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Zach Black Owner
I encourage you all to create groups. They are intended to be for meeting people in your area. So Try to narrow it down to Areas within a state or country. Like within a few hundred mile radius.

I also encourage everyone to join a group and use it.
Zach Black Aug 16 '14 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 5 · Tags: satanic international network

Dear members,

I first picked up The Satanic Bible about 15 years ago. I'm now revisiting some of the core themes. Due to my career, I'm what you call "in the closet," but nonetheless am looking for others who can discuss these ideas and perhaps improve my philosophy. 

The first Satanic statement, "Satan represents indulgence, instead of abstinence?" has probably been widely misinterpreted by overzealous teenagers and their parents. However, I've interpreted "indulgence" to mean indulging in life, taking life on life's terms, and working toward becoming successful in my endevours--indulging in the often hard work of trying to get ahead. 

Accordingly, as LaVey articulated, people often mistake compulsion for indulgence. One is a choice, the other is not. Though, isn't there "always" a choice? Despite much of the sensationalist language, naive theories of social Darwinism, and straw-man arguments in The Satanic Bible, I've interpreted "abstinence" to mean, at least for me, abstaining from dominant religious and political ideology which permeates throughout Western culture in a variety of ways, attempting to influence how one should live their life. 

Nevertheless, these are subjective interpretations. Please, correct me if I'm wrong. I'm curious what others on this path choose to indulge in. 


Rasha Apr 2 '16 · Comments: 5 · Tags: philosophy, the satanic bible, indulgence, compulsion
Zach Black Owner
So it has been announced the LHP consortium will be in ST.Lewis about April 2018. Prices and exact location to be determined. 

In 2016 I was a presenter and gave a ...presentation ....about modern Satanism. This coming year I have been invited to do the same. I guess I will come up with some new material or maybe jack Dreads ADM. Not sure. Joking Dread...maybe you should come and speak it. 

Here is my presentation last year. I was hoping they would put the LHP consortium somewhere cool that people might actually want to go. Say ...  Las Vegas, LA or NYC. Not my money though I am just a guest. 

If any of you are serious about attending hit me up in private. We might be able to pull a discount SIN thing. If it is anything like last year it was fun. A 3 day weekend of partying and rubbing elbows with occultniks. 

Straight up I live in Surrey BC Canada and some Christians were playing outside one of the bus depot‘s and I walked right up to the big group of people and said hail Satan they just looked at me all weird and I just walked away but you know what I put it in their fucking head that not everybody believes in what they believe and you’re right there are money grabbing Muslims and there our money money grabbing Jews and if the Satanist is a money grabber then he’s not a true satanist We don’t ask for money we do not donate money we do not believe in asking for money we make our own money and we spend it how the fuck we want to spend it the only reason that people in other countries become Christians is because these Christians bring them food in their fucking hungry
TheDarkProphet Nov 23 '17 · Comments: 5
Kiss me under the moonlight
For moment of passion of the night
Hold me deep holding me so tight
Under a beautiful site
Stars ocean waves we embrace
Wildly kissing passionately kissing your face
I'm so crazy over you

My fallen Angel I cry for you
For your love to rescue me from
My heartbreak
My fallen angel I cry for you

holding me
Making love under the sea
I need you to rescue me this life
It's Holding me against a knife
I love you Save me save me save me

My fallen angel I cry for you
For your love to rescue me from
My heartbeak
My fallen angel I cry for you
Lady-Apostate Oct 21 '17 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 5 · Tags: poetry
Dominic Cross
There is great power in the process of Atavism, those who these days rebuke the importance of culture, religion, faith Magick and historical events are void of Soul and have little understanding of the connection between all things, all ages, all spheres of existence.
Belief systems differ of cause and my own - forged on the realization that Satan and the Demons of His Legion are real entities, manifest forces in their own right colours my own perceptions of how I may view or describe the importance of Spirituality or Atavism . . . but the perceived current and identity of a path is not important when viewing the power behind such things.

The movement of the Nazis before and during the Second World War was an atavistic event, Hitler tapped into the Aryan mindset and history, literally accessed the current of the Atavistic Aryan lineage to fuel his own ideology and objectives and drew others with similar views and objectives into his sphere of belief and direction forging a journey which almost resulted in world domination.
Atavism is strong with the Germanic and Nordic races even in the rise of the Black Metal scene in Scandinavian countries this was evident with a deep rooted aesthetic and belief system gestated from Norse Legends and Gods, to the point where even the black and white corpse paint adopted by those in this subculture was a form of resurgent atavism founded upon the appearance of the Oskorei or the Norse Wild Hunt.
Atavism is once more rising in the world - unfortunately in many ways this is taking the form of racial atavism and bringing hostile divisions and race war with it ~ this is particularly evident in the US and the UK at present . . . people see this as ironic in the US where it could be said that the whole country are immigrants, but people are missing the point, Atavism does not retain itself to lands or countries, it is inherent in the lineage of the person, sometimes even in the Soul.

Satanism when merged with an Atavistic approach is powerful and it is a method I have used for the past twenty years or so . . . when one immerses themselves in the very current of Satanism through aesthetics, legend, history, literature and classical perceptions one finds the self open to information and answers that before remained unattainable.

The mind becomes as a Gateway to the atavistic current of the Satanic, his opened to vistas before unexplored and Mysteries long lost, this is a method used by those involved in Black Alchemy where practices of this type of Left Hand Path Magick that have remained unrecorded by the written word are discovered through a form of atavistic automatic writing through an evocation of the past (historically) and of ones previous incarnations.

For those who are Atheists or Atheistic Satanists this of cause would seem a nonsense, that however does not make it untrue, the mind expanded by science is also narrowed in comprehension of that which science - as yet - not derived explanations for . . . to the Scientific minded person of Historical times the idea of space travel, the existence of planets beyond those recorded at the time etc would have seemed as ludicrous as the concept of Angels and Demons are now to the Atheist.

Books became the first atavistic keys for me ~ I was deeply ensconced in the novel La~Bas by Joris Karl Huysmans when I found myself in something of a trance state . . . somehow the book had opened up an element of my subconscious which transported me back to times I had experienced in previous incarnations seen with such clarity and definition as to leave my mind deeply disturbed for a number of days.

It is said that Hitler's own atavistic experiences started during a reading of Parzival by the 13th century poet Wolfram von Eschenbach and of cause Hitler's obsession with the Opera Parcifal by Wagner based on this epic Poem is well documented.

Atavism is played down by those without understanding of its importance as nostalgia, but nostalgia and atavism are completely different things, the first is a fond remembering of treasured times gone by, the latter is a Spiritual and/or Cultural connection to the ancient past of a certain land, faith, belief or racial lineage.

It is this pursuit of utilizing Atavism within my Occult Workings which has defined my belief in the existence of Satan and the Demonic beings of Hell, for the atavistic current that runs from the core of Satan and the realms beyond our own are powerful beyond explanation . . . more importantly this atavistic current acts as a key to unlock the subconscious and remember and tap into Black Arts and Operations that have been lost to time.

For it must be said that the heart of the Atavistic current lies in the subconscious of each of us and the heart of the subconscious is the connected inextricably to the core of the Soul.

In the 17th century, America's first "Satanic Panic" occured in Massachusetts known as The Salem Witch Trials, mass hysteria circulated of devil worshippers, witches & warlocks. Because of extreme religious beliefs, anyone accused of witchcraft was either burned or brought to the gallows to be hung. Those who accused these so-called witches claimed to incite "righteous murder" in the name of God.
Now fast forward time to the 1960's the formation of Anton LaVey's Satanic philosophy, people were contrasting him with the likes of Jim Jones, David Koresh & Charles Manson with fears of another cult. Mixed emotions of fear & anger came forward.
Then in the 1980's America's second "Satanic Panic" took place. Preschools, musicians, movies & television where caught in the storm of paranoia, as well as the serial killings of Richard Ramirez would only fan the flames of this panic. Churches were generating as much profit as possible from those frightened by the idea of Satanists amongst American society.
The year is now 2016 & Satanism has never been stronger in America. With our andvances in technology & science, it has generated more atheists & more people to spend time in front of their phones & tablets instead of attending church. America now takes part in all 7 deadly sins without worry of God's wrath & without knowledge of this. Lust, Envy, Greed, Sloth, Gluttony, Wrath & Pride are everywhere you look. Your family, your friends, our music, our movies, television, video games, even the internet. All taking part in the new Satanic order constructed by Anton LaVey. Although most people are unaware of this & still assume Satanism is related to blood worship, ritualistic rape, murder, mass suicide or some other deluted vision of this philosophy, the bottom line is this, America was founded as a Christian nation with a strict god fearing order, has now evolved into a free thinking, atheistic nation with the love for sex, money, food & relaxation. The U.S.A. is now Under Satan's Authority.

