Or, some things I consider the core skills and knowledge of that thing I sometimes refer to as 'mad science'.
Reverse Engineering is a way of learning from experience. It's an application of the core scientific method to whatever thing you want to reverse engineer.
This isn't as amazing as it sounds. Just about everything scientists do under the name of "research" is an act of reverse engineering and anyone who learns primarily by "trial and error" uses the scientific method by virtue of their experimental approach ( contrasted by the method of repeatedly banging one's head against a wall ).
So, what I'm really talking about when I talk about reverse engineering is something that people tend to do anyway. The difference is that most people don't apply the skill to itself -- in other words, reverse engineer reverse engineering.
Why do that in the first place? Well, I'm glad that I imagined that you asked. And the answer is -- the same reason anyone would want to reverse engineer anything -- to figure out how it works and improve or learn how to use or do it better. For me, it's all about getting better at what I do, and I see just about everything from either a reverse engineering / system hacking viewpoint. ( This is my blessing and curse, folks. Like Crowley said the reason you learn about Magick is because you can't help but do it anyway, so the only real choice you have is to be a good at it, or bad at it. So, well... )
A related skill is monkey-wrenching, which is reverse engineering something by breaking it in ever more creative ways. ( And I do love the monkey-wrenching, as the only rules that matter...)
A system is anything which is composed of different parts where those parts interact with each other in a way that each part of the system has an effect on the entire system. It requires a kind of thinking where you are looking through a microscope through one eye and the thing itself as a whole with the other.
For example, the flaps on the wing of an airplane cause the entire airplane to turn, and if the landing gear of an airplane were to fall off in flight, the entire plan would crash.
Hacking is simply getting a system to do something it doesn't normally do, and possibly hasn't ever done, but something it's capable of doing according to it's structure.
If someone were to hijack something on a plane which made an electric spark, say the wires of the bathroom light, and somehow fed it into the plane's fuel tank -- then it would be a reasonable assumption that the plane would explode when someone turned on the bathroom light. This isn't something planes are generally designed to do and it's something they typically don't do but it's something that it's capable of doing 'according to it's structure.'
Cybernetics is the science of steersmanship, in other words, the science of controlling systems, and the foundation of whatever process which allows a system to do something on it's own. ( It's also the difference between a mere machine and a system, at least in my opinion. Though you'll often hear me refer to such things as rocks as systems. I'll explain later. :) )
The autopilot of an airplane is essentially cybernetic. It needs to know where it's going and keep it on course as the wind blows the airplane off course. If the airplane gets blown to the right, the autopilot turns the airplane back to the left -- not to degree it was blown right, but to the degree it's off course.
So, you could say that anything cybernetic is also intelligent to some degree, at least while performing the function it was designed for. The thermostat of a house is cybernetic -- it's good at keeping the house at a constant temperature but terrible at math.
The essential function of a cybernetic system is regulation, and this is where Mad Science becomes Mad Philosophy and more importantly, Mad Psychology -- as self-regulating creatures, we humans are a cybernetic system.
Additional Note: The legitimate reason I can call a rock is a system is because when you pick one up it becomes involved in your 'systemness' and you become it's cybernetic element. Systems are plastic like that: two people talking form one system. The real reason I call things like rocks a system is because I'm lazy.
I figure I may as well begin with origins to myself and where it all began, details may be fuzzy but I'll do the best I can to shed some light on thought processes and etcetera. For those that give two shits about picking the brains on others or view the individuality within strangers, you might be in for a treat.
2006-2007, Aprox Age, 13.
I'll begin with where it all started. I never had my own personal computer or laptop at a young age, but I did have a Wii-system that used Wi-fi, a modern staple that offered me access to various resources for a growing hormonal teenaged boy. One particular summer eve, I grew bored, lonely - the strange kid in the back of the class-room that yearned for friends and companionship, struggling with Father issues and a sweet tooth for horror. I've heard that some in various circles practiced singing praises to Satan, and while I never viewed myself as a Christian at this time, a true one at least, I was left with questions and doubts. My faith with ye-old God were measured in stray hairs at best, never strong but not completely torn. As my mind wandered, I ventured to the ideas of summoning a Succubus. Trivial and immature, but I was alone and guided only by my own curiosity.
I happened upon Joy of Satan. An old site that seemed to be updating fairly regularly at this time, chocked full of scriptures of demons, summonings, Astral Projection, ideas, so on and so forth. Being susceptible of believing everything I was told, I slowly began to develop similar anti Semitic ideas to that of the site owner. I dabbled with meditations (Was terrible at them) - Interested in developing relations with Satan and Lucifer (To fill the void of a fatherless life) - believed in a world of Duat, (Satanist Heaven, or the world of which Daemons reside in the Astral.) and even had dreams of traversing a strange back-alley portion of a city where gambling on those whom were about to die in the real world seemed oddly popular. Creatures and beings I couldn't begin to fathom appeared here, some humanoid, others.... I can't describe. All harboring around this gargantuan book. I've labeled this book as 'The Book of Death'. Date, time, location, cause, name, all recorded in real time. (And before you ask, I have /Not/ seen 'Deathnote' during this time, but that's the easiest way to put it.)
Beyond this realm of gambling, there was a grand library, ancient, manned by more impossible creatures and beings I couldn't classify to anything recognizable. Before long a squadron of 'officers' swarmed me and I promptly woke up with a lump in my throat and a haze over my eyes. Most of my practices during my 'Joy of Satan' phase were for naught. I've never been able to properly finish or follow through any of the meditations, and Astral Projection, to this day, eludes me completely. (Despite this, it is still one of my Grand Life Goals, to Astral Project.)
This goes on for a while, onwards to 2010 and 2011, where I slowly wane and drift from these practices. I had friends that claimed they were building Grimories and Black Books of Pagan practices and rituals. All of which I were unable to grasp in time before I moved from Indiana to Wisconsin, and in 2013, back to Indiana. Three years of friends and confusion of this spiritual world I was introduced to were for naught. I would denounce the Anti Semitic ways of myself after speaking to a few members from The Brotherhood of Satan, and after fact checking some of the things written by JoS - it seemed sketchy and I became quite skeptical.
The idea of Satanism was warped for me, yet I retained my desire by understanding the journey is an individual experience. Now in my early twenties, I've still yet to understand how to branch as my own individual self for self empowerment under my own cause - but more on that some other time.
2015-2016 - Age, 20-21.
I hadn't touched a single word off of Satanism for years after Wisconsin, I grew older, wiser, had a job, had some more friends, established myself in the community and known by a fair deal of people in this small city. Most faces are quite familiar - but yet, when I go home each night and prepare for bed, I felt something was missing from my life. Like a note to my future self, the ideas of Satanism came crawling back to the back of my mind and I begun to yearn to speak to other Satanists. Step in Temple of Atem - a branch of Satanists brought up by the teachings and books of S.S Connolly, an author that has written several scriptures and are selling them on Amazon Kindle. I developed myself very briefly in their community and purchased a very, very, very special book. Goetic Daemons~ a ritual book with drawings and instructions for very particular rituals and practices.
I haven't thought much of the book, still slowly reading through it and several other books from Amazon Kindle - but recently (After I fell out of the practices for a third, fourth time, lost count) - there were a few pictures from Imgur that referenced this book. Going about talking about the Satanic symbols, denounced the Necronomicon and referenced this book in my possession with heavy warnings and praise of its truth and rights. Thinking about the book now with idle fondness gives me mild chills.
