incubators, and oversensitive sand monkeys.

Just my thoughts.
The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Dec 19 '17
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