are men that like trans females gay? | Forum

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VVOTAN-XIV Nov 5 '17
Maybe it was justification for Anton to fuck dudes?
Casanova Nov 8 '17
I am attracted to Transgender Women and Drag Queens, I have even openly dated a few. The idea or just a thought that a Man, I repeat a Man that can/or pay to Transform into a Female-like figure is amazing to me, especially when they’re “passable” meaning that Men or Women could never tell their true birth identity. Nothing “Halloween-ish” nor “Trick or Treat” about it because we are all different and we’re all special in Our Lord Satan’s eyes. The hypocrisy of people that spew negativity about Gay or Trans and the people who are attracted to them is in Fact immaturity and a reflection of themselves. Many Famous self-proclaimed Satanists have graciously mentioned about Homosexuality, for example LaVey wrote about Homosexuals being the defiant force of ceremonial Rituals because of the feminine sensibility and masculinity in which manifest extreme energy. There may be certain things I solely disagree with only because from what I learned and most definitely from what experience in life physically,mentally and spiritually. To be honest (speaking as a liberal) as long as it’s not my life who the F cares. Eh. Hail thyself! Hail Satan! Our Father, His Majestic, Our Lord Satan!
6on_of_6atan Nov 8 '17
Brothers I apologized with all my heart I hate racism it's stupid once again I apologized brothers forgive me ave satanas
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Nov 8 '17

Quote from Casanova I am attracted to Transgender Women and Drag Queens, I have even openly dated a few. The idea or just a thought that a Man, I repeat a Man that can/or pay to Transform into a Female-like figure is amazing to me, especially when they’re “passable” meaning that Men or Women could never tell their true birth identity. Nothing “Halloween-ish” nor “Trick or Treat” about it because we are all different and we’re all special in Our Lord Satan’s eyes. The hypocrisy of people that spew negativity about Gay or Trans and the people who are attracted to them is in Fact immaturity and a reflection of themselves. Many Famous self-proclaimed Satanists have graciously mentioned about Homosexuality, for example LaVey wrote about Homosexuals being the defiant force of ceremonial Rituals because of the feminine sensibility and masculinity in which manifest extreme energy. There may be certain things I solely disagree with only because from what I learned and most definitely from what experience in life physically,mentally and spiritually. To be honest (speaking as a liberal) as long as it’s not my life who the F cares. Eh. Hail thyself! Hail Satan! Our Father, His Majestic, Our Lord Satan!
You know, there was a time when I was convinced this type of post was so over-the-top that it must a seasoned troll and deliberate bait... I mean it's sorta like throwing a bloody lamb In tank of the newly introduced great whites... especially with the JoS Father Satan shit... I'm too suspicious, I suppose. 

It honestly sounds like you don't know what you want or you just sneezed and this appeared on the screen. (*though I'm one to talk) You must also not have much interaction with dragqueens either. Or  you are just lying when you say your attracted to their passable characteristics... 

Is he perfect in Father Satan's eyes? 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Nov 10 '17
PureEvil666 Nov 9 '17
This thread is pure bull shit and fuck you to the dooooosh that started it

whatugawkinat Nov 9 '17
Eh, everyone here has good insight to this...but as far as I'm concerned, sexual preference and sexuality in general for that matter is strictly a matter if biological tetris. Everyone has their fetishes, kinks and preferences. Sooner or later, everyone (hopefully) finds their fitting piece in their sexual lives and realize what makes Sure, as far as evolutionary advancements are concerned, anything not pertaining to male/female reproduction is inherently "bad" for your genetic lineage...but at this point, reproduction isn't exactly necessary and your satisfaction as a human being with limited time on this earth prevails. Dude, just do you, like what you like and hopefully, you will find the person who satisfies you and you, them. I'll admit, I've found the same things attractive to a're not weird or alone...nature is fucking crazy and what seems unique and different to you, is just another day in the life of countless others. Do you, be you and accept your reality as your own and cherish it.
whatugawkinat Nov 19 '17

Quote from AK I call BS, Ms. whatever your name is. There is no way you can fit a whole Patrick down your throat.
Alas, you're right. I've only managed to handle just the tip :/
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