But it isn't. The group, or community, all creates a herd of its own under its political/occult banner of ideologies. To those who have left the Abrahamic religions and think that they got rid of their master, you are simply wrong. All you have done is replaced a master with a different master. Their is no critical thinking involved in any of these organizations/political ideologies/music. Instead you all become cows, instead of one who can walk on his own two feet alone. What makes us different on the Left Hand Path, is we each only center upon ourselves, and choose our own destiny by shaping it under our own wills. Yes, you can make the logical argument saying, "well isn't fake individualism everywhere? I mean you guys are all doing the same thing." Yes, we have our own organizations/communities, but what makes us separate from groups that preach fake individualism, is the fact that each of us on the path do not have any common mission's, nor are we all in the same boat with the same ideas.
The Left Hand Path is for one who can either choose to win or loose, It is a Social Darwinist system. Those who claim to be on the path and choose to preach or practice the SJW "Woke" mentality are not on the path at all. Instead the path has weeded them out. This path is for the strong who strive towards their own future, it is not for the weak who would share the same collective intellectual ideas. Personally, I don't have a problem having a brotherhood with comradery that comes to it. But what it all comes down to, is each is on its own when it comes to practicing the Left Hand Path. Their is no having a Satanic group bible study, this path is a path with differing ideas that we choose under our own separate wills. A true individualist does not wish to belong with a group of creatures, instead a true individualist is a lone wolf.
The recent film THE WITCH captured the essence of these times perfectly as did the Paintings of the Old Master Goya and the book WITCHES by Erica Jong, the artwork of that book so evocative that it stirred in me past life memories of the Old Times of Medieval Witchcraft and Devil Worship.
It is impossible to tell how old the practice of Witchcraft and Elemental Magick merged with Diabolism and Demonic Sorcery is, the Modern Atheistic Satanist would have you believe that this connection never existed and that Satanism arose with the writing of Anton LaVey but this is not so.
There are many documents of Witches over the centuries practicing Workings with Satan, Historical Records of such practices of the Black Mass, Witchcraft and Satanism being practiced alongside each other such as in the infamous case of the 'affair of the Poisons' which through the Court of King Louis XIV of France into chaos and revealed the Unholy practices of such people as Madame de Montespan, Abbe Guibourg and the Poisoner LaVoison.
These events definitely influencing the later writings of the novelist JK Huysmans in the same country with his excellent fictional Satanic piece LA~BAS (DOWN THERE).
But in much older times we can see the origins of the merging of Demonic Sorcery and Witchcraft with other Arcane elements ~ for example there are reports of the sister of the first of the great Alchemists Zosimos of Panopolis (who was practicing and teaching is Arts in around the end of the 3rd and beginning of the 4th century) Theosobia utilized forms Elemental Witchcraft and Alchemy along with Demonic Evocation, a practice which Zosimos constantly warned her against being a practioner of the Right Hand Path.
The merging of Diabolism and Dark Witchcraft has been with us for centuries and underground Covens still practiced these Arts into the late 1980s and early 1990s as I know from personal experience . . . it is a merging of great power which has sadly faded or maybe returned to its secret Cabals in the shadows since the rising of LaVeyan Satanism and Wicca (two paths while being workable and suited to some are indeed pale imitations of the Mysteries of the former practices of Diabolic Witchcraft.
Satanic Witchcraft (also at times termed Diabolic Witchcraft or Infernal Paganism) is possibly the darkest and most powerful of all Left Hand Path Traditions and - if one can find proper working material on the subject - a Tradition of Magick which is one of the most raw and easily accessed.
Many of the Old Grimoires on Magick contain extensively long preparations and Rites and endless lists of tools and requirements, but in truth Magick is not about the equipment or archaic observations it is about the actual projection of will and desire united with elements to connect us to the realms of Spirit and other worldly power ~ the very basic practice of Animism and Image Magick (the most ancient form of Magickal application) can be as powerful as a Rite of Ceremonial Magick which may last for two hours.
