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Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Dec 7 '17
In Southern California fall weather is fire...

Anna Dec 7 '17
Pray for the rain. Seriously. I'm not kidding.

My neighbor prayed for the rain to water her garden flowers and vegetables and it's been raining for 6 months now in Warsaw.

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Dec 7 '17
Idk, Anna. Praying for meteorological events tends to backfire along the cliche "deal with the devil" lines. 

A good example would be San Diego, CA. In the 1800's Southern California was hit with an extended cyclical drought. So the city leaders hired a rain maker. He boasted, and other cities backed him up. His method of always soliciting his services right before that regions rainy season got him the contract to save a city. 

Then they had the wettest winter and spring in written record and half the city flooded...

The moral of course is, "Don't use sorcery to make it rain." 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Dec 7 '17
Anna Dec 8 '17
Indeed. Perhaps, one should be more specific in one's prayers. During my studies I read a short story (don't remember the title or author now) about a woman who prayed to the Black Madonna statue to give her a child because she couldn't get pregnant. As a result of her prayers, she gave birth to... a Nigger. Which was a shock because both she and her husband were white.

Surprise, surprise.

Anna Dec 8 '17
On a more serious note, I hope you are all right. Do you live near this shit? I read the news about it once but I'm not really following it.
The Forum post is edited by Anna Dec 8 '17
Bismuthiel Dec 8 '17
Not to be condescending since so many Satanists hail from Cali but if the state burned down nothing of value would be lost. California is little like Sweden or Canada in that it demands its own destruction through its behavior.

Really the only real downside to California burning is that it means Californians will end up ruining some other state with their soy milk and guacamole toast and cognitive dissonance.

Anna Dec 8 '17
What I love about all those Satanic forums is that whenever some misfortune happens to you and you tell about it here, you can always count on free hugs. It's sarcasm, of course.
Anna Dec 8 '17
And may your cock shrink. Hail Satan!
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Dec 8 '17

Quote from Bismuthiel Not to be condescending since so many Satanists hail from Cali but if the state burned down nothing of value would be lost. California is little like Sweden or Canada in that it demands its own destruction through its behavior.

Really the only real downside to California burning is that it means Californians will end up ruining some other state with their soy milk and guacamole toast and cognitive dissonance.

Canada and Sweden have WAY better healthcare.  Now it's more acai, ramen bars, craft beers, and cognitive dissonance. As far as destruction goes, this is more like California hurricane season. Every 4 or 5 years there's destruction. They will rebuild. More little boxes will spring up on the hillside to again burn down 5 years later. It's a natural cycle.

Quote from Anna On a more serious note, I hope you are all right. Do you live near this shit? I read the news about it once but I'm not really following it.
Nah, I'm a good 45 miles from the closest evacuations, and 35 miles from the nearest ash snow (yesterday).  

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Dec 8 '17
Anna Dec 8 '17
Does the insurance here cover wild fires? My friend's relatives lost their house as a result of a flood. For the insurance money they built a new house, bigger than the old one. All in all the flood proved to be a blessing, at least for them.
The Forum post is edited by Anna Dec 8 '17
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Dec 8 '17
From what I gather most of us just want you Oregonians to get the fuck out the left lane if you're going to do fucking 60. 
The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Dec 8 '17
Bismuthiel Dec 9 '17

Quote from CM 

Canada and Sweden have WAY better healthcare.    

As a Canuck I'd like to point out this is a meme - free healthcare does not equal good healthcare, in life you get what you pay for! 

I once spent 17 hours in the ER waiting on them to check a broken hand. My wife and I have been on a waiting list to get a family doctor for six years. My aunt is at 3% kidney function and they still won't put her on dialysis even years after she dropped below 15%. People here die waiting to see a doctor or receive treatment. Our system has been completely overloaded for decades, and it's only getting worse with our doctors leaving the country for better paying jobs in America where the patient load is lighter. 

Bismuthiel Dec 10 '17
You're that butthurt about me facefucking you in your fruity little thread, eh?
Bismuthiel Dec 10 '17
Cry all you want, but I'm still not going to be friends with a Santanic witch like you.

Bismuthiel Dec 10 '17
Quote from AK47

I, AK47, however have the Power Glove.

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