S.I.N. Chapter of Springfield, Missouri | Forum

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S.I.N. Chapter of Springfield, Missouri

S.I.N. Chapter of Springfield, Missouri

Springfield has a chapter now. If you live in Springfield or would like to drive to Springfield from another city or state and would like to meet up, let me know. I am from the Temple of the Imperial Order and I have been appointed and approved for chapter head by Zach Black himself. A secret Facebook page has been created. After your profile has been approved here on S.I.N., you can add yourself to this group and send me a message with your Facebook profile name or your name so that I can add you. It is a secret Facebook for a reason.
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Anyone frequenting the group? - 535 Last Reply by Terrsaa Mar 22 '18
Satanic International Network was created by Zach Black in 2009.
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