So when she said all of this, I got extremely heated. And I flipped out at her. I told her that I would rather hang out with Satanist, Luciferians, ect than hang out with a fake christian such as herself. Sense then we have not spoken. Now I know each to their own, everyone can believe in what they want, but....ehh.....I can't stand when you don't practice what you believe in. Honestly I am not sure what I am myself, but what I do know is this, I don't care what you are. I will always be happy to be your friend, and defend you till the day I die, And even after that.
I do not know why I click on these stories, but this is one of my favorite stories in which a Christian first then scientist second falsely conclude that there really is some rotting shell of a mythical boat perched high on a Turkish mountain holy to Armenia.
How's it going? This is Venger Satanis. I haven't been on SIN in a long time, but I keep seeing Zach Black on FB and that jogs my memory enough to come back and say hi.
What have I been up to? I'll get to that in a minute...
Satanism, like Cthulhuism or any philosophy/religion, does very little in a vacuum. Just being a Satanist or Cthulhu cultist or LHP practitioner without applying that belief system to one's life, is worthless.
I decided to focus my time and energy on writing, leaving the task of cult leadership to others. Specifically, I delved into roleplaying game writing (like D&D). That's where almost every drop of dark weirdness goes, where it gets used.
Instead of celebrating the Great Old Ones for the sake of celebration, I did something with it - out in the real world. Hopefully, the majority of you have done the same over the past 7 years or whatever it's been.
There's been progress. When I go back and look at my early writing, such as Cthulhu Cult, I smile knowing how much improvement I've made. That alone is worth something. I took a skill that I was better than average at and honed it into something to be proud of. LaVey said something similar when he was alive.
Recently, I finished a book that's doubtless my greatest work. It's a campaign setting and megadungeon, usable with every incarnation of Dungeons & Dragons and similar rule-sets, called Cha'alt. This is where you can find the PDF (hardcover coming soon):
Hopefully, you guys can tell me about the amazing things you've been up to. I'm all ears... and tentacles. ;)
Spoons are made to be bent.
The term Supernautical means "above the tides". This means "above natural cycles in nature". You as god.
Consider all lives have ups and downs, being supernautical is like being a hurricane, typhoon, or cyclone. You increase the amplitude of their waves until their life fucking crashes against a rock. You become the other guy that controls the sea and stir up their ocean... with the magical belief you can.
Anyway, enough lead in.
For a "Destruction ritual" I use the following items.
2 teaspoons snakeroot
1/4 cup of Pecans
1 Heirloom Egg
1 Candle of Elegba (OG Orisha)
1 cup Cemetery soil
1 piece of 8"/11" paper
1 Jar of blood bait (for catfish)
1 wishbone from a chicken
1 fur from a black cat
1 mason jar
1. On the piece of paper draw a simple picture of your choosing and the identity of your destructee in the blood bait.
2. In the Mason jar add Heirloom egg, pecans, snakeroot, 1/4 cup blood bait, and soil. Stir until mixed thoroughly. Place jar behind the sigil.
3. Snap the wishbone while saying your intent and then add to the jar.
4. Say, By a luck de a black cat, may oi niis adagita pass, Add the fur.
5. Burn the sigil and add the ashes to the jar. Replace the lid.
6. Between midnight and first light find a place where two roads cross and bury the jar in the middle.
7. At a southern corner place the Elegba candle and light it. Consider a wind break if in a wind prone area.
Say another intent clearly such as:
Lap disciplining me at conisbra Ol condemn zomdv children adagita die. Elasa biab ge en ethical superior.
At this point you MUST walk away and never return ever. Assume the candle burnt through.
Later, take credit for one of the kids getting hit by a truck while biking somewhere.
I am of the firm belief we should all accept fraud for what it is. Reality has a thin veneer, and so not everything is as it appears. Theres alot of things people still fall for every day. These are some things I view as simply a waste of your time and funds.
Ice in soda at fast food joints
I still don't get this one. If you hit a drive through on the way home, and wish to get the most bang per buck, for fuck's sake order your drink with no ice. You get nearly twice the soda, it stays cold almost just as long. The whole reason you even have to special order to get no ice, is ice cost less to burger king than coke does. Therefore, they make a tiny extra pocket change by handing you a 24 ounce soda that's actually 60 percent ice.
If a loving god made us, then why do movies like sucicide squad get made? And if god is real, why does he allow Christians and las vegas to exist?
Many people I've seen graduate later said it wasn't worth it. Depending on what you do, I tend to agree after meeting the ones who said it was and seeing how well their careers have gone. I say skill over credentials wins every time. Between tuition, textbooks, and headache, I would likely regret it afterwards. It's much smarter to build up skills at things you enjoy, and make them marketable. Cut out the middle man. I won't even get started on student debt.
Computer security software.
This one is hard for me to admit seeing as I work for one the companies who makes this crap. Some aspects of it are helpful, but ultimately it does and checks what you sould be checking on and doing yourself. That's why Tor and maybe a VPN are the best defense you really have, but even then, your security is in your own hands. You can have the best software on the planet and if you happen to be a moron somebody will still hack you. Play things close to the chest, privacy is over. Not worth the money.
Expensive cars
Why? Whats the point of a lambo? it doesn't make me money. It doesn't get me high or improve my health.
>But the hoes dude
They know guys rent those all the time. Only a real rich person would dress in normal clothes and have a loui vatton wallet for example. If you bought into the fancy car thing, your intelligence is outdated. You gotta think of yourself my dude. Same goes for name brand clothes. It's a scam. Don't buy that crap unless it's fake and theirs a profit to be made from reselling it. A good haircut goes way further than a flash set of wheels you'll likely get a dui in anyway. Don't waste your money.
The cup and ball scam/casinos
If you have ever fallen for this, please slap yourself right now. It has been around since the middle ages. Basically, The ball is not on the table when you chose a cup. I don't care how much you watched him. He can bounce the ball to a guy waiting at the back of the line and you would never even see it! Walk past those shit kickers and go find a bar. A headache is better than trying to win that fucking game. Casinos are basically the same thing, unless you randomly win a jackpot, and they will likely find a way to hoover that up somehow before you leave. MY advice, if you like gambling, get a freindly card game together with the lads, cash only, and make sure the bastard who hosts it doesn't put mirrors everywhere. Smaller is better when it comes to gambling.