"We are heading into a new Satanic age, the evidence is all around us, all we have to do is look at it"
-Anton Szandor LaVey, "The Black Mass", 1960
sectheother Dec 2 '16 · Rate: 4 · Comments: 5 · Tags: under satan's authority, usa, satanism, satanic, america, 666
If we all believed in one god, would there be such a thing as blasphemy?

If we just trusted one man with a blind eye, wouldn't we be fools?

If we trusted a preacher while we wore blindfolds, would it be true?

DenOne666 Oct 3 '16 · Comments: 5
Does anyone here like to be out at night? Especially on a new or full moon?

For me it is great and the strange things that happen I find interesting. Also you can feel more energy on the two moon phases. Being out late ours give me a sense of fulfillment on any night to be honest.

Bloodthirstyringmaster Jun 5 '16 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 5

A man is stopped by another on the corner of his local drugstore who says “Hey, c'mere. I got these pills that will make you smarter. Only $10 a piece. Want one?” 

The man thinks about it for a second and says “Sure, give me one.”

“Thatta boy!”, replies the man, as he takes the other's 10 dollar bill and hands him a small, chocolate colored ball. 

The man takes it, chews, and swallows. 

“Do you feel smarter?”, asks the pill vendor. 

“No, not really,” replies the man.

“Well, take another, I assure you with each one you will increase in intelligence."

“Sure,” says the man as he pays another $10 and takes the pill handed to him.

“Any smarter?” asks the pill vendor.

“Yeah...”, remarks the man, “yeah, I think it takes a bit different this time. It's got a whang to it. Give me another!”

“Assuredly!” says the pill vendor as he takes another $10 and gives the man another vaguely spherical round ball.

Right as the man bites down on his third pill he exclaims, “Hey! This is sheep shit!”

“Absolutely! See, you're smarter already.”

Some book I'm working on:

Hartnell May 25 '16 · Comments: 5 · Tags: rube

I can define it for you the old fashioned way. Give you the glossed over, clinical definition devoid of real world experience but I'd rather give you something you can apply. Our lives are filled with psychic vampires. You encounter them on a daily basis but they slip by undetected until one targets you and then your perspective of normal human behavior forever changes.

First Awakening: Other people are not like you. Not. At. All.

Decency, honesty, justice, compassion, empathy, remorse, conscience, guilt, love -- these are NOT universal traits. Sure, you know that on a surface level but a psychic vampire is going to bring you to question each of these values on a scale you didn't believe a human could reach. When dancing with a vampire you can not only expect them to step on your toes but be prepared to be stabbed in the back, your throat cut, and disemboweled, all with a vampire smile and within arm's reach of bystanders that can't see your pain nor the malicious attack. The hardest thing for anyone to believe is that they have been deceived. It is almost universal that a person will refuse to believe he is gullible. They trust their impressions of people; they don't actually know them. So the vampire continues to exploit victim after victim right under the nose of others, sometimes gaining support in the abuse.

First Rule: Do not TRUST. Verify.

Don't trust psychic vampires' stories or recollection of events if they are the victim. Real victims rarely tell their stories. They are too ashamed and hurt to reveal the most tender part of themselves to any and everyone. Not a vampire. They tell you to gain YOUR emotion; your pity and empathy so they can play you like a puppet. Real victims seek solace and lick their wounds. Manipulators look for gullible puppets.

Words are empty.
Actions speak volumes.

Psychic Vampires depend on your gullible trust in what you're told rather than what you verify because verification takes time. We must be the Judge and Jury on what we will accept as truth.

Identifier: A psychic vampire will display a pattern of attack and remorse, or aggression and denial. Even better; ridicule and oblivion. Oblivious to their own hurtful words or inappropriate actions. They depend on you to only remember your last encounter with them as though you live in a isolated capsule that hinders the memory of elapsed time. They think that if they appear remorseful and kind today you will forget their maliciousness of yesterday. Don't be fooled.
It's a pattern.

 A pattern of abuse.
They don't deserve a second chance.

Padowan Nov 13 '15 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 5 · Tags: psychic vampires, gullible
     I was raised by a very Baptist grandmother. I will always appreciate what she had done for me during her lifetime, but she was very pushy about her beliefs. as a teen I had to warn my friends to never bring up religion or politics around my grandma unless they wanted to get into a heated debate. The only one who seemed to enjoy these debates was an atheist friend of mine. my opinion is he enjoyed getting a rise out of her. But anyways...I feel as I had no freedom of thought. like most people raised in a Christian family I was told the bible was to be taken as absolute truth. Anything spiritual was considered "evil" and of the "devil" (meditation, divination, astral projection ect) i was told anybody involved in the occult was basically all the same they were all evil baby sacrificing devil worshippers. it didn't matter what they believed if you weren't "saved" you were going to hell. I grew up in a world where I felt like i was spiritually walking on egg shells. "you can't do that or you will go to hell" i wasnt even allowed to trick or treat because it was Satan's holiday and i could be kidnapped and sacrificed. oh and i can't forget the time gram read a book about "spiritual warfare" and went on a kick about demons being the cause of every bad thing in the world.

      Another thing that drove me bat shit fucking crazy is there are way too many hypocritical christians. ya know the judgey ones that stick there nose up in the air like they better than everyone. the corruption even within my own former church that I witnessed. our preacher had to resign because he got busted lining his pockets with the money from the offering plate. the same guy who is stealing from everyone is telling me I'm a sinner for getting knocked up before I was married. like i said hyprocrite. I didn't fit in because unlike most of the others I didn't give a fuck if someone was gay, had sex before marriage, had an abortion, had other religious or pollitical beliefs than i. my motto was each to their own. who the fuck am I to tell someone how they ought to live. I have my beliefs you have yours let's agree to disagree instead of arguing endlessly and guess what we still won't change the other persons oppinion.     Basically what lead me to this website was exploring other options and point of views. I had begun to question my faith in the christain god and noticed that the bible contradicts itself. What I have found while researching is those involved in the occult are not all the same. Wiccans aren't the same as Satanists. there are different denominations  (for lack of a better term) of Satanist and pagans. I was surprised to learn there is even atheistic satanist. it's amazing what you learn when you open your mind and quit being so narrow minded and listening to what your told is right and wrong. I also discovered i was not the only one who thought the bible contradicts itself. People have gone so far as to write books on contradictions in the bible and how it can not be historically correct. 

     I've reached a point where I am tired of feeling like i am going to suffer for eternity because I didn't conform to what I was told I should believe. I have always been intrigued by the spirit realm but I didn't dare explore for fear of eternal Damnation or having an evil spirit attach itself to me. I'm done living in fear or feeling guilty for being a human being and having desires. I haven't put a label on myself as far as what religion I am because I think right now I'm still trying to figure that out. I haven't done enough reading or research yet to have enough knowledge to choose a path that's best for me. I do identify with the concept of the left hand path. freedom of thought and doing what you want without the fear of eternal damnation. obviously I have a lot to learn and explore before I can claim im this or that. I just know  I'm  not atheist because I do believe there is a spiritual realm. i believe there is some kind of afterlife i just dont think its heaven and hell. 

     I think I've blabbered on enough for this blog. if anyone cared or was interested long enough to read this whole thing feel free to leave your thoughts and opinions. (now that ive realized its ok to have an opinion.) if you have any good book reccomendations for someone new to a spiritual path I would love to know :) 

Amethyst May 30 '18 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 5

Today’s news gave me a laugh. A nearly seventy-year-old sexual maniac decided to prey on young female students at the university in Poznań. He put on smart clothes, took a suitcase and introduced himself as a professor of anthropology doing a scientific research. He led naive girls one by one to a secluded place, gave them a survey to complete and then asked them to gradually undress themselves so that he could measure their muscle temperature. Each of the confused girls eagerly took off her clothes and let the bogus professor meticulously examine her naked body. The professor then wrote down the “results” in his papers and kindly thanked the girls for their contribution to the development of science.

