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EzrelT Chapter Head
Through life's dreary moment, be warmth for me

In times of hopelessness, be my strength

When all else fails, pave a path of refuge

In pain, soothe my wounds

When lost, come to my rescue

Let your radiance illuminate and compliment the darkness in me

In your lair I draw courage

Not even the tempest of mockery and scorn shall force me to bow to that which I so despise

Your presence draws forth honour; a threshold which seeks out only the noble

Scorch me till all imperfection drips out of my veins

Let thine torment release the floodgates of divine wisdom from within me

Cause thine essence to build a fortress that is safety from the onslaught of my weaknesses

Teach me thy precepts, that I might shun ignorance

Let thy temperance be my counsel, so I might flee every snare of ruin.

- RexDiaboli
EzrelT Dec 3 '14 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 2
sonofject Member
For people with theistic tendencies that delve into the occult, the path of satanism can be a walk in the moonlight or a jump down a rabbit hole. The pragmatic learner can have a journey of self-discovery, illuminated, whilst the not-so-learned fall into the holes of self-deceit and self-imposed misapprehension of ideas.  

There's a certain something, I always call it an "oh shit" moment, that, for me anyway, clarifies my perceptions and realizations about concepts of learning and studying to retain information. To be able to practically apply what I've learned to the world around me in order to better myself is--in a nutshell--one of many ideologies that I 'worship' (learning is my religion). To me, any other kind of worship places the self secondary. Period.

So many folks that walk this path, I notice, like to throw around this hoary old chestnut said by Anton LaVey: "Satan demands study, not worship." I personally heard this in my youth, when a mentor let me borrow an LP of Nat Freedland's interview of Anton LaVey on the 'Occult Explosion' album, circa 1973. Although the crux of the interview was mostly insight into LaVey's church activities, I basically had an oh shit-type moment when he explained that the theistic bent of his brand of satanism wasn't the be all end all of his 'religion'. I suspect, after seeing the evolution of left-hand-path ideology, that this statement planted the seeds of dissent that caused a major schism in LaVey's loosely organized religion.

It kinda dawned on me that you didn't necessarily have to be a hard-core-reverse-christian-devil-worshiper to be a satanist. It also dawned on me that some aspects of the satanic philosophy promote ideas of selfishness, indulgence, ego, and human carnal/adversarial nature--which ran contrary to many tenets of theistic worship: subjugation, total submission, and self-imposed psychodrama. This simple principle of separation in ideology inherently veers a pragmatic learner onto a more enriching path of study as opposed to ritual-by-rote occultism. Those concepts shouldn't be mutually exclusive, though, and any person worth their salt has an intuitive nature that thrives on conflict.

Satanism as a theosophy doesn't put much emphasis on practical study per se, but rather the embracement of traditional occult archetypes and their 'schools of thought'. It is a highly personalized form of study, I like to see it as selfishness not self-help (philosophically). For the not-so-learned, the path is obdurate without experience and study, while the pragmatic learner seeks occult knowledge as a stepping stone on the path they walk, distinguishing one's ideology all along the way.   

by sonofject
sonofject Jul 18 '15 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 4 · Tags: notes from the inferno

there are many times when my beliefs get shaken and I consider aligning myself with something political. The temptation is always there, but when you get down to it, no true satanist can take politics seriously. It's all just a show for the sheeple, and proves itself to be just that every time.


During the 80s, the christian right and certain law enforcement entities tried to hijack satanism with the idea of satanists in secret groups that commit murders across the country. This of course had to be quickly swept under the rug because it nearly led to government projects getting exposed due to a large amount of investigation. What all this did show, was a large amount of political corruption/cult involvement  in the 60s-80s. It was discovered that there is a large market for snuff films and other filth, some groups identifying as satanists, and as various other things. Heraldo Rivera did a whole special about it, and the cringe is so blatant it hurts. Also there was a a fake FBI raid in the film "faces of death" that implied there are satanic cults that commit occult ritual murders. All this turned out to be either fake or hugely over blown 

We can tie this into the TST, and it brings forward alot of interesting questions. I would guess that they are another instance of political interests using satanism as a springboard, but in this case it's inclusion, not exclusion at the base of the narrative. Also there is a huge element of historical revisionism on the subject of CIA operations that were going on well into the 90s, that have since been declassified/leaked. Lucien has chipped away at fake MKultra victims numerous times, but in the entire history pf the TST, I have never seen them interview or even mention one of the real ones for comparison. implying they want you to view all of it as fake although not admitting this.

Certain government/criminal groups did and still do employ satanic imagery to scare people, and to cause/cover up violence and crime. This is a prime example of revisionism being presented in a deceptive way.

They are also being used as a distraction and a strawman for the christians to attack. Who would've thought, using unironic satanism to cover up crimes you commited while dressed up as satanists. Gotta love the government, at least they keep it fresh. Here's one of Their halfway decent presentations about Ted Gunderson. Everything he says here is accurate to my knowledge. Notice they stop at Ted Gunderson though. The real Crimes that occured during mkultra are largely ignored.

Looking at this issue from 10,000 feet, It re affirms most of what I have said on here. EVERY TIME politics touches satanism it's in a scummy and exploitative way. We should simply distance ourselves from the TST, and distance ourselves from politics. Always save any real information you find, because as time goes on, I see us having less and less of the real picture.

TheblackestBart Dec 2 '19 · Rate: 5 · Tags: conspiracy, history, politics, satanism
Dark Enlightenment
This deserves a blog because it's a superstitious concept. 

I am rewriting demonolgy. I don't like it. I want a simpler answer for everything in a way that doesn't take directly from herd mythology.

Luckily Satanism is fairly open and I can incorporate anything as long as it's my own individual idea that serves itself and stays away from said herd. Nuance is a fish flopping on a Lake Mead playa as the water level dwindles to nothing. 

With that said, here's my idea to cover ALL occurrences of paranormal phenomenon and prophetic religiosity with a simple answer that works across the board.

There are intelligent glowing energy-based creatures, that while immaterial look like insects. Their reality exists in parallel with our own. They are "phase shifted" to a world adjacent to our own. Even in infinite space parallel worlds are like channels with a frequency. The ones next to us can bleed into our reality.

However, these translucent energy bugs are highly intelligent, telepathic, telekinetic and can manipulate this bleed through effect. They use the attention humans pay to them to keep the nexus always open. (below)

All demons, ghosts, ethereal communication, and even sky phenomenon are these phase shifted interdimensional energy based insect-like creatures. 

They have evolved to turn our electromagnetic brainwaves into useable energy. And our conscious devotion to their tricks upon our existence are converted to biomechanical fuel that allows them to hold open the bridge between parallel worlds. They feed off belief. And they reinforce our belief by manipulating our realities to our wills.

Once this symbiosis starts the interdimensional being sucks the human dry and discards them with a body full of malady. 

And they have been playing with us for aeons. They got more involved only after our hydrogen and nuclear weapons started to bleed through to their reality and disrupt their power transfer. 

There are also two factions of energy insectoids with different roles to keep the bridge open. Those who want people to conform and those who want people to defy. They use our predisposition for wacky placeholder ideas and influence our mysticism. When you do the bidding in defiance of society you are incorporating the likeness of the defiant interdimensional insectoids that influence our superstitions. 

And that is the real reason for all paranormal or possession phenomenon and there's nothing you can say to prove that demons, attachments, magic, light orbs aren't interdimensional insectoids playing with our reality. 

And since all that matters is maintaining my own will and indivuality, and because I can incorporate any abstract bullshit I want into that, no one say it's not Satanism to believe in glowing interdimensional energy bugs as the likeness of the adversary. 


Dark Enlightenment Oct 19 '21 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 4

The substance cannot be abused if the substance sustains the person. Let this resound loudly in the halls of critics who choose to denounce the consumption of psychoactive compounds. I don't need to tell most of this board anything here because this is all stuff you probably already know. Does it deserve to be documented and discussed on this board? I believe yes.

Every other religion has procured a large amount of it's number as a result of broken promises regarding substance abuse treatment. I see this as an abuse of other people's self improvement. Does Satanism have an answer to this? no. Satanists accept that every Satanist handles their issues on a personal level different from every other. These are simply some observations I have made, that when properly noted have kept me from suffering ill effects from my own vices. I respectfully present these ideas as a simple example. There will never be a Satanist rehab facility because helping other people over come something nobody else but them can understand is a pointless endeavor.

The problem constantly presented by the establishment is the elimation of the chemical agressor and not the psychological problem. Before anyone can hope to alter a habit with any victory, they must first win a victory over themselves rather than over a substance. For example, if you drink too much, and embarrass yourself, the only solution is to become the most civil and well controlled drunk you can be, before dare attempting sobriety. How can a conflicted, depressed, and misplaced person hope to stay sober? You know full well your problems did not begin with boose, cigarettes, pills, meth, coke, whatever you began using to make your problems hurt you less on the inside.

The problems have been around long before you got high, and they will still be there to greet you when you come down. Rehab cannot help you. Sobriety cannot help you. Confidence, self-awareness, and knowledge can. You shouldn't ask yourself :"why do I get high?". That's a stupid question with a stupid answer. What you should ask is much more direct. "What can I do about these problems, OTHER than get high?" If you pursue this course of thinking, you may find yourself so occupied you have no time for your addiction anymore. This is however, unlikely to be easy at first. But you should always be your own master, and accept help from nobody. Only you can make yourself master of yourself. If you seek somebody else's authority, that authority will be there to stay.

You must appoint yourself judge, jury, and executioner in you're life. That is the only path to true freedom.

If there's a problem, it's your fault, if there's a victory, you got lucky, make sure and record the environment in which it has happened. I claim little credit for many of my victories, I more claim credit for making possible the environment in which they happened. The random aspect of life should not be ignored. It governs far more than the averge person is aware of. Your victories in life are a cast of lots and effort, nothing more. Understand this, and you WILL be victorious every time.

No cult, no social circle, not even one so well informed as this one, will be any help to a struggling addict. Isolation from people and things associated with the object of addiction is only a small relief, one which is made redundant very quickly. Isolation from the self cannot further the goals of the self, or one's true will. The fact is, mental strength wins mental conflicts. Don't let the god squad take over your life just because you like your drugs a little too much. Everybody I've met that quit anything with success did it alone. The people getting piss tested and praying are just a stone's throw away from ODing on their first relapse. 

Fuck god, your family already hates you, and shrinks don't understand you. YOU can do it.