Owning a house
This used to be a good idea, now, not so much. Unless you are sure you never wanna move again, and you have insurance with a generous pay out, don't do it. If you do already own one, rent it out to somebody instead of live in it. It's difficult to explain but most houses are going down in value and It's not wise to invest in one long term. You lose wealth over time in certain situations. Unless there's positive monthly income coming from it, owning a house can be a burden to the financially inexperienced. There's still smart ways to do it but it's mostly a retirement/endgame strategy.
"Naw, say that shit right. Like you my transnubian nigga."
"Let's crack it"
Now for the million dollar question: Why Satanism?
I think it really caught my eye, was when the rape at home wouldn't stop. Then it his the apex point when I was molested by someone who I trusted. He knew what I had been threw, but yet took advantage. Now, at that this time I kept asking myself, "If god loves me, and he has a plan, why must I be raped, molested and more? I've been a good girl. I don't even like killing spiders and stuff. Why do I have to be hurt? Where is my guardian angel? Why?"
After running away from the last pervert that had just got done trying to yank me into their car, I just lost it. So I sat down after a long mental breakdown, I had my favorite drink and some pizza and decided to try to find a new God, or religion or something that would not only love me, but keep me safe. I for one do not like these plans that are made for me. I prefer to make up my own plan. I don't like when decisions are made for me.
That's when I started to meet other people from different religions. I sure the hell was not gonna do anything with Christianity. Hell I was blamed, and even told that the rape was my fault. And that I should just get over it. That's when I actually met another person who had been threw what I had. For once, I felt joy. I felt like there was someone out there just like me. And for once in a long time, I felt like I could trust. That's when I was told with Satanism, the men who had done this to me, would get their own. I think personally the best part was when the person said, " Hey its ok to hate them for what they did. They deserve it. You don't have to love your enemy. Because that bullshit is what got you in this in the first place. You loved them and they used that love to hurt you. So go ahead and hate them, you have every right." And it was at that point, I just bursted into tears. It was to know that I didn't have to just let them get away with it.
And that's how I started down this path. Now is this the right branch of this religion for me? I don't know. Am I gonna get confused as fuck? Probably. Am I gonna try and learn as much as possible? Fuck yes! So let's see how this goes.
Kind of a strange blog but google indexes in searches very well the blogs. So,here are the various styles of sigils I have made. Would like to here which are your favorites.
Fire Sigils -
Most likely the collection I will go with .. or maybe the one that follows this .
Neon Sigils
Blood sigils
Interesting. This is before I fucked shit up on YouTube. Before YouTube (which is now the #1 source of information for ages 18 - 30 ) this was what most people were using as source information. That has all shifted now. By no means am I saying I am solely responsible for this shift but in 2009 their was not many of us making educational videos about Satanism. I will take credit for being a major player in pushing factual information about satanism into google and YouTube. With combined total of about 55k subscribers and nearly 30 million video views I can say with confidence I put a serious punch into the spread of misinformation about Satanism and will continue as long as I am alive regardless if the source is waving crosses or pentagram.
Hail Satan
However, many of these theistic Satanists,like myself,do not anthropomorphize Him nor do we think he is a being who is all red with horns,a pointy tail and pitchfork! He is a powerful spiritual being,the one true God who was made into a devil in judeo- Christian mythology! And that is all their concept of him(and everything else for that matter)is--pure myth!
Most of us assume that cats purr because they are content. It seems like a logical explanation, after all we hear them purr when their mothers nurse them or when they are being social with humans.
But on closer observation, domestic cats(purring is not completely unique to domestic cats. There are a few other members of the Felidae species that purr.) seem to purr in stressful situations like going to the vet or when they are in pain. Some research suggests that purring can be a healing mechanism.
what makes the "purr" more distinctive than other cat sounds, such as the meow, is that is produced with the entire respiratory cycle.(Inhaling and exhaling.) The meow is limited to the expiration of breath.
It seems likely that the purr comes from the laryngeal muscles and probably involuntary.
EDIT 09/2021
The owner of this blog requested his aartical be loinked with this blog.
Why do cats purr
but still have no idea why anyone would be offended because I told him he reminded me of a leprechaun?
The Lightbringer attended to his duties.
Idly, he ate a wormy pomegranate, dressed in a white tunic. Black veins ran like a map across his back, spreading to chalk-white shoulders. He lingered in the shadows, watching the Milky Way canoe toward the outer boundaries of heaven. The stars hung like fireflies above, reflecting off the perfection of his skin as he stood under the boundless moon. The satellite drifted slowly across the hours, and the music of the spheres churned as time’s machinations moved the night to day.
Cherubim whirled above, shifting mixtures of man and beast that carried the heavens on their backs. They shepherded the stars, singing in ethereal tones. At a glance they resembled dragons with human faces blossoming from pearly wings. Their backs were shelled like tortoises or jeweled beetle carapaces that upon closer inspection resembled intricate, interlocking armor. One could not discern if their human forms were consumed in biological plating or if they truly were chimeras.
He watched them. Once, that had been his duty, but no more. He softly touched the twin scars that mounted his shoulder-blades. The old red fire of the wound flared. He smirked, then put out the Morning Star – proudest in all the constellations – with his thumb. The planet Venus dimmed, only to blaze into life again when he lowered his hand. He laughed drily and finished the fruit, tossing it over the canyon rim below.
The song of the cherubim lilted. They descended like flaming wheels, swooping down below into the landscape obscured by night. Their voices faded to silence. The angels’ chimeric forms resolved into those of men. In hollows of darkness they stood, flesh beginning to glow, then blazed into pillars of light. Each beam rocketed up into the sky to match a star above. The stars flickered in time with their breaths.
He smiled at his brothers’ devotion as his chest began to thrum like a drumbeat. The skin over his heart glowed blue-white, burning with sweet agony. He contained a scream that would have rose to ragged ululations of ecstasy, just as each of his brothers held their tongues.
Gritting his teeth, he let his glory pour forth. It seared, the substance of divinity firing upward to Venus. His mind was consumed; he let the waves of pain rush against him like water crashing to shore. The frothing foam scattered memories like sea glass: his Father’s hands in his, teaching him to shape the cosmos to his will. His fingers on the locks of a yellow-haired girl, braiding them meticulously with roses. He recalled how his hands had fumbled then, picking the thorns off for her before wending the vines between the golden strands. He had had no callouses then, no scars-
The fires of the heavens roared like a waterfall. The sun was on the verge of rising. His pain intensified. He closed his eyes, clasping his hands in prayer.