It turned out that the guy “worked” at several universities and colleges in and near Poznań. When the girls decided to speak up, the police arrested the predator on the grounds of sexual abuse. Then, some psychologists commented on the whole affair; that we have a natural tendency to conform, that we usually trust and obey the authority, that the guy was very persuasive, that his professor disguise was like a magic spell, that the confused victim is easy to manipulate blah blah blah…

Or perhaps, the girls fancied some anal fisting and simply needed a good excuse.

Anna Nov 4 '15 · Comments: 5 · Tags: conformity, manipulation, sexual abuse, deceit
Codependency, also known as the disease of the lost self, is one of the strongest cultural influences placed upon growing girls. This writing is not meant to admonish a Christian perspective but more of a peek into the psychological underpinnings of a childhood nightly ritual. I couldn't help but reflect on my transition from codependent to Satanist after I looked upon a bookshelf and saw a childhood plaque leaning there. This plaque hung upon every childhood room of mine from infancy to high school. I recall my mother at my bedside reciting the words with me as a young girl, sinking the concepts to the furthest recesses of my mind.
I never knew how something so trite and simple could impact my life.

Prayer for A Little Girl

Now I lay me Down to sleep.
I pray Thee Lord, my soul to keep.
And Angels guard me through the night.
And keep me safe 'til morning light.

Help me to know Thy love for me
So I a loving child may be,
With generous thoughts and happy face
And pleasant words in every place.

Teach me to always say what's true,
Be willing in each task I do.
Please help me to be good each day,
And lead me in Thy Holy way.

I pray whatever wrongs I've done
You will forgive them, every one.
Be near me when I wake again,
And bless all those I love. Amen.

On the surface it appears so innocent but the hidden messages are damaging.

"Now I lay me Down to sleep.
I pray Thee Lord, my soul to keep.
And Angels guard me through the night.
And keep me safe 'til morning light."

Here is the beginning of accepting the control of your life (soul) to someone else and dependence upon them for your safety. Even more deeply the implied message is you are inherently unsafe; you need protection you fragile creature. Is there something a young child should really fear while sleeping? Why instill fear into the subconscious before dreaming? How cruel to use fear to encourage compliance in a young girl's heart. I know, I was that fearful child.

"Help me to know Thy love for me
So I a loving child may be,
With generous thoughts and happy face
And pleasant words in every place."

Can you guess the underlying intent? If I fail to be generous and pleasant (for others) then what am I? Unloving? I am not afforded boundaries. I am not given room to feel anger or selfishness or defiance to establish those boundaries. If I am forbidden the growth of boundaries in childhood when do you expect I will learn? The answer: when abuse supersedes the strength of the psyche. Ever notice how much abuse women will endure? Have you ever asked yourself 'why did she stay?' Because she wanted to be 'loving.'

"Teach me to always say what's true,
Be willing in each task I do.
Please help me to be good each day,
And lead me in Thy Holy way."

Natural children are literal. Children are born honest and learn to lie and they learn to lie faster upon the threat of deprivation, punishment and judgment. Teaching insinuates the child cannot tell truth from lie which is ridiculous. Encourage honesty. There is no need to teach the obvious. Willing implies you have a will, but here we learn it is not really our own. Good little girls willfully comply in every task; no back talk missy. And take my hand please, pave the way because women are notorious for falling off the beaten path. Never point us in the right direction and expect the straight and narrow. Just look at Little Red Riding Hood. Self-navigation is unsafe.

"I pray whatever wrongs I've done
You will forgive them, every one.
Be near me when I wake again,
And bless all those I love. Amen."

Here is the crux of the codependent: shame. Shame needs forgiveness. Without shame there is no victim of judgment. A shameless woman has no strings. She cannot be coerced. A woman that determines her own self-worth cannot be emotionally manipulated. And as for the judge, let him never let me be. His control is constant and ever present. Sacrifice your freedom in return for blessings of love and promises of safety. There's no safer place than prison.

This prayer could be just another indoctrination of religion to the average reader, but for me I see clearly the cultural conditioning that helped prime me for abusive relationships.
• self-sacrifice
• lack of boundaries
• subordination
• dependent for security
• need to be validated by others

Now, here I stand. For every trait I changed above I was charged with the following accusations:
• self-serving
• cold and unloving
• bossy and acting like a man
• pretentious and reckless
• shameless and evil

A ritual for the Satanic Girl is overdue.
Padowan Sep 29 '15 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 5

“Open Sesame.” The phrase thought by some to have originated from ancient Babylonian magical practices which in the fable One Thousand Nights when uttered opened the entrance to a magical cave containing the treasure of the forty thieves. While there are probably those who would argue that they know how to find the cave but would not waste their time doing so since everyone knows Ali Baba has taken the treasure. Most would be very skeptical and others would simply tear such a braggart apart.

What if I were to say there is a magical phrase which does not open a hidden cave but is very capable of opening some doors which conceal their own treasures for some people. Some I'm sure would laugh and walk away and if you are inclined to do so I would recommend that you do so now because the three words will probably not open any doors for you anyway.

We live in a very complex world and seem to be but a small part of an extremely complex optimization algorithm seeking the answer to the question, “What is the optimal configuration of a life form?” We share a planet with seven billion other people, innumerable microbes and who knows how many other creatures all evolving in an attempt to become the solution, or maybe it's something else altogether. The non organic portions of the universe are just as complex yet somehow, some people seem to think they have all of the answers.

 It takes very little intelligence to establish that these self proclaimed masters of the universe (HE-MEN) are anything but. While it can be entertaining to ask these types of complex questions and watch them squirm around trying to bullshit their way into producing a solution they have convinced themselves you will buy, it usually is not very productive unless entertainment is one's objective. This is especially true when interviewing someone for a technical job and probably others as well. The question is asked, the candidate's mouth becomes dry, sometimes they sweat and then they proceed to supply a bullshit response which they foolishly believe you will accept simply because they do not know or in some cases are simply incapable of admitting they do not have the answer.

 The net result, they simply establish that they cannot be trusted and when the interview is over, their resumes are unsanctimoniously discarded, they are thanked for the interview and immediately forgotten. As for the three magic words which would have opened the door to the opportunity and rewards held therein. Hmmm ...I don't know.

Beavery Sep 7 '15 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 5

I have a fundamental, deeply held belief that all of humanity is totally full of shit. That includes me. Therefore you have my 100% guarantee that everything I say will be no less full of shit than the rest of the human race. That's the only guarantee I can give you. Everything else should be considered possibly full of shit.

I also have an equally fundamental, deeply held belief that the smartest thing anyone can do is realize how completely and totally full of shit they really are and remind themselves of this fact daily.

There are turds everywhere, and the turd you step in most often is your own.


Shawn Aug 16 '15 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 5 · Tags: shitbending

Science and magic are often spoken as if they are opposed. Science supposedly is based on hard facts and magic is the domain of the unexplainably mysterious, occult and often blatantly horseshit. 

Neither of those descriptions are accurate of science or magic. In fact, they're not descriptions of either of them at all. They're descriptions of Houdini style skepticism aimed at a certain kind of fraudulent huckster selling something to the credulous. (Usually books or psychic readings.)

The focus of science and magic isn't to debunk the bullshit of another person but to tease out the secrets of the the mysterious universe in which we live and apply them. Both are a persuit of knowledge and the application of that knowledge (power.)

Essentially science and magic are the same disciplines -- reverse engineering and engineering -- with a few differences.

1. Science is overwhelming academic and magic is purely practical. As such, the scientist is limited by academic standards, the magician by his own abilities. This allows modern day magicians to benefit from the research of more academic researchers even though they show no interest in anything outside their own ivory tower.

2. Theory, research and application within science are almost always separated to the point that all three are done by different groups of people. Magicians must be all three. In the end, the magician must always rely on his own first hand experience, his own judgement, his own understanding, and his own abilites.

3. The mechanism of validation of knowledge in science is peer review. Magical knoweldge can only be proven by first hand results. Even when knowledge is originally from an academic source, a magician must validate it for himself.

4. Science is generally thought of as mainly involving the physical sciences, thus, "hard science" is a science which works directly (or as close as possible) with some kind of matter. Magic, on the other hand, is primarily psychological and social and works using universally applicable models such as networks and systems. It matters less to a magician what something is made of than how it functions.

5. The point of view of a scientist is looking outward. The point of view of a magician is through their own eyes. For example, within science psychology is studied and explained as if it only pertained to other people. Magicians study psychology from their own first person perspective "from within the subject" wherever such first hand observations about themselves can be made.

