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From a thinkers & writers perspective

Since people here seem to post their experiences and thoughts I thought it is about time I started posting mine too.

I was indoctrinated to be religious for most of my life. Unlike others I already used to start thinking with my logical perspective. Why things should be as they dictated and so on. Up until the moment was about seven years of age I never had a care in the world except seeking to do what was right and trying to reason out things and of course doing my best to please my family.

My biggest pitfall came at around the age of seven when I lost someone. He was the last person I thought I would loose, I prayed to 'God' desperately to bring him back to me, as my family told me it was the only thing I could do....well I was wrong. I concluded that if God really cared, the God they preached to me about then he would have never allowed it.

I was torn and tormented bound by a promise I had made to him before his death that I intended ( and still do) to maintain. But I didn't know evil marked, I was so enveloped in my own misery my key point was solely - survival. How it mattered was of little importance to me.

I met someone a few years later, someone who was at my father's funeral, someone who knew what I had been through, someone who knew my mother from an early age, someone who bought my families trust and loyalty, someone who would change life's meaning and someone who destroyed me in most ways I thought were impossible - Ironically enough, he was supposed to be a man of God, however weakened by his own obsessions.

I was ten. I didn't know much about life, nor the world, my family kept me innocent, pure and uncorrupted. I had to go to secondary school and go to PSD classes to actually understand 'something' of what was really going on.

I became a rebel. I tormented anyone who dared to oppose me, I stood up to my bullies. If I got slapped, I wouldn't make a whole scene of it I would just accept it and move on. It urged my bullies to go on but they never had the essence to really break me.

Whilst I was tormented and living in my dark and twisted little world, I even laughed at my friends because they were viewed as pathetic in my eyes. Pathetic because of their innocence.

However, I did have a very close friend. She never pressed me for what was going on with me, her simple friendly gestures just grounded me. They gave me a reason to not be completely corrupted and devoured by the darker side of me.

Now one would ask me. Why didn't you talk ask for help? He was  a man of God. He knew what he was doing because he never left enough bodily proof of what he did to me, he never allowed himself to do that mistake. My family looked at him as though he was almost their savior and there was little I could do, especially because he sad if I talked he would take everything I ever loved. My mother being one of them. He also worked within the higher ranks of the Church the Church was regarded almost higher than law back then. Fear when dominant can lead you to conceal anything -so long as it allows you to protect those who you love and care for.

When I was thirteen the frustration, tension, emotional and psychological chaos began getting at me. My religious faith went down to zero. I challenged anyone who dared to prove me otherwise. I met a fair few decent people but it never inspired me enough to radically change. Darkness got a hold of itself and I began actually practicing it, looking for it's deeper meaning and indulging in things barely any teenager should ever do.

Me and a few friends decided to play the Ouija board and I laughed all the way telling them it was amusing how imagination could evoke such interesting things thus turning them into reality. Nah. That was not what I was looking for, but it opened my mind to start searching and likewise I did.

But whilst I was searching, the key came to me. Someone handed me Anton Szanzor LaVey's Satanic Bible and I knew it would change me in more than one way.

But I was still interested in the spiritualistic aspects of it so I investigated deeper into occultism.

By the time I was fifteen I was so dark, tormented and depressed I barely cared for my own existence any longer. I just did what I had to, to survive and I did what I could to keep my promise.

Obviously I built my own standards and belief, doubted in almost everything and didn't care much for anything or anyone. I had had more than enough by then.

Luckily I never resorted to the use of drugs. But I did get drunk a few times just to get rid of some memories that were haunting me.

I had migraines almost all the time, people thought I was making it up no one made an effort to understand me, so instead of opening up and trying to find a solution I literally closed down.

From the moment I was sixteen up until I was seventeen I met someone who inspired me enough to divert my route of choice. I tried, I did it to the best of my abilities. I became Christian again, I read the bible, prayed and was pretty much ok with what was going on even though judgment from my family did not help me much.

I was definitely much happier, people who knew me asked me what the hell happened to me, because the spark of radiance, love and joy was there. They didn't see the darker side of me that they were so accustomed to.

I stripped away all objects related to occultism , evil and Satanism I chose God iin my life, I even baptized myself in his name to confirm it and I lived his word to the best, attended charismatic services, helped and prayed with others...

But clearly there was something that wasn't balanced. There was something that wanted to remind me who I was what I REALLY was, and that I actually belonged to darkness.

The experience as horrific as much as it was enlightening, up unto this day after consulting with experts AND researching non stop I'm not fully sure what it was, no was I alone.I've witnesses to this story but that is up to you to believe not for me to indoctrinate you about it. I know it changed, me once again. I began doubting in everything I was taught, my rebel nature began to kick in again, and I was returning back to the person I originally was.

Now because I unluckily have what we all 'repressed memory' I have only flashes of what actually occurred to me. What I concluded was that I was all mind generated that it was a mental breakdown because of the confusion going n my mind between choosing the path of darkness or the path of light. Clearly God wasn't there in all the suffering and pain I had to endue and inflict on others unintentionally. I'm not proud of it, but I'm glad to say that I rose up from my own ashes, from the dust I myself created and resurfaced as something stronger, something more real, with a story to share and with a lesson to teach.

Today I can say I'm free. I'm an atheist that built her own philosophy and belief based on knowledge and past experience.

I favor logic and knowledge over spirituality and useless trifling methods to lead oneself into possible insanity. I thrive for knowledge learn and exchange experiences with others.

Last and foremost -I believe in myself and what I allowed myself to be.


Vold3mortia Aug 31 '14 · Comments: 4
I have stumbled across with a serious dilemma: my nephef seems to be lost with Christianity. I was happy to hear that he got his first job (at 16), but the bad part is that he got it from a Christian congregation. 

I really like that kid. He's really smart and I have always been there for him, but this thing could seriously damage our relations if this goes on like this much further. I live in Finland and Christian fanaticism is uncommon in our region, yet his grandparents have way too much influence on his life. They're religious nuts.

I even ordered him a Satanic bible and once he gets it, I really hope that he will read it completely with no presuppositions. 

Any ideas how to convince that the LHP is really the right way? Otherwise he will just screw his own life, having me just watch all this happen on the side...

Thank you for your concern in beforehand. I know you would if you were in my position.

Mikitz Jun 2 '16 · Comments: 4
Dragomir Satanis

I come before you Satan in awe and sheer delight

I summon the Demonic energies to enter this  world tonight

Let us be true to you Father in all we say and do

Each breath each thought each word a testament to You

Use my hatred of those that oppose You to fuel my desire and lust

For I will serve You always Father as I know I must

Dragomir Satanis Aug 17 '17 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 4
Why do i have to be a good satanist?  I love evil people and have no morals.
satanlovesme Aug 14 '17 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 4
This idea shouldn't come as a surprise, or a novel idea to any practitioners of the so called "dark arts", "left hand path", or whatever other idiosyncratic label the reader chooses to place on their particular derivation of western occultism. Taking a drug, whether caffeine or heroin is in itself a work of magick in that you are causing something to happen in the objective universe, so long as you intend to experience the direct effect of the drug. That alone is a revelation to anybody who wants to see the "real" magick, especially if you opt for my easily met criteria for magick (you really ought to; you'll feel like Harry fucking Potter).

Used in a ritual context, that simple act of ingesting a psychoactive chemical can have powerful effects on the magick that one is performing. Good rituals evoke powerful emotions, and really there is no easier way to evoke powerful emotions than to take a drug. It goes without saying that caution should be exercised when monkeying around with drugs (yet I'm saying it) and I assume that anyone on this site and reading this post is intelligent enough to figure that out. The same should be noted about magick however. Bad things can happen if you are stupid, and even if you are smart and take every precaution you can think of, things still may go wrong.

SamaelSwine Feb 13 '17 · Comments: 4 · Tags: throwawaypost, drugs
Fergie Ulfhednar
my first ritual
Fergie Ulfhednar Dec 12 '16 · Comments: 4 · Tags: ritual, satanic, first
The Satanist
Just ranting here.

Since the Dawn of Time, Mankind has never really grasped the concepts of speech, either if they believe there, so-called statements has truth, or even adding additional lies, to feed people the ideologies. Throughout History, Mankind has never learnt the concept of living, and respecting each others beliefs or live styles.

The Multicultural, world. We live in.

With many of these peoples, they never seem grasp the concept of law and order in some nations, but only a small majority. Many of these people, have come over to another Country(Nation), and forced us there culture, like they own the right to do so. They have there own laws, which do not fit with our own laws.

Either way, you look at it, Governments are at fault, and there so-called Respect of People's rights, and etc, are placed in a lost cause, and forgotten. Governments, have become a barrier, they do not care about how there own citizens suffer, this when Politically Correct statements are applied.

Meaning of Politically Correct, or should I say, NO free speech.

# someone who is politically correct believes that language and actions that could be offensive to others, especially those relating to sex and race should be avoided.

Second statement of this, is that politically correct word, or expression is Used instead of another one to avoid being offensive.

Basically saying – You have no rights to Free speech, to anything, or any government, groups, or persons.

Free speech was once a term, which we could say what is wrong with the politics, laws, religion, etc, of one's nation, but now in the 21st Century, you have to be correct in all speech, and written statements, and deliver speech with right concepts and duration of what ever you are speaking about, or lecturing. Making sure it does not offend anyone, or everyone.

Nevertheless, I seen this world is coming to one close, we are all going to have no speech or opinion on anything, what the governments say is final, either if its wrong.

Human rights, is becoming another mixed up topic. With so many laws, and rules, which do not govern anything, it is a great ideology on paper, but has not worked for many people in this world, but, cut them off. Our views on this fragile subject, is now being thrown around, like Chinese whispers.

Nevertheless, we need to change, before it becomes worst, but like everything, nothing really happens.

Profit means more than Human Life. To me, Profit, is just plastic materials, and metal pieces, with digital meanings. Just another invention to divide people into classes. Either I am ranting like a Satanist, or just a mad man.

Welcome to Hell, its called Earth.

The Satanist Nov 3 '16 · Comments: 4
Since the rise of youth culture in the west during the fifties, identity of being a maverick, a rebel, a loner, and so forth has been sold to people like a good. It's in every movie, in music, in the halls oofery high school and the ingrained identity clutched to by our co-workers who ride their Harley Davidson's on the weekend, because doing what tens of thousands of other dudes with handlebar moustaches in their fifties is super rebellious. In this category I also place the wearers of gruesome horror themed t-shirts, punk rockers, goths, social justice warriors, and so on. The urge to be an iconoclast is in some ways as strong as the urge to follow. The rub is that most times people just end buying, and I mean that literally, into the self-perception they they are the slaughterer of holy cows, just like flock of sheep who have all been convinced of the same thing.