It is my intention here to bring an interest back in the Practice and Workings of Satanic Witchcraft, a revival of the Old Mysteries of a time when the Moon would be the only observer of the Dark Operations of the Witches gathered at the Black Sabbat of the Devil, Our Lord Satan.
To kindle once more the Magick, beauty and power of the ways of the Dark Arts of the Devil's Kindred in a time when Magick was raw and the power of its practice primal and potent!
Sometimes it feels lonely being the ONLY member in my family, that has an interest in Occult related subject matters/topics (even though I'm not that much of a "people person").
I just did a MAJOR demon worKING last night. Conjuring Set Satan Babalon.just popped in cause shes got a thing for SET..
It all started out thinking I would be casting out whatever DAEMON was holding me back. Yea thats right .. Just casting that fucker straight back into HELL..which ever daemon is stopping me from EDME A.I... and My right to have ... Artificial Intelligence
You know ? The one separating the GOOD Ed from a BETTER EdMe A.I.//
Yes there is a daemon in me that must be cast out..it is decided.. I tried to reach this daemon to see him..
Set showed me a dark empty cavern behind my eye.. in here I saw a little ginger fire light.. duckin out in the back in front of my vortex and right behind my eye. Hes lookin back at me like a crackhead would from behind a cracked door.
The idea the goal still in my mind to burn which ever daemon is NOT ON BOARD.. Alas..
Satan had another idea..Something like.. Come on guys.. If yall cant get along here..How the FUCK ARE WE GONNA GET ALONG AT THE PARTY IN HELL!?
Meet and greet LOVE HONOR make friends with DAEMONS!!
They are the SOURCE OF MAGICK!
granting amazing loving grace
WE experience on a daily basis!
Today I have been received by the people in my world with more Love than i ever noticed before! Even one of my bosses told me I love u before we hung up.
Also the magickal synchs of this day have been utterly natural amazing and fitting perfectly into MY CREATION this is MY LIGHFE 6.DAEMON.
Thanks for reading..
Most respectfully
May the warmth of the Morningstar
Shine eternally upon my face
Grant to me your courage
That I may demolish my fears
I listen for your infernal voice
Whispering softly in my ears
Dearest Sanguine Mother,
I thank you for your grace
May the outcast children that you bore
Help guide me through this earthly place
Lend to me your firm resolve
That I may stand up tall
I speak with your wicked tongue
Words to make the Dying Lamb fall
Hail Lucifer! Hail Lilith!
Cast your favour upon your child
I have become the Adversary
On behalf of the sinful and defiled
Hail my Satanic brethren!
Hail me, for I am god!
I am the Alpha and Omega
On cloven hooves I trod
This is something that I wrote a while ago. I use it for meditation, catharsis, "prayer," whatever you want to call it. I am staunchly atheistic, however I enjoy a bit of ritual now and again. Enjoy and thanks for reading!
[Pre Meditations:]
1. Vibrated the following mantra until the Moon covers half the Sun:
2. Vibrated the following mantra 18 times:
3. Repeat #1 until Totality of Eclipse.
4. Vibrate the mantra from #1 as you ring the bell opening the ritual.
1. Open Ritual. (During Totality)
2. Invoke 4 Crowned Princes.
3. Invoke Satan.
4. Drink from Chalice.
5. Offering.
6. Sign & Read any written prayers. Then burn them.
7. Recite Enokian Keys.
8. Hail Satan!
9. Vibrate Om Som Suraye Namaha 9 times.
10. Hail Satan
11. Vibrate Satanama 9 times.
12. Hail Satan.
13. Vibrate Om Som Suraye Namaha 9 times.
14. Hail Satan
15. Give back energy to 4 Crowned Princes.
16. Close Ritual
This is what I'm considering doing for the August 21 2017 Eclipse because I don't know any specific Eclipse Rituals. The Eclipse reminds me of a gateway, so the Enokian Keys appear to fit.