Skipping out a lot of details and small stories omitted for time sake, here I am now. Once more called back to the LHP by idle thoughts that keep nagging me, dragging me back once I've ventured on my own for too far. Either experiences in life make me yearn for information, or closure. Perhaps community and speaking with real people with real experience and real results appeal to me.
And here I am now, SIN. Happened upon it on accident, and I've made mention of it from my enlistment questions. One hell of a Google Search - and there it was in shining glory. An active forum that seemed coherent and brimming with experiences, practices and people willing to --- you know --- talk. The biggest thing that's happened to me, I believe, would have been that dream. Almost a decade ago - and I still remember it vividly, as if it happened yesterday in real life, but it happened so quick I just can't process everything that occurred during that dream.
Personal Beliefs:
Theistic. Satan and Lucifer are two separate entities - there is not just one realm of which Goetic Daemons reside, however most can be found within the Astral. Lucifer and Satan, personally, are viewed as Supreme Beings and, more or less - father figures.
Personal Goals:
#1. Fucking Astral Projection holy shit.
#2. Develop friends within Satanic Network.
#3. Understand, practice, and perform successful rituals respectfully.
#4. Develop more goals.
It's 5:30 am, growing tired, train of thought is about as useful as Braille on a drive-through ATM. Will add more to this some other time.
If you look at any martial arts club, from the nonsensical mystical bullshit taught in aikido to the primarily athletic, spectator sport martial art of western boxing, the trappings of magic and ritual are everywhere. Granted they are more obvious in many of the traditional asian martial arts, involving bowing, special clothes, meditation, and sometimes mantras. If you go to a boxing or mma gym, you can see many of the same categories of things, they just look superficially different. You see a lot of the same athletic gear like Everlast, Hayabusa, or Venum, worn to appease the martial spirits to be invoked. Or just to fit in. Or because those are high quality brands, and wearing a high quality brand will mean that you are a better fighter, at least in one's head at some level.
Essentially all forms of martial arts or combat sports involve a preparatory period, like striking the gong or lighting the incense in order to get the mind into the magical trance or mood necessary for spell-work. The preparatory period in the martial arts is a warm up, light exercises to prepare the body to get in to aroused state necessary to meet the upcoming demands of the workout or competition.
And then training happens. Much like a voodoo practictioner plunges needles into his poppet to destroy him, the kickboxer hits the heavy bag in preparation for the fight, simulating in as realistic a form as possible his opponent. The fighters who have teachers that keep current on the state of sports science are well aware of the utility of using visualization as a means to improve the skill of a fighters' techniques. Visualization of course is a time honoured tradition in many mystical and magical paths.
Each training session I argue is no different from a spell; what you do in the dojo is meant to make a certain outcome happen in the objective world. Some systems of martial arts utilize methods of training that are so byzantine that the outside observer can see little relation to that and the act of physical combat. Think of elaborate systems of choreographed movements, some of which are designed to improve woo woo as "chi". These fighters never let their spells come to fruition, their spells fail, for they seldom test their abilities in real life (at least I've found little evidence other than wild claims from their practitioners).
If a truly devoted martial artist lifts weights and diets appropriately to further increase his performance in combat, this is the same thing: An act with absolutely no clear relation to the act of punching someone in the head until they fall down. Yet it cannot be denied that such fighters are those who in fact do defeat their opponents with the greatest skill and frequency, and if they chose could probably go into a crowded area and cause serious damage with nothing but their bodies. In other words, martial artists who have proven their ability through competition or street fights after casting their spells (years of training) are fucking wizards.
If you would like to discuss various ways of dismantling a human machines using only the human machine, that is hand to hand combat, get in touch with me! If you would like to recommend disgusting movies, do the same. Weird, filthy, underground music? You know the drill, get in touch! But not literally, do you think I didn't see you scratching your asshole?
My intention with this site is to attempt to get more of what I like to think of as the transmundane in my life. Transmundane for my purposes means anything that falls to the right of the bell curve of human behaviour. Satanism, the occult, and the LHP in general all fall into that category. The transmundane makes me glad to be alive, while the mundane makes me sad to draw the same breath as all the mundanes.
I should mention however that I have grave concerns about these things essentially being absorbed into a larger commodity that is the consumer good of rebellion that has been sold to the West since the 60's, but that is a subject for another day. That day will have caffeine as its primary drug instead of alcohol as it would require some research on my part, as well as sound logic and coherent points. Such topics are beyond the scope of the current article.
So if you suffered through those rambling paragraphs, go fuck yourself. I mean thank you. I like to write, and we will be seeing more of each other, whether you like it or not.
I gots somethin' for yas: one of the most well-kept open secrets of the Satanic religion. Interested? Yup, that's it in the paper bag. Are yas interested? Hmmm? Ok.
:: Looks around suspiciously ::
Ok, It seems as if the coast is clear.... more
In the Satanic Bible, under the infernal names is included the name of a Indian god, called Shiva as a transcultural variation on the Devil/Satan representation.
In order to understand this, we must first look at who Shiva is, or rather his role in Indian mythology. Shiva is commonly/relatively known as the third person in a sort of Hindu trinity, called Shankara/Rudra, or the "destroyer", what Shiva destroys is the old, while at the same time creating the new, particular in the case of the Universe, where one universe is destroyed, while another Universe is created from the ashes of the former Universe- the Big Crunch, followed by the Big Bang; the reducing of the phoenix to ashes in the purifyingly destructive "Fire", out of which the phoenix is arisen anew. So like Shiva, Satan represents that principle of ultimate destruction from which comes ultimate creation.
In order for Satanists to be masters, they must first demolish themselves, only to rebuild from the rubble a new structure. This is what Satan-Shiva represents.
The infernal names overall are keys to understanding a glimmer of that "many faceted key to the unknown...that Satanists choose to call Satan".
If you ask me, I would tell you that the SB is written on, or can be interpreted on many different levels at once, in true fashion of occult literature. Though let me say this, the writ is there for putting a name to your experience, to act as a stepping stone and as a beacon, so ultimately by your very nature as Satanists you don't cling to nor get hung up on the writ, after all is said and done, you come to the realization that it all; everything comes down to you. You stir and things respond to that initial stirring. You project your own ego, hang ups and maps on to the Universe and the environment responds by tricking you into being convinced that what you believe to be the case actually is, only appearing as the case. A true Satanist, that is to say a Satanist that is known to be so by his fruits; his understanding of his inner nature as an individual, as a human and as an Earthling, as well as beyond, also his capacity to understand things non linearly... is one who deconstructs things, only to reconstruct them; we do microcosmically what the Universe does macrocosmically, as the Universe goes through the cycle of expansion-contraction/big bang-big crunch, so too do we go through the process in miniature. Satanists stand above the universe, but also he stands below it, yet at all times outside of the universe, also representing the mental universe. This is further reflected in the aura/vibe of the Satanists and people can pick up on that otherness, because when it comes to a non Satanist's encounter with a dye in the wool Satanist, there will always be 'something about him, I can't put my finger on it, but it's just something about him'.
Satanists by nature embody nine parts respectability, to one part outrage- I instead replace outrage with rascality. To be outside of the Universe is to position yourself as it's destroyer and designer. Satanists flow with the Process spontaneously.
The United States government has demanded that Apple take an unprecedented step which threatens the security of our customers. We oppose this order, which has implications far beyond the legal case at hand.