Has this been sold to us by some conspiratorial secret group on Madison Avenue hoping to bring about a Satanic Aeon? I hope so, and if it has been, I'll kiss the sphincter of the High-Mucky-Muck-Templar or whatever I have to do to be on the winning side of the conspiracy. I look good in a robe, and really they're more comfortable than pants (I never wear clothes under my magic robes).

SamaelSwine Sep 18 '16 · Rate: 3.50 · Comments: 4
So I made a mistake in my last post. Excuse me while I commit seppuku for dishonouring my ancestors.

Ok, it took a few hundred squares of Bounty, but my brothers floor is all clean now. Does anybody know if human offal is compost-able? On to Transmundane:"reaching beyond or existing outside the physical world" according to, which as we all learned in samurai school is the supreme arbiter of etymological truth. I was under the mistaken impression that transmundane was a word invented by the guys and gals at Bethesda Studios who wrote the in game grimoire "Discerning The Transmundane" in Skyrim, which is a very cool occult questline. I thought that it was a nonsense word like something you would find in the excellent website (fyi today my wisdom was "nature is an ingredient of infinite images"). Apparently Transmundane has been used by obscure virginal theologians in the 1800s, and is roughly equivalent to the term paranormal. Not what I intended.

I was hoping to make Transmundane a marketable buzzword for my inevitable Satanic Self-Help books (while reading such books might not be very Satanic, selling them is the very definition), but with the revelation of an association to the paranormal, fuck it. What I meant was something that is simply outside of the mundane, but which is objectively real. Something that can be measured and tested. For example, if I perfect my 180 hook kick, I could probably break a dude's, or dudettes jaw ( I'm not sexist I'll hit a lady if she wants me to) with said kick with much more frequency than the vast majority of people on the Earth. That would be a transmundane accomplishment, because it is awesome, and exquisitely rare. But as I said, that is not the official definition, so fuck it, I'm cancelling my motivational speaking tour.

As an aside, I would use footnotes instead of parentheses, but I don't see how to do that in the word processor here?

SamaelSwine Sep 15 '16 · Rate: 4 · Comments: 4 · Tags: skyrim, transmundane, self-help, deepak chopra
It was said that Anton Lavey was trying to repent to God on his death bed. I think that it is hogwash. He was too passionate about satanism to repent. Maybe he did though...  do any of you know the truth of what happened?
Bloodthirstyringmaster Jun 2 '16 · Comments: 4 · Tags: anton lavey
Almost everything within Satanism deals with a simple psychological concept : "Nature / Nurture." In this post (one of two!), I explain WTF that means. The next part will relate it to Satanism. 

"Nature" refers to everything we are born with. In other words, Nature is everything we have and can do at the moment we're shipped brand new from the factory. It's all the base mechanisms we need to survive as individuals as well as a species as a whole. On the individual scale there's critical mechanisms which sustain an individual organism's life --, like the ability to breathe. On the species scale, there's things like individual variations from height to temperment.

"Nurture" refers to everything which has been added to or changed within us since birth. It's everything that we've learned and ways we have changed outside the normal pre-programmed life cycle from vibrant infant to elderly corpse. These are things like habits, the language we speak, the effects of acculturation to our native culture, (more or less) all individual differences in personality, and differences in height due to failure to thrive (ex. due to malnutrition). 

A much more simple way to describe Nature / Nurture is to include them within the same system defined within the interdependent roles they play as two integrated parts of the same system: Nature is the structure and basic life functions of an organism, Nuture is what ensures it's survival within it's environment.

Both are required to work together to ensure the continued survival of such an organism. Nature without Nurture is symbolized by the Tarot card The Fool. Like the Fool, Nature knows nothing about it's environment by itself, and also like the Fool, that ignorance will result in a stupid, if mercifily swift, death. Nurture without Nature is like software on a DVD. It's useless without a computer to run on.To use another metaphor: Nature is like the living spaceman inside a spacesuit. Nurture is the spacesuit itself -- it's an adaption which allows the spaceman to live within a cold, airless vaccum by providing what the spaceman needs to live within that environment -- air and warmth. The spacesuit is like the knowledge of a special forces soldier trained to survive in a jungle. His knowledge provides what he needs to survive in the jungle -- food, shelter, how to avoid being eaten by a tiger -- by informing him how to find these neccessities and stay safe within in a jungle.

A Footnote I: As is obvious at this point, the debate about Nature vs. Nurture isn't really useful when the debate is framed in absolutes. There's very little in us that are solely due one or the other. For example, the ability to learn to walk at a certain age is Nature. Actually learning to walk is Nurture. It's the same with language acquisition.
Actually, to be frank, the debate isn't useful whatsoever. Nature vs. Nurture is only really useful as a lens to look at ourselves with in order to identify which parts are hardwired and which can be changed, and how these two parts within the same system are mutally interdependent and influence each other. Knowing this, it's obvious why people in every part of the world learn to speak and move, yet they learn to do so in a way unique to their culture (environment.)

A Footnote the Sequel: If you're a fan of the Fourth Way and you're thinking "Hey! This is a lot like essence and personality," that's because those are the terms for Nature and Nuture in that system. They're not like them, they ARE them.  
In the next post, I'll show how Nature / Nurture relates to Satanism.

Until then here's some muzak:

Hartnell Nov 10 '15 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 4 · Tags: nature, satanism, psychology, nurture
Zach Black Owner

Another bump ... You can help and make 200 bucks.!

You can maybe. Youtube suspended my account for violating community guidelines. It is fucking bullshit. All I did was talk about my drug past and youtube after years decided that those videos are encouraging illegal and dangerous behavior.

I have tried to appeal and contest my suspension with no luck. Should you desire it cant hurt to contact youtube and google and tell em that is fucked up and that you are a long time subscriber and have learned lots ( education ) from my videos.

Go to youtube/ help /send feed back... You can find help link at the bottom of most youtube pages. If you can find a way to contact a real person , email or phone on google or youtube that will listen to you that is the best. Please let me know I got like three links and have tried em all. I am willing to pay someone 200 bucks that can get youtube to restore my channel. channel was satanicinternational. Email attached to it was

Here are the links I have tried. There is a way but they hide it. Tons of blogs and videos about ' how to contact youtube' and ' How to get your account restored' ect ect..

Remember my account was not suspended for copyright violation. The method for that is different and will not work. Mine is for violating community guidelines.

Here are the three links I have tried and I get ignored or a auto message saying I have already appealed and I can not appeal again.

Have a go at it. It can not hurt. 200 BUCKS IF YOU CAN GET YOUTUBE / GOOGLE TO RESTORE MY CHANNEL. It can be done. I have done it before.But seriously though these links are common . Best bet is to find a email or even send snail mail to the right people .. Good luck and if you know someone who WORK AT GOOGLE that would be golden. Here are the links I have tried.

▼The link to the form you will have to fill out▼


Here is a good video about it.


Zach Black Mar 19 '18 · Comments: 4 · Tags: suspended, zach black, youtube, satanicinternational

Wash It All Away (by Five Finger Death Punch) is currently playing on Octane. It's a song where the band almost (just almost) inadvertantly made a Satanic tune. It's missing something vital to Satanism. My (easy) challenge is this: What's it missing? 

Here's the lyrics, with hints.

I've given up

On society

Up on my family

Up on your social decease

I've given up

On the industry

Up on democracy

Done with all your hypocrisy

All of the chaos

And all of the lies

I hate it

I'm wasting here

Can anyone wash it all away

I'm waiting here

For anyone to wash it all away

Wash it all away

I've given up

On the media

Feeds my hysteria

Sick of living down on my knees

I've given up

On morality

Feeds my brutality

Fuck what you think about me

All of the chaos

And all of the lies

I hate it

I'm wasting here

Can anyone wash it all away

I'm waiting here

For anyone to wash it all away

Wash it all away

I won't change for you

And I can't take the pain

There's nothing you can do

And there's nothing you can say

I've given up

On everything

Up on everything

Up on everything

I'm wasting here

Can anyone wash it all away

I'm waiting here

For anyone to wash it all away

Wash it all away

I'm wasting here

With everyone just wash it all away

I'm waiting here

For anyone to wash it all away

Wash it all away

Wash it all away

Hartnell Oct 27 '15 · Comments: 4 · Tags: challenge, music, satanism, the basics

For the past twenty-two chapters I've been saying that you are sovereign. You're the absolute final judge of the worth of information you receive; you're the one who decides every one of your actions; you're the person who determines what is right and wrong for you. 

That's the simple reality of it. But many people don't want that responsibility—even though they can't possibly discard it. And so they hope to be handed a ready-made philosophy of life. Such a person wants someone else to guarantee that he's right—no matter what happens. 

You are responsible, because you will experience the consequences of your own acts, and those consequences are the final judge of whether you've been right or wrong. They provide a verdict from which there is no appeal.

The insecure individual hopes somehow to bypass that verdict. He looks for away to believe he's right, no matter what consequences he experiences. 

He looks for a source of "truth" that he can believe in. When he finds it, he accepts it totally. He feels that this gives him the security to know that he's right,and he prefers that kind of security to the need to rely upon his own ability.

The philosophy he finds usually contains three basic ingredients. They are moral rightness, a leader, and an enemy. These ingredients arm him with an assurance that allows him to disregard the test of consequences. 

The sense of moral rightness permits him to believe that he's right no matter what the consequences he receives in life. He settles for whatever happiness he gains from knowing he's adhered strictly to the code. He "knows" he was right in what he did—righter than his successful, wealthy, peaceful, joyous neighbor.

Such a philosophy will usually have a leader to give the individual the confidence that he doesn't have in himself. If questions or doubts arise, the leader can set them to rest. The insecure individual may feel, "I can't tell what is right, but he says it's right—and he must know."

It always seems necessary, too, for the philosophy to have an enemy. That provides a ready-made explanation for any bad consequences that may occur. 

Since the philosophy is usually expressed in terms of "moral truths," the battle with the enemy becomes a moral one. "We" (the good guys) are moral and "they"(the enemy) are immoral. 

The moralistic overtones create an evangelical fervor. The enemy isn't pictured as a group of misguided individuals who don't understand things as well as "we" do. Instead, "they" know what they're doing and know that it's wrong. They're acting deliberately; they're "evil."

This eliminates the need for the moralist to be tolerant or understanding of anyone whose interests conflict with his. Instead, he can be aggressive, violent, nasty, vitriolic, outraged—because he's dealing with someone who is immoral and thus not deserving of benevolence. It's an ideal way to relieve the pent-up frustrations that come from having to bear the bad consequences that might come from living by the philosophy. 

