I would really be interested in hearing what you guys think about whether or not abortion is able to coexist with a LaVeyan satanism mindset. In particular I'm referring to the eleven satanic rules of the earth number nine, "do not harm little children". What do you guys think of this, would you consider a fetus "little children", if not would the amount time left before the estimated birth have any effect? This is something I've been wondering about myself, for example would the fetus at 8 months be considered "little children" meaning that late term abortions would be in defiance of this rule?
I think it depends when you believe life begins at. I'm of the opinion that if abortion is murder then a blowjob must be cannibalism. As for an abortion occurring at 8 months its pretty much unheard of, 24 weeks is usually the cutting off point, in a lot of countries its earlier.
From what I've gathered Satanists seem to be intelligent, logical people. Women have suffered enough at the hands of christian oppression I'm pretty sure most satanists would want to stand in solidarity with them.