6. Self-awareness and situational awareness is much more important in magic than in science. A magician is thus much more aware of himself and his surroundings and the dynamics of change in the moment than a scientist. 

7. Science ultimately is focused on the advancement of a body of knowledge. Magic ultimately results in the personal evolution of the magician.

Shawn Jul 27 '15 · Comments: 5 · Tags: magic, science
sonofject Member
Putting all generational gaps aside, I'm pretty certain that I am not the only person shaking their heads in utter disbelief over what is happening to academia in the western world, specifically in private colleges and universities. I've no interest in the public education template, that system is inherently flawed to not meet a student's or instructor's standard of education. You can't get what you pay for if you don't pay. It's basically a class struggle that diminishes a student's drive to excel in learning because of their social status. This environment of sociology-politics is causing a major shift in academia and how education is dispersed to the individual student.

Some of you college grads will remember this saying about the pitfalls of higher education: "You have to have gone to college to say/do something that stupid." This pointed jab at college-level learning is ironic but in many ways true. I'm not trying to apply this to the hard sciences or traditional academia, mind you--I'm talking about the injecting of cultural Marxist values into areas of cultural/social/gender studies. This phenomena is not new to those types of curriculum, and the majority of those types of college-level classes are electives anyway. But, to me, it says something about the value that educators put on these accredited courses that, quite frankly, won't further your situation in life or give you a skill set to master in the real world. Student political activism aside--I'll be blunt and say you can't hide behind privilege to get a real degree in the humanities or cultural studies--it just doesn't work that way outside of a classroom or ideological bubble.    

The way technology has consolidated information and education, there's definitely a social trend or political activist bent to the way people are being formally educated. I can say from experience that the value of a private education is still substantial over a government subsidized one, and that the class struggle is what, pervasively, makes students more politically motivated to change traditional education templates.

As a sometime educator and social worker, it's not hard to see the machinations of higher learning and the politics behind formal education. It's amusing to see where the radicalized educators and activists push the political envelope on issues of ethics or moral imperatives or cultural appropriation. Issues that, ultimately, will impact how future generations of people are schooled.

by sonofject

sonofject Jul 22 '15 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 5 · Tags: current social trends acadamia social justice

What are some of your favorite movies about/with the devil?

Mine is The Exorcism of Emily Rose and The Last Exorcism 1 & 2

MetalHead666 Mar 26 '15 · Comments: 5
The Stooges were revolutionary in their part of the Punk Rock movement of the 70s. Though they weren't the first, they certainly were one of the best. Also, there's some kickass riffs heard in this album.
Juice Nov 22 '14 · Rate: 4 · Comments: 5 · Tags: music, punk, rock, stooges
Zach Black Owner

So a friend of mine works for a moving company. He asked me if I wanted to make some cash as a mover, Well, I did. What I did not realize is that it was a 5 story house two levers. Stairs going up to the house and stairs in the house.

This family had two kinds and two dogs that kept getting in the way.It was a well to do family and they had lots of very nice and very heavy shit. Holy shit it sucked balls. It took 3 movers from 830am till 2am to mover their stuff.

I was so fucking tired and exhausted But 10pm I had to stop. I could not take anymore abuse. The other two movers were not happy but understood. Heavy shit up and down stairs aint fun. 700lbs piano,washer/dryer,600lbs refridgerator. shitloads of heavy dresser draws and tables,

Never again. This is not like helping your friend move. Slowly over a beer. Totally different. I do not think even when I was younger and in better shape I could do that shit. Certainly not regularly. On top of it, I made less money than I expected. Although that was my fault. I did not realize that depends on the job and if the customer times you.

I certainly I am not as strong as I was in my 20's. But, I am not a pussy either. What got me was not moving heavy shit. That sucked, but what got me is the stamina. Doing it for 13 hours..

Oh well, hope my job interview goes well at a sushi bar on Monday. I get paid more and it is easy, well for me it is. Also you get to drink. That was another thing that pissed me off. My friend is a drunk to. I figured we would stop and get some drink and hide it. Nope.. fucking sucked.

Zach Black Oct 12 '14 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 5 · Tags: satanic international, satanic international network, zach black
Zach Black Owner
Yep just like SIN but for drug users. Big market for it. Several of my drug youtube videos are getting millions of views. Wonder what the liability is though 
Zach Black Jan 4 '18 · Comments: 5 · Tags: zach black
EdMenonymous Member
Ed is lost in the ABYSS fellas.. and I am here to fukkin stay.. Until the burning of hell and all of her wrath either KILLS ME or SETS ME FREE!"

Thing for me is this new RE  FOCUS... that they are not outside of me but exist within me and will surface from within by MY WILL and PROPER CHANNELING... But what really is with in that is not with out..?

They are so like sensitive kittens OUR DÆMONS and only RUN LIKE LIGHTENING upon approach...


Artistic writing aside... yea the fukkin dæmons hide in and under guise of legitimately worshipped gods... now we're talkin...  

and more why can't all of you just fukkin worship EdMe.?.

or AK or Zach or the weakest person you know that you love because they are weakened by OUR SICK MTHA FKKN SOCIETY!..

why don't we set each other up on each others' altars and worship each other.. and give each other our blind undying LOVE ... ?

actually you know what? fuck AC fuck ABREMELIN..

My new gods are AK Zack black Charles and this lovely amazing dude who is the pot at the end of my rainbow!!1

Fuck these gods and dæmons and satan and ALL !!!

now this is one... its just writing.. its just struggling.. it doesn't mean anything..

but what does mean something..?

to you? what really matters and means anything to u and why? 

Love and sex magick connection....

people who inspire me

people and shit I can learn from...

One time I picked this flower and I pretended like um it was a He and um he just wanted to be picked knowing that HE WAS SOON FOR DEATH.. but he didn't care this flower.. He wanted to walk with me.. and SEE THE WORLD AROUND HIM THAT HE'D BEEN PLANTED IN HIS WHOLE LIGHFE...

He was such a funny flower... he kept looking around saying WOW WOW WOW!

WHAT an amazing day! Wow the sky and those clouds and.. oh wow look at those ladies down there! Wow.. hay ladies... and of course he was talking to all the weeds stuck in the ground these little pretty flowers just growing everywhere all around.. and all the lady flowers were like wow who was that... what a hottie... ? oh wow...  and so yea.. here we are IN the ABYSSS...

I don't wanna get out  i LIKE IT HERE GODDAMMIT!

Atleast its NOT BORING AT ALL!q!!

EdMenonymous Jul 15 '18 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 5 · Tags: the abyss, flowers, mysticism
EdMenonymous Member
Is there any power in this..?

For me when I said AK Zack Charles DE and EdMe are the GODS TO WORSHIP.. oh and I am sorry ANNA IS THE PRIESTESS.. she is NO DOUBT!'

What did I mean? really? 

i meant don't we do this already? WORSHIP SUCCESS?

 .. what does worship mean?

What do we mean by worship? Do we worship the system or GOD that which WILL GIVE US SUCCESS for our race family friends and things that WE REALLY LOVE AND CARE ABOUT and APPROVE OF? 

our own success `? 

Isn't or is our own success mandated by someone else's measure?

or perhaps this is our   key... 


and you know what everybody I been a crazy head here so far  i KNOW!


But This battle in REAL LIGHFE to get to be MY TRUE SELF!

(without having to live up to the expectations to the anything given to ME or coulda should woulda been taken away) from me!


i think about who am I really?! and mostly I am ashamed and the devils fukkin goat to fuk when I THINK HOW MANY TIMES I'VE JUST GIVEN UP ON MYSELF TO SURVIVE! i will not get into the conspear of how we in whitey world r gettin by these days.. cause it doesn't matter..



anything OR ANY ONE, that if u were face to face with on mushrooms and BUKKED  NAKED FACE TO FACE WITH ...



and you stand yer ground and YOU JUST DON'T GIVE IN.. maybe a little, BY ACTING LIKE IT!'








So I ask u my fellow satanists? 





93 and 23 SKRAMdiddliedoobopFUKOFFWHATEVEROM!

The title of this BLOG.. is a MAGICKAL INQUIRY...