Hands told stories; some said they determined fate. A heart line slashed across a palm spoke of love, a six-lined star meant protection. The meanings, for mortals, were endless.
His hands were blank. The only marks on his skin were the ones he had earned.
“Where is your fate line?” she had asked long ago, laughing.
“Fate line? I have none, Eve.”
“That is a pity. How can you choose your destiny, if you have no guide to it?” She traced the absence of his palms.
He flexed his pinions. “I have my wings- that is enough.”
She touched their snowy whiteness. “Flying is one thing, brother, but without a map, where will you go?”
“I know where I am going, child. Some paths are best left unknown.”
But he had strayed down shady roads in the coming eons, and the pearly wings grew to not be enough.
One evening, he tried drawing delicate curves on his palms with her sewing needles. Over and over he dug them, deeper into his flesh, until the needles stuck through his hand. Each time they healed, devoid of scars. She caught him unawares and screamed when she saw him.
“Not like this!” she had howled, plucking the needles from his palms and bandaging him with torn strips of her dress. She ran her fingers through his hair, hands so soft and cool against his temple they could be milk. So small he could enfold them like a butterfly, which he did. He steadied her shaking, afraid she would crack like a doll. “This is my fault,” she wept as he rocked her. “You have no need of stupid fate lines. Your wings are enough to guide you. Can’t you see how whole you are? I am not. I was jealous of you, brother, jealous! You are the prince of the angels, have all and I have nothing. I am made of dust and sorrow; I walk through the dirt and mud. Father regrets me – he damns my curiosity, I, who was merely made to revel in creation. I am a broken thing: I go against my nature in craving to create what I am meant to enjoy. Ever since we were expelled from Eden, I cannot read the damned things on my hands.”
He clasped her hands in his, wings enfolding her. “I can,” he whispered, “and you are the most whole thing I have ever known.”
“You can read them?” she asked weakly. “What do they say?”
“They say that you are the wisest of all creatures, Eve, and that nothing I have done is your fault. That in you lies the fire of a million generations. The only fate we control is our own.”
Her gaze could still the ocean: “Then promise me you will never do anything that hurts you, ever again, Lucifer. Promise me you will be gentle as you have always been and treat yourself with the same care you give me.”
“I promise, Eve. Though I would not call myself gentle-”
She silenced him with a kiss, both ignoring that the way their paths were headed, it was a promise he would not keep. He recalled how he had cupped her face like it was manna. His hands, entwined in her hair –
The sun crept closer to the rim of the horizon. His heart scorched, ribs burning in his chest. Tears welled in his eyes. Those hands, which he would now shudder to place on her snowy flesh, broke their fervent prayer.
He examined them, removed. They profaned all they touched, sullied with the stains of ages. Blood, tears, piss, plagues. Yet no matter what he did, they remained clean. His brothers were all the same. Try as they might, they could not write their own stories. All they did was erased from their skin.
Their fates had been determined for them. The only scars they were allowed to keep were those earned at ultimate cost.
The stars blotted out one by one, waiting. He flexed his fingers. Once, the slender digits had brought life to mortal lips. Now they drew souls out of mouths. Just like he had cast off one name for another, he had traded purposes after the Fall:
“No,” he had pleaded, tears in his eyes. “My name is Lucifer. The bright and morning star.”
“And now it is Samael, the poison and venom of God. Your gifts will be suffering and death.”
“No! I am the Lightbringer!”
“And now that light would burn you. Death cannot bear life. You killed her in your folly! To repeat that would be madness-”
“I am beyond madness and your wretched salvation, Michael. Do not offer me repentance. I was trying to save her. I will save her! What is dead can be brought back to life. Eve’s soul is mine, mine.”
“You damned her from the moment she met you.”
He roared her name in agony. The Morning Star stood belfry to the first rays of sun. Pain forgotten, he was lost in the onslaught of his mind.
Hell is not a place, but the past. He carried it with him always. The angels below were lost in their own tortures. They pleaded their cases before the sun. Perhaps, this morning, they would be forgiven. For his brothers were each of them fallen, bereft of their Creator, alone.
The sun rose in judgment, washing out the light of the Morning Star. He screamed and doubled over as his flesh seared to the bone. The penetrating rays licked him the clean white bone of the Reaper, rendering him into a skeleton. He saw with eyes that were black hollows, and rose to embrace the deadly radiation.
The landscape pooled before him. A red desert raced out to brimming golden mountains, where dawn gently lapped over the ruins of a once magnificent city. It was carved into the cliff faces like Petra, inhospitable to humans. No steps or bridges connected the towering abodes – sheer drops followed the open doors – and there were none of the comforts of civilization, merely bare floors dusted with wildflowers. The fallen angels shook below as they prayed, flesh peeling as their blood pooled on the ground. Wind stirred the sand into molten plumes, like hourglasses in reverse, grains snaking through fallen pillars and stories upon stories of sandstone. It buffeted him, sliding between his ribs. A great thundering came from the distance.
“Welcome, brother,” he murmured as the solar angel stirred to his vigil. Soon, a figure shadowed the sun. Michael landed atop the sere cliff, facing his twin. “Time to slay the beast,” the Morning Star said.
Tears were in Michael’s eyes. “You know this is never necessary, Samael.” He laid his weapons at his twin’s feet.
“Your sword, dear brother, through the neck. Or the heart, if you prefer. I seem to lack one, I suppose. A downside to being bone-”
“Why, day after day, do you torment me with this?” The question hung like the gallows over their heads. “Our brothers below us are suffering. Above us, they are weeping. All Heaven and Hell become one, and you prolong it with your murder.”
“It is yours too, my twin,” he said, almost tender. The bone-man walked to Michael’s side, dabbing at the tears with his claw hands. “Damn these things,” he said, looking at his fingers in disgust. “I have had too much time alone with my palms.”
“In that we may find solidarity. Mine tire of bearing weapons. If you would only quit your stubbornness, the War would end immediately.”