This moment calls for public discussion, and we want our customers and people around the country to understand what is at stake.
The Need for EncryptionSmartphones, led by iPhone, have become an essential part of our lives. People use them to store an incredible amount of personal information, from our private conversations to our photos, our music, our notes, our calendars and contacts, our financial information and health data, even where we have been and where we are going.
All that information needs to be protected from hackers and criminals who want to access it, steal it, and use it without our knowledge or permission. Customers expect Apple and other technology companies to do everything in our power to protect their personal information, and at Apple we are deeply committed to safeguarding their data.
Compromising the security of our personal information can ultimately put our personal safety at risk. That is why encryption has become so important to all of us.
For many years, we have used encryption to protect our customers’ personal data because we believe it’s the only way to keep their information safe. We have even put that data out of our own reach, because we believe the contents of your iPhone are none of our business.
The San Bernardino CaseWe were shocked and outraged by the deadly act of terrorism in San Bernardino last December. We mourn the loss of life and want justice for all those whose lives were affected. The FBI asked us for help in the days following the attack, and we have worked hard to support the government’s efforts to solve this horrible crime. We have no sympathy for terrorists.
When the FBI has requested data that’s in our possession, we have provided it. Apple complies with valid subpoenas and search warrants, as we have in the San Bernardino case. We have also made Apple engineers available to advise the FBI, and we’ve offered our best ideas on a number of investigative options at their disposal.
We have great respect for the professionals at the FBI, and we believe their intentions are good. Up to this point, we have done everything that is both within our power and within the law to help them. But now the U.S. government has asked us for something we simply do not have, and something we consider too dangerous to create. They have asked us to build a backdoor to the iPhone.
Specifically, the FBI wants us to make a new version of the iPhone operating system, circumventing several important security features, and install it on an iPhone recovered during the investigation. In the wrong hands, this software — which does not exist today — would have the potential to unlock any iPhone in someone’s physical possession.
The FBI may use different words to describe this tool, but make no mistake: Building a version of iOS that bypasses security in this way would undeniably create a backdoor. And while the government may argue that its use would be limited to this case, there is no way to guarantee such control.
The Threat to Data SecuritySome would argue that building a backdoor for just one iPhone is a simple, clean-cut solution. But it ignores both the basics of digital security and the significance of what the government is demanding in this case.
In today’s digital world, the “key” to an encrypted system is a piece of information that unlocks the data, and it is only as secure as the protections around it. Once the information is known, or a way to bypass the code is revealed, the encryption can be defeated by anyone with that knowledge.
The government suggests this tool could only be used once, on one phone. But that’s simply not true. Once created, the technique could be used over and over again, on any number of devices. In the physical world, it would be the equivalent of a master key, capable of opening hundreds of millions of locks — from restaurants and banks to stores and homes. No reasonable person would find that acceptable.
The government is asking Apple to hack our own users and undermine decades of security advancements that protect our customers — including tens of millions of American citizens — from sophisticated hackers and cybercriminals. The same engineers who built strong encryption into the iPhone to protect our users would, ironically, be ordered to weaken those protections and make our users less safe.
We can find no precedent for an American company being forced to expose its customers to a greater risk of attack. For years, cryptologists and national security experts have been warning against weakening encryption. Doing so would hurt only the well-meaning and law-abiding citizens who rely on companies like Apple to protect their data. Criminals and bad actors will still encrypt, using tools that are readily available to them.
A Dangerous PrecedentRather than asking for legislative action through Congress, the FBI is proposing an unprecedented use of the All Writs Act of 1789 to justify an expansion of its authority.
The government would have us remove security features and add new capabilities to the operating system, allowing a passcode to be input electronically. This would make it easier to unlock an iPhone by “brute force,” trying thousands or millions of combinations with the speed of a modern computer.
The implications of the government’s demands are chilling. If the government can use the All Writs Act to make it easier to unlock your iPhone, it would have the power to reach into anyone’s device to capture their data. The government could extend this breach of privacy and demand that Apple build surveillance software to intercept your messages, access your health records or financial data, track your location, or even access your phone’s microphone or camera without your knowledge.
Opposing this order is not something we take lightly. We feel we must speak up in the face of what we see as an overreach by the U.S. government.
We are challenging the FBI’s demands with the deepest respect for American democracy and a love of our country. We believe it would be in the best interest of everyone to step back and consider the implications.
While we believe the FBI’s intentions are good, it would be wrong for the government to force us to build a backdoor into our products. And ultimately, we fear that this demand would undermine the very freedoms and liberty our government is meant to protect.
Tim Cook
So, yeah. Heh :) I got called on some bullshit. A few days ago Zach made it abundantly clear that I was being an asshole and that sort of thing wouldn't be tolerated 'round these parts and you know what, motherfucker, that's cool with me. No really. I shit you not. In fact, I have a lot of respect for it. I was indeed being an asshole and Zach handled it well. (IMHO)
Normally, this kind of mod/admin conversation would stay private. This time, I'm saying a bit about it for a specific reason: it shows that SIN isn't like most.
You probably know what I'm talking about: what usually happens is guy running the show makes the popular kids the mods who then will slam the ban hammer down on someone for making a valid point which they disagree with. Drama, drama, rinse, repeat.
I've known Zach for several years now. I've known the guy since the "old youtube days" (was it 2009? or 10?) before there was a SIN. Y'know, waaaay back. And I gots to follow the rules like everybody else.
I'm very happy about this. Being the devil's advocate of a problem child that I am, I've been booted out of countless Satanic forums for a myriad of bullshit reasons. So, I know the tar and feather well. :) Never, not even once, can I think of a time when a mod has been held accountable for their bullshit. Until now. (Ok, yeah, so it was me, but who gives a shit? :) ) The important thing here is that the line has been drawn in the sand as far as what will and will not be tolerated here at SIN.
Asshole mods? Absolutely not.
The bar is indeed being raised.
I found this old survey on my hard drive and it was something like 80% finished. I finished it, and here it is. Spoiler: It's a complete waste of time.
1. What do you think your life is about?
Eight years too long.
But seriously, it's about me. ;) What else could my life be about?
I love the phrasing of that question , BTW. "What do I think " intead of "What is"
What drives you in life?
A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel in his fly. The bartender asks why it is there, to which the pirate replies "Yar, I do not know myself, but it's been driving me nuts"
Something like that.
This can be something like a goal or a purpose, or anything else that comes to mind.
I want to leave behind an entertaining chalk outline or a bloodstain on the highway that looks like something. I want the people who see it to turn their heads sideways like confused cats and ask each other "Do you see what I see?" It's impossible to plan these sort of things and I'll never know so Meh.
And that's something like a goal or purpose.
2. What were you like as a kid?
Feral. But more kid-like.
3. Describe your relationship with your parents.
Does anything stand out about the way you interacted?
The word 'interact' meaningless when it comes to my parents. Don't let 'em fool ya, though. Public appearances do matter to them.
4. What values are important to you?
* self-awareness
* understanding
* intensity
* tacos
What do you hope to avoid doing or being?
Anything in the least resembling Optimus Prime and/or especially Rodimus Prime. An RV? Really?
5. Aside from phobias, are there any fears that characterized your childhood? Have they continued into the present day, or not, and if not, how have you dealt with them?No. No. They were first against the wall when the revolution came.
6. a) How do you see yourself?
With a mirror. ;) Sometimes still water on a pond or something shiny, metallic, or glass. Or I can look downwards and there I am --headless.
b.) How do you want others to see you?