TheblackestBart May 30 '19 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 9 · Tags: alcohol, drugs, psychology, satanism, addiction

Many theists are criticized harshly in the Satanic Community and by those of the Left Hand Path for their belief in a literal Satan and I felt it was time to answer back at nay-sayers who think we aren’t as intellectual as they are for our more than magical belief system.  Those who merely use Satan as a symbol are constantly looking down upon us and believe that theists are just rebellious teenagers or are angry with God because their wife just died etc. etc. when the situation is more complex than that.  Atheistic thinkers can be a bit insulting by viewing theistic believers as degrading themselves before a master or enslaving themselves and plain out trading one yoke for another, when there is more confusion in this situation than there is space on the page to untie the knot.  And, of course the nature of the Satanist is to question and examine any given situation to come to a logical and rational conclusion and decide if a piece of information is worth keeping; and the question that lingers is, “Where is your proof?”, that this God of beasts and monsters exists at all and isn’t a figment of your own personal version of Dungeons and Dragons.  Having a master, I suppose would be hard for any theist to deny, but everything has a context and to a proper Satanist, theistic or atheistic, it is up to you to figure out what the proper meaning of that phrase is.

            Those who live in Hell are unimpressed with any new arrival that considers himself a rebel or that has lived on the fringe of society.  Any type of Satanist; LaVeyan, theistic, atheistic, or self-styled, I don’t consider purely atheistic, because if they were they would have picked up books like As A Man Thinketh by Earl Nightingale or 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey, but instead were drawn to this outlandish outside of the box “religious” book called The Satanic Bible.  I would think that at that point in time all of us chose The Satanic Bible out of resentment for the Christian God and all he represents.  How then can a theist like myself be called delusional when so called atheists have their altar pointed westward and they keep their white candle on the right and their black candle on the left?  The awkward part is having atheists with so much religion in their lives calling themselves revolutionary, well they are half right (or left) because an atheist with a religion is certainly something you don’t run into every day.  To be a true Satanist you have to be more than just be willing to be rebellious and hate your parents, just like it takes more than hating the devil to get into heaven.

            I do call Satan God, I wear His banner upon my forehead and upon my right hand with pride and I don’t feel any less than who I am because of it.  One shouldn’t think that I’m being condescending, however; we shouldn’t confuse Satan with the Christian God ever!  As a theist I have not traded one cross for another, there is no burden of guilt, fasting, or other such non-sense that lies in Christianity when one becomes a Satanist.  The belief system of The Satanic Bible is now and will always be freedom from the Christian or status quo way of life, and what would be the point if Satan should ask us to behave in such a fashion contrary to the works of our bible?  As a believer in a literal devil I do acknowledge the existence of the soul, to which I deny the needs of it.  I choose to satiate the carnal appetites I find much more appealing as opposed to nurturing that which is the primary cause of guilt, abstinence, and pipe dreams of a heaven that I probably would have failed to get into even as a Christian.  To have a spiritual God with carnal desires isn’t as degrading or humiliating as one might think because as the legend goes Pride was Satan’s first sin, and to be like Him is the true spiritual awakening, the true Christ-consciousness.

            The proof of Satan or even the Christian God for that matter is by far the most difficult to explain.  Satan is not a novelty, nor a parlor trick where someone can summon him to non-believers to explain the ins and outs of the universe that we do not see; He is a force in this universe that the Creator God had trouble controlling, so how can we as humans think we can command Him to go here or go there and expect his obedience?  As it so happens the James Randi Educational Foundation has a “Million Dollar Challenge” to anyone who can prove the existence of the paranormal, and the fact of the matter is this is merely prostitution of one’s own God.  Atheistic Satanists appear to be more than willing to disregard pride of oneself and who they are or who they represent for money or fame than theists.  Is there no honor or respect for ourselves as a group, as a community that we are willing to brand it for the highest bidder?  If one would attempt to do this with any form of the supernatural including Jesus Christ, and try to capture it in a glass case it makes you nothing more than a mercenary and there would be no reason to favor you with loyalty or protection.  I’m certainly not saying be careful what you wish for, I hope everyone has their proof in time, but I don’t see Satan humiliating himself for a measly million dollars.

            Enlightenments of the mind seem to be around every corner, and Satanists around the world shouldn’t leave one stone unturned.  Satanists are all black sheep of the Right Hand Path, but to be a black sheep of the Left Hand Path is the real accomplishment.  Satan is the God that allows me to follow my true nature and really isn’t the accuser as His name suggests, but has stood His ground and defended the nature and right of the human race to be in our natural state unlike that “other guy” who always has a reason we should be forgiven.  The proof of Satan will come, because all the false prophets both Christian and Satanic have had their turn trying to squeeze another lie out of us.  In closing, let it not ever be about right and wrong among our kind, we have the Christians to tell us everything we’ve heard a million times and still not care about. 

Waah! The original post vanished along with my PMs.

Creepy, morbid girl in search of Satanic soul-sibling.

Do you enjoy glaring at noisy people while reading in coffee shops? Do you poke dead things with a stick to the shock and horror of all around you? Do you make your own foods, clothes, medicines or other stuff? Do you prepare for the end of the world as we know it and hope it happens? Are you friendly, but awkward? Do you have an obscene, offensive, profane sense of humor? Are you a legendary drunken brawler? Do you enjoy deep, meaningful conversations over lots of food? Do you collect knives and weapons like women collect purses and shoes? Do you laugh hysterically in crowded theaters at inappropriate times?

If you answered yes to three or more of these questions, I want to meet you.

About me: I can be found in coffee shops with a pile of books, harvesting plants off the trail, or playing darts in a dingy dive bar. I am socially liberal and my political views can only be described as Collapsitarian. If you are with me during the Z-Apocalypse, your odds of survival go way up. I always stick up for my friends. If someone gets in your face, I will rain hell on them. I expect the same in return. If you are sad, I will feed you chocolate. The good kind.

My other side: I can be spiteful and I hold a grudge. I have this talent for blurting stuff out and creating awkward situations. When this happens, I blame it on Tourette's. When I am sad, I grab a bottle of Jack and cry in the bath. I have paranoid tendencies and a small persecution complex. I also have a strong distaste for authority.

Props to you if you are still reading this! If this has not set off a million red flags and it resonates with you, let me know! If you are in my area, I would love to meet. We might have a lot of fun. We can go for long walks on the beach and poke dead things together.
satanic_survivalist Aug 9 '15 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 10
Just venting.

I am so tired of lying to everyone about who I truly am. It is draining. Earlier this year, I dyed my hair black and got an office job. I went from San Francisco street punk to a respectable member of the community almost overnight. It is shocking! 

Every single day, I put on my prissy little outfits, catch the train, and grab something caffeinated on my way to the office. Everyone thinks I am such a nice girl. It disgusts me! They have no idea who I really am or what I stand for. I am so tired of being fake to people all the time. I am a dark, creative, unorthodox, eccentric devil worshipper with destructive tendencies. They think I am a shy, sweet, gentle kitten.

Ultimately, my desire is to find a platonic soulmate, with whom I can share all these darker aspects of myself, not just my socially acceptable facade. Someone I do not need to hide my true self from. No more pretending. I am sick of pretending. I just want to be myself with someone.

FYI, I am not online here very often. The best way to contact me is zombieforsatan@gmail. Let's be friends.

satanic_survivalist Oct 17 '15 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 15
I'm new to this site, and I'm a little bit drunk. If stereotypes from literature and movies have taught me anything though, that just makes me a good, tortured artist that'll fuck your girlfriend while you're mowing the lawn or some such domestic nonsense. I'm gonna ramble until I find something that I can hammer into a blog post that might get some eyeballs on it. What is the point of writing anything unless people read it after all?

If you would like to discuss various ways of dismantling a human machines using only the human machine, that is hand to hand combat, get in touch with me! If you would like to recommend disgusting movies, do the same. Weird, filthy, underground music? You know the drill, get in touch! But not literally, do you think I didn't see you scratching your asshole?

My intention with this site is to attempt to get more of what I like to think of as the transmundane in my life. Transmundane for my purposes means anything that falls to the right of the bell curve of human behaviour. Satanism, the occult, and the LHP in general all fall into that category. The transmundane makes me glad to be alive, while the mundane makes me sad to draw the same breath as all the mundanes.

 I should mention however that I have grave concerns about these things essentially being absorbed into a larger commodity that is the consumer good of rebellion that has been sold to the West since the 60's, but that is a subject for another day. That day will have caffeine as its primary drug instead of alcohol as it would require some research on my part, as well as sound logic and coherent points. Such topics are beyond the scope of the current article.

So if you suffered through those rambling paragraphs, go fuck yourself. I mean thank you. I like to write, and we will be seeing more of each other, whether you like it or not.

SamaelSwine Sep 13 '16 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 3 · Tags: new noob go fuck yourself
Why do i have to be a good satanist?  I love evil people and have no morals.
satanlovesme Aug 14 '17 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 4
Dragomir Satanis

I come before you Satan in awe and sheer delight

I summon the Demonic energies to enter this  world tonight

Let us be true to you Father in all we say and do

Each breath each thought each word a testament to You

Use my hatred of those that oppose You to fuel my desire and lust

For I will serve You always Father as I know I must

Dragomir Satanis Aug 17 '17 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 4
EdMenonymous Member
Ed is lost in the ABYSS fellas.. and I am here to fukkin stay.. Until the burning of hell and all of her wrath either KILLS ME or SETS ME FREE!"

Thing for me is this new RE  FOCUS... that they are not outside of me but exist within me and will surface from within by MY WILL and PROPER CHANNELING... But what really is with in that is not with out..?

They are so like sensitive kittens OUR DÆMONS and only RUN LIKE LIGHTENING upon approach...


Artistic writing aside... yea the fukkin dæmons hide in and under guise of legitimately worshipped gods... now we're talkin...  

and more why can't all of you just fukkin worship EdMe.?.

or AK or Zach or the weakest person you know that you love because they are weakened by OUR SICK MTHA FKKN SOCIETY!..

why don't we set each other up on each others' altars and worship each other.. and give each other our blind undying LOVE ... ?

actually you know what? fuck AC fuck ABREMELIN..

My new gods are AK Zack black Charles and this lovely amazing dude who is the pot at the end of my rainbow!!1

Fuck these gods and dæmons and satan and ALL !!!

now this is one... its just writing.. its just struggling.. it doesn't mean anything..

but what does mean something..?

to you? what really matters and means anything to u and why? 

Love and sex magick connection....

people who inspire me

people and shit I can learn from...

One time I picked this flower and I pretended like um it was a He and um he just wanted to be picked knowing that HE WAS SOON FOR DEATH.. but he didn't care this flower.. He wanted to walk with me.. and SEE THE WORLD AROUND HIM THAT HE'D BEEN PLANTED IN HIS WHOLE LIGHFE...

He was such a funny flower... he kept looking around saying WOW WOW WOW!

WHAT an amazing day! Wow the sky and those clouds and.. oh wow look at those ladies down there! Wow.. hay ladies... and of course he was talking to all the weeds stuck in the ground these little pretty flowers just growing everywhere all around.. and all the lady flowers were like wow who was that... what a hottie... ? oh wow...  and so yea.. here we are IN the ABYSSS...

I don't wanna get out  i LIKE IT HERE GODDAMMIT!

Atleast its NOT BORING AT ALL!q!!

EdMenonymous Jul 15 '18 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 5 · Tags: the abyss, flowers, mysticism
Infernal Greetings Brothers and Sisters in Satanism, Whether you are theistic or any other type of Satanist I am in the process of looking for those who want to come out of the shadows.