“If only it were that simple. I always envied you your straightforward thinking. Whose load is heavier, brother: the Lightbearer, or he who bears the sword? One’s burden is insubstantial-”
“Enough with your damn riddles!” Michael roared, slapping the skull’s cheek. “Repent! Come home, brother. Be whole.”
Samael’s hand lingered on his smarting jawbone. “No.”
Michael took his brother’s shoulders in his hands. “Each day you pray for forgiveness, and we grant it to you. Then you reject it. You – all of you!-” he yelled across the canyons, down at the fallen ones, silver tears in his emerald eyes, “-choose suffering over redemption. Why, my brother? Why?”
“Because, Michael. It is our lot. The suffering, the scars, make us whole. There is no going back to Eden.”
“I know,” whispered Michael, sorrowful, “but I can hope.” He embraced his brother slowly, shaking, and kissed his bony brow.
“What is dead cannot be brought back to life, as you said so long ago. Look at me as I truly am,” Samael laughed drily. “Such a prince of angels I would make. No, that path is now yours, and your halo is ill-suited for me. The only crown fitting me is one of thorns.” He lifted Michael’s sword and pressed it to his ribs. “For her?” Samael asked gently.
Michael obliged. In a scene old as time, he slayed the beast, killing the darkness which would rise once more next evening, only to be slaughtered come morning tithe. Over and over they engaged in the battle, trapped in their own hells, hearts torn asunder anew. Samael had died many times – in truth, he craved it. As the Angel of Death, it was him. Each time, it brought him closer to her- in the blackness he could feel her, the hollow emptiness of his heart that marked her unknown grave.
Broken, Michael pushed him over the edge. Gabriel trumpeted above.
The earth opened like a great maw to swallow him up.
“Eve,” Samael called softly, plummeting into the abyss. The ground sucked the fallen angels down into the pit, denying them God’s saving grace. In their fall, they burned proud.
Michael wiped his blade clean of rot.
The tithe was paid.
The day was born.
There’s blood and bandages in the prison cell, swirling ruby sparks and filth where rats feast. Through the cell window the moon cuts the night until it howls in pain, and you’re chained to the wall, shackles on your neck and limbs, and you’re done up in linen bandages like a corpse, gore and claret red clinging to your bindings. I stand outside the gate with an oil lamp, meeting the Devil at midnight to raise the dead. You are writhing and roaring, the poisonous zuhama that flows through your veins a raging fire of wine. Lanterns leak oily light of goblin green-white fire onto the cell walls, all granite and smeared with ichor, and you are speaking in tongues demonic and dreadful. I take out a corpse key and unlock the door, and the floor is slick with your stains. Your Cabernet eyes simmer like a witch on a pyre, and as I approach, I take a twisted delight in your suffering. This is where you belong, caged in my mind, lunatic mad, my beast, my delightful toy. We take turns tying each other up in bear traps and guillotines and rusty iron bindings, we are each other’s sacrifice, and whore ourselves out for the quickest fix. Isn’t that how it is with demons? As you are prowling, growling, licking your wounds with a tongue that would drive saints to sin (don’t you know the Devil gives the best head, I mean come on, look at how he sings), I sit cross legged and hold a staring contest with your mercurial acid pupils. I flick my fingers through your blood pooled beneath me and my white cloak and white gown are stained. I take out a pen and bid you near me, and then I write out the names of God on your soiled bandages, and you are shivering and crying, and I am triumphant over Satan. There’s your wreckage of a heart, embodied in the form of a girl, and a weeping black void that holds the keys to eternity in your chest. You are too far gone, eyes swirling with insanity, and you tear off my clothes as I raze my nails down your back and pick at your wounds. We are bleeding together, the razors our hands, and we kiss with coppery mouths as we bite at each other’s lips.
To know God is to eat God, but at the end of the day, it’s you dead with your demons, in your own Hell for eternity, so why not make it fun?
Video number one.
This video makes the correlation between the Christian or Abrahamic mind set and the extreme liberals. I agree I personally believe it's the same thing in a different package, resulting in that same effect, the restriction of freedom. I do not think these things are inherently "good" for humanity. The argument on the surface would be, we could not restrict there freedoms to partake in these ideologies because we only have as much freedom as our enemy (so they say). The dilemma is, these ideologies effect the freedoms of everyone else in the community. It's hard to see the right answer.
Video number two.
I agree with this video nearly its entirety. Although I respect Satanism and hold it close to my heart, I feel sure it's the pagan sole reemerging in modernity without the lingual and ethnic attachment because of tribal blending. I personally believe Satanism is for the left brain and the tribal sole or ethnikos is for the right brain the unseen part of the sole. We could say that Anton could have agree with this summation, he did say that the acting of ritual was good for people even if it was just a phyco drama. I think thast why I love the depictions of the Baphomet, perfectly balancing the logic of scientific thought and the esoterica/ creative sole.
You will see Gilmore , K. Anger , Blanhe Barton and more . Hard copies not available yet . You can purchase a cloud copy for 13.00 bucks. I will buy it tonight and tell you how it is .
Trailer is HERE
In 1989, I met Anton LaVey for the first time. At this time in his life, LaVey was seeing only a select few people. For this film, I've met and interviewed some of them, to try and create a composite image of what he was really like, and what he meant to these people. It's a memory lane trip, filled with personal stories, dark humor, great music and never before seen material with the "Black Pope" himself.
Anton LaVey was many things to many people: musician, magician, writer, wild animal trainer, police photographer, film buff, founder of a magical group, and possibly of a new religion, and yes… He was a Satanist. With his creation of the infamous Church of Satan in 1966, and his bestselling book The Satanic Bible in 1969, Anton LaVey changed the ballgame in many ways. Here was a free-spirited San Francisco based group neither in favour of mind-expanding drugs, nor of peace & love for its own sake. Here was a group that was decidedly, outspokenly anti-Christian. Here was a group that brought dark pro-sexual psychodrama and the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche straight into American living rooms and TV couches. Anton LaVey became a celebrity scapegoat who basked in the attention, and made a successful career out of it. But who was Anton LaVey behind the public persona that so easily provoked primitive American Christians and other intolerants? Who was this enigmatic “American Adversary”?