Heh, using a mirror as well. That'd be swell.
c.) What do you dislike the most in other people?
7. Which habit do you most automatically act on? Rank the following habits from most to least automatic, on a scale of 1 (most) to 3 (least).
a.) Work for personal gain with more concern for self than for others. Rank: Of course.
b.) Strive for a sense of tranquility in yourself and the world around you Rank: Floyd
c.) Decide what is right for the betterment of something or someone else. Rank: Retired.
8. Where does the wandering mind take you?
Bitch keeps trying to take me to Didneyland.
What provokes this? Heh. Fuck you.
9.What makes you feel your best?
This state called flow, which I often refer to as ghenja.
What makes you feel your worst?
I don't feel my worst. Actually, I don't think I have one.
10. Let's talk about emotions. Explain what might make you feel the following, how they feel to you or how you react to the emotion:
a.) anger - I'm in strawberry fields, bitch. Forever.
b.) shame - Pffft.
c.) anxiety - Nothing.
11. Describe how you respond to the following:
a.) stress - Irrelevant to an autotelic.
b.) negative unexpected change - Wheee! Shit to fan.
c.) conflict - ;)
12. a.) What kind of role are you naturally inclined to take in a group? Why?
Wait, you have to take a role in a group? Really? I usually kinda just walk in and say "hi", y'know?
b.) If put in power, how do you behave? Why?
I behave, uh, powerfully, I suppose.
c.) Do you tend to struggle with others who have authority over you? Why?
Not much. That would be an internal struggle.
13. What do you see or notice in others that most people don't?
Uh... do you think I have x-ray vision?
14. Comment on your relationship with trust.
Trust is a word.
15. Briefly: What religious and/or political beliefs do you have? Do you think they influenced your responses in this questionnaire?
Ima nihilist. I don't believe so. (rimshot)
Optional Question (due to personal nature): Discuss an event that has impacted your life significantly; more importantly, how you responded to it.
I was born. I was all like "WAAAAAAAAAAAA!"
Extra Questions:
Which of the following temptations do you find yourself acting upon the most? (And briefly state why)
- To constantly push yourself to be the best
That's like masterbation, besides, being the best happens occasionally without trying anyway ;)
- To be without needs, well-intentioned
Again, autotelic.
- To replace direct experience with concepts
- To have an extreme sense of personal moral obligation
Pffft. Rational self-interest.
- To think that fulfillment is somewhere else
On the motherfreekin moon, I suppose?
- To cyclically become indecisive and seek others for reassurance
I'd rather have my hands cut off than reach out.
- To overuse imagination in searching for yourself
::POOF!:: I'm Mikey Mouse! No, wait, here I am. Fuck, I'm still Mickey Mouse!
- To avoid conflicts and asserting yourself
Do what now?
- To consider yourself entirely self-sufficient
I can consider myself anything. I consider myself a frog. Who wrote this survey?
What's something you are: a.) thankful you have b.) wish you could have? Why?
a.) My left nut.
b.) An extra left nut.
Why?) Because then I'd have three nutz.
hey all,
I'm just looking to make cyber friends and chat. I know a few theistic Satanists real life and more on the net. I actually live in Australia but grew up in Cambridge and east London and get to go back to those places every year or so.
Hail Satan
I wish this life on no one.But, until you have lived this life it is hard to understand. When you are surrounded by hopeless and misery you will realize what is important. Only when you have lost everything can you appreciate the small pleasures in life. When your only hope and light is yourself and the one you love, you will know strength. And despair.
Good morning said the dog walking a kid on a leash. Good morning I answered politely but couldn’t help chuckling. Yeah, it was the dog walking the kid, not the other way round. That damn dog was bigger than her, an eleven-year-old daughter of my neighbors who have just moved in. Totally irresponsible people. They should have bought a smaller dog. This one was too big. It was pulling the child behind itself. But why should I care? Not my business.
I returned to reading the newspaper. It was a beautiful sunny morning, just perfect for sitting on a bench in the park. It was just a bit too noisy for my taste though. Plenty of children running around and playing, neurotic parents calling and shouting at their kids. Total craziness.
Rex! Rex! Come back here! Rex! Rex! Come back! Come back! I looked around. The dog was running around the park with the leash hanging loose and the child was chasing it. Rex! Rex! Rex! Come back! Rex!
Those people are really funny, those who think they can walk the Beast on a leash. Sooner or later, the blessed day comes when the Beast gets out of hand. This is when it becomes beautiful. Chaos unbound, pure evil uncontrolled by anyone. It’s so amusing to see confusion and helplessness on their faces, or even anger, when it dawns on them they are no longer in control, when they see everything fall apart. They wish then they wouldn’t have started playing with fire. They wish they could turn the clock back but it’s too late…
Rex! Come back, Rex! Mommy! Mommy! Rex ran away! Mommy! And the child started crying. Like a puppet on the strings, I thought. It’s too late, my darling, too late…
Don’t worry she said and unzipped his trousers. James doesn’t know anything. Too stupid. He thinks I’m staying late at work. The loser can’t even find a job. I’m wasting my life with him. She was sitting on him and delicately caressing his breast with her tongue. You know how to satisfy your tigress. And she laughed and kept laughing louder and louder and louder…
I put my fingers in my ears but her laughter reverberated all round the room. I let the photos fall on the floor, the photos made by the private detective. She had been cheating on me for two years, fucking her colleague in a cheap motel. The nasty visions were passing rapidly through my mind. I must put myself together. Soon it will be over. I prepared myself for this for quite a long time. Everything will be all right. The doorbell rang.
Oh the dinner is ready! Oh James, how romantic! I took her coat and lighted the candles.
I watched her breathing while she was laying beside me. So peaceful and serene. I had put enough of sedatives in her drink. She looked self-confident as usual, even now, when she was sleeping, blissfully unaware of what was going to happen. I pressed the pillow against her face. I waited and watched how her life was slowly leaving her body…
She was always on top of me when we were making love. Always dominating at work, at home and in bed. Now there she was, submissive and obedient, bending unconditionally to my will.
Like a puppet on the strings, I whispered after I got off on her inert body.
It’s too late, honey. It’s too late.
1. In View of Intelligence
Despite defining it, few in academic rigor truly appreciate as wide or diverse types of intelligence such as kinesthetic intelligence or heuristic intelligence.
Kinesthetic being things that are more physical such as athletic prowess, physical conditioning, skilled and unskilled labor etc.
Heuristic being the kind of street smart/social smarts typical of a small buisness owner or management in many work places.
It is not about premises being held, but simply emphasis. Satanism makes little distinction between intent and intelligence but cultural factors and disciplines such as philosophy can and does reinforce.
2. Denial of Individuality
Although not as bad as it will be, an increasing emphasis on dissecting the questions of being in terms of historical, biological and social abstractions. This in some ways is a convenient and powerful analysis but in others is simply mistaken. For it conceives of humanity only as a collective, only in the third person. It completely foregoes qualia, subjectivity and the person. One who rises above circumstance is no longer the hero, but simply not the victim of statistics the majority of their peers belong.
3. The Passive Thinker
Much of academia, still focuses on this idea that the best way to know the Universe is to sit and contemplate it. This idea harkens back to ancient Greece but came full form during the medieval period of christian interpretation of the Greeks. For in ancient times a philosopher was as much counsel, a teacher, mentor etc as he was someone that conceived of thought. Only after philosophy came full to be an institution and one subservient to metaphysical and cultural tropes as a secondary form of discourse did it become quite so absurd.