I would love to start the first real theistic satanic church, for us to come commune and give worship to our dark lord, and I would love to make the first real theistic satanic bible, a but I cant do this alone i need other satanists and high priests and priestesses to teach and speak for the First Church of Satan....

the reason for wanting all this is because I'm so sick of Christianity and Islam forcing us into hiding, we have as much right to exist as the false religions, I want us, our path, and our people to stand true and proud out in the open and show the world that we cant be demonized any longer and that we are not afraid to build our Satanic Order of Hell, the Abrahamic religions are dying and its time to show them this truth...

If you Feel the Same and would like to join me and make my goals a reality please message me and tell me how you wish to help, and what part you want to play in this infernal goal.

In all reality this is the best way to Establish Our selves in the open and prepare for the coming of our Dark Lord to the real world. 

Hail Satan!!!
Ave Satanas!!!

And may our True Dark Lord Rise once more and cast his Infernal Blessings upon his Children of Night!!!

KaylaDawn666 Jan 14 '19 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 17 · Tags: satanism theistic spiritual traditional satanic order hell

There is nothing worse than getting trolled by the opposite sex because your sex life is lacking. You can't always see the true person behind the sex appeal. Let's face it, sometimes ya' git hot and bothered. A wise man I know said writing out your thoughts orders the mind. I find this to be very true, and it stands to point if your mind is in order then what information it produces is much more easily understood. 

As I have said before, most humans are the same all across the board. They do things for the same reasons every time. If there were no patterns there would be no behavioral science. This concept is not only confirmed but proven in the process of all human courtship and sexual affairs. The patterns are easy to understand but hard to see in real time. If I'm going to write articles here, I'm going to try and help more than complain. Here's a basic guide to help you spot the dangerous people out there who want to use your lust to undermine you. This is what I've learned so far.

1. Beware of the ungrateful

We teach people that we only give love to those who love us. If somebody helps me even in a small way, I always believe in recognizing that support and returning it. If you spend the calories or the money to fuck somebody, and they don't say thank you, don't fuck them again. If they aren't satisfied by you, don't draw satisfaction from them. This is one of the many pathways to an abusive relationship where one partner is simply settling for the other until a better 

match comes along. This only leads to pain in the end. 

2.One is never better than all the others

All love affairs are temporary. Some VERY temporary. Some of the ugliest people in this world have great sex lives. Celebrate your break ups! You're free to move on. Moving on is a gift you give yourself. Holding a grudge is how you give time and energy to somebody who doesn't care about you.

3. sex is a drug everyone is addicted to

If you asked me what I would do for a quality piece of ass, I'd be up for some fairly difficult challenges at first. But never count your chickens before they hatch. Nowadays I find it rarely worth it to put in effort for something that may only last 20 minutes. If it doesn't come to you, why pursue? spend time on improving yourself instead. Don't let the prospect of a quick fix force you disrupt your normal MO.

4.Fuck your friends don't get married

Marriage is out dated in my opinion. Does it work? It has on some rare occasions. But In the modern world the need for it just isn't there. I'm a bit young but I'm pretty sure even when I'm older I won't want to have a wife and kids to drag around on my adventures. Being single is cheaper, more convenient

and most of all, statistically safer. Most domestic murders are motivated by infidelity. Most of the time it's the girl who gets murdered. I'm not a feminist it's just statistically more likely. That does suck for you ladies It's very sad that culture hasn't tried harder to sell this Idea of sexual liberation to women. They'll stay with one douschebag forever because they saw too many movies and think love only comes in pre packaged gestures. I have great respect for any female Who might be called a "slutt" because they indulge freely. The madona and whore complex is a sign of immaturity.

5. Everybody wants something, and it's not always sex

If it isn't raw unadulterated debauchery just for the sake of it I'm taking my business elsewhere. I don't believe in fucking people to climb a social ladder. To me it's just a bodily function like taking a piss on a tree. If I'm sufficiently aroused by someone and I know it won't make me sick, I'm game. I care not about the social implications, or wether or not it means anything. I wouldn't mind paying for sex on occasion if the rates weren't outrageous. And so many people get taken advantage of a swindled because they are lonely. Don't be lonely, be antisocial.

Let me say that again,

>be antisocial

Most of the plebs you will meet are simply not worth the effort. be socially apathedic until something impressive comes along. That's how you prevent depression, jealousy, all of it. Me, I'd rather be alone than sit next to somebody who annoys me. A lot of people annoy me. I have no problem with being patient and waiting for quality. This goes for friends as well. 3 loyal bois is better than a hoard of supporters.

Remember your the shit. It's a pleasure to know you. So treat yourself well, don't settle for trash. And don't let trash tell you what to settle for. YOU are always in charge

TheblackestBart Apr 14 '19 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 7 · Tags: freedom, sex, relationships, scams, stupidity
Doctor Sarah Proctor
Ever since I was a little girl, I've been obsessed with the fantasy of being fucked silly by a well-hung stallion 'til my vagina bleeds. Now that I'm a mature woman, I now own 9 horses (all colts and stallions of course), but I still haven't dared to take one of their cocks up my cunt yet.

I've snogged, wanked them off loads of times and stuck my arse in their mouths a plenty. But, you see, bestiality is unfortunately still illegal in the UK and I don't want to break the law, nor lose my job as a respected consultant psychiatrist.

I know it's unlikely I'd get caught and recorded by a random wandering stranger rambling across one of my fields with a smart phone, and later seeing my pussy stretched by rampaging big equine cock on a seedy porn site is indeed unlikely, but it's still too risky.

This is why sex with horses and bestiality in general needs to be legalised in my fascist country already. It's against my human and horses rights to be denied such pleasure.

Please all theistic Satanists pray to the Dark Lord himself for a change in the law. I want the UK to be more like progressive Canada.

Please give this blog 5 stars if you'd like to watch me get fucked hard by a horse.

Hail Satan!

Doctor Sarah Proctor Aug 19 '18 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 2 · Tags: sex, doctor, psychiatrist, sarah, proctor, tarporley, cheshire, uk, bestiality, horses
Zach Black Owner

White trash cook book..

Chili -

Get you some beans.Three cans of em.. I get you some pinto, kidney and fucking black beans.. Gotta be three different beans. I know,some of you dont lime black beans... pick a color you okay with and toss this shit in a crock pot. Your neighbor never returned that shit? Or you cooking meth in it still? No problem..

Get you a skillet cause its faster. I know you got 4 kids crawling up on your ass like kittens... Better yet get you a wok... those the Chinese use for .... no not kittens for ....wok stuff.

Put all them beans in there with a can of CRUSHED tomatos...

So far if you shopping a Wal-mart( I know you are ) you invested about 4 bucks in your food stamps.. Do NOT drain this shit.... adds ... flavor and shit.

Here is where we beg to differ... get you 8 oz of sirlon...or if you a cheap bastard OR sold your stamps for crack... ground beef.... get the 80% one with 20% cow fat ass in there. Unless your kids are tubby....IDK your call.

Cook that beef seperately .. drain it..toss that shit in on the beans... let that simmer for about as much time as it takes you to beat the fuck outta your neighbor for stealing your crock pot to cook meth, Check the tires on your trailer and change some diapers . So a couple hours or maybe 6 if you high.

Oh I forgot put some chili mix ..comes in a lil envelop cost a buck at Food for less.. put that shit in there when you add the meat.

Here is where you get fucking special.. unless you are a pussy . Add you some siracha...roaster sauce for those that dont speak Asian. You got no balls or kids....a couple squirts. You got one ball.... or small balls...a teaspoons. You got big giant goat me.. two teaspoons roaster sauce , diced onion,those crushed red peppers you stole from pizza hut you fucking fuck ( and didnt tip).. and call that shit fucking done.

Sprinkle some cheese on top even a spoon full of white sour cream for color... toss a side of saltine crackers, call your Mexican friends over tell em you trade for fucking Tecate ... now you got a party!

If your worried about farts and shits... stop being a pussy! Dont worry about stupid shit! Thats why you are single or addicted to Xanax!


Hello SIN. It's been awhile since I've posted, I know. I thought some of my earlier posts were lacking in quality, So I took a much needed hiatus. But now I'm back. I wanted to wait until I had something to say, and I do. For those of us that grew up before social media and saw it rise to become what it is, we knew a very different world. A world where what you said or how you looked didn't matter as much as what you did. Before I was labeled, marked, and cut out as a "troll" or as a person to be ignored and hated and put on that list, I had a good time. I had such a good time in fact, I think it deserves to be recorded somewhere. I was supposed to be a nice kid from church camp and marry a fat girl and raise brats. I rebelled, fought, and spat and kicked, and never accepted the omega position in life. I used tricks, violence, lies, manipulation and everything else. I've had a small total of 12 girlfreinds in my life, I've been in 8 bands, lived in 4 states and 3 countries, and the internet couldn't do a damn thing about it. I was even popular at times, and admired. None of this was supposed to happen had certain powers in my life got their way. 

In life, I always went with 2 main principles. number 1 is if people do it to you, do it back harder. Number 2 was me and mine first. To say I've never cared what people thought of me is not exactly accurate. I did for a time. I maintained a persona, but I didn't like being fake 100 percent of the time. As a known cheat and liar, I actually developed a very clear appreciation for the truth. Indeed one might say, being born into and participating in a world of disgusting lies and fraud, I very much strived for something real in life.


You see, I knew I was at a disadvantage from the beginning. I knew I would always be fighting uphill and nothing was ever going to be easy. Before there was facebook, or twitter, and before everyone got tracked and recorded, I was the greatest dork in disguise of all time.

The social order we have now is based on an internet social credit system. I have heard people say that social credit is coming, but I disagree. It's been here for years now. I know this because I used to play the character of a popular/good looking person and fooled just about everyone. I went from bottom of the barrel nerd, to smashing the whole highland highschool cheerleading team in 2 months just by wearing some clothes and playing guitar in a band called the amityville horror. Had I attempted this just 5 years later I would've been exposed and ridiculed. But that's not what happened. I got to enjoy every piece of life for awhile. I dare say for awhile I felt accepted and happy. If you are seething with rage right now, good. 

Even before the internet, before I knew the things I know now, I knew I was destined for obscurity and an uninteresting life. I felt it and resented it with every part of who I am. I vowed at an early age to hack life, get what I want, get it as cheap as possible, and to never stop. I've held true to that.

Even after the internet pigeonholed me, I still continue to enjoy life. I still have a social life, and even a sex life. All things I was supposed to never have or experience. So how do you do this you might ask? It isn't easy, but heres a short guide for others looking to escape the nerd box and really live:

1. people are stupid. popular people are really stupid, so donate alot of time to learning how to impersonate an idiot. Nobody likes a know it all, as a matter of fact most people hate it when you know anything.

2. Never share your true feelings, and lie about absolutely everything until you're with people you trust. Even then guard your heart. The more truth people know about you is more ammo for them to attack you with.