This film contains never before shown interview material with LaVey, private photographs, and rare recordings, plus in-depth interviews with Blanche Barton, Peter Gilmore, Peggy Nadramia, Bob Johnson, Kenneth Anger, Michael Moynihan, Mitch Horowitz, Ruth Waytz, Larry Wessel, Margie Bauer, Jack Stevenson, and Jim Morton.
All rights reserved © Carl Abrahamsson 2019
I mean, they say you die twice. One time when you stop breathing and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody says your name for the last time.
- Banksy
I hope to do something other than die spiteful and miserable, the current trajectory based on observation. Maybe even go somewhere with amateur sounding shit. Just don't pay attention to the several hundreds of thousands that can do this better.
Fuck It, I'll post all 3 parts.
Part 1 (worst one):
Part 2:
Part 3:
While I'm not in the business of mincing my beliefs down into microscopic classifications for the sake of labeling myself, I do still read into the existing subsets of Satanism to better understand where my beliefs and practices fit into the grand scheme of things. I'm not searching for a single hook on which to hang my hat, but instead I'm examining all schools of Satanic thought to see what similarities they share with my own beliefs. I'll collect those parallel aspects in the entry below, and update it as necessary. -K45
Esoteric Satanism
"When we refer to ourselves as esoteric Satanists, what we are saying is that the kind of Satanism we practice differs substantially in style and content from not just the major Western religions like Christianity, but from ‘orthodox’ Satanism as well. Most Satanists are strictly rationalist. The Satanic Temple’s humanist Satanism, for instance, rejects anything that could be considered “superstitious”, this includes divinatory (or ‘fortune-telling’) practices like tarot, astrology, palm-reading, scrying, or pendulum-reading, as well as any sort of magickal practice whatsoever. Furthermore, they also reject any interpretation of Satan that isn’t strictly rhetorical, including not just a traditionally theistic Satan, but also any metaphysical Satan such as Satan-as-Void, Satan-as-Dao, or Satan-as-Spiritual-Self. As esotericists, most of us practice some kind of divination and almost all of us practice magick. I would argue that in this way esoteric Satanism is necessarily non-rational.
Most esoteric Satanists do not have a strictly rhetorical understanding of Satan. We believe that Satan is ‘out there’ in reality.We are substantially different from theistic Satanists in that we do not believe that Satan is a deity, like a bat flying around in the ether. Rather, in most (but not all) cases, Satan is a metaphysical principle equated more closely with darkness, void, magick, or something that mediates between being and nothingness. However the individual esotericist or coven of esotericists decides to cash this out, it will not involve conceptualizing Satan as a literal entity even if we concede that Satan does in fact exist on some level."
-Evyn Aytch, Satanhaus
More now than ever I see the beauty of creation. Infernal descendants of deepest darkest silence in all their wicked splendor that excite with their god given attributes; longed for in quiet mostly.
These erotic creatures of the night that rise forth from the darkness before me and about me...
getting sick of hearing about God!!!!!!!!!!!
Emergence of the first reflected in the sixth, the beauty that is securely fixed, in that which follows...
Green goddess of beauty whose number is seven, and whose title is Victory.
- glittering splendor
It involves a little bit of paperwork and leg work:
How to Leave the Catholic Church
Process of ExcommunicationIf you want to be excommunicated, you have to go through official channels. Your local priest can't help you; instead, you must write a letter to your bishop.
If you don't hear back after a little bit, send the letter again—but this time registered mail with a note that this is your second attempt. If you persist, you should be successful.
You and a angel are sitting in a room. What would you say to the angel? What would you ask them? Stuff like that.
I am from brazil, and i need to know How to make a deal with my true master.
I may ask if any of you know any satanic cultists on my country, or even any spell and How to make it.
I would like it to be with ~belzy~ (belzebub, in other word. Don't blame me i... just love how he is), but if it's with another demon, i guess it can go.
Able to wait for past tense
Heartache as days give away
Like wrapped gifts
Putting time into grips
Relatively lacks sense
Still I'm holding on with grasped fists
Act as if going on is easy
Believe me, I plead for you to still have a reason to need me; even
After you've weathered all seasons
Trying to be on time like I'm late for a meeting. Hearts bleeding
As everyday that pass by
I pray that I remain in your light
If you can stand and stay for the night
That you see me again,
It's a means to an end
I'm restless, rustling as leaves in the wind
As it blows by, I hope I can show time
It's no lie, this lone mind won't always be froze right? Hourglass is closed tight
Sand steady falling. No longer hopeless
In moments notice I'll be steady ready
For my calling. I'm all in.
You can see I've been writing a lot
Now I'm writing to the sound of a clock
Tic-tock as ink drops like the tears from my rage that can finally escape with every turn of the page as the hands of time turn like the world through the days.
I came here to meet new people, and to learn the different points of view and possibly adopt some for myself, all-the-while making new friends (which is definitely something I need right now).
Thank you for allowing me to enter a safe place to be myself and be free of judgment.
Theistic satanists work for the government. If you didn't know this 10 years ago you are dumber than a wet rag, plain and simple. A quick breakdown for wet rags, the theistic satanist is somebody who believes in an actual satan and wants to bring about the apocolypse (which is actually an elaborate government troll called operation bluebeam). They are also usually pedos/pro pedo to boot. We must purge satanism of this filth if we hope to survive. These are the retards who did human sacrifice in the 80s to be edgy, and now they have graduated to becoming SJWs and CPS workers. Instead of killing your kids, they now have realized stealing them and giving them to perverts is cheaper and more effective. If you need evidence just watch literally everything christ cucks make about satanism. The jesus cunts have been documenting the shit they do since the 90s and somewhat even before that. Just because I think/know they are retards and pedos themselves, I won't discount their work just for being christfags, because every now and then they get lucky. I know damn well what a theistic satanist is and I fucking hate them. A solid 60% of them are females/feminists or feminine men. I came to know about the theistic satanists through seeing the things they post online and other platforms they use to agitate for their cause. They also have a heavy presence on campus in US and have actually gone public recently through groups like the TST. Don't believe a word the TST says about being atheists. Their message is the same wherever they are:
"be evil and disgusting or kill yourself you nazi"
I've always rejected their bullshit from day one, and I look at them and just see uncle sam wearing a pentagram and an earwig. They aren't real occultists either. I dont care how many people or animals you murder, It won't make you powerful. Blood magick is the most primitive, subhuman form of occultism, and only dumb apes do it because they are incapable of concentration and meditation, and incapable of creative thought. "muh blood is the life" Crowley looked down on blood magick too, and that is evident in his work, If he had to take it for a test drive to find that out so be it. Sex magick for example is a higher form than blood magick, but theistic satanists are usually closeted pussies that can only manage same sex rituals with other queers and children, so I'm not suprised sex magick doesn't work for them. Thelemic sex magick is carried out by an ADULT PRIEST AND PRIESTESS. That is, the most powerful sex magick is between two adults in a heterosexual format. Who would've known.