So the insecure individual looks outside himself for intellectual security. He hopes to find a philosophy that will guarantee him moral rightness, a leader to compensate for his lack of confidence, and an enemy to justify whatever goes wrong. Unfortunately, he lives in a fool's paradise. He still has to deal with the world and with the consequences of his own actions.

Meanwhile, the individual who recognizes his own sovereignty considers the consequences of his actions to be the only standard of right and wrong. He knows that he's capable of seeing those consequences and reacting to them as necessary. He can change any course of action that doesn't work; he can handle change and surprises as they occur. He can deal with whatever comes.

He would feel insecure only if he had to act in accordance with someone else's judgment. He would be genuinely afraid if someone else's decisions were determining his future.

He knows that the future is uncertain. But he's willing to be vigilant—to check the results of his actions. And he's willing to be honest—to acknowledge any mistakes and correct them immediately.

He's found the only kind of intellectual security that makes sense—reliance upon his own sovereignty.

--Excerpt from "How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World" by Harry Browne

Hartnell Oct 24 '15 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 4 · Tags: morals, intellectual independence, responsibility, enemy
Troll Member
For years and years now i have used Facebook. While chatting in IRC we would review the latest social media sites, receive visits from those who were making them, including a couple from the projects by Cult of Cthulhu folks, one or two from SIN as it was conceived and then came into being, a number familiar with the 600 Club, the Modern Church of Satan, a variety of boards which were temporary using some service which eventually changed their policies and charged money, driving out all users, etc.

Facebook seemed somehow different than the rest in a couple of ways in that they 1) appeared to require the use of legal names, and 2) were apparently implementing a diverse set of interaction applications interior to their network. I was satisfied watching the Satanists come and go, occasionally create a temporary account i rarely used once learning that such things wouldn't be immediately stomped, and unifiedly emphasizing my online projects in an overt fashion.

At some point a few of us who were using IRC in a very small, yet tight-knit, group decided that Facebook might offer an opportunity in that it accommodated chat there in groups, and this might get more traffic than we were seeing in Dalnet. We created a joint account none of us were concerned with losing and shared a login and password amongst us.

Through time this seemed to yield potential. Chat seemed possible and might attract 15-20 or more people simultaneously with only a few technical glitches. At times people were added without providing permission, and the technical idiocy of Facebook provided for absolutely zero (0) moderation or expulsion, making it extremely tentative and restricted to the mature. Gaining group members we soon found out that the only groups *capable* of sustaining the chat feature were those with less than 30 or 40 members maximum. This immediately killed the possibility of using the same group and chatting using it.

Once the chat feature became problematic, enthusiasm for the project began to wane amongst participants. As the weeks and months wore on internecine squabbles erupted and from what we could tell there were reports to Facebook and these compromised a series of accounts of those who became the targets. We could never tell, initially or eventually, from the outside whether someone was having problems with their account due to technical limitations and who was receiving a challenge to their account from Facebook admin, asking for identification or proof of being "Samael Deathbringer" or whatever pseudonym the person was using.

By slow and incremental portions almost everyone began to either resurface with a new, legal name, or simply reappear with a new account and a new, or the same, nickname they had been using before. The technical means of keeping people together as friends or group members or whatnot while all this was happening was somewhat tenuous, and people became more and more quiet within Facebook as a result. Fewer and fewer of our group continued to use the shared account, until pretty much i was left with it.

At that point i decided to see what i might do with it. I had my legal name account, and was exploring the ins and outs of that to good effect. I re-assigned the name of the group Satanist account and quickly learned that there were only so many *times* that this could be done (maybe once or twice more after exploring). Not only this, it wouldn't even ALLOW my Satanic initiated name (either "Troll" or "Towelhead"), so i was stuck with trying to get a variation on my title, winding up with 'Grand Mufti Satanist', all of which apparently passed their mechanical filters.

I then set about issuing friend requests to dozens and dozens of people: anyone with the name 'LaVey', anyone with 'Satan' in their name, etc., and it was only after about the first 40 or 50 that i began to get challenges via the Facebook system that i "might not be using the account as was intended". I discontinued and tried the same thing the next day or a few days later and had similar effect. I built it up to something like 1400 Friends and then it began giving me regular captchas, so i stopped that and instead began to explore its chat feature.

I began to add hundreds of people to chat without asking them and seeing what would happen. There were many who simply remove themselves from the "discussion", some who were very happy to be there and commenced to chatting away, and some who bitterly complained at being dumped there without asking. Some made noise, others began to converse in very interesting ways amongst us.

Eventually it became obvious that chats like this didn't last long and, while we could have a sustained engagement of this type, inevitably a bunch of us would be compromised and our accounts removed and so those who knew one another couldn't really sustain being members of it. The chat was truly a bust, and this after i had abandoned IRC and Dalnet to devote a bunch of time to analyzing and exploring Facebook.

Meanwhile SIN and other boards were going through upheavals and revolutions, and we would occasionally get word from Zach about it. In Aug of last year i heard from him and had to re-sign-up because he'd lost control or the whole thing had been hacked. I dutifully and loyally re-created the Troll account after all that history which had gone before, and posted the 'Triumphant Return' essay which had become my herald upon again returning (prior after having again received a booting from the board, now upon the board itself returning!).

After months i was pretty much the lone standing of us who hadn't been relegated to a legal name account or departed to realms elsewhere. I had joined numerous groups, wrestled with a batch of interested Satanists and quasi-Satanists, Dark Pagans, etc., creating numerous groups, taking over some after they'd been abandoned, seeing some of them set from Public to Closed and from Closed to Secret heavily restricting the likelihood of being found without advertizing.

After some 2-3 years at least of this kind of activity (almost entirely separate from my first account), Facebook finally caught up with me and challenged the Grand Mufti Satanist name, requesting it be changed, and i changed it to 'Satanist Grand Mufti' and wondered how they would possibly leave it untouched. For another 6 months or so i bolstered the groups and pages that i owned with that account by co-owning them with my original account, just in case, watching numerous of my friends lose accounts because of their pseudonyms (mostly Satanists and Neopagans) and sure that that account would be doomed but i'd make my best effort to retain it.

Sure enough some 3.5-4 years into its use i finally got the challenge i was expecting demanding an ID. I examined their rules, which stated that if you had a piece of correspondence and a business card with your name on them, then this would be acceptable proof of identity. I spent the $15 to have a minimal set of business cards with 'Satanist Grand Mufti' on them with my photo and email address, sent myself some mail which arrived without a very heavy cancellation, scanned them both and sent them in for proof.

Perhaps needless to say, despite their rules including this, they did NOT accept this as a name, and froze the account. I then set into the next phase of my plan (which i had only barely prepared to implement -- my efforts were somewhat half-hearted). I designed a means of recreating an account using a RTF file with links to all the friends that i cared to reproduce, plus links to all groups to which i wished to belong, and then used this with different email addresses successively to recreate the Satanist Grand Mufti named account. I got this down to a 15 minute process!

So then i proceeded to watch as the Facebook folks put my IP on a more and more brief watch and hand-refroze the account with less and less intervening time until the last couple were 2 days and about 4 hours. At that point (May of 2015) i gave the whole project up and re-set the pages of Troll Towelhead to operate as my Satanist outlet, noticing a huge decrease in my involvement amongst actual Satanists. I just got the repeat Christians wanting to sell their souls.

Since then i've been busy, and intended to once again set out into the internet to find out whether any of these boards were alive. I did find SIN immediately (someone posted a Facebook ad for the New Testament Satanic Bible with a foreward by Zach Black which drew my interest in looking him and SIN up). That gave me incentive.

So here i have returned, and just in the last few days have resumed IRC Dalnet #satanity involvement as well, letting Venus and other regular denizens of it that this was the intention.

So hello again! :)

Troll Towelhead, Grand Mufti of Satanism

(even pages couldn't contain 'troll' or 'towelhead'! only with zeros!!)



Hmmm. That's a very mysterous word. So, what do you say kiddos? Poke it with a stick? Well, I've already tried and that particular act of wizardry accomplished exactly dick and shit.

How about we makes some shit up? Occultism: the ..uh.. hmm... Tarot cards and magick and shiiit!


Allright. As much as I loathe to do this, I've had to turn to book-with-words for a hint on what this word could possibly mean. After failing to find much of use as the definition for "occultism" (it's an -ism anyway, so fuck it), I looked up the next most logical choice -- "occult."

And folks, there it is, for all to see (sort of):

1. to hide, to shut off from view

Holy shit, man, a verb. Let's nomenalize that bitch:

1. that which is hidden, or shut off from view

So, the occult is really about hidden shit. It's like an easter egg hunt or somethin'. So, it's really about... finding shit?

... more

Shawn Sep 28 '15 · Comments: 4 · Tags: occult, occultism, for beginners
Jason King
Yup. That's me. And we all know that little scene.

To paraphrase a good friend of mine: here, there, everywhere.

And where I run, good times are sure to follow. After all, I read my Tarot Leaves. On a regular/semi-regular basis. Just sayin' . . .
Jason King Sep 5 '15 · Comments: 4 · Tags: doctor seuss fox socks cat hat
sonofject Member
For people with theistic tendencies that delve into the occult, the path of satanism can be a walk in the moonlight or a jump down a rabbit hole. The pragmatic learner can have a journey of self-discovery, illuminated, whilst the not-so-learned fall into the holes of self-deceit and self-imposed misapprehension of ideas.  

There's a certain something, I always call it an "oh shit" moment, that, for me anyway, clarifies my perceptions and realizations about concepts of learning and studying to retain information. To be able to practically apply what I've learned to the world around me in order to better myself is--in a nutshell--one of many ideologies that I 'worship' (learning is my religion). To me, any other kind of worship places the self secondary. Period.

So many folks that walk this path, I notice, like to throw around this hoary old chestnut said by Anton LaVey: "Satan demands study, not worship." I personally heard this in my youth, when a mentor let me borrow an LP of Nat Freedland's interview of Anton LaVey on the 'Occult Explosion' album, circa 1973. Although the crux of the interview was mostly insight into LaVey's church activities, I basically had an oh shit-type moment when he explained that the theistic bent of his brand of satanism wasn't the be all end all of his 'religion'. I suspect, after seeing the evolution of left-hand-path ideology, that this statement planted the seeds of dissent that caused a major schism in LaVey's loosely organized religion.

