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Zach Black Owner
Zach Black Nov 10 '17
One of my favorite Satanist, musician / director ect. 
VVOTAN-XIV Nov 10 '17
Powerman 5000 were great too. Briefly.

Crystal Support
Crystal Nov 11 '17
By far one of my favorite artists out of many; I had no idea he was a Satanist, however. I would love to see a thread on early 60s/70s Satanists. I am really digging into the roots of Satanism currently, and wonder if the thoughts and lifestyle were dominant before LaVey. I'm confident they were somewhere in the world. I'm a history buff and would love to research into Satanism's beginnings outside of anything mainstream. 
The Forum post is edited by Crystal Nov 12 '17
Crystal Support
Crystal Nov 12 '17
Cool, what are your thoughts on people publically self proclaiming as a Satanist? I have my questions concerning it as I know there are so many out there who love to paint those who are Satanists as the bad guy, when in reality these are people who love life, individuality, freedom, and are against tyranny. It seems to me the Christians are the ones who are self righteous, ignorant, and attempting to thrust their so called "authoritianism" in the faces of those of us who just want to be left alone. Excuse the grammar, I shouldn't be speaking for everyone by using the terms, "We" or "Us" since truthfully, I can only reasonably speak for myself. 
Crystal Support
Crystal Nov 12 '17
Let me ask you this, if you're labelled by some as a devil worshipper, scapegoated, etc. does that make you an adversary? From my understanding there are people in the world who consciously choose to make a nemesis into those who they do not understand, creating enemies out of people who are not inclined to want to cause trouble in the first place, yet are more introverted at an early age. I don't see Satanists as the bad guy, because truthfully, I see good and bad in all things, a duality and polarity of sorts. I have my ideas on what I deem pleasing just as everyone else does, even the Christians. As LaVey pointed out Chrisitianity is a business, and I agree with him, the churches should be taxed, they prey on the weakminded who need a savior to redeem them from whatever is ailing them. Myself, I don't need to saved, have no wish for communion, confession, forgiveness, or feel the need to apologize to those whom I know I have not wronged in anyway. If a person has a problem with another human's individuality, then that's something that he or she needs to sort out for themselves, such as why is it important to you that I have a fondness for the occult, love dark music, horror, and read occult literature. Does it make one difference in your life what I do? Does it really make a difference in the lives of Christians that they have someone who is not a Christian living in their neighborhood in the Bible Belt? It really shouldn't, but in a small town where everyone knows everyone's business, it does. 
Crystal Support
Crystal Nov 12 '17
Thanks for the video by the way, AK. I will watch this and contemplate on it. Violence is a part of life, even nature is violent as seen in the recent hurricanes and the damage in the aftermath. I think violence is necessary at times, given the situation. Either stand up for yourself, or be someone's slave. I am not born to be a slave, and will do whatever is necessary for self preservation, push come to shove. 
Crystal Support
Crystal Nov 12 '17
Leading yourself, and making your own life decisions is one of the best ways I know of breaking free from the herd mentality. I don't need their acceptance, or their prayers, as I am not a theist and I don't adhere to their worship of an outside entity to oversee my life. I think having the critical thinking processes to make decisions to lead to success in your personal short and long term goals is more important, and the less people know about your goals the better off you are, especially when there are those who like to get in the way of other people's success. I learned a while back to keep my deepest thoughts to myself, as far too often there are those who get their rocks off on undermining others. 
Crystal Support
Crystal Nov 12 '17
Ha! Goddamn it, I knew it!! 
entropicmomentum Nov 12 '17

Quote from Crystal Leading yourself, and making your own life decisions is one of the best ways I know of breaking free from the herd mentality. I don't need their acceptance, or their prayers, as I am not a theist and I don't adhere to their worship of an outside entity to oversee my life. I think having the critical thinking processes to make decisions to lead to success in your personal short and long term goals is more important, and the less people know about your goals the better off you are, especially when there are those who like to get in the way of other people's success. I learned a while back to keep my deepest thoughts to myself, as far too often there are those who get their rocks off on undermining others. 

What life success are you talking about? Are angry tits really the height of your deepest thoughts?
Crystal Support
Crystal Nov 13 '17
@entropicmomentum, not likely! That's a fond, and funny memory of my time here at SIN. In all actuality, I'm living a life happier than I was back then, have my own websites, a 4.0 GPA, a full time job, saving money for travel and investing in cryptocurrencies, as well as spending time doing my own self directed studies on subjects such as wireless mesh networking. 
Crystal Support
Crystal Nov 13 '17

@Dread, I have to agree with you there. I hate that lames want to paint Satanists as some bad guy, the one to mock, and scapegoat. It just lends more credence to the Christians, and their belief systems that they are the only ones who are righteous in deed, you don't have to be a criminal to be a Satanist or Luciferian. 

I really do have a vendetta against Christians because of their forcing their religion down the throats of others for centuries, so, in all honesty,  I'm not going to say I'll always  play nice with the Christians,  I do only because I know I have to work with them for now and that's until I decide to put my time and energy into an entrepreneurship and strictly barter and trade with those who are likeminded  in crytpocurrencies,  silver and gold commodities, and linking up at free thinker events, as well as agorists outside of the state and religiosity. 

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