3. Learn to be selfish, and have no empathy unless it benefits you or your loved ones.

4. decide who your loved ones are in life and stick to them like glue. Real freinds are a treasure that is priceless, and you will need help to survive in this world.

5. Never fear a quick death. dying fast in a dangerous place with your heart racing is better than slowly wasting in a hospital bed. You're going to be forgotten anyway, but also remember to sell your one life dearly, because it's the only thing that will ever truly be yours. 

If you found any part of this offensive, good. Fuck you, I've had a great life and you can't do anything about it. I already won. I already have the memories. I defeated the christians, the feminists, the idiot herd, my own family. None of them were able to force me down into the place they wanted me. I win. I'm going to keep winning. And you can too.

TheblackestBart May 29 '20 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 3 · Tags: satanism, social media, life advice, life hacks
Zach Black Owner
Well lets go! Welcome back everyone. As you see SIN had to start over. So lets start generating content. Forums, blogs ect. SIN is about to blow up. The Satanic Temple and others are about to promote us. We will be sharing a forum with the Satanic Temple in the near future. So, it would be ideal if we start generating content.

We are legion.

Thanks, Zach Black

Tkwilliams Member

The definition of Wyrd quoted  from web page

"The word wyrd itself comes from the Anglo-Saxon. In the main volume of An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary by Joseph Bosworth and T. Northcote Toller, the first translation given for wyrd is “what happens,” followed by “fate, fortune, chance.” In the dictionary’s supplement, additional translations are presented: “what is done, a deed, an action.”

       Wyrd is the tapestry of human life each one of us are a thread. We have no control of when or to whom we are born to and we have no control  over when we die, outside of causing our own deliberate death day. I like the way Patricia M. Lafayllve in a Practical Heathen's Guide to Asatru explained, it she said the wyrd was the fence around the pasture, we could move any way we wish with in the fences.  

     The three horns names are Urd “What Once Was” (Old Norse “Urðr”), Verdandi “What Is Coming into Being” (Old Norse “Verðandi”) and Skuld “What Shall Be” (Old Norse “Skuld”)

     What we did yesterday effects today, what we do today affects tomorrow.  There is a lot of power in understanding how much control we can have over our life, how much of our current circumstances were our choice for better or worse. Of course there are things that will happen that we cannot change but we can control how prepared on mental or physical levels we are when the unexpected happens.

    No gods plan, no bigger picture,  no devils or demons in your head. Not your past, or your parents. It's all you, you create or destroy yourself.

Tkwilliams May 14 '19 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 10
Greetings fiends,

I found that I miss writing on this dark corner of the internet, so as alluded to in my SIN QUARTERLY JOURNAL VOL. 1 post, I am currently planning my second volume of the unofficial SIN quarterly journal. Expect more cryptic nonsense and thinly veiled insults for my amusement, unless you fine SIN users get off of your collective tuchi (plural form of tuchus) and post your own insightful article on May 23, 2017. Perhaps at some point I'll collate all the entries into a pdf if enough people decide to write something decent. If you want to contribute, simply make a blog post on May 23, with the same subject heading as this post, followed by the title of your article.

Personally, I'll be writing about casting a geosigil, hopefully reporting on how that went. Speaking of which, if anybody would like to try some collaborative spellcasting, message me, and I'll see what I can do. Ideally I'll need 13 participants including myself, but depending on how rounding up that many people (organizing satanists is like herding blind and deaf kittens hopped up on Nazi-Speed) I may settle for less.


Samael Swine

SamaelSwine May 7 '17 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 2 · Tags: nazi, kittens, speed, sin quarterly journal

The definition of hypnosis is different depending on who you ask, even among skilled hypnotists. The reasons for this is legion, but I think I've found a way to explain hypnosis in a way that anyone can understand.

The main problem with hypnosis is the confusion between the hypnotic process and what is generally thought of as the 'hypnotic state.' 

The so-called hypnotic state is just a state where the hypnotic process can be the most effective. It's like that position martial arts experts contrive to get someone into so they can demonstrate their 'talent' -- any 'off-balance' state will do, but the cliche is to get a volunteer to thrust a knife at them, which not only gets the job done in getting them off balance but the outstretched arm also gives the martial art 'expert' an easy handle to use.

The way this position is similar to the hypnotic state is that anyone can throw anyone once they have their opponent in this convenient off-balance position ( which I'm told never happens in a real fight ). Similarly, the hypnotic state it's easy for hypnotists to do what they do, but it's a state that almost never happens in real life except in very specific circumstances.

The hypnotic state is a deep state of suggestibility in which the critical mind has been shut off. It's very similar to a dreaming state where no matter what happens, no matter how strange, you just go along with it; if you are dreaming that you're at home, walk through a door, and suddenly find yourself in a movie theater, well, that's just normal.

What makes the hypnotic state so useful to hypnotists are three things --

1) the subject is passive

2) the subject's critical mind is shut off

3) the subject's imagination is on overdrive

With a subject in this state all a hypnotist has to do is speak a narrative which the subject can passively follow along with.

All forms of experience which require someone to become passive to it are naturally hypnotic. Most forms of entertainment these days are hypnotic in this way -- movies and television are the most hypnotic for the masses, reading books is the most hypnotic -- you probably won't believe it -- for those that make the best hypnotic subjects.

In the days before mass media, the rhythmic beating of a drum and the swaying of movement worked well. The swaying of dance and the swaying of a boat along the waves are equally as hypnotic.

Believe it or not, a roller coaster is a hypnotic device -- it requires it's riders to become passive to it and go along for the ride. 'Keep your hands in the coaster' and 'you must be this tall to take this ride' part of it's induction method.

So, there's the hypnotic state and the process of hypnosis. With the hypnotic state defined as I've defined it here, the hypnotic process is the process of directing someone's experience, and that's about all it really is.

Shawn Jul 29 '14 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 13 · Tags: hypnosis, psychology, lesser magic
Ok at this point, the whole Christmas thing is getting on my nerves big time. I keep getting all of these invites to church stuff. I politely decline, and then I get bitched at! Like...fucking really? I am not interested in spending a Sunday morning being told I have to submit for like 2 hours. Its not happening scooter pie.

I vote that everytime some religious nut case knocks on my door, they have to pay $30 for 5 minutes to talk about whatever they are talking about.   

CrimsonVirus5150 Dec 21 '20 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 4

“If you speak your truth, you’ll find your tribe.”

The shadows of the night revealed themselves as the full moon brought them forth. The blades of grass were swept back by the icy wind that danced it’s way around the forest. As the bards sung their songs in starlit bars and the drunken whores made their way to steal from oblivious men, I stayed at home, content with my books and hotchocolate.

Tribalism. The beliefs and acts of a tribe of people, gathered together for a purpose. The philosophy behind a group’s existence.

Subcultures formed out of a collective interest in a subject. Music, art, guns, sex, religion. All tastes belonging to humankind, displayed in the dark, so the purifying light of the sun cannot see them do it.

In this strange world I now found myself in, with people screaming and scared to leave their homes, I wonder about my place in it all. All roads are suppose to lead to Rome, with Rome being the revelation of one’s life, one’s purpose.

I ponder and wonder about the road I walk. This path of midnight under a full moon and a black sky. Echoes of wisdom past whisper around me, but I shrug them off. Words and phrases I’ve heard a thousand times, as if they were to be repeated until I could recite them by heart.

The dark storm that surrounded the land ate at my heart, little by little, until I saw that beast and dispelled it.

Chaos only brings about change. Isfet, the manifestation of evil, would only bring about the end.

I had been around evil before. Sadistic members of our society cast from the heavens to placate the drug of moral superiority of justice and righteousness. Soon, however, the drug took it’s hold on the most high and false fears became real and so did the screams.

The innocent people of the world turned into ghouls and monsters overnight and the crusades began. Monsters lurked in every corner. No stone was left unturned and the world turned into a schizophrenic’s paradise.

Wisdom once again returned to my ears, to echo long forgotten memories of the past. I shook my head, not wanting to relive what now seemed to be an alternate history.

But I found no solace in denial and the words of wisdom spoke and I found myself whisked away, infatuated with the siren of memory and her entrancing song.

“The gods make us go through hardships to prove, not only to them, but to ourselves that we are strong enough to handle them.”

Sliding into despair and self-deceiving malice would not be productive, I told myself. Accepting the wisdom of words told me a long time ago, I resumed my mental wandering, my attemptto understand the universe.

“If you speak your truth, you’ll find your tribe.”

Tribe. A group of people intrinsically linked to you, through blood or bond.

And so, in my mental wanderings, I asked myself: “Where is my tribe?”

I realized that I hadn’t spoken my truth. Everytime I tried to do so in the past, I stumbled, unsure of myself and the fear of friends fading if they knew the truth. Thus my fear of loneliness became manifest and the cycle of fear began again.

And so, howling like the wolf lost in the forest, I spoke to the void that I felt inside my heart for so long:

“The Truth: The dark night that I have found myself wandering in is not what is really there. The moon was hidden by the clouds and I was too afraid to notice. The night is where I call home. Visited by people serving gods not my own, people who think they are monsters of the night, those attracted to dark beauty and gothic revelations. The gods are ever present. Sitting under moonlight, lyres playing song of long lost romance and heroic legends. Heka exist, as it is has always been. Technology is used to perform heka by calling forth from the soul and manifesting it onto the physical plane.

Does anyone else share this same truth? Or something similar?

Tribe: Finding the Soul


JoshuaVonNoctis Nov 17 '20 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 9
Dark Enlightenment

I don't care if this was originally posted by The Sun, is a recycled story, have bitched about it already years ago, or other, this needs to be addressed again.

People are without critical evaluation capability, that's all there is to it. How fucking lacking are they?  

Way beyond my conspiratard lacking.

Fox News Quality? You bet. They even tagged it under 'science'. 
But before I really trash this, here are some facts you need to assist in that. 

Water Facts:

• If you took all the water on earth, that means all; ocean, fresh, frozen, and falling water, and liquified it on the surface; the sea level rises only 72 meters. That is 1/20th of mile. 236 feet. 

• The cubic volume of all that water is roughly 258,174,617  cubic miles.  A sphere about 790 miles in diameter if isolated from the rest of earth. 

• The cubic volume of all water on the moon Europa is 678,075,600 cubic miles or about 1090 miles in diameter.  Meaning there is almost 3 times as much water on Europa, and the oceans may be up to 30 times deeper than The Marianas Trench in places (at max speculated depth). 

Earth/Europa Facts:

Earth volume = 259,883,851,297 cubic miles

Earth diameter = 7917.6 mile

Earth Radius =  3958.8 miles

Surface area = 39,684 sq miles

Europa diameter = 1,939 miles

• Europa = Giant ice ball with enough Jupiter-related tidal friction to maintain internal liquid ocean and extreme cryovolcanism. Eruptions will eject liquid water 125 miles above the surface. That's half way to the ISS if applied to earth. 