It kinda dawned on me that you didn't necessarily have to be a hard-core-reverse-christian-devil-worshiper to be a satanist. It also dawned on me that some aspects of the satanic philosophy promote ideas of selfishness, indulgence, ego, and human carnal/adversarial nature--which ran contrary to many tenets of theistic worship: subjugation, total submission, and self-imposed psychodrama. This simple principle of separation in ideology inherently veers a pragmatic learner onto a more enriching path of study as opposed to ritual-by-rote occultism. Those concepts shouldn't be mutually exclusive, though, and any person worth their salt has an intuitive nature that thrives on conflict.

Satanism as a theosophy doesn't put much emphasis on practical study per se, but rather the embracement of traditional occult archetypes and their 'schools of thought'. It is a highly personalized form of study, I like to see it as selfishness not self-help (philosophically). For the not-so-learned, the path is obdurate without experience and study, while the pragmatic learner seeks occult knowledge as a stepping stone on the path they walk, distinguishing one's ideology all along the way.   

by sonofject
sonofject Jul 18 '15 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 4 · Tags: notes from the inferno
Hi to one and all.

I am new here, I am not a practicing Satanist, my interest has always been the occult and all that pertains to it. I am seeking assistance or at the very least, somebody who could possible point me in a direction. As a very young child I had a series of astral experiences which left me seeking answers to things which I have never been able to resolve to my satisfaction. If there is anybody here who would be willing to discuss this with me I would be grateful. Hoping not to be slated for anything I have said thus far, and looking forward to sharing, hearing and exploring things of common interest.


Dion May 28 '15 · Comments: 4
My introduction into Satanism began with Anton LaVey who promoted the idea of Atheism in his Satanic Bible (for starters, Book of Satan 4:2, as well as Hell The Devil and How to Sell Your soul).  Yet I recently came across a copy of the grotto masters handbook which gives a section on Spirituality that talks as if Satan is a real individual.  Needless to say I was confused by this point. There are a couple points that I am wondering (1) I downloaded the copy of the Grotto Master's Handbook. Since, from my understanding, the grotto system of the Church of Satan has been mostly dismantled, I didn't consider that to be an issue. But maybe the file is a corrupted copy?  (2) That it is actually a contradiction of beliefs within the Laveyan belief structure; or (3) That the emphasis of belief is placed upon a frame work of rationality rather than blind faith such as the Judeo/xian worldview promotes.  I would place my bets on 3, but throughout both the Satanic Bible and Satanic Scriptures, it is very clearly evident that Satan is more of a concept or set of ideas rather than an anthropomorphic deity (as the Christians would claim). 

Perhaps someone with knowledgeable insights could help me understand the issue of Atheism and Satanism more clearly to me in light of the above points?

pete66 Dec 26 '14 · Comments: 4 · Tags: laveyan, contradictions, theology

Many theists are criticized harshly in the Satanic Community and by those of the Left Hand Path for their belief in a literal Satan and I felt it was time to answer back at nay-sayers who think we aren’t as intellectual as they are for our more than magical belief system.  Those who merely use Satan as a symbol are constantly looking down upon us and believe that theists are just rebellious teenagers or are angry with God because their wife just died etc. etc. when the situation is more complex than that.  Atheistic thinkers can be a bit insulting by viewing theistic believers as degrading themselves before a master or enslaving themselves and plain out trading one yoke for another, when there is more confusion in this situation than there is space on the page to untie the knot.  And, of course the nature of the Satanist is to question and examine any given situation to come to a logical and rational conclusion and decide if a piece of information is worth keeping; and the question that lingers is, “Where is your proof?”, that this God of beasts and monsters exists at all and isn’t a figment of your own personal version of Dungeons and Dragons.  Having a master, I suppose would be hard for any theist to deny, but everything has a context and to a proper Satanist, theistic or atheistic, it is up to you to figure out what the proper meaning of that phrase is.

            Those who live in Hell are unimpressed with any new arrival that considers himself a rebel or that has lived on the fringe of society.  Any type of Satanist; LaVeyan, theistic, atheistic, or self-styled, I don’t consider purely atheistic, because if they were they would have picked up books like As A Man Thinketh by Earl Nightingale or 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey, but instead were drawn to this outlandish outside of the box “religious” book called The Satanic Bible.  I would think that at that point in time all of us chose The Satanic Bible out of resentment for the Christian God and all he represents.  How then can a theist like myself be called delusional when so called atheists have their altar pointed westward and they keep their white candle on the right and their black candle on the left?  The awkward part is having atheists with so much religion in their lives calling themselves revolutionary, well they are half right (or left) because an atheist with a religion is certainly something you don’t run into every day.  To be a true Satanist you have to be more than just be willing to be rebellious and hate your parents, just like it takes more than hating the devil to get into heaven.

            I do call Satan God, I wear His banner upon my forehead and upon my right hand with pride and I don’t feel any less than who I am because of it.  One shouldn’t think that I’m being condescending, however; we shouldn’t confuse Satan with the Christian God ever!  As a theist I have not traded one cross for another, there is no burden of guilt, fasting, or other such non-sense that lies in Christianity when one becomes a Satanist.  The belief system of The Satanic Bible is now and will always be freedom from the Christian or status quo way of life, and what would be the point if Satan should ask us to behave in such a fashion contrary to the works of our bible?  As a believer in a literal devil I do acknowledge the existence of the soul, to which I deny the needs of it.  I choose to satiate the carnal appetites I find much more appealing as opposed to nurturing that which is the primary cause of guilt, abstinence, and pipe dreams of a heaven that I probably would have failed to get into even as a Christian.  To have a spiritual God with carnal desires isn’t as degrading or humiliating as one might think because as the legend goes Pride was Satan’s first sin, and to be like Him is the true spiritual awakening, the true Christ-consciousness.

            The proof of Satan or even the Christian God for that matter is by far the most difficult to explain.  Satan is not a novelty, nor a parlor trick where someone can summon him to non-believers to explain the ins and outs of the universe that we do not see; He is a force in this universe that the Creator God had trouble controlling, so how can we as humans think we can command Him to go here or go there and expect his obedience?  As it so happens the James Randi Educational Foundation has a “Million Dollar Challenge” to anyone who can prove the existence of the paranormal, and the fact of the matter is this is merely prostitution of one’s own God.  Atheistic Satanists appear to be more than willing to disregard pride of oneself and who they are or who they represent for money or fame than theists.  Is there no honor or respect for ourselves as a group, as a community that we are willing to brand it for the highest bidder?  If one would attempt to do this with any form of the supernatural including Jesus Christ, and try to capture it in a glass case it makes you nothing more than a mercenary and there would be no reason to favor you with loyalty or protection.  I’m certainly not saying be careful what you wish for, I hope everyone has their proof in time, but I don’t see Satan humiliating himself for a measly million dollars.

            Enlightenments of the mind seem to be around every corner, and Satanists around the world shouldn’t leave one stone unturned.  Satanists are all black sheep of the Right Hand Path, but to be a black sheep of the Left Hand Path is the real accomplishment.  Satan is the God that allows me to follow my true nature and really isn’t the accuser as His name suggests, but has stood His ground and defended the nature and right of the human race to be in our natural state unlike that “other guy” who always has a reason we should be forgiven.  The proof of Satan will come, because all the false prophets both Christian and Satanic have had their turn trying to squeeze another lie out of us.  In closing, let it not ever be about right and wrong among our kind, we have the Christians to tell us everything we’ve heard a million times and still not care about. 

Pusher Mod
I have been gone for a little while. I kind of got bored with all the SJW , PC liberal shit here. But, as usual I will make my return to push things in a better direction. 

I see the Dreaded one is back. Nice to see you again. This place needs some kick in the balls. I am tired of tripping through the daisies here. Kicks up my flower allergies. 

Hopefully all parties that post will sharpen their weapons on the cyber egos of the other. Would be nice if this is not a simple 80's pop one hit wonder and is lasting like fucking Keith Richards. 

My UFO closet is filled with anal probes and alien stuff. Tired of carrying tampons and tissues as I have not the room. 

Lets but the ' S ' back in S.I.N. and Satanism. A wise man once said ' Satan is the adversary , ism  is the action .  Lets let the master do his work.. 

In a rough translation in Latin the new Papa Zero says ' My name is Papa Zero, the time for partying is over, now we resort back to the old ways " . 

Pusher Oct 29 '17 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 4 · Tags: pusher, satanic international network
Sindy Yalana
Hi Everyone, since I joined this network I would like to share my experiences and my views based on African Satanism. Sadly I'm not able to write at this moment reason being I am not feeling very well and hopefully by Monday I shall be good .looking forward to connect with you all. ☺
Sindy Yalana May 26 '18 · Comments: 4
Is it true that to be a real satanist you need to be individualistic? And if so, what does it mean? Not caring about other people? 

SatanaeAdorator Aug 17 '18 · Comments: 4 · Tags: individualism
So I have a childhood friend who is a diagnosed schizophrenic who I hang out with sometimes. He lives off of social security and section 8. This guy lives a better life than pretty much most people I know and he does nothing all day. I asked him his thoughts about what they’re doing in Oregon with measure 109, and what would happen in the event it’s successful. I asked him how he would feel if doctors all of a sudden said that shrooms cured schizophrenia, and said that a few sessions with shrooms would cure him of his schizophrenia and all he would need to do is a few sessions and he would be cured and he wouldn’t be on social security anymore, and I’ll tell you what, he fucking FLIPPED OUT!!! Lololol!!! So I told him, bro, I thought your schizophrenia was debilitating and you would do anything to make it stop, so if mushrooms is the solution, wouldn’t you do it? ….. Then he went off on how his doctor said his disorder is uncurable and bla bla bla….

