As we begin, think of the soul's origin. The void which resides within and without us all is the only place in which they may reside. As such, this void, both finite and infinite at the same time, must be large enough as its own concept to hold other concepts. Perhaps this seems contradictory? Allow me to redefine this terms bound to mortality to shine a brighter light upon them. This void is no physical place, you may not travel there. As such, in physicality, it is endless. Infinite. Now, as a concept, a sensation which we can only barely grasp, it functions as a box would. It may only hold a certain amount of matter, which in this case, represents itself as the soul.
You may be thinking, "Quael, if this void of soul residence is finite, then how do we have record amounts of living people?". The answer to this is quite simple, really. Souls have a potency. Some people have more of a soul than others, which, as such, takes more space for a higher potency. This allows for the amount of people in an aeon to shift as such is needed. Have you ever met someone so bland, generic, and practically devoid of personality? These people would, of course, be on the low end of the soul potency spectrum.
Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated. Albeit the limited knowledge which we can harbor upon this subject, I'd still love to learn more, as well as share knowledge with others.