For in secular fashion philosophy is a secular ecclesiastic body that revere the western canon, a hall of dead ideas.
For all these reasons and perhaps more Philosophy ceases to be a way of life. The very antithesis of what Satanism is and what a Satanist is.
It leads me then to state these three simple conclusions.
1. Satanism as general might be best understood and unpacked as a concept by describing it as the frame, rather than the picture itself. Keven. I. Slaughter does a great job here
2. Although philosophy wholesale might be bankrupt a few thinkers are worthy of note, probably Nietzsche, Heidegger & Machiavelli have the most worth. As a principle activity self examination, critical thinking, skepticism and questioning are always sound for ones mind.
As opposed to a philosopher or philosophy but a Thinker much in the way Heidegger lays out... Although probably in more cases than not a less poetic orientation of it.
3. There exists a religious aspect of Satanism, even if it is only as far as adopting a mythic symbol, representation, summation or emphasis of oneself, worldview, individuality and way of life as the Adversary, or Satan incarnate.
The system of Infernal Black Magick put forth within The Ebon Book Of Satan is of a raw, primal and Unholy nature ~ it merges the power of Demonic Conjuration with the Inversion of Abrahamic Religion, the darkest practices of Infernal Alchemy with what can best be described as Satantric Sex Magick, the powerful Rites of the creation of Magickal Beings with Destruction Magick to bring catastrophe to the Religions of the Light and their pale Servants.
In short the Black Arts of The Ebon Book Of Satan are not for the weak willed, moralistic, individual ridden with guilt and doubt nor the person not willing to surpass recognized boundaries to attain the true of Satan’s Dark Mysteries.
One point I shall make here and now is that some of the practices within this Grimoire do make use of the inversion of Christian/Catholic symbolism and blasphemy ~ some may well have stopped reading for those with a more open mind who have not let me explain why!
Whether you believe in the God of Orthodox Religion or that these Religions have any truth to their foundations and history is of not matter, the point is that over centuries copious amounts of energy have been poured into such symbols/archetypes as the Crucifix, the Virgin Mary, the Eucharist etc … energy forged from total belief, ultimate faith and endless indoctrination, therefore the energy attached to such symbols and archetypes is very real.
Anyone who has witnessed a Catholic Mass will have felt the power raised within it, you do not have to share the religious beliefs or even accept their validity for that … the Catholic Mass when attended generates a power which will be instantly recognizable to the Practitioner of Ritual Magick and this is because both are founded on belief and contact with supernatural forces beyond our immediate comprehension.
When the Satanist or Devil Worshipper reverses the Cross of Christ or desecrates the wafer of the Eucharist representing the body of Christ they are not instigating knee jerk reactions against Christianity, they are tapping into intense channeled power which has been fed for centuries and reversing it to empower their own Workings.
I have for a long time employed such practices and I say without doubt or hesitation that this form of practice works ~ it is founded on the same beliefs which prompt Image Magick or Sympathetic Magick where physical representations of people, symbols, animals or emotions are tapped into using the physical item as a conduit to direct the stored energy associated with it.
For the Atheistic Satanist or Christian hater who cannot get passed their narrow minded viewpoint to assess, digest and harness this type of Magickal power I have no words other than their loss and that with such a narrow view their Occult aspirations shall diminish quickly.
The main focus of the Workings of The Ebon Book Of Satan is the union and Communion with Demonic Beings … all practices within the Grimoire whether they are intended to aid the Practitioner in realizing personal goals or directed to aiding the Work of Our Lord Satan all carry the purpose of drawing the Initiate deeper and deeper into the realms of Hell which lie outside of the physical world and also within the depths of the subconscious mind as yet not explored fully or understood.
Satan is the Subconscious mind of the Creative Abyss from which primal and carnal forces gestate and in turn the subconscious of all humans are a microcosmic reflection of that Abyss.
Theistic Satanists and Diabolists who play host to a true Dark Soul (I use this term to describe a Soul/Spirit gestated by Satan rather than God) have a close connection to this unexplored region of the human subconscious and an instinctive - if sometimes dormant - understanding of it which enables them to delve deep into their own dark nature, the darkness of elemental nature and the Spiritual realms of Hell with ease.
The reason why humans housing a Light Soul (a Soul/Spirit created by God) - in particular those indoctrinated by the teachings of conformist social structures and Orthodox Religion - often malfunction when coming into contact with their darker elements, the shadow side of their brain, the subconscious is that their Souls nor their conscious minds are not able to accept these elements of the self or the outer spheres that exist outside of them.
They try to isolate them, alienate and quantify them as evil until this natural element of their own psyche becomes their own inner Demon, the dark feared side of the self which the brilliant Psychologist C G Jung called “The Shadow!” The core importance of Black Magick and the path of Satanism is to connect with that inner realm within our subconscious, that internal Hell where the truth of our Dark Soul is mirrored in that Shadow which is our Higher Dark Spirit self guiding us through the Gateway to Hell in our own mind and on into the external Hell of Our Lord Satan.
Such connections and journeys tear the human housing the Light Soul apart resulting in split personality problems or their realized dark desires manifesting in murder, rape and other such deviation, this is often the core of the foul acts of sexual perversion carried out by those Priests of Orthodox Religion who have castrated the darkened side of their mind allowing it to fester and grow apart from themselves and manifest as something which they cannot accept, integrate or control.
Through the practices of The Ebon Book Of Satan the Initiate shall undertake a journey that brings them union and a full merging with the Demonic both within and without themselves and through this the Satanic Practitioner shall grow in the mastery of their Arts as they come to embrace the Dark Soul within themselves and the Demons who are as Kindred to it!
Fuck I have been so weak...
I have been waking up everyday.. in panic and stress to get independant and on my own.
I have been worried childish and whiney about everything that goes wrong and a total asshole when everything is working out my way..
I wish to explore why I express myself in this way.. or better yet, I wish to strenghthen my own love and villigance towards myself.
I wish to give myself the love//well maybe not..
Buut when i go about my day hoping that everyone else will be hAappy with me and doing everything so that they will..
Perhaps we can look into this behavior of mine if it is not yet done expressing itself and work it so i play into my own favor and not against myself.
I am done hiding
i am done asking for the aPProval of others
i am done believing that everyone else is waay better and more capable than me.
I wish to commune with you tonight to infuse brand inscribe upon my mind and body with hellishry fire
ok well if you are my true SATANIC BREATHREN
Focus for me fukkin visualize..
And anyone who WILL Burn me or put me out
“Maybe you’re not the hero you thought you were.”
I sit with scarred, armored, war-torn Zadkiel on a threadbare couch, my twin angel and second-in-command general of Michael, of whom we are both standard bearers, I reconnaissance, he defense. We are reminiscing about the War (there is only ever one War, don’t let mortals fool you otherwise) and Zeke’s eyes are alight with fire and rambunctiousness. He clutches his sword between his kneecaps, driven down into the wood of the floor, and chortles like a jackal.
“Gaby kept running around delivering messages he didn’t see my infantry plowing through him. That was the first time he died. Oh, what a little bird flitting about, unaware he’s in the way with those high falutin messages straight from Mikey himself.”