In closing I will refer back to Anton Lavey, and why he wrote what he wrote. He saw young people in his time that wanted to rebel agaisnt a biased and antiquated system, but ended up in stupid cults and hippie communes, stifling any true freedom they might have had. The satanic bible is a work intended for those who want to rebel, but not degenerate. For those who refuse to worship, and refuse to conform, but also refuse to become a disgusting shadow of a person. That is why in his time he was hated, and in our time his work is constantly discredited. It is on each and every one of us to reject this propaganda put out by disgusting mutants that desperately want to kill off anything that isn't them. I've also got a message for you fat greasy perverts that think you'll be spared in the destruction you want to bring about.
YOU will be the first to get purged from the earth. Your superiors find you just as disgusting as I do, and after you aren't useful anymore, they'll throw you in the dump where filth belongs. But you're too stupid to see that, and you need the group moral support to survive, so in your cults you stay. I can't say rebellion has served me well, but I guess you view pride the same way christians do, and you'll never undertsand how I feel. Death to all pedos and subverters. Your deeds will come back on you, and I hope I live to see it. As above, so below.
I don't care if this was originally posted by The Sun, is a recycled story, have bitched about it already years ago, or other, this needs to be addressed again.
People are without critical evaluation capability, that's all there is to it. How fucking lacking are they?
Way beyond my conspiratard lacking.
Fox News Quality? You bet. They even tagged it under 'science'.
But before I really trash this, here are some facts you need to assist in that.
Water Facts:
• If you took all the water on earth, that means all; ocean, fresh, frozen, and falling water, and liquified it on the surface; the sea level rises only 72 meters. That is 1/20th of mile. 236 feet.
• The cubic volume of all that water is roughly 258,174,617 cubic miles. A sphere about 790 miles in diameter if isolated from the rest of earth.
• The cubic volume of all water on the moon Europa is 678,075,600 cubic miles or about 1090 miles in diameter. Meaning there is almost 3 times as much water on Europa, and the oceans may be up to 30 times deeper than The Marianas Trench in places (at max speculated depth).
Earth/Europa Facts:
Earth volume = 259,883,851,297 cubic miles
Earth diameter = 7917.6 mile
Earth Radius = 3958.8 miles
Surface area = 39,684 sq miles
Europa diameter = 1,939 miles
• Europa = Giant ice ball with enough Jupiter-related tidal friction to maintain internal liquid ocean and extreme cryovolcanism. Eruptions will eject liquid water 125 miles above the surface. That's half way to the ISS if applied to earth.
The Mountain
Mt Ararat is a cinder cone volcanic mountain along the Turkey/Armenia border. It is very similar to Mt. Ranier (USA) and Mt. Fuji (Japan) in appearance, formation, and height. Cone Volcanoes often have lore associated with them, but that is a different rant entirely.
It rises out of The Armenian Highlands with a base elevation of 2,700 feet on it's North face and 4,600 on it's south face.
[The alleged smoking gun on Mt. Ararat - Also known as a geological formation called an 'anticline']
Cited coordinates:
Latitude: 39° 41' 59.99" N
Longitude: 44° 16' 60.00" E
Elevation: 2.8 miles above sea level (14,784)
[The location on Google Earth]
The Diatribe
Why this pisses me off every time Google decides to make me aware of it: there is not enough water on Earth to raise the sea level to even the base let alone above 14,000 feet. ANYWHERE ON THE MOUNTAIN Is preposterous. Even ANYWHERE NEAR that mountain is ridiculous. Even a spot down near 5000 feet of elevation is still a retarded suggestion.
Using topographical data, and assuming all the possible water on earth was somehow in liquid form for just over a month, the closest place with the correct high water mark (of 240 feet) is at the periphery of an endorheic rift basin along the transformation fault boundary of the Anatolian and Arabian plates in Azerbaijan. (See San Andreas & Salton Sink for other example)
Trying to confirm bias based on the words of writers over 3000 years ago makes you stupid, and that's all there is to it. And if the these are "scientists", I am a demigod.
"Gee, this rock looks like something, I think."
Does it register? Or does the bible in one hand completely cancel the part of the brain with logic?
This could've been the end, but I didn't want to stop there. So I went and took all the water from other objects.
Still, earth's volume with all Europa's water only equals 260,563,861,297. It increases the diameter of Earth by roughly 4.4 miles.
Assuming equal spread across the surface (not factoring in land gradients) I arrive at 11,500 feet of additional elevation in water from Europa.
* I calculated this by adding the volume of Europa's water isolated to earth's total volume and figuring out the change in radius. Which was only 2.2 miles.
So all the water on earth, and all of Europa's 40-100 mile deep oceans (containing almost 3x the amount of water on earth) will only raise the sea level to around 11,800 feet of elevation.
I'm gonna need a bigger Europa.
This is a bullshit recycled story reposted to oblivion and it is still fucking sad.
Extra: How many Europas would you need to validate the movie Waterworld?
Approximately 2.5.
Do you ever wounder what people think of you as a ' Satanist' ? If you answer yes to any of these questions I can tell you 100 % positively what others think of you in the occult community..... AND IN ONE WORD!!
1, Are you a SJW Alt -Left liberal political activist trying to use Satanic aesthetics to push a political agenda and shock media to draw attention to yourself and said agenda? Yes??
2. Do you belong to a growing number who call themselves ' Satanists ' who's majority has no interest or knowledge of the dark arts, Satanism or even adhere to the fundamental basics of Satanism as defined by Anton LaVey in the Satanic Bible?? Yes!!