The Mountain

Mt Ararat is a cinder cone volcanic mountain along the Turkey/Armenia border. It is very similar to Mt. Ranier (USA) and Mt. Fuji (Japan) in appearance, formation, and height.  Cone Volcanoes often have lore associated with them, but that is a different rant entirely. 

It rises out of The Armenian Highlands with a base elevation of 2,700 feet on it's North face and 4,600 on it's south face. 

[The alleged smoking gun on Mt. Ararat - Also known as a geological formation called an 'anticline']

Cited coordinates: 

Latitude: 39° 41' 59.99" N
Longitude: 44° 16' 60.00" E
Elevation: 2.8 miles above sea level (14,784)

[The location on Google Earth]

The Diatribe

Why this pisses me off every time Google decides to make me aware of it: there is not enough water on Earth to raise the sea level to even the base let alone above 14,000 feet. ANYWHERE ON THE MOUNTAIN Is preposterous. Even ANYWHERE NEAR that mountain is ridiculous. Even a spot down near 5000 feet of elevation is still a retarded suggestion. 

Using topographical data, and assuming all the possible water on earth was somehow in liquid form for just over a month, the closest place with the correct high water mark (of 240 feet) is at the periphery of an endorheic rift basin along the transformation fault boundary of the Anatolian and Arabian plates in Azerbaijan. (See San Andreas & Salton Sink for other example) 

Trying to confirm bias based on the words of writers over 3000 years ago makes you stupid, and that's all there is to it.  And if the these are "scientists", I am a demigod. 

 "Gee, this rock looks like something, I think." 

Does it register? Or does the bible in one hand completely cancel the part of the brain with logic?

This could've been the end, but I didn't want to stop there. So I went and took all the water from other objects.

Still, earth's volume with all Europa's water only equals 260,563,861,297. It increases the diameter of Earth by roughly 4.4 miles. 

Assuming equal spread across the surface (not factoring in land gradients) I arrive at 11,500 feet of additional elevation in water from Europa.

* I calculated this by adding the volume of Europa's water isolated to earth's total volume and figuring out the change in radius. Which was only 2.2 miles. 

So all the water on earth, and all of Europa's 40-100 mile deep oceans (containing almost 3x the amount of water on earth) will only raise the sea level to around 11,800 feet of elevation.  

I'm gonna need a bigger Europa. 

This is a bullshit recycled story reposted to oblivion and it is still fucking sad.  

Extra: How many Europas would you need to validate the movie Waterworld? 

Approximately 2.5.

Dark Enlightenment Jun 22 '20 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 2
Zach Black Owner
The Jeselnik Offensive Where's Your God Now - Ft Zach Black - Satanism from Zach Black on Vimeo.

Check out Zach black and DarkEnlightenment on Comedy Central.Anthony Jeselnik - Where is your God now.

Dark Enlightenment

Screw Satanism, Antitheists are the ones who are born. 

Everything that drives your fire could be caused by compulsory non-answers. You may be a victim of your own genetic predisposition and push of others to see duality or superstition and not even know it. 

Antitheism is a non-dual mindset that leaves room at the end for character and integrity, and even a defacto "moral compass" of sorts. 

The Litmus Test:  Does considering matters of superstition as an option during adversity or to answer an unknown cause you a degree discomfort? Would optional application do nothing, and forced application cause distress? 

Only the antitheist can feel this pain. See Rainman being forced way out of comfort zone which cannot be controlled.  The circuit is shorted and no amount of flipping the switch will light the bulb. It never takes. 

A natural skepticism to what other people say or do.


If you needed money to stave off major adversity and couldn't find a source what would you find comfort in? What would reveal that light at the end of that tunnel.

A. A new source of cash flow achieved somehow, or failing that a plan to achieve said cash flow.

B. A prayer. A candle, And a hope something will fall from the sky and save you.

The antitheist cannot do both. A and only A. 

Only those prone to mysticism can use the latter. There is no "asking ____ and then doing the leg work".  It is a superfluous facet to consider your trajectory as rooted in divine purpose or determinism. 

Faithodrama, formerly known as psychodrama:

The antheist has no use for baseless faith. Not an interchangeable with 'trust' semantic conflation.To the point where Rainman (again) being denied Judge Wapner is a safe comparison. 

No, [Insert deity here] can't be proven to have done anything for you. 

Only your positivity can be proven.  You believed you had something helping you so much, that you made better decisions subconsciously and put yourself in a better situation without even realizing it.  Conversely if you are negative, you make self-saboteur decisions.  

The antitheist will ask short questions.

"Yes, but how will that get me money?", "Okay, so I pray and then what? How do I know it wasn't my actions?"

The antitheist will see worthlessness in something without visceral use or direct lines of cause and effect. 

The antitheist does not care they are missing an entire web of preconditioned mystic-compatible determinism. There is no world where your wants can enter a magical channel where they pull acausal strings and redict otherwise disconnected chains of cause and effect screaming in your direction.  It is amusing to consider at most.

The antitheist can't do circumstantial evidence and swallow species logic. The rock never keeps tigers away. They will see above coincidence as a humourous, and even an eyebrow raising likelihood of statistics, but write it off. 

The antitheist has no use for even the hodge-podge of "as above, so below", because it's all a mashing of noodles anyway. What seems like a connection to self or everything else is just perfectly normal ego, paranoia, and erroneous determination of significance. 

The antitheist knows shit happens. Good shit happens, bad shit happens. Both are proportional to what type of shit you are. Bad shit leads to worse shit, and increased likelihood of other shit.  But being one type of shit does not rule out the other type of shit happening.

Any "what is good vs what is bad" points of contention can be referred to The Genevese Family. Call it rooted in, "does this harm my environment?"  This would make something like ratting "good" in the land of litigious dictates "good" it is a notch to the "bad" end of your equilibrium and viability - because you are a filthy fucking rat. 

The antitheist does not see design in the hodge-podge. The gods, masters, and architects are ways of explaining away the quirks of our own emergent properties and assurance there will  be an equilibrium to arise even in our artificial creations. The design will always exist in a range of data and hindsight analysis.

Intelligent design is the median. The middle ground. The teetering point of stability between polar extremes. The bottom of the pendulum swing. Equilibrium. The point of symmetry. 


We presence this as a line drawn down the middle by our observation.  In western society the line down the center of our social stability is maintained by artificial systems (legal, banking) making orderly cooperative behavior to maintain that the middle ground of emergent priority. 
Even the artificial is as regulatory as the weather. As temperatures rise that middle ground changes, like sea levels. 

The antitheist sees a dynamic world in constant flux with the many different equilibriums both natural and artificial following an ebb/flow trajectory as sure as there is no absolute prediction of the future. Somewhere on the fringes of the ordered chaos you find the antitheist. 

But what of morals, character, integrity, and colloquial values...

Simply put If you are a jackass that fucks everyone over, and lives with anger and hatred, your "line down the center", your god, is likely going to be deeper into the shit. 

In a world where even the artificial is a parameter of your existence there is room to use various artificial systems and personal demeaner to place yourself in a 'less likely for adversity", but still fear the malignant cell. Rest assured there will still be apliication(s) of your personal ethics with real-world consequences eventually.

Your level will be found and you will deal with the limitations or opportunities allotted by your actions. 

And if some actions dig yourself down into a hole so deep you remove all escape options at least you won't be pained by delusions of purpose or destiny. You will be most concerned with useable ways to get out, if you can. 

And if in that hole you find yourself praying on your knees then maybe you were never a born antitheist anyway.

Use this again:

Dark Enlightenment Mar 29 '20 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 3

Satanism is an elitist religion, make no mistake about it. It is uncompromisingly 100% elitist with zero shit or fluff to fuck up the mix.

We're so damn elitist that we even have a special term for ourselves -- the alien elite. Aren't we all special snowflakes? Right, get your doc martins and let's start goose steppin'!

It's really nothing like that.

Even though Satanism is absolutely hardcore in it's elitism, what it means to be elite is:

* having your shit together

* not doing anything half-assed

* being relentless in self-mastery

* constantly pushing our skills at the edge

There is no room for being a douche who lives hiding behind the pretense of being 'better' than other people. Someone is better than someone else or they're not in an objective practical sense -- they're more skilled at something. For example, a person is more accurate at shooting a bow than someone else or not.

And, even though someone is really good at something, it doesn't mean that there's a demand for it. Therefore, it's possible to be elite and completely useless at the same time. The point of elitism is all around potency in whatever a satanist chooses to do.

There's no room to act superior (unless it is superior action). Actually, this kind of behavior weakens the potency of elitism. It's like lovingly polishing a turd at the expense of sharpening a katana. No only would such an elitist 'lose it because they didn't use it', they have all the charm of being covered in shit.

Summing up, Satanism is hardcore, but not a license for a satanist to take his nose from the grindstone and shove it up in the air.

Shawn Oct 20 '15 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 2 · Tags: satanism, alien elite, elitism, katana, turd

This isn't as shocking as it sounds. While you read the title correctly, some may have inferred a different meaning than intended. No, Bruce Wayne isn't gay.[1] Instead this refers to a long-time in-joke involving the fact I came out of the bat cave years ago by revealing the secret identity of the caped crusader -- ME! ME, MOTHERFUCKERS! I AM BATMAN!!!

I'll let that sink in. 

So, yeah. I'm Batman. Not Mr. Bruce (ohhhhh my parents are dead) Whine. It's me. I'm Batman. Does this make sense? Are we on the same page? No? Oh well, fuck it. Here's how the damn thing got started: 

Yes, that is a bra on my head. I'll wait while you watch it again.

Heh. :) 

This video was made as part of a stupid social-chain game that people played on Youtube back in the day. It was played like this:

1. Someone makes a video giving their opinions on a range of subjects.

2. The person tags people they know in the video description.

3. Those people who are tagged make videos giving their opinions of the same topics and tag people they know.

4. And the whole thing spreads through the YT network like social cancer.

And one bright and shining day this game was peacefully travelling through YT netizens, minding it's own business, until Hatesfury tagged me.  (Hows Hatesfury doing these days, anyway?)

Heh :)

What could I do but give my most valid opinion on each of the subjects, which, as you know by now is universally :


Don't worry. If you're still confused, I promise that the plot will thin shortly.

The reason why I revealed my secret identity is because it's the most valid answer I could give -- which is to say, not at all. There's no reason for me to have an opinion on any of them simply because some other people do.

It's like Jesus. A Christian recruiter expects you to already know who Jesus is when he asks you "Do you know Jesus?" He wants to get your current opinion so he can get a baseline to change it. What's fun to do and totally fucks their day and brain is when you steal any possible validity from the recruiter by shifting the frame or playing dumb. 

Shifting the Frame: "Jesus?  Do you know him, too? (Recruiter smiles and says yes.) The crackhead down the street? HE OWES ME MONEY!!" (Recruiter becomes sorry to bother you, assures you he made a mistake,  and rushes off to more important matters he suddenly remembered at just that moment.)

