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satanlovesme Jun 16 '17
Ive tried to worship god and christ but i never felt anything in my heart for them. I would go to church and be bored out of my mind and wanted to see blood come out of christ wounds. I was always watching gore and horror films with my cousins and sisters growing up and always cheering for the bad guy in the film. I gave myself to Satan at age 10 and almost instantly felt love from him not like the douchebag god.had done. 

I always felt hated by god before i chose Satan. But ive never done any rituals othervthen lighting candles and praying to Satan, lucifer whatever you want to call him. I have been visited by demons and had sex with 2 both male and female demons. 

The Forum post is edited by satanlovesme Jun 17 '17
satanlovesme Jun 16 '17
Sorry can someone put this into the introduction section and not here

I think that most people here have bad grammar and you need to capitalize the C in Christ and the G in God. I don't understand how anyone can be bored out of their mind at church. I'm not at all into gore and horror films. I don't understand how you gave yourself to Satan at 10. How were you visited by demons and had sex with demons? You sound sick and messed up.

Magic King
Magic King Oct 12 '19
We all need to look into the dark side of our nature -that's where the energy is. People are afraid of that because it holds pieces of us we try to deny. 
Magic King
Magic King Oct 12 '19
Nice to meet you, hope we can communicate more often in site. Many critical thinkers you can find here. 
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