Are ANY OF YOU OUT THERE but in my heart WILLING?---

 any of you willing to worship EdMe>!




which is the reason WE ARE ALL HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE

a brotherhood to LOVE and SUPPORT INTO the OBLIVION into the ABYSS! 


strength of will than FOR A MAN TO DO HIS TRUE WILL

. and even without brotherhood I WILL DO THIS NO MATTER WHAT!

111= 3x37.... 37x6? 37x21=? 31x=93....

as Edme.. I see the message.. yea Yea I can CHANNEL you.. YOU as abramelin and AC and Spare and ANY OF YOU


what I realize is that we have been given everything we need to truly understand...OUR TRUE WILLS!





or the


has put into our HEAD and INTO OUR HANDS?



a subject that EdMe has found, NO ONE HAS ANY INTEREST IN...






ok ok I like to a mystic..'

i'm trying.. Ed's faves are AC RAW W Burroughs..AOS

so this is me..'

So i get it.

 I need to be clear i'm gonna give it my best


and So do YOU believe and I have NO DOUBT..





Priestess CALLISTI

As a 23 year old college student who is soon going to turn 24 this month, I will soon start attending University after finishing up community college. I understand that attending University in a conservative state outside of California is going to be a totally different environment for me. My parents on the other hand are hoping that I can be part of the "mainstream,"  once I start attending University. The simple answer that I have on that false hope is simply a "no, I have no interest in being part of the mainstream."  Satanic philosophy for me has always been about being yourself and refusing to bow down to the Herd culture. Satanism for me has always been about being true to your character. Now don't get me wrong, in any kind of environment I can play politics if I have to. But when it comes down to being complacent, that is something I will not bow to. In a workplace environment of course I would conform to my boss to keep my job. But outside from the work environment, I am who I am. What my parents do not understand about me, is I have no interest in being "accepted."  As someone who practices the Left Hand Path, I see "acceptance," as a form of weakness. To describe my analogy of the Left Hand Path is this, the Left Hand Path is about transforming oneself who fly's freely, who chooses to be unfettered from society itself. 

It is about you being a free individual. Some of us who are attracted to the Left Hand Path have had certain bad past experiences that got us there. To quote from Nikolas Schreck himself "If you are drawn to the left hand path, it's usually because you've had some kind of life experience that has shocked you, awakened you."  My parents have always hoped their son would grow out of Satanism. Like any parent, they assumed it was some kind of a phase. And they still have this false hope that I might one day change and dump what I practice and believe in. But that isn't going to happen. The quote from Schreck pretty much sums it up. 

I love the Left Hand Path and putting Satanic philosophy to practice. I have no interest in going back to being part of the docile sheep. My personal Life experience that has "shocked and awakened me," will never go away. That life experience was simply one that was a positive transformation for me. I acknowledge the Black Flame, that very gift of intelligence that man has ignored. For some of us that has had a bad life experience, we simply chose to acknowledge that Black Flame within us. We enjoy the sensations of this very gift of Freedom that this Black Flame holds within us. Why go back to conform to a persons wish, if that was a part of that Life experience that awakened you to tread along to the Path of Darkness? 

And finally I will leave a last quote from the man himself, "A Satanist should not allow himself to be programmed by others. He should fight tooth and nail against it, for that is the greatest enemy to his freedom of spirit."  That is where I stand. I can be a politician if I have to on anytime of the given day. But when it comes to dealing with someone who tries to dictate to me on what I should and shouldn't do in my own personal lifestyle, that is something I will fight tooth and nail against.

AlexTheTerrible Mar 20 '23 · Comments: 4 · Tags: left hand path, satanism
Their is nothing wrong on appreciating the thankfulness that your country provides (U.S.) such as freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, freedom to practice your religion etc. However, I get sick and tired of hearing the repetition's "that we are more divided than ever,"  "That we must be united" or something along these lines. It has gotten ridiculous to the point where I know this one individual in particular who has commented on my interests in Friedrich Nietzsche saying, "aren't you worried that you are reading a foreign import that's un-american?"  As someone who walks the Left Hand Path, I have no interest in Nationalism or known as collectivism. I have no interest in being a part of the non intellectuals which is the common man in America, who goes to his or her Christian church, has a beer belly, and who gets trapped under the false idealisms of both Nationalism and also to the far Left.  I refuse to worship the state as it's replacement from God.

Nationalism may had worked in the 1950's when it was 100% a Nazerene country, with so many indoctrination's among its flock. But it is no longer there, it has simply vanished. Those who carry the false dream that they want to enforce a collectivist/Nationalist state need to grow the fuck up, It's a little kids dream. This country is collectivist in a sense with both extreme side's of the far left and the far right, (maybe evangelical conservatives included). But it is not fully collectivistic. Collectivism can only work if you have both a religious/political cult flock in this country, that is it. It cannot work fully and never will. Any idiot can figure out that this country is all about making money, their isn't anything patriotic. It is all a figment of one's imagination. Idealism is a poison in the human mind. As a walker on this path I focus on what's real, I do not spend time bitching about the so called "division" about this country. My main focus is on myself, how I prosper on my own. I do not care about the state, nor do I care about its docile humans.

I refuse to embrace the so called status quo from other so called American idealists who are in the same boat on enforcing their fantasy of a traditional 50's Nationalistic country (or something along these lines.)  The only belief that I may hold is on the individual, his own autonomy/sovereignty. Politics/idealism has become the replacement of Christianity. I regard this country today to still be a Nazarene country even though others would say "Christianity is dying."  It might be dying, however the Christian slave morality is still in effect. 

AlexTheTerrible Dec 13 '21 · Comments: 4 · Tags: left hand path
Cornelius Coburn

Is it possible that the conscious thoughts and feelings of the Scribe might arouse the interest of non-terrestrial entities, or, perhaps it was planned this way. It's a decades long game of experience and exploration, and it ain't over yet.


But ultimately in the end, all we are left with is experience. Which continuously must be renewed to avoid becoming subject to a stale eternity.


- deja vu

Cornelius Coburn Oct 27 '21 · Comments: 4 · Tags: eternity
Dark Enlightenment
This deserves a blog because it's a superstitious concept. 

I am rewriting demonolgy. I don't like it. I want a simpler answer for everything in a way that doesn't take directly from herd mythology.

Luckily Satanism is fairly open and I can incorporate anything as long as it's my own individual idea that serves itself and stays away from said herd. Nuance is a fish flopping on a Lake Mead playa as the water level dwindles to nothing. 

With that said, here's my idea to cover ALL occurrences of paranormal phenomenon and prophetic religiosity with a simple answer that works across the board.

There are intelligent glowing energy-based creatures, that while immaterial look like insects. Their reality exists in parallel with our own. They are "phase shifted" to a world adjacent to our own. Even in infinite space parallel worlds are like channels with a frequency. The ones next to us can bleed into our reality.

However, these translucent energy bugs are highly intelligent, telepathic, telekinetic and can manipulate this bleed through effect. They use the attention humans pay to them to keep the nexus always open. (below)

All demons, ghosts, ethereal communication, and even sky phenomenon are these phase shifted interdimensional energy based insect-like creatures. 

They have evolved to turn our electromagnetic brainwaves into useable energy. And our conscious devotion to their tricks upon our existence are converted to biomechanical fuel that allows them to hold open the bridge between parallel worlds. They feed off belief. And they reinforce our belief by manipulating our realities to our wills.

Once this symbiosis starts the interdimensional being sucks the human dry and discards them with a body full of malady. 

And they have been playing with us for aeons. They got more involved only after our hydrogen and nuclear weapons started to bleed through to their reality and disrupt their power transfer. 

There are also two factions of energy insectoids with different roles to keep the bridge open. Those who want people to conform and those who want people to defy. They use our predisposition for wacky placeholder ideas and influence our mysticism. When you do the bidding in defiance of society you are incorporating the likeness of the defiant interdimensional insectoids that influence our superstitions. 

And that is the real reason for all paranormal or possession phenomenon and there's nothing you can say to prove that demons, attachments, magic, light orbs aren't interdimensional insectoids playing with our reality. 

And since all that matters is maintaining my own will and indivuality, and because I can incorporate any abstract bullshit I want into that, no one say it's not Satanism to believe in glowing interdimensional energy bugs as the likeness of the adversary. 


Dark Enlightenment Oct 19 '21 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 4
Cornelius Coburn

Conditioned to think of paint or pigment as color, but it's actually more of a magical substance that alters the frequency of rebounding light waves. Paint has no actual color, but its' material composition is magical in that it can alter ambient energy that results in a metaphorical pouring out of color into the microcosm via the visual mechanism - ergo - magic in plain sight. No pun intended.