I bring my knees to my lap and nestle against his wing. He has a familiar face lit with fire, like the gentle soul that houses him is in vengeance mode. The night before I fell asleep, I saw him in pointed spidery silver and gold armor with gauntlets and lamellar plating and a visor that hid darkness and burning blue eyes that would flicker to red like coals. Zadkiel kept cutting the air with his flaming sword as if to spell betrayal out for me, only I couldn’t catch on, not in the awake state at least.
“How did you die, Zadkiel?” I ask, hesitantly.
Zadkiel gives wild laugh. “Oh, how didn’t I die? I bled out in the trenches. I took bullets through the heart. Stabbed by an underling that didn’t like my iron fist. The question, my dear, is that I always die, it’s only a matter of time. Some more gruesome than others.”
I think back to my death, that first fall from grace, and can’t help but ask: “Do you remember me, Zad?”
Zadkiel sighs like wind through an empty carnival. Like he is haunted by me, which is likely the case: “You were put on trial for corrupting demons during your reconnaissance missions, Jo. Up to scale 11, you ruined the . At the end, we couldn’t tell whose side you were on but your own. You were judged as a traitor. Due for execution but you died anyway in one last coup d etat. Always the wild child, Jo.”
There are tears in his eyes and he doesn’t look at me. I can barely look at my own legs.
“Oh…” I speak softly, remembering the lore. Zophael, the Herald of Hell, with sympathies towards the fallen. Zophiel, the fallen angel of Maria del Ocidente’s poem. Zophael, the one who took the side of the fallen and rebelled against heaven. Zophiel, Heaven’s double-timing spy that got in too deep.
Three battalions met the day I died. My own rebels, hewn from fallen and angels. Samael’s forces. Michael’s legions. Three separate battles: those that would restore balance, those that would drag the world to Hell, and those that would enforce the mono-culture of Heaven. I have met those that took my side. They were much fewer, possibly not a third, but perhaps the neutral angels that fell to Earth and became the land, sea, and forest elementals. Perhaps we did make a stand, however brief, and when I took Satan’s spear through the heart for Michael, I abandoned not only my post but betrayed both sides.
A traitor to both heaven and hell. Playing my own little games. Turning angels on demons and demons on angels.
We are not always heroes in our own stories. At best, we might wrangle some sympathy from those who wronged us. To fight for Satan is a noble misguided cause. To fight for Michael is a glory train of bad choices and patriarchal fuckups that gets you nailed to a cross.
To fight for the traitor, why, that takes special madness. You get put on Earth, in the end.
We are never the heroes in our stories, and my sadness runs deep as the liar’s grave I fill. In the end, I hurt everyone, all because I wanted to be the architect of my own story, or perhaps I was playing both sides all along. An instigator for the war. Flying to steal the glory of god for humanity, too close to the sun I touched eternal fire and brought it back for those hairless apes. Goading on Samael and Michael to rough it out over me. I am the only thing they cared about, at least momentarily, in the end (of my life, not there’s – there’s is a cause, a higher purpose, and mine is the trickster mentality).
Whatever happened, history may be doomed ot repeat. Or maybe now, I finally get the chance to redeem myself. Maybe now, I won’t bleed black ink from adamant veins.
We are never the heroes we thought we were, but maybe, on the flight of a lark, on a vespertine moon’s last rays, we can become something like God.
only thing I have in common with bible thumpers is that I 100 percent agree that these films are heinous.(but for very different reasons.) Take beauty and the beast for example. The beast supposedly portrays the anti-christ. Xians take a literal approach. The world's most well known antagonist is called the "beast" in the final chapter of the world's most notorious book of hatred.
walt disney likely meant no correlation between his film and the "good book." I do wonder sometimes if Disney himself was affiliated with something real and truly nefarious.
Beauty kinda symbolizes the following of Christ. When the alleged apocalypse happens (hypothetically speaking of course,) the epic conflict between team jesus and team lucifer will occur. Of course in both the bible and the film, beauty prevails. sigh I hate happy endings.. and I especially hate it when they burst into sappy disney style tunes or boring hymns.
so anyone here team jesus? team lucifer? mostly don't give a fuck.. but interesting allegory
Since this is my first blog post, I suppose I will talk about my first impressions of this lovely website. At very first, I thought the design was a bit lacking because I was trying to access the site on my smart phone and the java script is apparently not designed for use on a smart phone since the chat box wasn't lining up correctly. So I got on the Laptop.
After getting on the laptop, the site features work fine with the laptop display. Obviously designed for computer based access. Now that I've been able to access the features better I'm actually quite impressed. There is a list of further reading material, which is always nice. There's discussions and groups. The chat feature is quite nice too.
As for the usefulness of collaboration, this is yet to be seen as this is my second day or so. Hopefully I will meet some equally talented individuals for these type of discussions, as to how we can further the cause of Satanism within our local communities and the world at large.
I could be wrong. I know I am damn near to perfection in every since of the word but occasionally I do make a mistake. Usually having to do with women though . Nevertheless this did catch my eye. Seems like a jab at SIN to me. Mainly becaue of the intentional capitalization of words that should not be capitalized to make the abbreviation S.I.N.
Taken from the Church of Satan website ' Satanic Buncho' .
Now I do recall reading this a long time ago and it appears as if it has been revised and updated. I do not recall if the original one from the 70's included this part. I do not think the term network really had the same meaning back then either.
CoS had a long standing policy not to mention any other Satanic organization. Not because they wanted to be above shit talking but because they want to give the impression they are the only show in town. Kinda like their ' you can not call yourself a Satanist if you are not part of the CoS ' attitude they only recently started to shy away from saying.
I did notice Gilmore taking shots at the Satanic Temple a few times. Likely cause we took shots at him. I say we referring to when I was a chapter head back in 2015.
Village Voice - Trolling Hi Hell
Seems if a organization gets enough attention like say ..... ten times more than the CoS ever got they make an exception.
If indeed it was a shot at SIN I say ' to shay ' you little evil garden gnome.
i was wonder how long you were gonna let me keep slapping you around publicly before you put your gloves on. Clever way of doing so to not mentioning directly so that it could be denied and if I accused otherwise then I would be perceived as being ' full of myself ' ect ect.
Either way I will continue to promote the CoS as I have been for rthe last decade. My YouTube videos about the CoS have collectively hundreds of thousands of views. That is more than ALL their videos put together. Can not beat free advertising especially when they are unable to drum up the attention even though the tried. And for this I point to as true indication that Gilmore and company are clever, crafty, intelligent even after CoS crumbled following LaVey death.
That being said I will say it once again .... CoS died with its fonder the great Anton LaVey. The CoS is irrelevant and simply stands as a historical monument and Legacy of Dr. LaVey. In the mist of their internal thumb wresting over the estate they simply ignored the internet boom and technology got away from them. Only after I mentioned in a interview Gilmore was on as a live caller that their website looked like it was built on windows 95 did they finally pay someone to update it only a few weeks later.
Guys you coulda just asked me when I was a member to handle your advertising, YouTube and networking. :)
But I will give the CoS this. I have met some interesting and cool people from within the organization. It is a shame some of them though will not allow their picture to be taken with me for fear of being seen with someone on the ' black list' and being booted or demoted. Also the ' originality ' and authentic aesthetics will always be their own.
I'm happy to back here. I hope to find new friends and learn many thing about my first love: Satanism
Thanks and see you later
Hail Satan
Samael is becoming a puppy.
For a second, imagine being a UPS driver having just pulled up to house hearing an engine of a plane winding up and getting louder winding up. That's a hell of a way to go.