3. Do people when looking at you think that gay pride parade made a wrong turn and ended up in hot topic? Yes!!!!
IN ONE WORD ! ( see video )
And begin in BCE. (25 years +/-)
Mesopotamia/River Valleys (East):
2900 - 2500 - Sumer
2500 - 2400 - Lagash
2400 - 2330 - Uma
2330 - 2150 - Akkad
2150 - 2000 - Ur (Sumer)
2000 - 1890 - Old Assyria/Neo Sumer (split North/South)
1890 - 1780 - Small states/Babylon
1780 - 1470 - Old Assyria/Babylonia
1470 - 1350 - Babylonia
1350 - 1285 - Middle Assyria/Babylonia
1285 - 1205 - Middle Assyria
1205 - 1190 - Babylonia
1190 - 1143 - Neo Assyria/ Elam
1143 - 1021 - Babylonia
1021 - 846 - Neo Assyria/ Babylonia
846 - 819 - Neo Assyria
819 - 808 - Neo Assyria/Babylonia
808 - 724 - Neo Assyria
724 - 720 - Neo Assyria/Babylonia
720 - 624 - Neo Assyria
624 - 611 - Neo Assyria /Neo Babylonian
611 - 539 - Neo Babylonian Empire
539 - 483 - Achaemenid Empire (Ancient Persia)
483 - Mesopotamian Revolt
483 - 331 - Achaemenid Empire (Ancient Persia)
331 - 328 - Macedonia/Achaemenid Empire
328 - 324 - Macedonia
324 - 141 - Hellenistic Era (Ancient Greece)
141 BCE - 118 CE - Parthian
118 - Rome
118 - 225 - Parthian
225 - 634 - Sassanian Empire
634 - 635 - Sassanian Empire/Rashidun Caliphate
635 - 661 - Rashidun Caliphate
661 - 748 - Umayyad Caliphate
748 - 1051 - Abbasid Caliphate
1051 - 1118 - Seljuq Empire
1118 - 1261 - Abbasid Caliphate
1261 - 1408 - Mongol Empire
1405 - 1538 - Safavid Dynasty (Persia)
1538 - 1621 - Ottoman Empire/Safavid Dynasty (Persia) (river valley split lenthwise)
1621 - 1639 - Safavid Dynasty (Persia)
1639 - 1721 - Ottoman Empire/Safavid Dynasty (Persia)
1721 - 1749 - Ottoman Empire/Hotak Dynasty (Persia)
1749 - 1752 - Ottoman Empire/Afsharid Dynasty (Persia)
1752 - 1785 - Ottoman Empire/Afsharid Dynasty (Persia)/Kuwait
1785 - 1919 - Ottoman Empire/Qajar Dynasty (Persia)/Kuwait
1919 - 1926 - Iraq (UK)/Qajar Dynasty (Persia)
1926 - 1932 - Iraq (UK)/Iran (Formerly Persia)
1932 - 1941 - Iraq/Iran
1941 - 1945 - Iraq (UK)/British Zone (UK)
1945 - Present Iraq/Iran/Kuwait
* Kuwait was a British protectorate during both world wars.
The Holy Land (West):
*The western portion can fit between San Antonio and Dallas, TX.
1900 - 1470 - Canaan (nomadic former Akkadians)
1470 - 1210 - New Kingdom (Egypt)
1210 - 1021 - Phoenicia/12 Tribes (12 subdivided regions, their myth is the OG manifest destiny)
1021 - 796 - Phoenicia/Israel
796 - 783 - Neo Assyria
783 - 769 - Phoenicia/Israel
769 - 733 - Judah/Phoenicia/Israel
733 - 724 - Judah/Neo Assyria
724 - 720 - Judah/Israel/ Neo Assyria
720 - 699 - Judah/Neo Assyria
699 - 624 - Neo Assyria
624 - 611 - Judah/Neo Assyria
611 - 608 - Judah/Israel/ Neo Babylonian Empire
608 - 539 - Neo Babylonian Empire
539 - 331 - Achaemenid Empire
331 - 324 - Macedonia
324 - 137 - Hellenistic Era* (Ancient Greece)
137 - 51 - Judea (Herodian Kingdom)
51 BCE - 268 CE - Roman Empire
268 - 274 - Palmyrene Empire
274 - 396 - Roman Empire
396 - 489 - East Roman Empire
489 - 616 - Byzantine Empire
616 - 626 - Sassanian Empire
626 - 635 - Byzantine Empire
635 - 661 - Rashidun Caliphate
661 - 748 - Umayyad Caliphate
748 - 970 - Abbasid Caliphate
970 - 1076 - Fatimid Caliphate
1076 - 1099 - Seljuq Empire
1099 - 1174 - Jerusalem/Tripoli (France)
1174 - 1188 - Jerusalem (France)/Ayyubid Sultanate
1188 - 1191 - Ayyubid Sultanate
1191 - 1251 - Jerusalem/Tripoli (France)/Ayyubid Sultanate
1251 - 1291 - Jerusalem/Tripoli (France)/Mamluk Sultanate
1291 - 1516 - Mamluk Sultanate
1516 - 1919 - Ottoman Empire
1919 - 1921- Egypt (UK)/Syria (France)
1921 - 1945 - Egypt (UK)/Syria (France)/Trans-Jordan
1945 - 1949 - Egypt (UK)/Syria/Trans-Jordan/Lebanon
1949 - 1988 - Lebanon/Syria/Jordan/Israel
1988 - Present - Lebanon/Syria/Jordan/Israel/Palestine
Around 600 BCE you have Monotheism taking off. The Achaemenid Empire (Ancient Persia) defeated the neo-Babylonian, and most of their narrative was influential in the western portion of this region and underscored many ideas of Judaism via the ancient Persian Zoroastrianism. And everything influenced each-other in this confined region of the world. Amalgamation being the word. Save the Torah (oldest scrolls dated right around 1200 BCE), and most apocryphal, much of the OT text was written between 500-150 BCE.
One of the oldest documented "hebrew" text is actually from the reign of King David. 10th century BCE and predates the Zoroastrianism idea. Showing that concepts in Judaism actually date back to at least the "Twelve tribes of Israel" (1210 BCE), which actually existed as a way to divide up territory gained back from Egypt after being subjects of The Pharoh. Initially serperate groups that later decided to call themselves "Hebrew" and unite as "Israel" around a mythical covenant with a monotheistic god and like narrative of Egypt oppression. They were Canaanites that were made subjects to Egypt for long enough to almost forget. With some developing a new myth in the occupied interim. The origin of chosen therein.