The beauty, the aesthetics of color, and the pigments whose function serve as medium for the resulting energetic(serpentine) transverse waves that propagate the terrestrial as well as the aethereal medium.

One may call it science, but in all actuality, it is a single facet of a greater, and for all intents and purposes, ineffable illusion, that goes to the very core of existence, and beyond...


Cornelius Coburn Sep 8 '21 · Rate: 1 · Comments: 4 · Tags: light, color, energy




I coin a term in this post. “Caballion” shall mean “member of the Cabal.”


Also, I write this as if the Cabal will meet in person. Adapting what I’ve written to fit online sessions is a simple matter. However, there’s an element of trust implicit in an in-person gathering, and this element should not be casually set aside. Even online, Caballions should show their faces and reveal their names. If you can’t rise to that level of trust with a certain group of people, you don’t belong in a Cabal with those people. The corollary is this: Every formal gathering is private; the names of its attendees, secret; and all that goes on, confidential. Whoever violates this principle shall become prey.


Finally, there’s no hierarchy in a Cabal. Every formal gathering has a leader, but that role should rotate among the members. Also, to the extent practical, the role of providing the meeting place should rotate among the members. Caballions shall treat the meeting place, its owner, and its uninvolved residents, in particular any pets, with the utmost courtesy and respect, or risk being hunted for sport.



Any time after sundown, the Cabal enters the meeting room and all take their seats. The last person entering shuts the door and turns off any electric lights before sitting down. If the room has no windows and is therefore pitch black, the last person entering uses a cigarette lighter to provide some illumination.


LEADER: “Caballions: Light your candles.”


Each member places a small red candle on the table and lights it with a match, cigarette lighter, or utility lighter – just nothing ridiculous like a blowtorch.


LEADER: “In the name of SEKHMET we begin.”


The leader turns to the member on his or her immediate left.


LEADER: “Caballion [Name], What malice do you have under way?”


The member describes any destruction he or she is bringing to an adversary.


LEADER: “What do you ask of us who sit here?”


The member describes any assistance that could be helpful. Discussion ensues, offers are made, or not, and are accepted, or not. When common sense indicates the discussion has run its course, the leader turns to the next member on the left, poses the same questions, and allows the same discussion. This continues until all members have been heard from.




LEADER: “Caballion [Name], What misanthropy do you have under way?”


The member describes any distress he or she is bringing to a detested one. A detested one would be a weakling, an imbecile, a sucker, an incompetent, a poser, a coward, or a bellyacher.


LEADER: “What do you ask of us who sit here?”


The member describes any assistance that could be helpful. Discussion ensues, offers are made, or not, and are accepted, or not. When common sense indicates the discussion has run its course, the leader turns to the next member on the left, poses the same questions, and allows the same discussion. This continues until all members have been heard from.




LEADER: “Caballion [Name], What blasphemy do you have under way?”


The member describes any defilement he or she is bringing to dogma.


LEADER: “What do you ask of us who sit here?”


The member describes any assistance that could be helpful. Discussion ensues, offers are made, or not, and are accepted, or not. When common sense indicates the discussion has run its course, the leader turns to the next member on the left, poses the same questions, and allows the same discussion. This continues until all members have been heard from.




LEADER: “All is complete. In the name of SEKHMET we bring this gathering to a close. Caballions, extinguish your candles.”


All do so. If needed, the person who was last entering once again uses a cigarette lighter to provide some illumination. This same person stands up, turns on the electric lights, and opens the door. All exit the room in silence. The last person leaving the room turns off the electric lights and shuts the door. Any subsequent conversation must not have anything to do with what was said in the gathering. This sets the tone for privacy, secrecy, confidentiality - and also protects against inadvertent hearing by the meeting place’s uninvolved residents.




The love of money is the beginning of wisdom.


The fear of God is the root of the poisonous tree.


Blessed are the rich, for they stand at the helm.


Blessed are the greedy, for they would possess the earth.


Blessed are they who take the biggest portion, for because of them, the meek will go without.


Blessed are they who laugh, for they know the great truth.


Blessed are they who lust, for their senses are alive.


Blessed are they who love food, for the world is their oyster.


Blessed are they who work smarter, not harder, for by sloth they conquer.


Blessed are the vain, for they adorn the best subject.


Blessed are they whose arrogance makes them walk like kings, for the earth knows its master.


Blessed are they whose envy elevates their ambitions, for they will have the last laugh.


Blessed are they who make their own meaning, for they prove they have no need of God.


Blessed are they who are laws unto themselves, for they shall be called Lords of Order.


Blessed are the strong, for they can bear the brunt of an attack.


Blessed are the cunning, for they set traps their prey will not escape.


Blessed are they whose malice is a thing of beauty, for theirs is the highest art.


Blessed are the buyers and sellers, for they make the world go round.

Blessed are they who take ACTION out in the world, for the world is vulnerable to them.


Blessed are the selfish, for they have their hands on the throat of God.


Blessed are they who stand alone, for Leviathan has a place for them.


Blessed are they who honor the name of Mammon, for they prove they are fearless of God.


Wolfie Jul 23 '21 · Comments: 4 · Tags: ischyros diavolos!, leviathan, mammon, wolfism

“Money is the blood of the super-beast.”


How can we exploit the second great Mammon-truth?


One way is by applying this wisdom to the stock market.


First, we must ask ourselves: What is the super-beast doing? Answer: It is growing. In four dimensions – human population, the global computer network, physical territory, and economic territory – it is growing, and so it makes diabolical sense for us to invest in these four areas. Leviathan’s relentless advance and expansion is the Dao, what some might call an “invisible hand,” which is not a metaphysical concept, but rather, is a macroeconomic statistical hypothesis which can be tested quantifiably by experts. Leviathan is the Übermensch, the ultimate aim of all power, and make no mistake, money is power.


The way to invest in human population growth is to invest in all forms of infrastructure, for without the latter, the former is doomed either to failure or to the useless multiplication of useless human bodies. Roads, bridges, sewers, electricity, natural gas, potable water, food, telephony, the internet, education, medicine, cars and trucks, and mass transit are all essential to a growing human population that isn’t going to just wallow in miserable poverty. Companies that contribute to the advance and expansion of infrastructure will ride the current of the Dao. Consider investing in them.    


The way to invest in the growth of the global computer network is to invest in (a) those companies who are building or improving the internet backbone and (b) those companies who are exploiting the internet backbone in new, innovative ways. The latter category includes streaming companies, gaming companies, and the makers of smart cars and smart homes. Companies in both categories are riding the current of the Dao. Consider investing in them. In particular look for companies who are pushing the frontiers of artificial intelligence.


The way to invest in the growth of physical territory is to invest in (a) undersea colonization and (b) outer space colonization. These are not pipedreams, nor are they boondoggles. The will to power is the will to eat, reproduce, and colonize. Living things have been conquering new territories from the dawn of intentional locomotion in the invertebrate kingdom. Vertebrates doubled down on this imperative. Mighty indeed was the will to power in the first proto-amphibians who boldly went where no animal had gone before: dry land. Humanity, meanwhile, has invaded every terrestrial niche we laid our eyes on. The bottom of the ocean beckons, as does the surface of the moon, and of Mars. Companies engaged in these grand expeditions are riding the current of the Dao. Consider investing in them.


The way to invest in the growth of economic territory is to invest in companies who are creating whole new markets. The cell phone was an example of this, and the smart phone took it a step further. Anti-perspirant was a supreme example. Before advertisers taught them to, consumers didn’t fear the stink of their underarms. Superhero movies have been a triumphant example. Companies who teach consumers to want things they never wanted before, or to fear things they never feared before, ride the current of the Dao. Consider investing in them.


I, of course, am not a financial adviser, and this post is for entertainment purposes only. ISCHYROS DIAVOLOS!

Wolfie Jul 20 '21 · Comments: 4 · Tags: ischyros diavolos!, leviathan, mammon, übermensch, wolfism, dao

So yesterday, I came across a youtube video on "Satanism as a religion?" This thing of calling Satanism a "religion," has been something I've pondered for a while. Now, I am not here to bash anyone that would adhere to any kind of religions. The point of my blog post is to simply cut through the vines towards the logic and reasoning on this subject.