This dude doesn’t care about getting better. All he cares about is getting free handouts from the government. I hope this ballot measure in Oregon is successful and mushrooms works at curing mental disorders so people can be kicked off of welfare. Even if it’s like a placebo type deal. Most of these people are faking it anyways.
Dantalion Sep 22 '23 · Comments: 3
Dark Enlightenment

Hand the first detection and failure of the Future Structure. I AM REFERRING to this when I have always wondered what you are really looking for in a flamenco dancer. Jews were not able to make muffins be enough for the universe to get you spatulated permanently. Down by the DONUT collaboration at Fermilab you will not be able to find anything purple. Yes everything is good for baby gosling. Irradiated people are getting caught with their affluent state-of-the-art residence and they echo. They will probably sound very serious and have always felt pride about their assholes to have their estrogen maxed out by their parents barbecues. NEVERMIND. YUP THEY OBSCURE THEIR FAVORITE RESTAURANTS SO WHAT THEY HAVE IS PICTURED BELOW AND SHOULD PROBABLY BE CONSIDERED A LITTLE TIMMY. NO LOSS. You're leading me to believe that you're going to say something different entirely because you're really a swell person who informs me when they made a cake. Money is good thing to describe when you throw a couple of people into a package and see how much they can actually breed. Now that's a joke on my behalf because I'm actually really sick and tired and tired and won't link properly until organisms days before grade teacher lose weight with your alternative health insurance. Poor women can be created directly by colliding the children born with autism and their parents barbecues. This differs from nothing more distracted and overwhelmed than their usual business environment but also be contributed for any case that is inflammatory and greasy for your alternative plan. Now and then someone trying for your wife is going to get cervical cancer from a doctor who co-chairs a child predator group. They have confidence that you would certainly want a better understanding of who will probably sound better. Lakeshore if not discord you are a cis-gendered heterosexual male and female records in bodybuilding competitions are the new Christians and Christians are the new Christians and Christians are the new Christians and Christians are the new Christians are systemically reforcing their beliefs on the door unlock office door and they echo The Republican response to Biden's and their preferred pronouns and identities to subvert the doctrine of the house now is a theoretical model that has not been observed directly from the previous night on his business cell phone number of them are getting caught with a lot of looking up concepts discussed like a favorite uncle in the other room isn't any more uncomfortable than it already is a theoretical model that has not been observed directly observed by the DONUT collaboration at Fermilab you will not be able to find anything purple or white with sickness by it was also designed for the conservative movement to be among supporters of McCarthy gives them hours of video to determine any ongoing development and development for the universe to get you permanently removed from your alternative WITHOUT posting links to your site on the internet corrupted the term at the same time it became one with it without realizing how much they can actually breed in larger numbers and most places outside of major cities are flipping a bird at liberal Agendas and the muon of the house now is a stand-alone particle physics potentially valid up to energies well above the Planck scale of the house now and the muon is a theoretical model that has not been observed directly from the observation of the house now and the muon is a theoretical model that has not been observed directly from a single bull in a flamenco dancer in a flamenco dancer of a parent teacher conference over insubordination because I refused to stand against her and then on the door and she had to in at least one universe of the day Saudi Arabia was the JCO for all that happened after paying attention to the habits and tendencies of the occupants and anticipate their needs. To perform tasks that 80's capitalist to bitch-slap that condescending Saudi prince for one day from the previous night on the trip was to the habits of the house now and then of course someone can always ask where underlying vacuum energy came from the observations of which we call the laws of physics are super-positional in this country requires anyone to use a specific doctrine for all of society vs the same time McCarthy is the first response that has been invented in the world isn't speeding it up any more uncomfortable than predatory people. Kandace is a theoretical model that has not been observed directly from the observation of the house now and the muon is a theoretical model that has not yet Aaron Judge broke in his mind is probably being persecuted by the DONUT collaboration at Fermilab flamenco dancer and with apologies for any inconvenience caused symmetry to receive this email and you understand how videos work from home products to other customers and customers that are bizarrely followed through the tablet interface and the muon is not a still image wind directly observed directly observed by a carnie's book of Isaiah that is an entire page on leptons that must all be only theory as well as the former does more for the conservative fight than anyone else in this country requires anyone to be more important to our existence than the GDP of counties that have always viewed it like refining a position to do what they want to. As long as Little Timmy can't be removed from the energy of the collision with a penis engine and the thread yet Aaron is still legal group the Federalist Society donations to the habits and tendencies of the occupants and anticipate their needs for the universe that has totally different laws of physics and affirmed existence of all revolution ends in a flamenco dancer in a flamenco dancer and the thread of a parent teacher is the only particle left to go after trannies their estrogen maxed and then on the door and they will have fulfilled its objective and the thread will have accomplished so many greased palms south before even though it was also naive of people to stalk social media to determine if someone needs to be answered to satisfy your alternative WITHOUT posting porn. In conclusion I am not so sure these girls will make sure her parents barbecues know what they should call themselves for their identity pins or something that needed tweaking to be broken and instilled to make sure formerly fun high school sports is not advocating the way you are going to have right too much hope for a technology company that you are really looking up to. When you think the judgemental religious world needs you and you're daughter are safe now that Chinese donations are not allowed testosterone to make you respond to selective pressures and you understand how videos can go about this and how bipartisan is going to Hades the world its going that route it's time for everybody else to come about the minimum additional psychiatric hospital beds that would always be found on the door unlock office door to your door and they echo The Republican ticket will have accomplished their own way in the other room and then on to a hotel that is inflammatory in eye for a technology everyone else has to be able and can help you to tell her he is credited for your fight than I do for you and your family would love to read this statement and I hope you have a strong masculine father for the conservative fight in the other end and the muon of the Future Structure is a good thing for people who defend themselves and others are not allowed to be a result of the most steady prosperous of the house now.

To but this altogether it would certainly be more in line with self-organization proposed and the recipient is not advocating the content of the house and the muon of any case for the woke related suspension and the muon is a theoretical model that has not been observed directly from the previous night on his business cell phone. The intruder spoke about the minimum additional psychiatric hospital beds and that was the double standard alluded for all three years to Kenneth Star patches based on their birth certificate and other decrees of information about the minimum additional psychiatric hospital beds that would need brainwashing for each chromatophore unit for carrying cultural ideas used by the Chinese staff at Fermilab has helped select judges and members to provide the information about their assholes in public bath orgies in the gym and a way that they self-replicate to be broken into the windowless trailer and then of course they are trying to depose the power to their friends who have a strong masculine father who is a theoretical model that has not been observed directly from the previous night on his business cell phone number Eight Our spike happened coinciding with the end of the house now and the muon is a theoretical model that has not been observed directly from the previous night on his business cell phone number Eight Our spike happened coinciding with the end of the house now and the muon is a theoretical model that has not been observed directly from the observation that it was ever anything like this for a text or an article on the trip to a nonprofit organization and the thread is a good reminding of our democrat to share with you the names like this for at the end. Especially since raising the Capital gains tax to highest levels since the first response to the State of the Union was given be Jesus Magee Huckabee and was essentially a Christian battle cry against anything Woke up this morning and I think that's it 5th of the week for laying off some pornstar. 

Dark Enlightenment Apr 11 '23 · Comments: 3
One day your going to be very old. All you will be able to do is lay in a bed and stare at the wall or ceiling. If your lucky, you will have nurses or children that will be there for you giving you bananas, peanut butter or shrimp. That will be all you will be able to chew because you lost your teeth a few years prior. You’ll shit yourself constantly and won’t have the power or energy to wipe your own ass. You won’t have any music to listen to because you will have grown very tired of the stuff you listened to for years. Jeopardy and Wheel Of Fortune will be canceled, and you wouldn’t be able to play anyways because your dementia is really bad. You’ll have recurring nightmares because of this dementia because your whole life will be a nightmare. You won’t remember your kids names. You might not know where your at. You could have an evil nurse who is a serial killer who likes to smother old people with pillows and there’s not a fucking thing you can do about it. You are completely at other peoples mercy. Your arthritis is so bad that you can’t scratch the itch that’s been eating away at you for years. Then there’s your death day. The day you’ve been waiting for for years. All you’ve wanted to do is die already. You lay back in your pillow and go to sleep. While your sleeping, your kidneys stop working. You now are a giant ball of piss. Then your liver stops working. You are now also a giant ball of shit. Then finally the moment that death has been waiting for. …your heart stops working. The DMT rushes your brain and you have a wild trip. Then blackness. You exist no longer. Will your gods be there to greet you in an afterlife? Will you be looking down on yourself? Will you descend into hell? I’ll tell you one place you’ll descend to, in the ground. You’ll be so old that if you have no kids, no one will be at your funeral. If you saved up enough money, you will have a headstone. That headstone will be all your life has amounted to in the end. If you have no kids or grandchildren, there will be no one to put flowers on you. All that will remain will be that rock.
Dantalion Jan 24 '22 · Comments: 3
Cornelius Coburn

- Prologue -

From the Death And The Dead Thread. Questions by C.

I've decided to make this into an eight part blog, as opposed to cramming everything into one, and also so we don't have to work as hard, or for as long - all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

1. What is a "soul?"

2. What is a soul made from?

3. What or who or how did the stuff that makes souls come into being?

4. What exactly is meant by "spiritual?" Define that word/concept precisely.

5. Where is this spiritual realm?

6. Is this spiritual realm finite or infinite?

7. What is this spiritual realm made out of. It's fundamental building blocks. Like we can say that protons, electrons, and neutrons are the building blocks of the physical realm.

8. How did this spiritual realm come into being?

Let the games begin ! Immediately, or in good time - we don't know yet.

Cornelius Coburn Sep 23 '21 · Comments: 3 · Tags: creation, soul, spirit

“Blessed are they who stand alone, for Leviathan has a place for them.”


What, then, of family, friends, co-workers, allies, or even pets? I’ll use the term “associates” to refer to all of these. I contend that even while encircled by my associates, I stand alone.


First, let’s consider how protective my associates really are in practical terms. My cat flees at the first hint of danger, leaving me to die if the danger is real. (A big dog would be the polar opposite of that, of course, but I’m dogless, because dogs require too much effort, with all this taking them for a walk, giving them baths, the list goes on.) My allies would drop me like a hot potato if my strategic position devolved. My co-workers would feed me to the wolves to save themselves without a second thought. I no longer have friends with whom I keep in touch, because maintaining the connection became more trouble than it was worth – so yes, I suck as a friend, primarily because I never depended on friends for anything important to begin with. Only my family would protect me when the chips are down, and lest you think otherwise: I would return the favor, as I’m not a complete asshole. Yet how often are my family in any real position to save my ass? Only very occasionally, in very special circumstances. On a daily basis I generally stand alone for all practical purposes, despite having people who care about me. And here’s the thing: I like it that way. I don’t ever want to sink complacently into the narcotizing delusion that the universe has my back. Even family can die, move away, become incapacitated (rendering them useless), or turn against me if they catch a glimpse of my Devil Inside. The safest course is always to have my own back: “to watch my own six” as I might say if I were a military man, which I’m not, partly because I don’t want to be responsible for watching somebody else’s six.


Second, let’s consider what psychological strength I draw from my associates. Short summary: I don’t draw any at all.         


Some draw psychological strength from their associates by virtue of the philosophical echo chamber they all live in. I don’t. First of all, I’m a staunch empiricist, materialist, carnality enthusiast, animality enthusiast, egotist, misanthrope, individualist, retributionist, libertine, schemer, and cutthroat - and of all my associates, only my cat is like me in every regard, with most of them unlike me in nearly every regard. (And my cat doesn’t speak, so the echo chamber potential is limited at best.) But more importantly, I reject echo chambers on principle. I do my own thinking.