Synopses: A pilot became disoriented on a simple landing procedure in "unlimited" visibility and went down in a San Diego suburb killing a UPS driver.
Anyone that cares have a theory? He seemed like he was getting "having a stroke" confused. Can't rule out control problems and a missed emergency landing attempt. If not that it was suicide, like the one from Malaysia.
And here's how it ended:
I personally prefer Yule, as a matter of fact I'm planning something out this year on Yule. So, no matter if Christmas is considered an "American Tradition," why celebrate a holiday that was originally Christian oriented? I want this question to stick in the minds of Heathens and Satanists reading this.
Similar to Zach Black's "Might is Right" Satanism explained video, this essay will sorta cover something similar both from a Setian/Satanic standpoint on the individual and his involvement with the Universe.
It's interesting that I come across those who are Right Hand Path (including those who claim that they are completely in disfavor of a Conventional institution but are still indoctrinated by it), that believes in their subjective theory of getting rid of that form of individual selfishness by dissolving themselves in the physical universe by any means necessary, either from a collectivistic political/religious white light way of directing action within their own selves. The standpoint of the Left Hand Path has always been about embracing the ego/one's own god self (that doesn't mean justifying it by becoming a total asshole). If we look at the act of selfishness in an individual, it is part of this individuals nature to focus on himself above all others, doing his own thing first, while others come second. From the Setian viewpoint the Individual is a separate entity from the physical universe while in it. The Setian or Satanist realizing this, accepts reality the way it is, hence our acts of selfishness of the individual coming first, is cherished.
If we look at a practitioner of the Right Hand Path or someone who uses collectivistic politics as their religious replacement, their view of selfishness is based almost on the Christian standpoint of Sin. They will attempt to destroy the ego by seeking that union with god or the herd. But in all actuality their theories of destroying the ego within their individual selves' fails. Often time's those who are involved in Collectivistic political/Conventional religious means, put on their good guy badges to make themselves feel good by helping others as a whole. Even though they would take offense of wiping off their good guy badge's, it shows that selfishness cannot be destroyed. It can be repressed in a cell, but it cannot be destroyed. This also similarly applies to having empathy to every human being on this planet. It is impossible to love everyone or even make the excuse of caring about "part of humanity" when in all actuality you don't. Their is no problem on loving those closest to you, that deserve it. But this way of hippie thinking on "caring about humanity as a whole," has also its contradictions similarly on attempting to destroy the individual ego.
This shows that the right hand path system and also collectivist politics fails in certain ways, collectivistic politics can work with the herd, but its ideological beliefs are proven to be contradictory from a Left Hand Path standpoint. If you on the Left Hand Path carry the notion of embracing this "having an empathy as a whole" fluff, or still looking down upon the ego, then you need some thinking to do.
Since this pod cast mentioned the video I am starting to get called out on the streets again which hasnt happened since the last time the video went viral in 2018. Thankfully I am not to old to recognize yet.
That's Wolfism in a nutshell. I've stopped calling it "Satanism" because I'm tired of debating the meaning and history of that term. Wolfism is what I say it is because I say so. If you align with it, feel free to join me in it.
1. What is a "soul?"
2. What is a soul made from?
3. What or who or how did the stuff that makes souls come into being?
4. What exactly is meant by "spiritual?" Define that word/concept precisely.
5. Where is this spiritual realm?
6. Is this spiritual realm finite or infinite?
7. What is this spiritual realm made out of. It's fundamental building blocks. Like we can say that protons, electrons, and neutrons are the building blocks of the physical realm.
8. How did this spiritual realm come into being?
1. As above so below, as within so without. In Hermetic Qabalah, or, the Tree Of Life. There are two very significant emanations; they are the first, and the tenth. The first and the last - 10 is a reflection of 01 as initially stated. The archangel of the first, Metatron : meta, Greek for that which transcends, is above(the spirit), or, above and beyond, and for the tenth : Sandalphon : sandal, at the foot, or, that which is below(the soul). These two sephiroth are at the head, and at the foot of what is commonly referred "the pillar of consciousness". It is the middle pillar, and the subject of many prominent occult rituals, if that's your thing.
When it comes to the "spirit" and the "soul". I have devised my own little analogy for these, not so long ago. It is the analogy of the Hydra. The body of the Hydra represents primordial spirit, while the 'heads' represent individual manifestations, perspectives(or the souls) of the 'body' - the great spirit reservoir, sometimes referred as 'the Guf', tree or treasury of souls.
The primordial juggernaut, forever transcending the existential polarities of the Absolute; establishing a medium by which to experience via its' heads of existence. The heads come and go, where one may depart, two may grow.
I'm at a loss. I suppose it's time for the Joker Of Suicide again.
From the perspective
of Hyperborea, what shall we say of war? It enables colonization, motivates
commerce, drives industrialization, calls forth innovation, and forces civilizational
selection. What’s not to love?
Hoof and Grass –
Wood and Wind – Steel and Fire – every age of migration and colonization relied
on the making of war, for more likely than not, when an invasive population
first touched its feet to new soil, they were not the first humans to do so.
Previous inhabitants had to be displaced, exterminated, or subjugated. Nor did
Leviathan suffer from this. Quite the contrary. The more advanced civilization
inevitably won, unless it had grown soft in its doddering old age, and either
way, the losers were expendable, grist for the mill, to the victor the spoils.
All was right with the world.
Meanwhile, the
makers of war require the implements thereof. First came swords, knives,
shields, and armor, and the metal for forging them - and also horses, those
noble beasts who carried warriors into the fray. Tradesmen and merchants
supplied the hordes with what they needed, and wartime commerce had its genesis
and began its evolution. Next came guns and cannons, for destructive
capabilities had to advance. Merchants supplied these as well. The march of
progress brought forth ever more terrible engines of destruction, and always
there were merchants to provide them. Commerce! If Leviathan could smile,
surely it would have, nor would its good cheer have been marred in the least by
the mounting piles of corpses, young and old alike feeding the flies, for every
person and every community is expendable, grist for the mill, to the victor the
spoils. All was right with the world.
Where at first the business
of war had relied on tradesmen such as blacksmiths, these eventually gave way to
industrialization. The sheer number of weapons, ammunition, and war machines
required was staggering. Efficiency was needed, and economies of scale, and
division of labor, and centralized control. Humanity was equal to the task.
Factories were built and equipped, and products were churned out at dizzying
speeds. Industrialization soon became the factor that decided the outcome of
military conflicts. Whoever had (or had access to) the most and the best factories,
won. The United States did not become mightier than other nations because it
had more soldiers or because its soldiers were braver. No, it became mightier
because its armies and navies were better equipped, and this in turn was because
it could harness the tremendous power of the military industrial complex.
Nor is it sufficient
to have merely the most weapons, ammunition, and war machines: it is
also necessary to have the best. Innovation! Nothing on earth is more beautiful
or more deadly. Physicists, chemists, engineers, mathematicians, all are
recruited by the military industrial complex, and all do their part to continuously
improve man’s ability to slaughter man. To shoot farther, straighter, faster;
to demolish more totally; to carry more people and things from point A to point
B and do it more quickly so the killing can begin without delay; to better enable
communications and the analysis of information so better command decisions can
be made and more of the enemy neutralized: the appetite for innovation is voracious,
ravenous, never satisfied, and Leviathan gobbles up its daily meals with gusto,
excreting corpses with as little concern as a man has for his turds.