A few people might call Satanism a religion, but what is a religion? If you look at most religions(I kind've mean it centered around on Christianity), it misses the concepts of having the critical thinking, skepticism, logic/reasoning. What I am trying to say is, religions such as Christianity does not get deeper on the surface's of reality. What do I mean by reality? The real world where god and Jesus cannot help you in your situations that you encounter in your own life. Now I am not saying their are stupid illogical people in every religion, as a matter of fact I am sure you have certain intelligent/logical individuals in every religion. But religion's such as Christianity miss those three key concepts (as I have stated earlier). Now take a look at Satanism, what do you see? Do you see it as a religion, or a philosophy? Take a look at the things that LaVey combined as his influences by applying it in Satanism. And tell me the logic if it is a religion?

So I find it funny that you might have a small percentage of people that would consider the Satanism incorporated by LaVey as a religion. The difference between a philosophy and a religion is pretty simple, in which I can bet every person knows it. A philosophy is a logical analysis/skepticism of life and the things that surround everyday life. A religion is one that does not have any logic or skepticism of an analysis towards life and everyday life. Christianity of course is that example. Instead it focuses on blindness towards belief without questioning it. Satan being "the one who questions," is that common antithesis. To the few percentage of people who actually choose to take Satanism like a regular church going person without any logical reasoning or critical thinking, I want you to take a look at these influences of LaVey, and try to compare it with the title "religion." Doesn't make any sense right? The simple theory that comes about, is perhaps LaVey simply used the term "religion" for pr purposes. Another thing to take a look at, read the satanic bible again and tell me if it makes sense to add magic rituals related towards a whole book that gets to the point of the here and now? To those who foolishly believe in it as some literal bible, I have no interest in hearing your argumental justifications as a "religion."

AlexTheTerrible Jul 16 '21 · Rate: 4 · Comments: 4 · Tags: satanism, lhp
Cornelius Coburn

And from the nothingness of the acausal that manifest the limitless light to a singular zero dimensional point of infinite quality it cometh, and it spake I AM, I AM THAT I AM...




I AM only what I was created to be.


Cornelius Coburn Mar 27 '21 · Comments: 4 · Tags: i am
Cornelius Coburn

Quis est hic diaboli, qui enim verus est magister...

Diabolus est dolo veritas est Divinus veritas super omnia verum est dominum

Devil Woman

Cornelius Coburn Feb 23 '21 · Comments: 4 · Tags: devil woman
Ok at this point, the whole Christmas thing is getting on my nerves big time. I keep getting all of these invites to church stuff. I politely decline, and then I get bitched at! Like...fucking really? I am not interested in spending a Sunday morning being told I have to submit for like 2 hours. Its not happening scooter pie.

I vote that everytime some religious nut case knocks on my door, they have to pay $30 for 5 minutes to talk about whatever they are talking about.   

CrimsonVirus5150 Dec 21 '20 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 4
Zach Black Owner

There are some perks that I must say I will take full advantage of. And no no its not the hippy teenage girls it is the free drugs and beer. Yep. I wish I woulda started doing this a long time ago but it never occurred to me that I could pull it off. 

I was looking to get some psychedelics mainly LSD or DMT. Well I only know were to get mushrooms. I am fucking super Mario shroomed out. So, I was told buy some teenage kids on Reddit to jam down to Ocean Beach where the hippies and traveling beatnik folks hang out and I will find some. Well, I do not really like asking strangers for drugs especially hippies who I do not know for a drug I have no real way of testing until they are long gone. But the teenagers swore I would not need to ask that they would recognize me as ' 30 hits guy' . Well I was skeptical but occasionally someone does recognize me on the street so I figured fuck it. But, I wanted to make sure . 

So I had a couple shirts made for the 10th anniversary of the video and I decided to wear one to the beach. I had only wore one once and that was new years eve to the pub . I did get to drink most of the night for free so I went for it,.

Now, it is hard to describe the foolishness you feel walking around with your face on your shirt. It is embarrassing. Because even if people do not get the reference even kids look at you like you are retarded for having your face on your shirt. So I felt like a tool but as I walked down to the board walk I decided to sit down and watch the sunset. Sure as shit those teenagers were right. Within 5 minutes a few younger hippies walked up and asked me if that was really me and I confirmed. After answering a few questions about the video they were asking me if I would trip with them rigth there right now. 

I explained to them I was looking for a to go order and had this much money . They came back with a older hippie who said if I take drop acid with him right now for every hit I do he will give me three to go. now... this was tempting . But I passed. He ended up giving me a few and selling me a bunch at like half of what they go for so I was happy. 

If anyone is in the mode for some LSD or DMT in the San Diego area ( DE) I am your huckleberry. 

Zach Black Owner
Islam -Just sayin....

Zach Black Feb 14 '20 · Comments: 4 · Tags: islam, satanic international network

The entire idea of a religion without a god and cult of personality around a leader, is so foreign to some people, and scary to the establishment, Extraterrestrials and nuclear war have to take a back seat to it. Theistic ideology is a tube that always leads to the same dystopian garbage dump. The whole Idea of worship has been proven to be as dumb as kneeling in front of a T rex and saying "please don't eat me." If you don't get devoured, you'll for sure get crushed and trampled. Only two outcomes, unless you're smart and you just shot the bastard. I bring this up on a satanist website because to my understanding of true satanism, it is the first truly ANTI theistic religion. I believe anti theism is what MAKES satanism a religion.

The difference between a satanist and just an atheist is obvious if you know where to look. I don't just doubt the existence of god, but I abhor the idea of worship. Just your run of the mill christ denyer might for example claim god doesn't exist, and then run off and go worship something even dumber. Is it a certain feeling of superiority over the natural and supernatural?or is it a realization of equality? Is it hypocritical to say god is a load of horse shit and then worship your favorite actor or politician? I say yes. I can also prove it beyond any shadow of a doubt. 

It takes a special kind of person to completely deny any authority but their own, and these people tend to have awful social skills and do not actively recruit. That's the simple reason why the idea hasn't really caught on. Maybe that's by design, but if it is, it doesn't really change anything. The conclusion is always the same, and the procedure for dealing with the thought process is the same. You simply stand on a hill and crow, "nothing is above me". If a piano doesn't crush you suddenly you can be reasonably assured there is no supernatural force which governs the universe, or you.

To those who refer to themselves as "theistic satanists" I have only one statement. Dumbass. The theistic satanist tends to fit a disticnt profile. The former christian or other uninformed person who believes in satan as a personal entity and Identifies as a servant of satan. 

The true comedy in this, is if you research the biblical beginnings of satan within the abrahamic realm, satan himself is a servant. Aside from his first cameo as a snake tempting eve to poach apples,(there is contention if this was even satan at all) he shows up in the book of jobe. In this instance, satan is employed by god as a judicial prosecutor of sorts. The entire epoch describes satan torturing and tempting jobe IN SERVICE of god. So if we are to view theistic satanists in the frame of them believing in the biblical satan, the biblical satan is a servant of god, so therefore theistic satanists are chirstians. whoops.

I am not however, unaware of the luciferian aspect. Satanism did not start with Anton Lavey, or general Aquino, and it will not end with Lucien griefs and the triggered snowflake temple. The history goes back 100s of years. To think that moral freedom and the rejection of dogma is anything recent is pure lunacy. We remember names like Alleister Crowley, Albert Pike, and even further back, John Dee and Edward Kelly, all impotant figures who set down what later became things like the left hand path, and pioneered the concepts that have become modern magick and science, even psychology.

The simple and disturbing fact is, "going where no man has gone before" is often an either suicidal or homicidal journey. Very few great expeditions in history have been legal or bloodless. The freedom we have today IS something new. Just 100 years ago, for example, if you were caught doing anything but christian rituals, or fucking anyone but who you're legally married to, you could be fucking executed. So yes, the occult has been underground for many years. I put in for consideration that satanist thinking and theory has also been under ground for much of it's history. We should Honor the people who gave us what we have today, even if they did think there was a lucifer who was a bearer of light.

It's a step forward from the bible. 

The billionaires in the owl cult aren't really satanists either in my opinion. I also don't think they take the owl cult as serious as christians think they do. Everybody saw Alex Jone's video of the cremation of care. And people that were using their brains noticed that it was a statue with a speaker in it. I believe we had something similar at one of the cub scout meetings I attended growing up. I'd be embarrassed if somebody saw a video of that, and I'm sure bill clinton or whoever felt similar. That being said, the owl cult shouldn't be confused with satanism. I'd join if invited though, they seem to be doing something right given their level of wealth. Most likely it comes from math skills and a fraternal closed lips policy. Copying the catholic church seems to be much more lucrative than black magic, but don't listen to me.