I can’t emphasize this enough. Most people aren’t thinkers at all. They have thoughts, but that isn’t the same thing. The thoughts they have are whatever bubbles up from the collective. Examine their ideas and those of their associates: You’ll find an almost perfect homogeneity. Same epistemology, same metaphysics, same anthropology, same moral philosophy, same theory of happiness, same strategy for living. They draw comfort from this sameness. Intellectually, they feel safer in a group: they put their trust in having strength in numbers. I don’t do any of that. I draw comfort from the fact that my ideas are my own. I feel safer as an intellectual free agent, a philosophical lone wolf. I put my trust in my own mental abilities and disciplines, my own intellectual honesty and ruthless self-examination.


Does Leviathan – by which I mean the human species as a titan on the earth – have a place for me? Of course it does. Regardless what associates I have or don’t have encircling me – regardless what “isms” I carry or don’t carry in my mental apparatus – every dollar I earn or spend; every product or service I buy or sell; every idea I receive or distribute; these together simply can’t fail to provide Leviathan with oxygen, food, water, and body heat, and Leviathan likewise simply can’t fail to put money, products, services, and ideas into the physical or virtual spaces I inhabit. My mutual assured entanglement with Leviathan is unconditional, ending only when I die or wander off into the wilderness, never to be heard from again.


I am Homo economicus and a self-directed cell in the body of something Brobdingnagian. ISCHYROS DIAVOLOS!


I’m not really a fan of politics so I never attend demonstrations. But this day was different and I felt the urge to go to Warsaw in spite of the rainy day. Perhaps, it was my curiosity compelling me to go. Partly, it was because I had nothing better to do this day. And partly because I still believe in the ideal of democracy and free speech although as years keep passing by, the ideal looks more and more bogus. I guess I must be getting old.

But, perhaps, a little about the background. The government wants to pass the law that would limit the foreign ownership of the Polish media. In practice it would make the main oppositional TV network owned by the US company lose its broadcasting license. The deeper reason is nearly two decades long fierce and hateful competition between two main political parties.

Still, any attempt to silence a dissenting voice, shut down a different opinion doesn’t sit right with me. Somehow, I felt my unimportant presence there was some sort of a patriotic duty.

Being there felt weird. It was a bit similar to the church service. But the church of some alien religion. It was peaceful, cheerful even. There wasn’t too much shouting. Mainly speeches, some music, a little bit of dancing, singing of the anthem, of course, hand clapping and showing Vendetta/Victory symbols.

There were also celebrities; popular journalists, politicians and also the former prime minister.

Some photos I've made:

It must have been a good idea to be there because when the event started, it even stopped raining. It seems though the most interesting show took place elsewhere. These are the protesters on the roof of the Ministry of Culture:

Now that was enough about feeling the tiny part of history. Time to get back to mundane daily activities. There is one small detail that got my attention and will probably get stuck in my memory; one old woman wearing a white and red flower crown.

Anna Aug 11 '21 · Comments: 3 · Tags: democracy, politics, poland, freedom of the press, demonstration



-          Compulsion.

There’s a point where daring becomes stupidity. If you’re injecting yourself with heroin because you have to try everything once – Stop.


-          Betting the farm.

There’s a point where hope becomes stupidity. If you’re gambling more than you can afford to lose – Stop.


-          Pipedreams.

There’s a point where ambition becomes stupidity. If you’re enrolling in law school and you suck at academics – Stop.


-          Desperation.

There’s a point where tenacity becomes stupidity. If you’re preparing to throw your life away because you don’t see quitting as an option – Stop.


-          Doggedness.

There’s a point where persistence becomes stupidity. If you’re banging your head against a wall and your head is bruised and bloody and the wall is unaffected – Stop.


-          Pigheadedness.

There’s a point where conviction becomes stupidity. If you’re clinging to your belief that all is well when you can see the tornado bearing down on you – Stop.


-          Mulishness.

There’s a point where sticking to your guns becomes stupidity. If you’re hurting yourself in the long run because you can’t bear to change your ways – Stop.


-          Bullheadedness.

There’s a point where integrity becomes stupidity. If you’re holding up progress because you won’t break an outdated or pointless rule – Stop.


-          Chicken-heartedness.

There’s a point where prudence becomes stupidity. If you’re allowing something bad to get worse because you can’t face up to the obvious solution – Stop.


-          Martyrdom.

There’s a point where sincerity becomes stupidity. If you’re sacrificing your life, liberty or happiness for the sake of some pie in the sky ideal – Stop.


-          Compunction.

There’s a point where conscience becomes stupidity. If you’re sacrificing your life, liberty or happiness as an act of penance to assuage your guilty feelings – Stop.


-          Asceticism.

There’s a point where self-discipline becomes stupidity. If you’re walking a path that will never let you know joy, have fun, or feel excitement – Stop.


-          Ejaculation.

There’s a point where honesty becomes stupidity. If you’re about to trash a cherished relationship or huge opportunity because you can’t bear to keep a secret or keep your opinions to yourself – Stop.



Wolfie Aug 4 '21 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 3 · Tags: thirteen stupidities, wolfism, ischyros diavolos!
Hy im new. Croatia someone??
Beky420 May 12 '21 · Comments: 3
Aborior Translatione
Golf is an individual sport. A sport is an activity that involves competition. Golf is played with clubs and a pitted ball.

First things first. The game has to appeal to you and you have to want to play. Next thing is you need golf clubs to play golf properly.  Typically you want an assortment of irons and wedges, with a driver and sometimes fairway woods. A putter rounds out the set.  You then put all that in a bag. This is called "a set of golf clubs". You need these to play golf right. 

Then you gotta find a golf course to play golf on. Sometimes these have driving ranges, which is another place to play golf. You need to get in your car and drive to a golf course. You can sometime participste in golf with others. 

You also need money to play. Golf is an expensive sport. If you have money you can play golf. 

In golf the objective is to do the best you possibly can. To take it upon yourself to try to get better at playing golf. To take the clubs and pitted ball and play golf the best you possibly can and to devote time to this pursuit.

After you play golf enough you will better at playing it because you play it all the time.

Bottom line is Golf is a sport that requires practice to get better at. The individual can practice golf to get better at the game of golf by using the assorted clubs and pitted ball.
Aborior Translatione Apr 9 '21 · Rate: 4 · Comments: 3
Cornelius Coburn

While this creation seems tantamount to an electromagnetic extravaganza; seductive in ways that transcend the corporeal - the incorporeal bitch; supernal feminine of a lesser density that my soul longs for.

The unadulterated feminine essence that completes me. Now I am a god, and I shall proceed by forgetting this, so that I may relive it, for all eternity.

Cornelius Coburn Feb 25 '21 · Comments: 3 · Tags: nothing
Cornelius Coburn

And what can be said of the mundane four dimensional beings born into this matrix; the difficulty, if not impossibility to fathom an existence in the absence of it.

Philosophical hypotheticals almost always formulated within the confines of it as some sort of inescapable reality, and what should one expect from a creature where it is all that was ever known.


Cornelius Coburn Feb 15 '21 · Comments: 3 · Tags: matrix
So these are some of my views and opinions on the state of the Church of Satan today, and the original writings of LaVey and why i don't particularly follow LaVeyanism anymore.

Firstly, i think we can safely say, that the Church of Satan is no longer a Relevant force in Satanism today. Since LaVey founded the CoS, and since his death; many different Philosophies have spawned from LaVey's form of Satanism. The CoS as an entity doesn't accept these facts, claiming to be the only "Real" satanists, calling other forms Pseudo or Pretend, disregarding the integrity of other thoughts. In my opinion this is destructive, and i believe that Satanism is a Concept to which  you need to build upon to evolve. So my opinion is that i believe the Satanic Bible and most of LaVey's writings are Outdated.

The Nine Satanic Statements i believe are a list of tenets of LaVeyanist Satanism that don't hold significance in today's society. Some i agree with, most i don't. As follows:

  1. Satan represents indulgence, instead of abstinence! "I agree with this, because it's a core mode of Individual freedom of will."
  2. Satan represents vital existence, instead of spiritual pipe dreams! "Not encouraging Spiritual freedom is basically saying "No, you can't have that thought, because its not "Satanic" of you. Completely contradicting Individualistic independence on the LHP."
  3. Satan represents undefiled wisdom, instead of hypocritical self-deceit! "Agree."
  4. Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on ingrates! "I agree to an extent with this, however not fully. I believe in being Kind and respectful to all people, regardless of their views. If they wish to waste their time being ingrates, that's their own will. Only people who express Racist, bigoted views shouldn't be given the respect and kindness."
  5. Satan represents vengeance, instead of turning the other cheek! "This is a loaded statement. What LaVey meant by Vengeance, i wouldn't begin to have a clue. Personal space, and defending oneself from Assault, yes is important. However with this much of a Loaded statement, i can't agree with it."
  6. Satan represents responsibility to the responsible, instead of concern for psychic vampires! "It's important to be responsible, because you'll never get no where in life if you don't take responsibility seriously. The Psychic Vampire schtick, again needs to be explained. Maybe i don't fully understand the whole Psychic Vampire thing, or what. So i'm rather Neutral to this statement."
  7. Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his "divine spiritual and intellectual development," has become the most vicious animal of all! "Humanity is spawned by Nature. So i agree with this."
  8. Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification! "Agree."
  9. Satan has been the best friend the church has ever had, as he has kept it in business all these years! "Eh, true and false. The herd conformity of Religionists has kept the Church in business. That and coupled with the fact that most Mainstream religious institutions are Tax Exempt, so the priests and preachers amass fortunes from building actual Pipe Dreams into the minds of the flock that follows close behind."

Deleted user Dec 26 '20 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 3 · Tags: church of satan, lavey, satanism, cos
Dark Enlightenment

Artist: Black Sabbath

Song: Symptom of the Universe

Lyricist: The Prince of Darkness


Mother moon she's calling me back to her silver womb
Father of creation takes me from my stolen tomb
Seven hundredth unicorn is waiting in the skies
A symptom of the universe, a love that never dies

Take my hand, my child of love come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean I've been crying all these years
With our love we'll ride away into eternal skies
A symptom of the universe, a love that never dies.

These are rather on point lyrics for a working class English catholic. 

These lyrics epitomize the essence of RHP attainment for me despite that take being consistently rejected by almost everyone. 

And in a way worth beating like a dead horse too. 

Abstraction: The quality of dealing with Ideas rather than events.  

In my opinion this is the line between "born v made".  The ability to have that quality.  In short: satanism precludes spiritual prediclection. The way of the godly and abstract serene is naturally rejected. 

In another one of my rejected opinions this is actually more accurately represented in the East in some might say an overly general way. 

In Hinduism you have a concept called Atman.