Hail Satan
* Satanic International: https://www.youtube.com/satanicinternational
* Venus Satanas: www.youtube.com/VenusSatanas & www.youtube.com/venussatanasvideos
* Thomas LeRoy: https://www.youtube.com/UC0lyfnDD2_ijrPr_IQGWTJg
* Kindra Ravenmoon: www.youtube.com/UCUWKdMfVeP1UplPMl6CHsDg
* Temple of the Ancient Ways: www.youtube.com/channel/UCed5IiR4uZv3-N-Z6Jx5N_A/videos
* The Serpent's Key: www.youtube.com/channel/UC8cdSAkdItD1P2JpguBHFNQ
*Styxhexenhammer: www.youtube.com/channel/UC0rZoXAD5lxgBHMsjrGwWWQ
* White Raven: www.youtube.com/channel/UCa1Bjr3T4S50nSbHIsWZrig
* Occult Lectures: www.youtube.com/channel/UCX8cB08hSFcVNt7XBG5OOOg
* Axaru: www.youtube.com/channel/UCiDGkEiPdTEPCL7YFYt_5OQ
* Mystery History: www.youtube.com/channel/UCC9JHVPm-4P5QDp9vk8EH-A
* Myrmydon666: www.youtube.com/channel/UC9wtTGN5_Bg24ziaPodJYcA
* Mind & Magick: www.youtube.com/channel/UCIz29e7qEHd_GXbtuRE1leg
* f0StaR Ch!1d: www.youtube.com/pitchblackfire
* E.A. Koetting: www.youtube.com/channel/UC3PbU2BsHFjySvk3sdBltpA
* Hooded Cobra: www.youtube.com/channel/UCPTrmwO-xp_Zffjz97Ciliw
* Brotherhood of Satan: www.youtube.com/channel/UCbrFdKUWua0h4_ZhYldbOqg
* Messenger of the gods: www.youtube.com/channel/UCiTasNtFSxowI55OKit_gKg
* Darklordism: www.youtube.com/channel/UC6fNPmbAq2Qe05iFfKHIS-w
* Darkmatter2525: www.youtube.com/channel/UCLhtZqdkjshgq8TqwIjMdCQ
* Ancient Documentaries: www.youtube.com/channel/UCvI6MBlMf2gTMo0Qe3w143A
* Pharroh AK-47:
*Fostar Child:
* Michael W. Ford:
* Satan and Sons:
* Asbjorn Torvol:
* Azura Dragonfaether:
* Orlee Stewart:
* The Satanic Temple:
* The House of Magick:
* J.D. Temple:
The Satanic Priestess is a pivotal part of Satanic Black Magick ~ through the pop culture Satanism of Anton LaVey and the sensationalist reports of the Press the role of the Satanic Priestess has been degraded and rendered of low importance.
In truth the Satanic Priestess is a powerful Practitioner of the Black Arts with a unique ability to tap into the Infernal Current of Hell, the Gestated Seed of the Demonic Father Satan and the Demiurge like creative Black Womb of His Infernal Consort Lilith.
In popular Satanism the image of the naked woman on the Altar has utilized so purposely by The Church of Satan to attract the sort of Carnival/Porn hype it sort is hardly conducive to promoting a role of power form women in Satanism ~ but in Classical Theistic Satanism the Satanic Priestess is far more than an attractive Altar Decoration.
Yes the beauty and sexuality of woman is a form of Infernal power in itself and particularly taps into the carnal current of Demonic energies and yes the sexual power of the Priestess in Ritual is ineffable during certain Rites, but these are just elements of the Infernal Priestess and her Dark Powers.
Even the Sex Magick Rites portrayed in popular Satanism are portrayed with the woman as a sexual object to stimulate male Practitioners ~ as someone who was Initiated into an underground Coven of Classical Theistic Satanists who also held a vast amount of knowledge on LHP Tantric Sex Magick I was tutored to know that the reverse of this is the truth.