From the making of total
war comes civilizational selection, for total war is a zero sum game: either
you win or you lose, and if you lose, you are either displaced, exterminated,
or subjugated. In recent decades we haven’t been witnessing total war very
often. Instead we see governments toppled – and then the victor, usually the
United States, rushes in to try to rebuild the place in its own image, and lo
and behold! They repeatedly fail. They win the war and lose the peace, over and
over again, because they don’t understand what war is for. It’s a contest of
civilizations, and the loser is supposed to be made to vanish, either by
genocide, or by exile, or by being absorbed into the victor and rendered irrelevant
as a discrete entity, its useful attributes assimilated and its useless ones
buried and forgotten. Chase, kill, eat, excrete: these are what the victor is
supposed to do to the vanquished. When it does it, civilizational selection
takes place, Leviathan is strengthened, and all is right with the world, for
the victor has proven itself the best at commerce, industry, and innovation,
and these are the principles by which Leviathan rises and expands.
Can the individual exploit all this? Of course. Be the merchant. Be the industrialist. Be the innovator. HAIL MAMMON! ISCHYROS DIAVOLOS!
The Glamour of
“Blessed are the
arrogant who walk like kings, for the earth knows its master.”
Any of the “Bad
Attitudes” from WOLFISM XIX can form the nucleus of a catharsis ritual, but
only if it speaks to you and only if you’re able to have fun with it. If the
one identified above meets those criteria for you, then make it the core of a
cathartic ritual for yourself, and perform it. The effect of repeated
performances, over as long a time as feels right to you, will be to kill the
part of your Superego that functions as the jailer for your natural
I use the word “glamour”
in its archaic sense, and I use the British spelling because it’s more likely (at
least for us Americans) to conjure up archaic connotations. Vampires were said
to have the power of glamour.
bewitches the observer. A job applicant who is self-confident in an interview is
more likely to get hired. A hopeful lover in pursuit, who is self-confident, is
more likely to get a “yes” to a question like, “Can I buy you a drink?” – or, “Want
to get out of here?” A manager who is self-confident in meetings is more likely
to get promoted. A con artist who is self-confident is more likely to be
believed. A salesperson who is self-confident is more likely to make the sale.
A boxer who is self-confident is more likely to intimidate his or her opponent.
A long-time lover who is self-confident is more likely to get a “yes” to a question
like, “Will you marry me?” A stage performer who is self-confident is more
likely to command an audience.
Why is self-confidence
so powerful? Evolution. Our natural instincts evolved over tens of millions of
years to favor self-confidence in lovers, leaders, and even followers, and to
distrust and disdain self-doubt, diffidence, nervousness, and timidity.
If you want to succeed
in life, self-confidence is mandatory. You have to learn it. Simple as that. No
excuses. Anything that helps you to learn it, or to unlearn self-doubt,
diffidence, nervousness, and timidity – Do. Do it now and keep doing it. Cathartic
ritual can help you with the unlearning. As for the learning, the best
technique is to roleplay (out in the real world, with real people, in real
situations where you're pursuing real goals) what you think self-confidence looks like. Just go for it. Do your
best. Fake it till you make it. Practice makes perfect. You’ll eventually,
maybe immediately, see positive results, and these will have the psychological
effect of watering the roots of your natural self-confidence, which will sprout,
flower, and bear fruit.
Also, here’s a little
trick: When you feel nervous in a public situation, tap your hand rapidly against
your thigh - out of sight if possible, but either way, just do it - because even
in plain view, your hand tapping your thigh is unlikely to draw attention, especially
if, while doing it, you’re boldly maintaining eye contact. This technique unobtrusively
dissipates the nervous energy. I’ve been doing this for over 40 years. It’s one
of the most effective techniques I’ve ever found.
No excuses. ISCHYROS
I am adamant on these
two principles:
1. Discorporate
entities exist only in the mind, and represent aspects of the self.
2. Ritual affects
only the practitioner, and only mentally.
To claim anything
else is self-deceit, a vice born of weakness and stupidity. The strong and the
cunning guard the citadel of beliefs in their head. Nothing is allowed to enter
except the empirically verified, the logically necessary, or the word of sources
reliable enough to survive the interrogation of inquisitive and demanding skeptics.
An accurate picture of reality can be a matter of life and death, or at least
success or failure. The strong and the cunning keep their eye on the ball, and
the gate to their citadel locked, with sentries posted and bearing arms.
Intellectual honesty
is pragmatic, yes, but it is also a matter of pride. To be weak and stupid is
revolting. To be strong and cunning is the highest nobility, conducive of the
most resilient vanity and the most commanding arrogance. No attribute is better
proof of strength and cunning than intellectual honesty.
Be strong enough to
bear the weight of cold, hard fact, and resist the honey-dripping temptation of
falsehood. Be cunning enough to discern which is which. Lie to anyone you wish –
except yourself. Falsehood is a trap. Truth is freedom.
External reality
does not include discorporate entities and is not vulnerable to the power of
ritual. No one who claims otherwise can support their claims with empirical
verification, logical necessity, or the word of sources reliable enough to
survive the interrogation of inquisitive and demanding skeptics. Simple as
that. Case closed.
Ritual is mind-work.
The Great Work is mind-work. Ritual is the Great Work. Do it with that
understanding. And then, when your mind is right and the time is right: Act.
Out in the real world where there are real consequences. Act. ISCHYROS
Heil Satan! 666
Ich möchte, dass Sie sich von einigen nicht unterscheiden, was sich gehört. Ich übe ONA mit dem Necronomicon. Vor vielen Jahren war ich stark gehört. Also lebe ich als Hüter des Kreises. Grüße von allen, Brüdern und Schwestern. Wenn jemand von O9A hier ist, Kontakte Sie mich bitte. Ich suche nach einer Verbindung, weil ich nicht viel arbeiten kann. Wenn jemand Tarotkarten oder Bücher hat, bin ich entschieden sehr wichtig. Ich möchte Sie warnen: Wenn jemand Wahnsinn kennt, kennt Sie, dass es Gifte gibt, die Sie wissen und krank machen. Lassen Sie sich nicht von politischen und Psychosen vergiften. Denken Sie nicht schlecht über psychisch Kranke nach, Christen opfern auch Frösche.Alles Gute für Sie und die Familie.
For this blog series I am asking a Christian website to answer my questions... and then arguing it.
Love Is corrupted by faith within RHP attainment. You see the compulsory belief in something nebulous here. How can one use love in its abstract form? How do love a bullshit idea (god) using another bullshit idea? (soul)
For example: if you were emotionally trashed could you find comfort with the thought, "Something (or even someone I don't know yet) loves me with all their heart." Can that provide physical comfort? Change the outcome beyond changing the actions you choose to take?
Love is corrupted by ideology and delusions of destiny. It gets corrupted with commanded faith towards ideas as YOUR way to live.
Love is compationate possession of a person, place, or thing. A partner, family member, or even bad-ass possession. Most importantly, love is possession of your own life.
It is latent animal survival instincts manifesting to preserve oneself, which includes several kindred bonds and pride of ownership. Love is primarily territorial.
By giving love to a manifestation of an idea (like god) you strip it of its visceral human manifested existence and viable use in ultimate survival. "God's love", as seen in Christianity, actually makes the human species less prepared, because it relies on social delusion and herd behavior therein to make its detriment less noticeable.
It would fall apart outside the slave morality and protection of social code.