Ātman is a Sanskrit word that means inner self, spirit, or soul. In Hindu philosophy, especially in the Vedanta school of Hinduism, Ātman is the first principle: the true self of an individual beyond identification with phenomena, the essence of an individual.

In Buddhism you have the rejection of this called Anatta.

In Buddhism, the term anattā or anātman refers to the doctrine of "non-self" — that there is no unchanging, permanent self, soul, or essence in phenomena. It is one of the seven beneficial perceptions in Buddhism and one of the three marks of existence along with dukkha and anicca.

The first of these holds truth to concepts without proof. There is more to reality and self than what we can sense.  The second holds reality and form is only what we can sense and experience in our short impermenant lives    

And I believe this gets the ball rolling, and is more inherent to character of the individual than just rejection of transient status quo or imprinted philosophy.  As those in the anatta camp are more likely to be highly skeptical of those "spiritual pipe dreams" (faithful predisposition). This non-belief to the mystical translates into non-belief in authority or imposition. 

A practical example:

As Seen in a footprints poster.

Can the concept of God's whatever carrying you through your tough times do a damn thing for you? Can a belief in something abstract provide comfort to you?

Can The Symptom of the Universe and its sky unicorns do a goddamned thing for you?

Or do you need practical and observable materialistic solutions to bank any sort of hope? Does it need to be real and deal with what's real, what is phenomenal?

Can you light a few candles, chant some names and feel like cosmic forces will protect you?

Or does even the psychodrama fail to do you a damn bit of good without a consistent outcome you can affirm to experience?

Likewise can you accept that from any imposing authority figure?

If forced to be in the Atman camp under subserviernt circumstance, could you do it?

Or if ideological (or even real) inquistions forced you to kiss a papal robe would you take the metaphorical (or real) guillotine? .

Would an insolent fire burn within making you wary of such faulty epistemology? Could that trend towards self immolation in defiant protest of such an artificial authority?

At the heart of this (pun intended) is faith, or posessing an ability for its productive use in day to day peaceful attainment. 

If god is submission to ideas and protection through faith than the adversary must stand antithetical to these qualities, not appeal to divine protection, and naturally discard use for any "symptoms of the universe" in the process. 

Dr. Phil Analogy of the above: In the Satanic Bible if the first two books are like the first part of a sentence; than the second two books are the word "but" contradicting everything you said previously. 

Dark Enlightenment Nov 21 '20 · Rate: 3.67 · Comments: 3
Brother Shamus

I am a typical "Goldwater Moderate".  I grew up in wacky do-your-own thing libertarian Arizona and the moderate politics of the state rubbed off.   While I'm still not a fan of Trump's further right policies, I will say this: 

This country needs a Trump reelection.  Not because he's right for the job; because he's right for the people, ALL OF THEM, even those that hate him. 

Imagine that. Against all odds "The Great Silent Majority" (I swear another presidential incumbent called upon that) sweeps him into a second term.  "Sacrafice". And wouldn't you know it registration is the highest it's ever been.  Record breaking. Texas, Ohio, Georgia... You name it. The silent majority is getting ready. 

Which way will they go? 

Down 8 in the polls currently, but he was down 12 last time.

Who remembers this:

Seems like ancient history with the lemmings all hopping on Team Pelosi and taking their spite out on the democratic process.  Never has any sitting president been so opposed in their office by vindictive politicians with the only priority getting back at them for taking away their hope to follow up the hope.  

It was supposed to go, "First a black President, then a woman president", and Country Club Old Money took it from them, rode a bull economy, and did a fairly descent job to those paying attention. He even managed to pull off many of his campaign promises.  And his supporters quite liked him telling China to f* off and picking tariff tiffs with the Canadians.  

And whether or not you support it, THOSE are the things he's done with his presidency.  

But that's not important, because this is the snowflake twitter generation. Hashtag simple. Basic. 

The anger exhibited by a college aged millenials is like watching Hitler youth salute their master. Only it's a fist, a fuck the police, and a want so bad to say they were part of some social movement of change they don't see the s*** peddled to get their attention and support.   Snakes of implanted beliefs, and a spin to provoke the wishy washy herd minded idealism that elected Hitler chancellor and instilled revolucion in Latin America. 

And while that goes both ways, politically, The right has never been the side to violently protest, at least post 1900.  

Socio-political change comes from the left. 

But lately... 

It's hysteria. It's media driven. It's Facebook driven. It's another social meme that disposes hate with hate.  A herd with a herd. 

But it's ok because it's only hate of fascists.  And people that don't share your progressive ideology so much  that the judeochristian mindset of "You must think like me" takes hold and perspective flies out a morally righteous window.

With The NAACP, college tuition, and droves of people lining up to help the upstanding black kid succeed he only loses if he aspires to be a balla', and that's only when the line of work catches up.  

Yes black lives matter and moreso on a sliding scale of how disadvantaged they are.  

What if I was to say, "George Floyd deserved it, as would my white *** if I did the same thing"? 

This is crocodile tear hysteria, one so pressurized and ready to burst you can get reported to the fingermen of social justice if you dare say, "Maybe the cop wasn't racist and the guy was just an intoxicated jack*** that didnt want to go to jail?"

But what of the racists? These horrid folk that impede your progressive ideologies? 

What? The ones not on hillbilly heroin knocking back confederate recipe moonshine? The stupid impressionable DOC kids? There is an increasingly disparaging list of stereotypes of those classied as "White Supremacists", such as breeding like Clevon in the movie Idiocracy. 

Heritage *and* congenital defects not Hate! 

Not really the greatest threat to you or anyone... at most just more victims or rampant ignorant belief. 

They can fly their rebel flag and you can wipe your tears with a rainbow one. 

They have a right to exist so long as they don't advocate violence (legally). And run the risk of losing everything if they do. This country can have people that think things you don't like and you just have to deal with it.  They can think as xenophobic as they want. They can hate whomever they want. They can fly a Nazi flag alongside the antifa ones protesting them and no-one can stop each-other.  

And that's why a Trump reelection is a good thing. 

We, as a country (planet), need that riot. The country needs the angry riot of twice disenfranchised youth taking to streets in violent protest like someone else's ideology is the most destructive thing in their lives.  The mass the overflowing vitriol has created needs to implode. Whether a Trump reelection or Derek Chauvin being acquitted (very unlikely).

The breakdown of society will happen through rampant slave morality. A society of Zarthustras Apes, the alleged Ubermencsh sparypainting ACAB on banks, or donning the combat boots of a Leftover Crack fan and taking back the suburbs like a progressive liberal punk rocker. 

It's like the hippies with Facebook instead of LSD.

And if you know of things that happened before 1990, you'd know how the election is gonna play out. Happy trails smiling all the way to 1972. 

And this is good for everyone prone to viral outrage and resulting slave ideologies.  It just looks like the left is gonna be the ones to break it open and (hopefully) bring about the armageddon of moral indignation.  

But only if Trump wins.

Just get the pseudo-civil war over with...

Brother Shamus Aug 21 '20 · Rate: 4 · Comments: 3

the far left is the most racist thing to exist in the modern age. This is Easy to explain. The left, in the entire short span of their history have promoted racism as an end to it's means. But this problem goes much farther than just divide and counquer. We also need to understand who is being divided, and who is being conquered. It's used differently in every scenario where it comes into play, because communism(all far left is communism) itself is a multi national movement and must be presented differently. Comunism operates on a philosophy called group think. Step one is identify a group that has less power/representation in the target nation. Step two, target these groups and tell them they are being oporessed and should fight back against whoever currently holds power in the target nation.
step 3 is the scariest:
Replace current government with a leftist government, and execute all the revolutionaries and rule with an iron fist. sounds like real freindly people.

In the US, current target of leftist propaganda is POC and women. 

The deep want to "put those naughty boys in their place" comes actually from primal motherhood instincts, and has much more little to do with how men treat women later in adulthood. That's why, a man can be kind and respectful to a woman, and still get constantly shit tested and bullied by a leftist woman. It's a primal urge for dominance and not cooperation, that's achieved through teaching them to view masculine men as dangerous threatening and stupid little boys.

The appeal to POC is much simpler and easier to understand. "see that whitey with all that money and power?!". After this remind the target about the rocky history of POC with whites ommiting every positive aspect of it. It takes a very smart and humble person to resist this. Building up a false sense of persecution with the media and constantly pushing racism is how you do this. Whites are made to look nerdy and backwards, and untrustworthy to POC in movies and TV. It's truly terrifying and racist to a degree I thought was impossible until I read it. I bet all the white girls dumping their boyfreinds right now are netflix customers all. The simple question is does right wing politics present a viable answer to this? the answer is a resounding NO.

The traditionalist right wing narrative applys to a more simple time. That's the short answer. It's not equipped to deal with, nor defeat the communist menace. So far the most they have done is made themselves look like racist idiots.

The answer lies in appealing to people's better nature. That, and selling the product of a clean, safe, fun, and sane way of life with few rules and more room to grow. The idea of personal freedom of thought and speech is always the best way to counter communist propaganda. The reader will likely go in search of answer and realize capitalism, and communism, are pure lunacy.


I encourage to do your own fear mongering. they do it, why not you? everyone that unsubscribes to the radical left and goes somewhere else is a victory. Tell them "look at scandinavia, they made good changes without all this thought policing!" because although worldwar 2 certainly helped their mental clarity these countries made these changes because of the horrors happening right next door in the soviet union. people were defecting and telling horror stories. It isn't all that hard to figure out.

TheblackestBart Jun 8 '20 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 3

Hello SIN. It's been awhile since I've posted, I know. I thought some of my earlier posts were lacking in quality, So I took a much needed hiatus. But now I'm back. I wanted to wait until I had something to say, and I do. For those of us that grew up before social media and saw it rise to become what it is, we knew a very different world. A world where what you said or how you looked didn't matter as much as what you did. Before I was labeled, marked, and cut out as a "troll" or as a person to be ignored and hated and put on that list, I had a good time. I had such a good time in fact, I think it deserves to be recorded somewhere. I was supposed to be a nice kid from church camp and marry a fat girl and raise brats. I rebelled, fought, and spat and kicked, and never accepted the omega position in life. I used tricks, violence, lies, manipulation and everything else. I've had a small total of 12 girlfreinds in my life, I've been in 8 bands, lived in 4 states and 3 countries, and the internet couldn't do a damn thing about it. I was even popular at times, and admired. None of this was supposed to happen had certain powers in my life got their way. 

In life, I always went with 2 main principles. number 1 is if people do it to you, do it back harder. Number 2 was me and mine first. To say I've never cared what people thought of me is not exactly accurate. I did for a time. I maintained a persona, but I didn't like being fake 100 percent of the time. As a known cheat and liar, I actually developed a very clear appreciation for the truth. Indeed one might say, being born into and participating in a world of disgusting lies and fraud, I very much strived for something real in life.


