Culture | Topics | Replies | Last Reply |
Satanic Romance
This forum is designed with the intention of meeting others in real life. Basically a meet up forum. The more specific you are about what you are looking for and about yourself the more successful you will be. Including photos a plus. This is a 18+ forum. Make a new thread for each new user please.
51 | 106 |
Feb 19 '24
In Looking for a pen pal while incarcerated
Sexuality and Fetish related
General area to talk about sexually related topics. Nothing is taboo here but please keep it presentable. Feel free to post your fetishes, questions about sexually, fantasies and anything related to similar topics.
13 | 181 |
Jun 17 '23
In An Anal Science For Satanism
Current Events
Just as it says.
43 | 208 |
Cornelius Coburn
Feb 7
In The Mysterious Fog Phenomenon
A place to post Movies and Videos.
42 | 109 |
Cornelius Coburn
May 28 '23
In Pigeon Cafe
97 | 1394 |
Mar 1
In What are you listening to right now?
A place to share stories, ask questions, view media and chill out. Do not sell drugs or post anything ' illegal ' in here. Please use common sense assume big brother is watching .
39 | 179 |
Feb 9
In Anabolic Steroids
50 | 789 |
Cornelius Coburn
Mar 4
In Quoteworthy Quotes
Tech / Gaming
For your tech stuff and gaming needs
20 | 133 |
Cornelius Coburn
Dec 18 '22
In Boiler Maintenance
Promote your stuff here
Here is a place to promote your stuff!
54 | 113 |
Cornelius Coburn
Jan 5 '22
In Real Satanism
Buy / sell
Buy and sell stuff here. Satanic International Network or its owners have no liability for transactions made. No selling or buying of illegal stuff here. You will be removed for even asking.
11 | 16 |
Zach Black
Dec 26 '24
In 220 new Japanese XXX DVD for sale
Trip on This - Episodes
Trip on This is a podcast created by Zach Black in March of 2020. The show focuses on topics like counterculture, supernatural, the occult, drugs, sex, music , conspiracy theories, UFO and anything out of the ordinary or taboo.
The show typically has Zach Black and a co-host and sometimes a guest. As of May 2020 the show usually live streams on either YouTube or Facebook . All the episodes are on the YouTube channel ' 30 hits of Acid guy ' on a playlist ' Trip on This '.
The shows will soon be available for download on a podcast site somewhere in the future.
Also the live streams on youtube and facebook have inter-active chatrooms so the viewer can interact with the hosts and guest. Occasionally we bring on live on video and guest view who wishes to participate for fun.
There is no set schedule as of May 2020 but one will be soon. You can expect three shows a month for now.
1 | 0 |
Zach Black
May 30 '21
In Link to most episodes on YouTube