Playing Dumb: "Jesus who?" 

Playing dumb is more effective than logic to get people to realize how ludicris they really sound. Why? They have to explain these beliefs, from scratch, to a grown and reasonable person.

Recruiter: Uh, you know, Jesus. He died for you.

Me: I'm sorry to hear he died, but I don't have a clue who you're talking about. (cue sideways look)

Recruiter: You know, Jesus Christ. Our lord and savior who died for your sins?

Me: I said I don't know who you're talking about. Are you from here? We have a president. And I'm not a princess who needs to be saved by ... the death of someone else for my ... sins? 

Recruiter: Uh... 

At this point the recruiter's mind is racing, trying to think one step ahead, desperately checking and double checking that what he's about to say to make sure it doesn't sound crazy. (See, better than logic.)

Recruiter: Uh...

(long, awkward seconds pass)

Recruiter: Uh...

Me: Well, it's been uh.... bye. (cue: walking away.)


So what's all this got to do with freethinkin'? I'll get to that in a second. 

First, what most people call freethinkin' is nothing of the sort. It's more like using the word as an excuse to not think at all. They point, scoff, and say "That's stupid. I know because I'm a freethinker!" Those fuckers are about as freethinking as parrots.

So, what is this freethinking thing anyway? I found this definition:

"A freethinker is defined as a person who forms his own opinions about important subjects (such as religion and poltics) instead of accepting what others say."

Do you see the flaw there? Read it again.

Ok, it's challenge time. The prize: 50 kudos each..

The first challenge: Describe the obvious flaw in so-called "freethinkin',"

I'll give you a hint. Douglas Adams (Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy) points to the answer by introducing concepts with the following language: "It's a popular and important fact that..."

First answer gets all 50 kudos

The second challenge. (Also 50 kudos to first answer.)

Why is "I'M BATMAN!" an appropriate opinion to each subject in my video?.


1. I know, because I'm from the future. 

Hartnell Nov 12 '15 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 2 · Tags: batman
Zach Black Owner

It was brought to my attention that the Church of Satan took a pot shot at Satanic International Network ( S.I.N.) .

They said ' Don’t be fooled by unauthorized Grottos, phony Orders of the Trapezoid, Silly Intercommunication Networks' .

Noticed the Capitalize ' Silly Intercommunication Networks ' which is a jab at Satanic International Network ( SIN ).

Seems like Gilmore and company are breaking protocol about not acknowledging other Satanic organizations. First the Satanic Temple now SIN?

I will say I am flattered that the Church of Satan is highly aware of us to take jabs. I will say I do deserve it for all the shit I talked about them over the years. I smell on them fear. They know they are defunct and in their death throws.

Satanism is being refaced by new blood and they are not pleased about it. Church of Satan died with LaVey. And yes they can sit back fat and lazy and pretend that they are the only relevant organization. They are in for a surprise.

Many of us are doing our own thing and making headway within Satanism. Which is how it should be.

Here is the link . SIN comes in on the number sixth paragraph...

Zach Black Apr 23 '16 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 6 · Tags: church of satan, satanic international network, zach black

I gots  somethin' for yas: one of the most well-kept open secrets of the Satanic religion. Interested? Yup,  that's it in the paper bag. Are yas interested? Hmmm? Ok.

:: Looks around suspiciously ::

Ok, It seems as if the coast is clear.... more

Hartnell May 20 '16 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 3 · Tags: heh
Zach Black Owner

There are some perks that I must say I will take full advantage of. And no no its not the hippy teenage girls it is the free drugs and beer. Yep. I wish I woulda started doing this a long time ago but it never occurred to me that I could pull it off. 

I was looking to get some psychedelics mainly LSD or DMT. Well I only know were to get mushrooms. I am fucking super Mario shroomed out. So, I was told buy some teenage kids on Reddit to jam down to Ocean Beach where the hippies and traveling beatnik folks hang out and I will find some. Well, I do not really like asking strangers for drugs especially hippies who I do not know for a drug I have no real way of testing until they are long gone. But the teenagers swore I would not need to ask that they would recognize me as ' 30 hits guy' . Well I was skeptical but occasionally someone does recognize me on the street so I figured fuck it. But, I wanted to make sure . 

So I had a couple shirts made for the 10th anniversary of the video and I decided to wear one to the beach. I had only wore one once and that was new years eve to the pub . I did get to drink most of the night for free so I went for it,.

Now, it is hard to describe the foolishness you feel walking around with your face on your shirt. It is embarrassing. Because even if people do not get the reference even kids look at you like you are retarded for having your face on your shirt. So I felt like a tool but as I walked down to the board walk I decided to sit down and watch the sunset. Sure as shit those teenagers were right. Within 5 minutes a few younger hippies walked up and asked me if that was really me and I confirmed. After answering a few questions about the video they were asking me if I would trip with them rigth there right now. 

I explained to them I was looking for a to go order and had this much money . They came back with a older hippie who said if I take drop acid with him right now for every hit I do he will give me three to go. now... this was tempting . But I passed. He ended up giving me a few and selling me a bunch at like half of what they go for so I was happy. 

If anyone is in the mode for some LSD or DMT in the San Diego area ( DE) I am your huckleberry. 

Zach Black Owner

Dread -

I have this weird feeling. A feeling that something bad is going to happen at anytime. Strange feeling. Not a pleasant on either. It is that feeling that ' something is in the air ' . I can not put my finger on it.

i could be picking up ' vibes ' from someone else close to me. I thinking I need t make my rounds and check in with everyone close. My older brother just got outta pycheward today. He was having suicidal thoughts. That could be it.

All I really know is I have only had a few glasses of wine. That is not enough to sound the alarm. I can feel the pressure physically to. Something, somewhere is about to go down that will affect me in a drastic way.... that is the feeling I have.

Zach Black May 9 '17 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 2 · Tags: satanic international network, zach black
Venger Satanis
Hello Satanists,

How's it going?  This is Venger Satanis.  I haven't been on SIN in a long time, but I keep seeing Zach Black on FB and that jogs my memory enough to come back and say hi.

What have I been up to?  I'll get to that in a minute...

Satanism, like Cthulhuism or any philosophy/religion, does very little in a vacuum.  Just being a Satanist or Cthulhu cultist or LHP practitioner without applying that belief system to one's life, is worthless.  

I decided to focus my time and energy on writing, leaving the task of cult leadership to others.  Specifically, I delved into roleplaying game writing (like D&D).  That's where almost every drop of dark weirdness goes, where it gets used.  

Instead of celebrating the Great Old Ones for the sake of celebration, I did something with it - out in the real world.  Hopefully, the majority of you have done the same over the past 7 years or whatever it's been.

There's been progress.  When I go back and look at my early writing, such as Cthulhu Cult, I smile knowing how much improvement I've made.  That alone is worth something.  I took a skill that I was better than average at and honed it into something to be proud of.  LaVey said something similar when he was alive.

Recently, I finished a book that's doubtless my greatest work.  It's a campaign setting and megadungeon, usable with every incarnation of Dungeons & Dragons and similar rule-sets, called Cha'alt.  This is where you can find the PDF (hardcover coming soon):

Hopefully, you guys can tell me about the amazing things you've been up to.  I'm all ears... and tentacles.  ;)


Venger Satanis Aug 10 '19 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 2 · Tags: satanism, venger satanis, call of cthulhu, roleplaying games, chaalt, d&d
EpicFail TITS

I should have mixed the pain(t) 

before I raised my brush, 

a devil hatched a saint 

then stroked the white with blush. 

The redness of these eyes 

once radiant and lush 

would palpitate with cries 

in wounds I couldn't hush. 

I should have kept my secrets 

or mixed the reds with white 

I might have cleansed my spirit 

but grey was stealing light, 

instead I played with blues 

and envy's greenish hues 

it's magic I would bleed; 

another purple bruise. 

Soon I had a canvas 

that was black before my eyes 

when all the rainbow colors 

you might find to mesmerize 

had faded with the beauty 

and the portrait of my peace 

I lost myself in pain(ting) 

as I wept a masterpiece. 

The colors of the hearts 

that the world considers bland, 

I should have mixed the colors 

so beautiful and grand 

instead I bled acrylic 

on easel's, dead and damned 

then smeared the dripping pain(t) 

with the tears and years that ran.

EpicFail Jun 18 '19 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 25 · Tags: poem, poetry, depressing
Zach Black Owner
Sources of misinformation about Satanism

Interesting. This is before I fucked shit up on YouTube.  Before YouTube (which is now the #1 source of information for ages 18 - 30 ) this was what most people were using as source information. That has all shifted now. By no means am I saying I am solely responsible for this shift but in 2009 their was not many of us making educational videos about Satanism.  I will take credit for being a major player in pushing factual information about satanism into google and YouTube. With combined total of about 55k subscribers and nearly 30 million video views I can say with confidence I put a serious punch into the spread of misinformation about Satanism and will continue as long as I am alive regardless if the source is waving crosses or pentagram.

RiderOnTheStorm Mod
My dear Unholy Father,
I thank you for your grace

May the warmth of the Morningstar

Shine eternally upon my face

Grant to me your courage

That I may demolish my fears

I listen for your infernal voice

Whispering softly in my ears

Dearest Sanguine Mother,
I thank you for your grace

May the outcast children that you bore

Help guide me through this earthly place

Lend to me your firm resolve

That I may stand up tall

I speak with your wicked tongue

Words to make the Dying Lamb fall

Hail Lucifer! Hail Lilith!

Cast your favour upon your child

I have become the Adversary

On behalf of the sinful and defiled

Hail my Satanic brethren!
Hail me, for I am god!
I am the Alpha and Omega

On cloven hooves I trod



This is something that I wrote a while ago. I use it for meditation, catharsis, "prayer," whatever you want to call it. I am staunchly atheistic, however I enjoy a bit of ritual now and again. Enjoy and thanks for reading!

RiderOnTheStorm Sep 20 '17 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 1
He is in my heart and soul. I love, worship and adore him. 
Amy Mar 2 '18 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 9
Zach Black Owner

I sued and won in court 500 bucks in small claims damages against my X. She ignored the judgement to pay me as the court order and drug this out for a year. Well ,I paid to have her wages garnished and her bank froze and she was served by the sheriff. Sheriff called me just now and said they got a check waiting for me for 500 buck in full what she owes. 

Most likely her mom paid it because my X was poor and never wanted to work. Either way I'll take it. And with 14 dollars of it I am gonna make a shirt with my face on it holding her check or money and saying ' I told you so dumb cunt... but have a free shirt' ! 

But seriously I actually going to do that because she made me wait a year and would not make payments for half that much as she promised she would. ..