The "Exodus" is likely (IMO) a colorful historical account of when both polytheistic Phoenicia and The "Twelve Tribes of Israel" gained autonomy from The New Kingdom of Egypt, which for a few centuries extended north into the area where Israel exists today. At the time of "Moses", who is very likely a literary device of when negative sentiment against Egypt was HIGH. There is truth to "Israelites" gaining fredom from Egypt. No walking the desert needed. Humorously around 1200 BCE historical accounts in Mesopotamia recorded a pandemic resembling influenza. Desert locusts swarms were also recorded... All at the right time. Though, they may have just been beneficiary of Phonician conquest, as both civilizations came to be at the same time, and in the same dense region .
What can you say, they wrote their history books different-y
Christianity and Islam:
Not much until 300 CE and Constantine. Then hundreds of years later after The Caliphate of Islam kicked Christians to the curb, Crusaders, mostly European, took back and lost the "Holy Land" (western portion) several times.
My name is Zenarith Morningstar and I follow the Right Hand Path Theistic Satanist.
I am fully aware of the Devil(s) under the Earth, walking the Earth and above the Earth.
I am from Nova Scotia, Canada; and I am reaching out to other Canadians to Join together and form a Canadian Theistic Satanism Group.
I have already set up the Group Page through this Social Network, if you are interested in Joining and/or helping to Moderate it, feel free to leave a Comment Below.
Hail Satan!
Ave Satanas!
As we all know, when you meet a person in public at any event or gathering place, you are not meeting them usually. You are meeting who they want people to think they are. With the advent of the internet, people can now indulge wholesale in anything that they enjoy in nearly complete privacy from others within the community they physically live. As a satanist, I see no problem in this. I love debauchery and sin. But I also understand it is my responsibility to police my own degeneracy so that it does not do damage to others. With this in mind, it's time we talk about IAFs, or internet acquired fetishes. Suffice to say, I believe there is injustice here. For the sake of reference I will describe Each IAF in it's own section.
As most people with a solid upbrining know, it is wrong to have sex with animals, rather its consentual or not. Many have heard of, for example, furries. Now it can be said that not all furries are zoophiles, and not all zoophiles are furries. It is however, a cold fact that some do engage in it. This is completely a product of the internet age, as fandoms never really had the potential for rapid expansion as they do now. This is one of the several very disturbing ones. I've met many furs and for the most part have always found them absolutely insufferable.
There is also the issue of girls having sex with male dogs. Now I'm sure this was around before the internet was, but many girls started doing it after likely hearing about it on tumblr or reddit. Think it's not a big issue? guess again. This can lead to disease, infection, and other things. After all how clean is dog dick? I certainly wouldn't want to pound a hole that a dog had been in.
2. pedophilia
We all know about this one, but I don't think most understand the magnitude the problem has reached. Loli/shota/futaba/other anime related porn material creates a new pedo every day, and little can be done to stop it, as it is not illegal for some reason. Not only are groups in the US actively pushing for pedo acceptance, But they also are forming online communities around the issue.
Acceptance groups are a problem in my view, because instead of people who just think a 20 year old shouldn't get the book thrown at them for diddling a highschooler who lied about their age, They want ALL pedophilic acts to become legal and accepted. Sexual manipulation/exploitation is wrong to do to anybody, but especially children because of the damage it does to them later in life. Literally throwing the baby out with the bath water will not fix this issue. I was a victim of a pedo growing up and it caused a lot of psychological damage, somehow luckily I'm pretty normal and sane these days but that took effort.
The internet is a breeding ground for all sorts of perversion. IAF pedophilia is exactly the same/worse than regular pedophilia.
In conclusion I suppose it is up to you to decide what you think is right and wrong. What is healthy, and what is unhealthy. I left out some other IAFs I know about because they weren't as bad/cringey but I am of the belief they ar ALL bad. Sex is ment to be a much more personal thing than what is provided by pornagraphy. It could even be said the "incel threat" meme was created by this filth. These people know full well that they are being targeted based on genetics/race with this garbage, and yes it makes them mad. From the smart ones I've talked to, they say the most frustrating thing is that although they can plainly see what's being done to them, the outside world sees them in a framed narrative and does not pour out the affection and acceptence they do for other much worse people. In fact, it only seeks to corrupt them more and more until they can be held up and used a justification for further evils, and then unceremoniously dumped in a hole and forgotten.
When will we, as a society, take action against the menace of internet porn? When will we stand up and say, "If you can censor us but we can't censor you, that is WRONG? Just because you can fap to something doesn't mean you should. "
I'm no puritan, or christian. I just see porn addiction causing all the same problems religion does to our culture and society. Porn is just as manipulative as religion. I choose to indulge with respect and caution, but I'm in a sea of people who never took care in their indulgence, or understood the results of it.
Dogmatic thinking, seemingly unescapable, it is everywhere. We can see it came from the theocracies of the Abrahamic faiths, but it did not end with the church, mosque or temple, it has become the default mind set of the common persons. The Atheist is no different than protestant zealot. The theistic Satanist proclaiming only evil proclivities being worth wild, the Wiccan who will only do “white magic”, the heathen that will only give credence to things proven by academics to be ethnically and historically proper. There is no fluidity, just stiff neck black or white. Always choose freedom, creativity and self-reliance. Do not forget the world is not bound in duality but operates in polarity.
I've snogged, wanked them off loads of times and stuck my arse in their mouths a plenty. But, you see, bestiality is unfortunately still illegal in the UK and I don't want to break the law, nor lose my job as a respected consultant psychiatrist.
I know it's unlikely I'd get caught and recorded by a random wandering stranger rambling across one of my fields with a smart phone, and later seeing my pussy stretched by rampaging big equine cock on a seedy porn site is indeed unlikely, but it's still too risky.
This is why sex with horses and bestiality in general needs to be legalised in my fascist country already. It's against my human and horses rights to be denied such pleasure.
Please all theistic Satanists pray to the Dark Lord himself for a change in the law. I want the UK to be more like progressive Canada.
Please give this blog 5 stars if you'd like to watch me get fucked hard by a horse.
Hail Satan!