Here it becomes obvious you are way too focused on "bashing" the SSC-side. The statement that "RACK"-labellers also have their fair share of instant experts flew straight above your head.
OH! I do get it now! It was so not based in reality that the concept couldn't even take hold in my brains. On that note: I completely and utterly reject your premise that people who claim RACK over SSC are instant-experts that dictate how kink should kink to anyone other than they themselves. There are some exceptions - there are in every group, like Christians who go to church but don't pray - but it's almost always the exact opposite.
In my not-expert but experienced-based opinion: it's the BDSM newbies (Khandiwhatever), the Grey-converts, the internet losers, and people who like to use feather cuffs and spank their SO once or twice a month that adamantly and proudly proclaim "SSC FOREVERZ!" and are vocal about doing kink
this way instead of
that way because
their way is the
right way for
everybody; it's "play by my rules, or don't play at all!" They do this because they don't know any better--either from lack of experience in the scene, lack of ability to introspect and think critically, or lack of desire to push themselves outside comfortable boundaries (simply "being kinky" is enough of an illusion in that respect).
Other than to mock them - much like I mock overly religious folk who also don't make a habit of firing more than a few neurons at a time - I could not care less how they kink, nor do I tell them what to do (or not do) unless I've been placed in that role (e.g., event or workshop lecturer, mentor, educator, protector, advocate, etc.).
You can certainly find exceptions if you look, no doubt; but, speaking from my imaginary experiences, rabid SSC folk are the ones for whom "instant expert" and "dictates what should or should not be done" apply--not those of the RACK persuasion. To argue this would be like arguing against the idea that atheists don't pray. I'm sure some do, but generally... um, no. I feel kind of silly just pointing this out, but I guess if you only know SSC and RACK from wikipedia, you might benefit from the analogy.
Your claim that I am proof of this - i.e., RACK people being preachy instant-experts - is bunk. Have I ever preached RACK over SSC for other people? Nope. Have I ever claimed instant expertise in "BDSM?" Nope again! I would say I'm exceptionally proficient in certain respects with some ...things... but that's the result of years of experience with said things.
Beyond that, you know nothing of my character or how I handle situations where people (newbies usually) are doing something stupid - so why act like you do? On what do you base the argument I am ill-informed? I mean, you could always ask, and I could always tell you about the time I stopped a moron from potentially fucking up his partner's pacemaker, but I very much doubt you are interested in anything other than "being right." Even though it makes you look like a tool.
Instead, for some strange reason, you think I associated you with the thing you renounce.
Possibly because you did?
I do see now (enlightenment!) where you are going with this, but unfortunately for you it's completely unfounded. It's far more likely you misread the articles, and since you are only speaking from what little you've been able to gather via google, you didn't realize it until I pointed it out. What is so hard about admitting, on the internets, that you misread or misunderstood something? Are you that concerned people will point and say, "oh, look Dimi MISREAD something! Haha!" FWIW, it's far more idiotic to do as you've done.
Also, look up the definition of "terms of endearment." When used in a condescending way - as you did - it's unmistakably passive aggressive. My statements are not passive in their aggression. :P This is either you being intentionally obtuse in order to make dumb arguments and appear like an internet debating champion, or another English-language misunderstanding.
I believe the issue revolved around the statement that RACK and SSC carried the same message. If posed as a question, it was answered with a resounding "yes".
See "intentionally obtuse" above.
I give up, Dimi the Indomitable. This is all I've got, and at this point we're just going around in circles. I'll leave you a gold star for your prowess (so fierce!) and scamper away with my tail between my legs.