     I was raised by a very Baptist grandmother. I will always appreciate what she had done for me during her lifetime, but she was very pushy about her beliefs. as a teen I had to warn my friends to never bring up religion or politics around my grandma unless they wanted to get into a heated debate. The only one who seemed to enjoy these debates was an atheist friend of mine. my opinion is he enjoyed getting a rise out of her. But anyways...I feel as I had no freedom of thought. like most people raised in a Christian family I was told the bible was to be taken as absolute truth. Anything spiritual was considered "evil" and of the "devil" (meditation, divination, astral projection ect) i was told anybody involved in the occult was basically all the same they were all evil baby sacrificing devil worshippers. it didn't matter what they believed if you weren't "saved" you were going to hell. I grew up in a world where I felt like i was spiritually walking on egg shells. "you can't do that or you will go to hell" i wasnt even allowed to trick or treat because it was Satan's holiday and i could be kidnapped and sacrificed. oh and i can't forget the time gram read a book about "spiritual warfare" and went on a kick about demons being the cause of every bad thing in the world.

      Another thing that drove me bat shit fucking crazy is there are way too many hypocritical christians. ya know the judgey ones that stick there nose up in the air like they better than everyone. the corruption even within my own former church that I witnessed. our preacher had to resign because he got busted lining his pockets with the money from the offering plate. the same guy who is stealing from everyone is telling me I'm a sinner for getting knocked up before I was married. like i said hyprocrite. I didn't fit in because unlike most of the others I didn't give a fuck if someone was gay, had sex before marriage, had an abortion, had other religious or pollitical beliefs than i. my motto was each to their own. who the fuck am I to tell someone how they ought to live. I have my beliefs you have yours let's agree to disagree instead of arguing endlessly and guess what we still won't change the other persons oppinion.     Basically what lead me to this website was exploring other options and point of views. I had begun to question my faith in the christain god and noticed that the bible contradicts itself. What I have found while researching is those involved in the occult are not all the same. Wiccans aren't the same as Satanists. there are different denominations  (for lack of a better term) of Satanist and pagans. I was surprised to learn there is even atheistic satanist. it's amazing what you learn when you open your mind and quit being so narrow minded and listening to what your told is right and wrong. I also discovered i was not the only one who thought the bible contradicts itself. People have gone so far as to write books on contradictions in the bible and how it can not be historically correct. 

     I've reached a point where I am tired of feeling like i am going to suffer for eternity because I didn't conform to what I was told I should believe. I have always been intrigued by the spirit realm but I didn't dare explore for fear of eternal Damnation or having an evil spirit attach itself to me. I'm done living in fear or feeling guilty for being a human being and having desires. I haven't put a label on myself as far as what religion I am because I think right now I'm still trying to figure that out. I haven't done enough reading or research yet to have enough knowledge to choose a path that's best for me. I do identify with the concept of the left hand path. freedom of thought and doing what you want without the fear of eternal damnation. obviously I have a lot to learn and explore before I can claim im this or that. I just know  I'm  not atheist because I do believe there is a spiritual realm. i believe there is some kind of afterlife i just dont think its heaven and hell. 

     I think I've blabbered on enough for this blog. if anyone cared or was interested long enough to read this whole thing feel free to leave your thoughts and opinions. (now that ive realized its ok to have an opinion.) if you have any good book reccomendations for someone new to a spiritual path I would love to know :) 

Amethyst May 30 '18 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 5
Magic King
Government, the methods for the New World Order is destroying all history. And the people will never know truth. they destroy all history deliberately in museums and libraries. We will never know the truth. We are fighting true evil and nothing is as it seems. 

There are many conspiracy theories against the United States. One is the plantation of children in the U.S. I notice the people love their children, but children are killed, raped, destroyed emotionally and physically. The New World Order is Masters on controlling the mass, and are using the mass to enslave each other. Lies that make hatred towards one another separating family and friends from their beliefs. 

Ephesians 6:12

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Magic King Oct 5 '19 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 25

Hello to whomever reads this post.

I was raised Mormon, for the first 12 years of my life it was genuinely all I knew. I'm 18 now and can proudly say that I've been out of that for 2 years at this point. It wasn't the brightest transition of my life, it involved a lot of drugs, alcohol, suicide attempts and general not so great stuff. I've grown from that and moved on but my very religious family has not. My mistakes are held over my head, used against me and brought up any time the opportunity presents itself. That used to bother me, and at this point I've almost completely cut myself off from my family. 

Turning 18 allowed me to begin to express myself in other ways, i.e tattoos. 

My tattoos aren't what you'd call family friendly. 

I have 10 now, but the most controversial are the Demon on my arm, The word Hellboy across my wrist, a skeleton pope on my leg (where are all my Ghost fans at ;) ) and a naked fairy on my arm.

I'm not an angry person, it's just how I express myself. I'm not bitter towards the church, if anything it brings relief and a certain calmness when I get these anti-religious tattoos. My family definitely does not approve of them (save for my Father and Step Mother) 

I know I did this to myself, and I LOVE my tattoos, but the rejection just kind of sucks. I love my family, but because of my different beliefs it doesn't feel reciprocated. They don't even know I'm a Satanist, doesn't even seem worth it to tell them, they already dislike me enough.

I do not regret my tattoos, but it does make my heart ache for what they caused between me and my family members. I'm trying real hard to stick to me, and my authenticity even if I'm standing alone. 

Ironic in a way, I remember a church lesson about "Standing Alone" As a witness of God or some shit....and here I am...doing the opposite. 

Anyways, that's my life. 

One of the reasons I joined this in the first place was to find others like I am, so if you can relate, or just wanna be buddies, send me a message :)

Loooove and peace and all those good vibes

Erika xx

Radanarchy Aug 17 '18 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 5 · Tags: satan, satanism, tatoos, mormon, mormonism



I thought you might be interested in this. Below is an excerpt taken from Stephen Flowers’ book ‘Lords of the Left Hand Path.’ It was re-quoted by Michael Aquino and I think it also appears in the Underground version of LaVey’s TSB. Below is the original TSB Dedication Page with comments by Flowers. It is great stuff.


‘Essential to the nature of the myth of any figure such as Anton LaVey are the influences which shaped that figure’s thought and action. LaVey himself provided a core list of such influences on his thought on the dedication page of the original printings of his Satanic Bible. It is telling that in more recent printings of the book this page has been omitted.


On that list appear 19 primary personages, with 20 more given a sort of “honorable mention”. There is also one animal, Togare, LaVey’s famous pet lion, and the Nine Unknown Men. [Almost 70 other names appeared in a similar list in his Satanic Rituals book. These too have been removed in recent printings.]


Space does not permit me to discuss each one of these personages in any detail, but the primary list is extremely important to understanding LaVey’s Satanic philosophy.


The 19 primary men are (in the order he listed them): Bernardino Logara, Karl Haushofer, Grigory Yefimovitch Rasputin, Sir Basil Zaharoff, Allesandro Cagliostro, Barnabas Saul, Ragnar Redbeard, William Mortensen, Hans Brick, Max Reinhardt, Orrin Klapp, Fritz Lang, Friedrich Nietzsche, William Claude Dukinfield, Phineas Taylor Barnum, Hans Poelzig, Reginald Marsh, Wilhelm Reich, and Mark Twain. After the names of each of these, LaVey characterizes them with a dedicatory phrase. These are given in quotation marks in the discussions below.


Bernadino Logara, “who knew the value of money”, unidentified, presumably a manipulative banker or financier.


Karl Haushofer (1869-1946), “a teacher without a classroom”, was the founder of the theory of “geopolitics” and a professor of geography at the University of Munich. He was sympathetic with National Socialism and exerted influence on its ideology, especially through one of his students, Rudolf Hess. However LaVey’s image and admiration of him comes through the modem mythologizing contained in The Morning of the Magicians, in which the authors have Haushofer involved in various occult goings-on in Tibet and with the infamous Thule Gesellschaft of Rudolf von Sebottendorf. There is, however, no evidence for these more “occultnik” connections.


Rasputin (1872-1916), “who knew the magic of a child”, was much admired by LaVey because he saw the Russian “mad monk” as a lusty manipulator of people (especially women) and power - all traits pursued by LaVey himself. But Rasputin was not likely to have had anything really “Satanic” about him. LaVey was most certainly inspired by more lurid accounts of Rasputin - and by the film Rasputin: The Mad Monk (Hammer, 1965).


Sir Basil Zaharoff (1850-1936), “a gentleman”, was an arms merchant who sold weaponry and encouraged his customers to use their purchases - all while not only becoming wealthy but being knighted by the King of England too!


The “secondary” dedication names: Howard Hughes, James Moody (CS member), Marcello Cagliostro (1743-1791), “a rogue”, was the assumed name of an Italian magician and alchemist named Guiseppe Balsamo. He billed himself as a “Count” and the “Grand Kophta of the Egyptian Lodge”, but what was less known was that he had been expelled from several countries due to his fraudulent dealings. He was popular with the people and a supporter of revolution, but ended his life in the dungeons of Pope Pius VI.


Barnabas Saul was the first “scryer”, or medium, employed by the Elizabethan mage John Dee (1527-1608). After leaving Dee’s service, Saul disavowed his visions.


Ragnar Redbeard (18427-1926?), “whose might is right”, is a story unto himself. “Redbeard” was perhaps the pseudonym of Arthur Desmond, an atheist and social Darwinist street-philosopher from whose book, entitled Might is Right LaVey lifted whole sections to create the “Book of Satan” portion of the Satanic Bible.


William Mortensen, “who looked ... and saw”, wrote a photographers’ manual entitled The Command to Look (1937). The psycho-optical theories contained in it greatly influenced LaVey’s approach to art and to images and the way they can influence the human mind. It must be considered a keystone to LaVey and Satanism.


Hans Brick, “who knows the law”, wrote a book entitled The Nature of the Beast (1960) which was a formative influence on the formulation of LaVey’s social philosophy, especially as contained in the Lex Talonis or “Eleven Rules of the Earth”.


Max Reinhardt (1873-1943), “a builder of dreams”, was born Max Goldman in Austria and became famous as a theatrical director who specialized in staging huge spectacles.


Orrin Klapp (b. 1915), “the walking man”, is a sociologist whose works Heroes, Villains and Fools (1962) and The Collective Search for Identity (1969) were greatly influential on LaVey’s ideas of social movements and change.


Fritz Lang (1890-1976), “who made moving blueprints”, was an Austrian film director who made such classics as Metropolis (1926) and M (1930).


Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), “a realist”, was a German philosopher and forerunner to the existentialists. His ideas of the overman (or “superman”) and the “will to power”, as well as his ideas concerning the existence of natural “masters” and ’’slaves”, are greatly admired by modern philosophical Satanists.


W.C. Fields (1880-1946), “who saved me a journey to Tibet”, was the stage-name of William C. Dukinfield.          


P.T. Barnum (1810-1891), “another great guru”, was the American showman famous for his exhibits of freaks and establishment of circuses. Barnum’s supposed basic philosophy - “There’s a sucker born every minute” - was taken to heart by LaVey and used as a mainstay of his worldview.


Hans Poelzig (1869-1936), “who knew all the angles”, was a German architect who specialized in grandiose and imaginative structures. An example is the Grand Theater in Berlin, also called the Max Reinhardt Theater (1919). He was also the set designer for The Golem (Deutsche Bioscop, 1914).