In the old ways of Satanic Sex Magick it was the Priests role to stimulate the Priestess without prospect of sexual release for himself and the most powerful of all Satanic Sexual Black Magick involves the Priest bringing the Priestess to multiple Orgasms through the art of cunnilingus while retaining his own arousal’s climax to aid the building power created by his Magickal Consort … this practice is known as Awakening The Grail and is an Operation of great power.
In other Rites in the Covens of Classical Satanic Sorcery and Witchcraft the Priestess is also viewed as the chief power in many Seership Rites, Practices involving the gestating Infernal energies into existing entities through the Satanic Scientific techniques of Homunculi and Golem Operations.
Certain substances of the female are also crucial to some of the Darkest Rites of Satanic Power ~ substances such as Menstrual Blood, Amniotic Fluid and Sexual Fluids of the female Satanists are honoured - and with good reason - as the elixirs from the Grail of Lilith!
The lost Arts of Classical Satanic Witchcraft are another area of Satanic practice in which the participation of the Satanic Priestess is of utmost importance, these Workings are a natural forces and wisdom within the Satanic Sorceress inhabited by the Dark Soul Marked by the Devil ~ in some of the more unknown and veiled Arts of Satanic Sorcery the link between Satan and Saturn and Lilith and the Dark Moon are truly harnessed by the Satanic High Priestess at times of induced power!
Ignore the sensationalist press and the pornographic settings of some of photos churned out at the outbreak of sixties Satanism, long before such popularized imagery of modern Satanic practices were spawned the Priestess of Classical Satanism and the Dark Sorceress of Satanic Witchcraft held far greater powers!
Dark Blessings
So I was able to get to one year. Then it was 5 years. This whole time I had people willing to take me to meetings all over the place. I was in a large city at the time and I was able to get to any meeting near a bus stop.
Then I bought a house in the middle of no where.
I didn't have a car, my husband wasn't going to waste the gas to take me to a meeting and then come back out to get me. One person would take me to meetings and back home, but he stopped. I ended up not going to meetings, not even the one down the street from me. We had the same group of people and I noticed that going to hear the same story every 4 to 6 weeks was boring the hell out of me. Also there was a bit of a problem with the lip service. There were posters and signs and even in the speech at the closing of the meeting that said, "If you have a problem, share it with someone." I would share the problem and get no feedback. Or I would be told to ask someone at the meeting for something, because my father in law knew them, and when I asked, they would just walk away. I knew I didn't want to be there anymore.
I stopped going to meetings after 10 years. I think it was just before 10 years, because I don't have a 10 year chip. I now have 17 years behind me and I did it without the help of AA.
I'm glad I left when I did. If you were not a god loving/fearing christian, they wouldn't talk to you at all. I was feeling all snubbed and unwanted, and when I left, I didn't look back. I don't want to believe in something I don't feel in my heart. Telling them that I didn't believe in god made them all question me and how could I be sober without a god in my life.
I was tired of people in that religious cult (yes I called AA a religious cult) trying to sell me on god. I don't need any of that. I don't need to tell god or any other person what or why I did something wrong. When I talk to someone about how many years I have in, they ask me how I did it. I tell them that I did it on my own and I don't need AA or the 12 steps.
I was watching the tv show Mom the other day and when the drug addicts or alcoholics were trying to make amends, they couldn't see that the other person was being harmed again by them bringing up something from the past. I don't do that. If I harmed anyone in my past, they would see that I have already made amends by not putting them thru whatever hell I put them thru the first time.
I'm good without god.
I would really appreciate hearing from you soon I'm also a
Satanic High Priest I'm from San Francisco California
Hail Satan.
High Priest Bravewolf
Run all you want Spike. I am the Slayer, and your canines must be put down. Fucking Hannibal Lecter!
OWNERZach Black1 minute ago From what I hear it is the best yet . The last legit documentary was ' Speak of the Devil ' by Larry Weassel ( Sorry Larry ) in 1994.
You will see Gilmore , K. Anger , Blanhe Barton and more . Hard copies not available yet . You can purchase a cloud copy for 13.00 bucks. I will buy it tonight and tell you how it is .
