Donation incentive | Forum

Owner/Admin Oct 6 '17
Donations have been down couple months. So, as a incentive anyone who donates 5 bucks or more will get a avatar tag that says support. Sounds cheezy but we did this before and it worked. Cheers. 
Pusher Mod
Pusher Oct 6 '17
I think you should take advantage of the ad space. Target companies that market satanic stuff. Or you could be a dick and charge people. The latter though seems to kill a lot of forums. 
TheMystic Support
TheMystic Oct 8 '17
Zach, it a law of common sense.  If to many people enjoy the free ride and not enough people help pull the wagon. The wagon is going no where.

Keeping everything free as more and more people pile on your boat is forcing your boat to sink.

I suggest a rank system as far as the forums and Sin. Let people buy their rank and privileges just like Lavey's COS. This system does not pertain outside of the forum however. Then you always have a private I.C.  Inner circle that can not be bought into.

Trolls, parasites and free views, Is there a way you can stop all access to people that do not join? Big Brother, The Zionist Occupational Government, and The PC and Thought Police should not have free access to your bounty.

Option B: and it is a sound option.  Open up advertising on your site. Flat rates per month. No reason you should not generate at least $500.00 a month on that alone. Does Zucker Dick Sucker Zuccerberg not monotanize every aspect of Facebook?

Now Facebook. It is nothing more than a Paupers Paradise. I have a Facebook group and I get about 100 requests a week for membership. If they do not fill out all the questioners 100 @ give me an e-mail address so I can use for Marketing they do not get through the door. In fact last night out of 110 people t at asked to join only 77 people were allowed access. Why they did not want to share with me the required info.  I am not going to share knowledge with them for free. I sure as hell did not get it for free.

If you wish I can teach you some Laws of Influence and Persuasion. Laws that Billion dollar companies follow every day.  Shame I do not know how to fully implement them myself.

Nullum Gratuitum Prandium (There is no free lunch)

My $20.00 has been sent. Now lets have you collect that on 1,000 people minimum. Or open the advertisement spaces.

The Forum post is edited by TheMystic Oct 8 '17
TheMystic Support
TheMystic Oct 8 '17

Quote from Pusher I think you should take advantage of the ad space. Target companies that market satanic stuff. Or you could be a dick and charge people. The latter though seems to kill a lot of forums. 

How is charging people being a DICK. Why should he give something for NOTHING?  Wanting something for nothing is parasitical. Also killing the forums? This forum is dead already. Look at the amount of posts.  I do agree Advertising needs to be sold, but advertisers won't pay without a good amount of users / visitors a month.
Owner/Admin Oct 8 '17

Quote from TheMystic Zach, it a law of common sense.  If to many people enjoy the free ride and not enough people help pull the wagon. The wagon is going no where.

Keeping everything free as more and more people pile on your boat is forcing your boat to sink.

I suggest a rank system as far as the forums and Sin. Let people buy their rank and privileges just like Lavey's COS. This system does not pertain outside of the forum however. Then you always have a private I.C.  Inner circle that can not be bought into.

Trolls, parasites and free views, Is there a way you can stop all access to people that do not join? Big Brother, The Zionist Occupational Government, and The PC and Thought Police should not have free access to your bounty.

Option B: and it is a sound option.  Open up advertising on your site. Flat rates per month. No reason you should not generate at least $500.00 a month on that alone. Does Zucker Dick Sucker Zuccerberg not monotanize every aspect of Facebook?

Now Facebook. It is nothing more than a Paupers Paradise. I have a Facebook group and I get about 100 requests a week for membership. If they do not fill out all the questioners 100 @ give me an e-mail address so I can use for Marketing they do not get through the door. In fact last night out of 110 people t at asked to join only 77 people were allowed access. Why they did not want to share with me the required info.  I am not going to share knowledge with them for free. I sure as hell did not get it for free.

If you wish I can teach you some Laws of Influence and Persuasion. Laws that Billion dollar companies follow every day.  Shame I do not know how to fully implement them myself.

Nullum Gratuitum Prandium (There is no free lunch)

My $20.00 has been sent. Now lets have you collect that on 1,000 people minimum. Or open the advertisement spaces.

We shall talk soon and thank you. 
Satanic International Network was created by Zach Black in 2009.
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