My random encounters have usually people recognizing me off the street via my youtube videos. I have very distinctive tattoos and I make no secret that I live in San Diego. I sometimes see some people wearing satanic bling bling and I will approach them. Usually I am disappointed .
I meet my tattoo artist who is a Satanists walking across the street. I said ' cool shirt dude '. I had my work shirt on and he came in to my work the next day and was like ' your Zach Black'. I was " I am"? He goes yeah and points to my name tag and tattoo. We been close friends ever since.
I have met in real life many from LHP consortum, comedy central, youtube and facebook. I think the trick is, well for me it was is to manifest something that puts your face out there. My case was youtube.
You can try advertising with satanic bling bling and shirts. I actually rarely do.
In fact in about 2 hours I am filming to step in as a expert on Satanism. The documentary is about the rise of teenage witch craft in America.
We met online in December 2013 and then met in person in April 2014.
Anybody in Columbus Ohio want to talk?
Lol, you're a nut. Most people meet without any sexual contact. You make a lot of assumptions about people, don't you? Just because two people meet doesn't mean anything sexual has to happen.
And learn how to take a joke. I'm hear to enjoy myself and meet like minded individuals.
Extra thanks to Zach for blessing my post with that awesome story. Your friend's one lucky sum'bitch! Gotta sniff around for the aforementioned documentary.
RiderOnTheStorm, I grew up in Queens, but I've since moved. As luck would have it, I discovered Satanism long after moving out to a real pinhead city. I always find people who are "en facto" satanic to spend my time with, but it's never as sweet as the real thing, they're still normies. TheMystic, be sure to keep us updated on that. I'm imagining a sort-of country club for Satanists. Iblis, I envy your cunning. whatugawkinat, I feel similarly about the whole "safety net" thing. Sometimes, it's just not satisfactory to know folks who "accept your beliefs", withdrawing interest out of fear or something else, and pretending the "Satanist" part of you is just a playful tag. Not that it bothers my ego, but it does get awful lonely up here on my high horse!
I wore an inverted cross and sigil of baphomet in order to advertise my affiliation to other LHPers. I did get the attention of a local cop who's a freemason and pagan nut, but he's a bit too much of a wacko for me. I got a positive remark from a guy from Ohio saying he was a staunch atheist and it was really hard where he's from. A pleasant sentiment, but otherwise fruitless. I finally decided to STOP wearing my necklaces entirely when a weedy kid from the university took my compliment of his own sigil the wrong way. He pointed me in the direction of Spencer's gifts, and went on to tell about how the old ladies at his parish don't like when he wears it. Then he took it off and gave it to me before leaving, even though I was sporting a similar one... That was pretty weird for me, at that point I decided the whole image I had going with the necklaces was tainted and so I've given up "showing off" my Satanic symbols. Like Zach said, it'd be more rewarding to put oneself out there in a creative or entrepreneurial way to gain the attention of local satanists rather than playing dress-up... Of course, I still wear them from time to time, mostly on Sundays, just for fun. But certainly not in the same way I used to.
I have an inverted cross round my neck but keep it hidden from sight I have the goats head ring on which I wear gloves so no one sees that
What I mean about like minded same understanding and same religion as myself
There are plenty of places for me to look for other occultists and pagans, since I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. But I have had too many weird and uncomfortable interactions with more than a few of them, so that turned me off wanting to join any temples, groups or covens or getting to know any in real life. I know it's me and my problem. But I just join the Facebook groups and interact with others there.
Nowhere did I say nor did I mean to imply that other people who are in the occult and pagan scene are degenerates, homewreckers and the like.
But your post did make me smirk. A bit.