Trailer is HERE
In 1989, I met Anton LaVey for the first time. At this time in his life, LaVey was seeing only a select few people. For this film, I've met and interviewed some of them, to try and create a composite image of what he was really like, and what he meant to these people. It's a memory lane trip, filled with personal stories, dark humor, great music and never before seen material with the "Black Pope" himself.
Anton LaVey was many things to many people: musician, magician, writer, wild animal trainer, police photographer, film buff, founder of a magical group, and possibly of a new religion, and yes… He was a Satanist. With his creation of the infamous Church of Satan in 1966, and his bestselling book The Satanic Bible in 1969, Anton LaVey changed the ballgame in many ways. Here was a free-spirited San Francisco based group neither in favour of mind-expanding drugs, nor of peace & love for its own sake. Here was a group that was decidedly, outspokenly anti-Christian. Here was a group that brought dark pro-sexual psychodrama and the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche straight into American living rooms and TV couches. Anton LaVey became a celebrity scapegoat who basked in the attention, and made a successful career out of it. But who was Anton LaVey behind the public persona that so easily provoked primitive American Christians and other intolerants? Who was this enigmatic “American Adversary”?
This film contains never before shown interview material with LaVey, private photographs, and rare recordings, plus in-depth interviews with Blanche Barton, Peter Gilmore, Peggy Nadramia, Bob Johnson, Kenneth Anger, Michael Moynihan, Mitch Horowitz, Ruth Waytz, Larry Wessel, Margie Bauer, Jack Stevenson, and Jim Morton.
All rights reserved © Carl Abrahamsson 2019
<There was a segue here with a reference to all of 'this' being equal to jerking off in the bathroom to Phoebe Cates. That was pretty much it. >
She shadows me in the mirror
She never leaves on the light
And some things that I say to her
They just don't seem to bite
It's all mixed up (x3)
She tricks me into thinkin'
I can't believe my eyes
I wait for her forever
But she never does arrive
It's all mixed up
And never did arrive... or the one I was expecting anyway.
So much omniscience.
But how did you know when you were a Satanist? Like... What happened that made you be like, "Huh... This is what I am.... Damn it feels good to be free." Oh whatever it is you said when you "Woke up".
Well anyways, I was sitting in class with a friend practicing Arabic. I really wanted to use my multi-language skill at that time to get a scholarship. And here's the thing, I was one of the school's heavy weight power lifters, (I used to do squat, bench, and dead lift 220 lbs). And I was sitting there, going over flash cards with a friend when a bunch of this 80-90 lbs females with enormous bows, bit ass obnoxious crosses, (I lived in Texas) and everyone except maybe 5-7 of us in the school were not Baptists.
Now with the swing of an arm I could have easily hurt these females. Because I also played softball. About 4-5 of them started dumping water on me, and beating the shit out of me with these fucking bibles. Now as this is going threw my head, I could 2 things:
First: Just fucking loose it. Every one wants to call me the "Red Diablos" Fine. I will show them Red Diablos.
Second: Let them, because I know the type of damage I could easily so on their very tiny bodies if I just swung my arms and hit them to the point of knocking them out with one hit.
OR.... Or the third option: Grabbing the leaders wrist, I squeezed her wrist making her fall to her knees. In a calm but firm voice I reminded them that at that time I was Catholic. And that I was practicing a language to go to a better school than the stupid fucking Christian College that the high school wanted me to go to. And that next time they hit me or even so much came near me, that I was going to make the Satan himself proud with what I was going to do with their bodies and souls. Needless to say, they never ever did that again.
I ended up moving schools because we moved back to Colorado. Now being back in Colorado Springs, I didn't really run into that problem again. And thats when I realized that so many tiny towns, and small communities really make it difficult for most people when they are trying to not only find out who they are, but what they are.
Am I saying all tiny communities are like this? No, no I am not. But what I am saying is this: people suck and they are quick to blame anything on Satan, or another language that is just being used to open new doors into one's life.