You see, I knew I was at a disadvantage from the beginning. I knew I would always be fighting uphill and nothing was ever going to be easy. Before there was facebook, or twitter, and before everyone got tracked and recorded, I was the greatest dork in disguise of all time.

The social order we have now is based on an internet social credit system. I have heard people say that social credit is coming, but I disagree. It's been here for years now. I know this because I used to play the character of a popular/good looking person and fooled just about everyone. I went from bottom of the barrel nerd, to smashing the whole highland highschool cheerleading team in 2 months just by wearing some clothes and playing guitar in a band called the amityville horror. Had I attempted this just 5 years later I would've been exposed and ridiculed. But that's not what happened. I got to enjoy every piece of life for awhile. I dare say for awhile I felt accepted and happy. If you are seething with rage right now, good. 

Even before the internet, before I knew the things I know now, I knew I was destined for obscurity and an uninteresting life. I felt it and resented it with every part of who I am. I vowed at an early age to hack life, get what I want, get it as cheap as possible, and to never stop. I've held true to that.

Even after the internet pigeonholed me, I still continue to enjoy life. I still have a social life, and even a sex life. All things I was supposed to never have or experience. So how do you do this you might ask? It isn't easy, but heres a short guide for others looking to escape the nerd box and really live:

1. people are stupid. popular people are really stupid, so donate alot of time to learning how to impersonate an idiot. Nobody likes a know it all, as a matter of fact most people hate it when you know anything.

2. Never share your true feelings, and lie about absolutely everything until you're with people you trust. Even then guard your heart. The more truth people know about you is more ammo for them to attack you with.

3. Learn to be selfish, and have no empathy unless it benefits you or your loved ones.

4. decide who your loved ones are in life and stick to them like glue. Real freinds are a treasure that is priceless, and you will need help to survive in this world.

5. Never fear a quick death. dying fast in a dangerous place with your heart racing is better than slowly wasting in a hospital bed. You're going to be forgotten anyway, but also remember to sell your one life dearly, because it's the only thing that will ever truly be yours. 

If you found any part of this offensive, good. Fuck you, I've had a great life and you can't do anything about it. I already won. I already have the memories. I defeated the christians, the feminists, the idiot herd, my own family. None of them were able to force me down into the place they wanted me. I win. I'm going to keep winning. And you can too.

TheblackestBart May 29 '20 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 3 · Tags: satanism, social media, life advice, life hacks
Dark Enlightenment

Screw Satanism, Antitheists are the ones who are born. 

Everything that drives your fire could be caused by compulsory non-answers. You may be a victim of your own genetic predisposition and push of others to see duality or superstition and not even know it. 

Antitheism is a non-dual mindset that leaves room at the end for character and integrity, and even a defacto "moral compass" of sorts. 

The Litmus Test:  Does considering matters of superstition as an option during adversity or to answer an unknown cause you a degree discomfort? Would optional application do nothing, and forced application cause distress? 

Only the antitheist can feel this pain. See Rainman being forced way out of comfort zone which cannot be controlled.  The circuit is shorted and no amount of flipping the switch will light the bulb. It never takes. 

A natural skepticism to what other people say or do.


If you needed money to stave off major adversity and couldn't find a source what would you find comfort in? What would reveal that light at the end of that tunnel.

A. A new source of cash flow achieved somehow, or failing that a plan to achieve said cash flow.

B. A prayer. A candle, And a hope something will fall from the sky and save you.

The antitheist cannot do both. A and only A. 

Only those prone to mysticism can use the latter. There is no "asking ____ and then doing the leg work".  It is a superfluous facet to consider your trajectory as rooted in divine purpose or determinism. 

Faithodrama, formerly known as psychodrama:

The antheist has no use for baseless faith. Not an interchangeable with 'trust' semantic conflation.To the point where Rainman (again) being denied Judge Wapner is a safe comparison. 

No, [Insert deity here] can't be proven to have done anything for you. 

Only your positivity can be proven.  You believed you had something helping you so much, that you made better decisions subconsciously and put yourself in a better situation without even realizing it.  Conversely if you are negative, you make self-saboteur decisions.  

The antitheist will ask short questions.

"Yes, but how will that get me money?", "Okay, so I pray and then what? How do I know it wasn't my actions?"

The antitheist will see worthlessness in something without visceral use or direct lines of cause and effect. 

The antitheist does not care they are missing an entire web of preconditioned mystic-compatible determinism. There is no world where your wants can enter a magical channel where they pull acausal strings and redict otherwise disconnected chains of cause and effect screaming in your direction.  It is amusing to consider at most.

The antitheist can't do circumstantial evidence and swallow species logic. The rock never keeps tigers away. They will see above coincidence as a humourous, and even an eyebrow raising likelihood of statistics, but write it off. 

The antitheist has no use for even the hodge-podge of "as above, so below", because it's all a mashing of noodles anyway. What seems like a connection to self or everything else is just perfectly normal ego, paranoia, and erroneous determination of significance. 

The antitheist knows shit happens. Good shit happens, bad shit happens. Both are proportional to what type of shit you are. Bad shit leads to worse shit, and increased likelihood of other shit.  But being one type of shit does not rule out the other type of shit happening.

Any "what is good vs what is bad" points of contention can be referred to The Genevese Family. Call it rooted in, "does this harm my environment?"  This would make something like ratting "good" in the land of litigious dictates "good" it is a notch to the "bad" end of your equilibrium and viability - because you are a filthy fucking rat. 

The antitheist does not see design in the hodge-podge. The gods, masters, and architects are ways of explaining away the quirks of our own emergent properties and assurance there will  be an equilibrium to arise even in our artificial creations. The design will always exist in a range of data and hindsight analysis.

Intelligent design is the median. The middle ground. The teetering point of stability between polar extremes. The bottom of the pendulum swing. Equilibrium. The point of symmetry. 


We presence this as a line drawn down the middle by our observation.  In western society the line down the center of our social stability is maintained by artificial systems (legal, banking) making orderly cooperative behavior to maintain that the middle ground of emergent priority. 
Even the artificial is as regulatory as the weather. As temperatures rise that middle ground changes, like sea levels. 

The antitheist sees a dynamic world in constant flux with the many different equilibriums both natural and artificial following an ebb/flow trajectory as sure as there is no absolute prediction of the future. Somewhere on the fringes of the ordered chaos you find the antitheist. 

But what of morals, character, integrity, and colloquial values...

Simply put If you are a jackass that fucks everyone over, and lives with anger and hatred, your "line down the center", your god, is likely going to be deeper into the shit. 

In a world where even the artificial is a parameter of your existence there is room to use various artificial systems and personal demeaner to place yourself in a 'less likely for adversity", but still fear the malignant cell. Rest assured there will still be apliication(s) of your personal ethics with real-world consequences eventually.

Your level will be found and you will deal with the limitations or opportunities allotted by your actions. 

And if some actions dig yourself down into a hole so deep you remove all escape options at least you won't be pained by delusions of purpose or destiny. You will be most concerned with useable ways to get out, if you can. 

And if in that hole you find yourself praying on your knees then maybe you were never a born antitheist anyway.

Use this again:

Dark Enlightenment Mar 29 '20 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 3
Zach Black Owner
Something I coined the diabolical infestation. This video is shockingly accurate about many things..

Venger Satanis

Eldritch, gonzo, science-fantasy, post-apocalypse!

So, I've got another Kickstarter campaign going.  It's about to end (3 days left, or thereabouts).

If you're into roleplaying games like D&D, then it's a must-have.  What else are you going to waste your Christmas money on, right?  Keep RPGs Satanic!

Check out Cha'alt: Fuchsia Malaise, and back it if you know what's good for you!  I'll scribble some Satanic shit on the inside cover (next to my signature and the numbered limited edition - if we reach that stretch goal).


Venger As'Nas Satanis

Ipsissimus of the Cthulhu Cult

Venger Satanis Jan 7 '20 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 3 · Tags: cha'alt, cthulhu, d&d, satanism, venger satanis, kickstarter
Zach Black Owner
No bullshit. One you do this you get a referral code and make 50 Everytime someone does the same .  Make 200 in referral last 2 weeks plus my initial 50 for when I got referred. Expires 20

Someone sent me this link and I never click this bullshit. But I know the chick well so I did . I read over it all and I got my free 50 bucks.. She got 50 to for referring  me. Not fees, no hidden bullshit. It is exactly what it says. 
All you gave to do is have direct deposit  put into your chime bank account  (free) totalling 200 dollars in 45 days a and both of us get 50 bucks. That's it. You can close chime and never use em again. You don't need to switch banks or anything. No services charge or monthly fee.  I kept my Chase account because I am lazy and don't want to move all my auto billing account over to chime.  Also , I put 5% of my check into chime as a savings.  
But that is what I do. Do whatever  the fuck you want. Once you open your free chime account you can refer people just like I am and keep making 50 bucks everyone they do up until 2020 . 
This expires in 3 1/2 months!! Make easy money for your referrals  and yourself every time they get theirs you get another 50. YOU CAN THANK ME LATER  . BUY ME A BEER . 

Chime 50 Bucks referral 

Edit -  Okay do not take my word for it... I made about 250-300 USD in last 2 1/2 have weeks through referring people who sign up. They are making referral money too.  No fees and  I can stop anytime but that would be retarded.  All I am doing is dropping links . But, pictures or it never happened. 

Also anyone who is skeptical google chime bank and see hundreds of Reviews . They have been around for years. Actually google bank promos 2019 . Union Bank, Chase, Wells Fargo ALL are giving away free money to open a account with them. I just did one at Union Bank they promo is nearly the same as Chime but Union you have 60 days to direct deposit a paycheck totaling 500 bucks or more and you get 200 bucks! Catch with Union is you must stay with them for 6 months or they take the money back. 

See Chime does not do that you can close anytime but why would you? If is all free? 

Zach Black Sep 15 '19 · Rate: 1 · Comments: 3 · Tags: chime refferal, free money, banks
Dark Enlightenment
Because I had to follow faith.
Because I had to allow your bullshit grace.
Because I had to follow a cloud
Because I had to think things happen for a reason..
Because I wasn't allowed to know for sure
Because I had to recognize and assume a connection.
Because I had to keep my eyes open for chance.
Because the rules of the game deserved to be shit on.
Because it's not paranoia when you're all full of shit.
Because you needed to fail at least fucking once
Because that's what you get for trying.
Because that's what you get for calling it nice.
Because your a bitch ass evangelist that deserves to die. 
Dark Enlightenment May 31 '24 · Comments: 3
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