Reginald Marsh (1898-1954), “a great artist”, was an illustrator, scene designer, and painter of gritty street scenes, greatly admired by LaVey, who is himself a painter of unusual subjects.


Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957), “who knew more than cabinet making”, was a German psychologist who held that there was a material force called “orgone” which worked in conjunction with the human orgasm. This force could also be collected in “cabinets” called “orgone accumulators”.


Mark Twain (1835-1910), “a very brave man”, was the pen name of Samuel Langhorn Clemens, the great American writer. LaVey much admires Twain for his works Letters from the Earth (1962) and The Mysterious Stranger (1969). In an early Church ofSatan document, LaVey praises Twain as “one of the greatest of the Devil’s advocates in history” and as “the most noble embodiment of the Satanist”.


This list of influences provides invaluable insight into the formation of LaVey’s philosophy and outlook on life. Of the 16 identifiable men fully half of them are artists of one kind or another. Of these, five dealt with the creation of visual imagery and two, W.C. Fields and P.T. Barnum, were best known as “trickster” figures. The idealization of image makers should provide some clue as to the true nature of LaVey’s philosophy and magic.’


MatthewJ1 Jun 12 '21 · Rate: 5

One is Satanism... One is not Satanism . Know the difference.? 
Top right is the 9 Satanic statements by LaVey. taken from the Satanic Bible which are the pillars of modern satanic belief.

Bottom right is the 7 satanic tenants of The Satanic Temple which serves to be at the core of the organizations philosophies .

Now. I want you to compare the two. Do they resemble each other in anyway?

In fact they are diametrically opposed in many respects. I will compare them in more detail in a YouTube video later I hate to type. i

So, LaVey established Satanism in the 60's. TST came on the scene about the same time I did about 2010. Pretty sure LaVey and company have long established the definition of what Satanism is.

For the TST to come forward and call themselves Satanist and the Satanic Temple while there tenants are not even close to the 9 satanic statements is not cool. I know some of you will say ' Your organization is called Satanic international Network' ? Well this is true we are one of dozens of Satanic organizations sharing a similar name, but we are Satanists. We agree with the 9 satanic statements and although time has modified for some of us certain aspects of LaVey original philosophy nothing we promote is at odds with the foundations of what he wrote down in the satanic bible in 1969.

Now hopefully the few of you who may not understand the intentional convoluted mess in confusing the two you simply have a group TST pretending to be the other group Satanists to take from the Satanists something they felt wold help promote their agendas.

This is a old trick used when one party does not having any merit. They posture as a different party in hopes of fooling people into thinking they are with one group when they are not.and even state so much right in their own tenants on the site.

There is a reason folk why the TST documentary ' Hail Satan?' has the question mark at the end of it's title. Because they are not. They never were. It is for show, shock value and to attract a large group of individuals who are attention seeking and wish they were edgy. Large followers are very helpful in activism and political agendas.

This media hype and pretending to be satanists in rainbow Halloween costume act worked. So did the media stunts, Lucien brilliant ability to articulate such topics related to Satanism as the Satanic panic, and many others certainly did not hurt either.

As a Satanist I can say i am supportive on certain aspects of their agenda ( separation of church and state , women right to choose, ETC.) but the way they are going about doing if often completely contradicts my personal philosophy of Satanism because that is NOT what we believe in and also makes us look foolish and hypocritical.

Liberal activist using satanic aesthetics and Satanism's religious protected rights to push a left wing agenda is clever but offensive. Especially when you parade around calling yourself a Satanists. Most of you are not.

The back lash is already being seen with other groups who feel discriminated against or simply supportive of the Left agenda putting on Baphomets and getting Satanic tattoos even shouting ' HAIL SATAN' ! Most of TST has never studied Satanism and probably never nor have a desire too. This is happening big time in the LGBT community which I support and am active in. Maybe for every 100 teenage hot topic got kid or gay they get to shout ' HAIL SATAN' ....just maybe a couple of them will take the time to actually explore what that really means like we did.

Some TST supports are gonna take this as a personal attack on themselves. You should not. Look through my friends list on FaceBook there are hundreds of TST supporters. Well maybe not now LOL. i am not calling members of the TST idiots although their is no small shortage of them in there, I am drawing lite to the fact you all are not part of Satanism or is TST a Satanic organization. And there is nothing wrong with that. Just stop calling yourself Satanists if you are not. If your belief in Satanism not nearly identical to what is put down in the Satanic Bible by LaVey then call yourself something else please.

I have met some legit Satanist in TST and I wonder how can you be affiliated with a organization who's core tenants are opposed to ours? Oh well. And to the rest of the TST who calls themselves Satanism but have never read LaVey stop it.

Call yourself the atheistic liberal left wing flying spaghetti cult.

That sounds way better than the dozen insulting acronym I am going to start calling you in public if you don' t. Hail Satan !!

If you agree with this evaluation please share it on all your social media. I am.

Zach Black

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Zach Black Owner
Nine years ago on this day 02-09-10. I launched SIN solo and was the very first user. I think the only user for a couple days. I no clue what i was doing having little computer skills and no networking skills to speak of. In fact, I did not even know what a network forum really was. I remember moving some stuff from one side of the room to the other and that was progress. Luckily I sounded the horn on YouTube and a couple dozen people showed up. Thankfully Beastxeno saw that I was in trouble and offered his assistance. He was the first in a series of admin to help sail the ship. 

At first SIN blew up huge within the first year. I guess because it was the new thing on the block. back then I was known on YouTube as another Satanist making videos but had not yet really begun to grow in popularity yet. I used what few thousand subscribers I had and fanned the flames as much as I could. 

I simply started SIN for the same reason I got on YouTube. I spent about a year and observed. After a while I saw what I liked and what I thought I could do better. So I did. I created SIN to be the premier Satanic Network just like I set out to dominate YouTube and become the most subscribed to and viewed Satanist on YouTube. And I did. I did in spades with more subs and video views that all Satanists combined. 

SIN started off to be a better version of the few networks I knew of. I remember MySatan, ICOS, Goat of Mendes and a couple others. Each of those networks had their pros and cons just like SIN does. Well I wanted to be better that all of them .... together. And within a few years SIN did just that. 

So nine years later where are we? I look around and I Tell you what I see. I see a few other networks sinking into oblivion. Bouncing around in a barrel like a bunch of wounded ducks. I see the haters who have betrayed my trust and set this place on fire hiding in the distance in the shadows. With no honor and to cowardly to raise a hand and take credit for being a back stabbing spineless weasel. I laugh at you as we still stand strong. Stronger than all the few left put together and I smile thinking to myself ...  ' what a bunch of pathetic weakling pussies. Is that really the best you got ' ?  Where are you all now? And does anyone notice or even care?  

Does anyone know what happened to that fat goofy looking flat chested ugly chick that you use to hang out with in real life? You know, the one who would go to your house and and chill with you. That one who went all the way up to Northern California to visit you at the winery wearing Jason Sorrell SIN shirt. What was her name again ? .. .. Exactly. 

I could go on about a few more but why bother. Nobody remembers you or cares. Nobody missed you for more than a month either. 

So those cowboys and cowgirls that are still left. Pull up a chair. Order yourself a drink. This could possibly be the last carnival to pass through this town again. This world is growing harder and harder for this type of engagement. Like the traveling sideshow freaks our time is coming and I can see the horizon. So lets order a round of drinks, toss your chips in and all bets are in. 

   I told you naysayers once nine years ago and I will say it again....

                      '' SIN aint going nowhere . I am all in ''. 


As we all know, when you meet a person in public at any event or gathering place, you are not meeting them usually. You are meeting who they want people to think they are. With the advent of the internet, people can now indulge wholesale in anything that they enjoy in nearly complete privacy from others within the community they physically live. As a satanist, I see no problem in this. I love debauchery and sin. But I also understand it is my responsibility to police my own degeneracy so that it does not do damage to others. With this in mind, it's time we talk about IAFs, or internet acquired fetishes. Suffice to say, I believe there is injustice here. For the sake of reference I will describe Each IAF in it's own section.

As most people with a solid upbrining know, it is wrong to have sex with animals, rather its consentual or not. Many have heard of, for example, furries. Now it can be said that not all furries are zoophiles, and not all zoophiles are furries. It is however, a cold fact that some do engage in it. This is completely a product of the internet age, as fandoms never really had the potential for rapid expansion as they do now. This is one of the several very disturbing ones. I've met many furs and for the most part have always found them absolutely insufferable.
There is also the issue of girls having sex with male dogs. Now I'm sure this was around before the internet was, but many girls started doing it after likely hearing about it on tumblr or reddit. Think it's not a big issue? guess again. This can lead to disease, infection, and other things. After all how clean is dog dick? I certainly wouldn't want to pound a hole that a dog had been in. 

2. pedophilia
We all know about this one, but I don't think most understand the magnitude the problem has reached. Loli/shota/futaba/other anime related porn material creates a new pedo every day, and little can be done to stop it, as it is not illegal for some reason. Not only are groups in the US actively pushing for pedo acceptance, But they also are forming online communities around the issue.
Acceptance groups are a problem in my view, because instead of people who just think a 20 year old shouldn't get the book thrown at them for diddling a highschooler who lied about their age, They want ALL pedophilic acts to become legal and accepted. Sexual manipulation/exploitation is wrong to do to anybody, but especially children because of the damage it does to them later in life. Literally throwing the baby out with the bath water will not fix this issue. I was a victim of a pedo growing up and it caused a lot of psychological damage, somehow luckily I'm pretty normal and sane these days but that took effort.
The internet is a breeding ground for all sorts of perversion. IAF pedophilia is exactly the same/worse than regular pedophilia. 

In conclusion I suppose it is up to you to decide what you think is right and wrong. What is healthy, and what is unhealthy. I left out some other IAFs I know about because they weren't as bad/cringey but I am of the belief they ar ALL bad. Sex is ment to be a much more personal thing than what is provided by pornagraphy. It could even be said the "incel threat" meme was created by this filth. These people know full well that they are being targeted based on genetics/race with this garbage, and yes it makes them mad. From the smart ones I've talked to, they say the most frustrating thing is that although they can plainly see what's being done to them, the outside world sees them in a framed narrative and does not pour out the affection and acceptence they do for other much worse people. In fact, it only seeks to corrupt them more and more until they can be held up and used a justification for further evils, and then unceremoniously dumped in a hole and forgotten.


When will we, as a society, take action against the menace of internet porn? When will we stand up and say, "If you can censor us but we can't censor you, that is WRONG? Just because you can fap to something doesn't mean you should. "

I'm no puritan, or christian. I just see porn addiction causing all the same problems religion does to our culture and society. Porn is just as manipulative as religion. I choose to indulge with respect and caution, but I'm in a sea of people who never took care in their indulgence, or understood the results of it.

TheblackestBart Jan 19 '20 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 2 · Tags: porn, psychology, sex, the internet, politics
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