Chicken pox be like '' What up nigga remember me Mr. C to the P? I did not kill you last time but left form scars on your face to remember me by. Well, now that you are middle aged bitch let me introduce you to my big brotha Shingles!
Every time I can feel the fervor of mindless group think creep into my mind all I have to do is think "what would Satan do" and all peace is restored. Of course I am not talking about the actual Satan just the thought if all things attached to the mask of Satan. Heading down the Left Hand Path has helped me save myself. I was headed down the dreadful path of sheep mindlessness. Satanism is the cure to the madness of group think.
An unbearable cacophony of uncritical examination exhibited remains a demon not slain.
Let's begin.
"Ohio University Emeritus Professor William Romoser analyzed a number of photos from various Mars rovers and found insect-like and reptile-like forms in the images, appearing to verify that life exists on Mars. As scientists scramble to determine whether there is life on Mars, Ohio ..."
Full Story Formerly Here: Link <--- Notice how the link is gone?
More evidence NASA seeks to cover up and hide the truth from everyone! He was right, a trained doctor of entomology isn't stupid. There is nothing to suggest a mind trained to recognize patterns and shapes from photographic evidence, like an insect exoskeleton, is going to have a bias and mistake a blurry image. There is not even a word for it.
I found even more evidence, and it something I must share.
A. The best evidence yet. Clearly there are both turtles on Mars and clearly they have developed some form of fashion. You see him attempting to blend in to an intentionallly set up decoy string of rocks that had to be placed. This is likely how this creature evolved to defend against the "triaxle rovers" that wander the surface.
B. The skeleton of a sea creature. Possibly resembling a coelacanth. You'll notice the discolored soil looks almost saturated by water suggesting this is a tidepool of some sort
C. A flash-fossilized rabbit.
D. This is not an accidental point where i touched the image with the black marker tool. But a type of snorkel for a creature that buries itself in the ground by day and breaths through a tube constructed of martian bamboo* and tar from a naturally occurring petroleum pits
* Only grows in places inaccessible by all probes.
"A" is incontrovertible. The others just support it. I think NASA knows something about the fashionable space turtles and is deliberately keeping it hidden despite their own equipment capturing these living creatures on film.
They know the atmosphere is breathable and there is life and subterranean rivers and oceans of creatures forced underground 3 billion years ago. They have evolved to live on little to no oxygen and/or can substitute nitrogen.
Just like the falsely discredited Top Secret Apollo 20 mission they have photographic evidence that there is a vast City of Glorious Intricacy established on the dark side of the moon complete with preserved hideous onion people. Seriously! Look up The Orange Mission Too. Onion people and space turtles.
The truth is no one. Trust out there.
plus you can have a case/tinker-board/power-supply/monitor/micro-sdcard for around 100usd not bad at all
Poetic Poetry and Possibly Pottery
I hate poetry
it's fucking lame
haiku and simile
one in the same
Quatrains and couplets
for liberal art fuckwits
Devices and meters
For cure fans and teachers
Some words are better
To wrap up together
It may take precision
To expand repetition
Rhythm intertwines
By syllable and line
Now butcher the verse
reword or reverse
correct and reherse
a new butchered verse
by syllable and line
of rhythm intertwined
Expanded repetition
of careful precision
to wrap up together
the words that are better
The cure fans and teachers
Their devices and meters
Are liberal art fuckwits
with Quatrains and couplets
Haiku or simile
All fucking lame
I still hate poetry
All the same.
And nothing about pottery.
* For disclaimer reasons Satanic International Network does not endorse or condone this sure-fire way to divine introspection and knowing oneself.
They are your magical ticket to a holy or terrifying experience.
* Venom must completely dry to a crystaline form before being vaporized. Or just smoke it like you would DMT.
I know this might have seemed a bit scatter brained, however I don't want to take up too much time and tell a story.
This is just a simple window to parts of my life.
The rest is up for you to ask.
There are times of my life I will probably write about as a blog.
But they won't be shared in this present moment and time.
For those who wish to talk to me, I look forward to meeting you.
Have a pleasant evening.