In conclusion, I'll make a simple statement. We as satanists, should not let the church, or the mundanes, project onto us an image that they make. Because when you believe any of the things said about satanism by people who have no idea what it is, you become just as religious as they are. I reject god, therefore I reject his texts, and his servants. Why must we be so defined by our naysayers? I find myself ironically waving a pentagram and saying "the power of logic compells you" when somebody tries to invade my psyche with dumb propaganda. Im an anti theist. God has no power because there is no god. I don't care about the president because hes just a fat golfer. I don't care about Kanye West because hes just a bad rapper. I don't really care about anything but myself. It's taken nearly 500 years for scholars to admit nothing is wrong with this.

TheblackestBart Nov 22 '19 · Comments: 4 · Tags: magick, occult, psychology, satanism
Dark Enlightenment

Because it's ruining the flow of the game. I laugh when they say it would be non-invasive. 

Congratulations, you have removed the traditional from the sport.  And what is fucking is wrong with the fourth official is he fucking retarded or just a wanker, as is so often stated. 

You fucking take away one of ours and issue the simulation yellow card and then turn around and let Watford fucking trip over the air, only after he realized the ball was going over the touch line. 

I feel this can lead to underdog favoritism for say, lovable little foxes who are pushing their way into "The Big 6" (formerly 4), to get the benefit of continued decisions in their favor like a charge vs block on one's home court in basketball.

You will DEFINITELY see a trend towards either the underdog or that same tendency in basketball for referees to call in favor of the home crowd because they too enjoy making people cheer. There is a real susceptibility to unintentional nepotism like giving relegation-prone teams something to cheer about. 

Apart from that, VAR has been nothing but a an unholy mess of a controversy from FIFA's grand incorporation of replay. Several obvious calls have been messed already by this other official, who is obvious off drinking and seeing double on the replay screen, is fucking it up for everything.

Dark Enlightenment Oct 31 '19 · Rate: 1 · Comments: 4

If you had asked me to describe my "Satanist" beliefs a year ago, I would have said that life is about being successful, no matter how heartless the necessary means. Nowadays, since I've become aware of human evolutionary anachronism, Satanism for me is more about happiness and the conflict between the means thereof and those of success. Now, I would say that life is about being happy, no matter how softheaded the necessary means. My old beliefs valued my genes while my new ones value the ego created by them. My old beliefs endorsed indifference while my current ones endorse passion. My choice to call these two very different beliefs "Satanist" is that they both value the self, although admittedly in very different ways. Christianity favors selflessness in the face of God and opposes selfishness as an affront to God's agenda. Satan is the archetypal antagonist, promoting selfishness in opposition to God.

Yalngarpiril Sep 25 '19 · Rate: 1 · Comments: 4
"Words are but symbols for the relations of things to one another and to us; nowhere do they touch upon absolute truth." -Friedrich Nietzsche

"The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words." -Philip K Dick

The Rudiments of Propaganda:

"He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying." -Friedrich Nietzsche

“The Guide says there is an art to flying", said Ford, "or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”  -Douglas Adams from life the universe and everything

Pink Floyd Learning to Fly:

“He that writeth in blood and proverbs doth not want to be read, but learnt by heart. In the mountains the shortest way is from peak to peak, but for that route thou must have long legs. Proverbs should be peaks, and those spoken to should be big and tall. The atmosphere rare and pure, danger near and the spirit full of a joyful wickedness: thus are things well matched. I want to have goblins about me, for I am courageous. The courage which scareth away ghosts, createth for itself goblins--it wanteth to laugh.” ―Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

"The delvers discovered all too rapidly, that trying to fight while a busy goblin was in your underwear was very bad for the concentration.” ―Terry Pratchett, Raising Steam

“I cried out to the fae to appear for me. It was my ill fortune that it was a goblin who answered.” ―Molly Ringle, The Goblins of Bellwater

The Goblin and the Woman by Hans Christian Anderson:

"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." -Friedrich Nietzsche

"He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man." -Hunter S. Thompson Fear and loathing in los vegas.

Strange Eden by Philip K Dick:

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." -Douglas Adams Hitch Hiker's guide to the Galaxy

"Woman was God's Second Mistake"- Fredrick Neotzsche

Eric Idle "Always look on the bright side of life":
StrangeEden Jun 28 '19 · Comments: 4 · Tags: random time wasters
So for the most part as many of you that know me also knows my Patron Demonic Spirit King Paimon. Well first off, I've have amazing invocations as well as evocations during this path working with King Paimon. To recently I was lead on the path of knowledge and during this time of enlightenment I was willed to work with Azazel also and guys let me be the first to tell you, I have been absorbing some heavy stuff working with this entity. The amount of power this entity beholds is absolutely insane. I know I've been offline a while but my recent studies and rituals has required me to remove myself from those things that makes us less grounded to this spiritual plain. My path is still incomplete though as I have taken on the full force of possession by both of these Kings I've finally felt the flame of the Infernal Realm and for the first time my Black Magik has grown to the point I can take a full on 18 day possession by these two kings. The feeling of being reborn as a true Black Magician is amazing. And it's good to be back. Looking forward to hearing from a few of my friends on here as I have a lot to talk about as well as catch up on.
Paimons_Son1211 Jan 7 '19 · Comments: 4 · Tags: king paimon king azazel hail satan
EpicFail TITS
The human mind seems nearly incapable of accepting that one day we will return to oblivion. Perhaps it's that survival instinct we all have-- that natural drive to cling to life even when we know death is imminent.

Maybe most of us can't grasp the probable reality that this is all there is. Certainly there must be some kind of meaning.. most people grow up, reproduce have mundane jobs and expire. 

life in and of itself is void of meaning.  Human existence in its entirety has no core significance. So yes, this is it.

However, meaning can be created.  One must focus on him or herself. Finding their own little piece of secular paradise.  

Fuck the idea of an uncertain at best afterlife. No speculation on the reality of here and now is necessary. we need to focus every moment possible on things that are significant to us-- make the most of each minute. We have choices. The three obvious ones are, pretend this life is only a bridge and put your faith in a likely imaginary entity, or live a life void of meaning ..a life of simply existing or make the most of it and enjoy.

End of rant
So I just lost another friend today because I will no longer tolerate this woman repeatedly calling me with sob story after sob story trying to get me to feel bad for her to send her money, just so she can buy weed and cigarettes. I met this woman in 2002, and she used to be a functioning adult with a job, but somewhere down the line she figured out how to live a life of a BUM and do nothing but apply for government programs all day and beg other people for money. Her and her husband live in a town with no opportunities whatsoever, and every few months I see a Facebook post with a go fund me saying that if they don’t get money from us hard working responsible adults, that they will be evicted and become homeless, or their power will get cut off in the middle of summer and their dogs will die. Yet these people always are able to afford cigarettes, or weed or video games. Her mom and a few other people gave them like 1,500 dollars to move to Vegas so that they can get out of the town they live in and they instead made the choice to stay in the town they are in and continue their lifestyle of begging and sob stories.

I know another literal bum who lives in Salt Lake. I’ve known this guy since I was a little kid. He’s another Facebook beggar. I offered him a job at my work because he was on Facebook saying how he’s homeless and living in the shelter, needs money, etc. Got him an interview and everything. My job is accessible by bus so he could get to it. Of course he doesn’t show up to the interview and next thing I hear about on Facebook is he’s trying to get on disability. This guy isn’t disabled! He’s always going to boxing gyms and training with his Mexican buddies doing that Mexican boxing thing like Canelo. Then, just a week ago he posted that he got drunk downtown and mad dogged some black dude and the guy jumped him and stomped out his head while he was down. He’s fine. All he does is walk around begging for money all day so that he can buy crack and tequila.

I’m sick of these fucking bums. These people have been doing this shit for years. Half the people I know are always broke with some sob story trying to get people to help them. I’m not fucking helping a single one of them. If they want money, they can get a fucking job. I bust my ass working 48 hours a week so that I can pay my truck payment and rent, and the money I have left is for me, not these fucking losers who don’t have shit to contribute to anyone or any thing.
Dantalion Apr 14 '23 · Comments: 4
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