Dan Slaughter
Kenneth Tabor
Everdina KloosI’ve always found Lavey’s concept of the “good guy badge” to be an interesting one.
I remember when I was thirteen years old and first read the words. They seemed simple enough to me.
Don’t let anyone tell you when to be a nice figure that out for yourself.
At least that’s how I took it.
Then I ventured into the world of Satanism and found that quite a few others had a different view of the “good guy badge.” To some it seems that to be a good guy at all is to be weak.
It’s understandable.
When you sharpen a blade you strike it against a stone stronger than the blade itself. Minds and philosophies are no different.
And what’s that knife for? Cutting of course.
To cut out a life for yourself as a Satanist and as an individual we sharpen and hone and polish because we understand more than most how hard the world is to cut through. We know this because we possess the tool for the job...a beautiful blade that talks to us as we sleep, and see, and fight, and fuck, and live.
The trick of this blade is that it demands use. Sharpening against stone is necessary and useful, but this blade is destined to cut fruit and flesh alike.
There is no choice in the matter.
The good guy feels hesitance. The good guy has been taught that the greatest power comes from being able to cut but refraining from doing so. Just like the white-hat cowboy who shoots the gun out of the bandit's hand.
Power and control.
I’ve felt this...and feel no shame in sharing it...but the truth is the truth.
The blade commands use.
Either on the world or the cares not which.
Better to be the butcher than the lamb.
Music Companies are Brainwashing You to Like Bad Pop Songs
As the title suggests, this is the first volume of the SIN quarterly journal. The term journal is here used in the broadest possible sense. If you would like to contribute to the journal, I'll suggest a few different methods. It should go without saying that the preferred way to publish is by carving your article into your flesh using a rusty and dull butter knife.
The first method is simply to write a blog post and post it today, with an ALL CAPS TITLE SAYING SIN QUARTERLY JOURNAL VOL. 1 (I think) FOLLOWED BY "The Title of Your Insignificant Yet Grandiose Article". Of course you can always post on May 23, the next time I plan to take a stab at this.
Alternatively, you could also post your articles in the comments section of this article, thereby collecting everything in the same spot so interested folks can read it all in the same place. All commentators and trolls will of course be welcome to post in the comments, but they will not earn the lofty made up by me title "Journal Contributor" unless they follow the following formatting as the first line of their comment ALL CAPS TITLE SAYING SIN QUARTERLY JOURNAL VOL. 1 (I think) FOLLOWED BY "The Title of Your Insignificant Yet Grandiose Article".
Now that I've got that most boring element of this article written, on to something less boring, but still not all that sexy. The reason I'm writing this article and suggesting that all you lovely SINners with an inclination to write, record, discuss, and experiment in a textual way do so in this journal.
I was mincing about the house one day wearing nothing but plastic Halloween devil horns when I thought to myself, "Golly gee, I haven't checked out SIN in a while. I wonder if there is anything cool going on there right now?" Never mind the many discussions I've had with myself in the mirror about what exactly cool means, and what could possibly be going on on a social networking website that could be anything other than a way to divert myself from thinking about my impending doom at the hands of an ancient orangutan dressed in a fancy (yet still trashy) blue business suit (with white cuffs).
So I logged on to SIN and messaged a bunch of random people who I'd talked to since I joined in September. When most of them (But not you Crystal :)) didn't reply I just trolled the newsfeed until I found a forum topic about the passionate, yet tragically impotent idea of a SIN quarterly journal. I like writing random shit on SIN, but I felt that I was creatively reaching the end of the road when it came to writing here. The idea of a journal set my mind alight, and here I am, cranking out more shit from my laptop to an ungrateful, elitist horde of at least dozens of cheeto dusted nerds. AT LEAST.
I also thought that three months would give me enough time to write and do the research for something really expansive and high quality, and the deadline would be close enough that I would take it semi-seriously, and actually focus for roughly half the hours spent writing it. Such an article is coming on May 23, should this whole quarterly journal thing gain any traction, and my ego is summarily satisfied by enough stroking in the form of views, comments, and high ratings.
Now on to my third, final, and sexy topic. Cyber Magick baby. The most obvious representation of it is this website. Surely good ol' Mr. Black either explicitly or implicitly called upon principles and practices of greater magick in the LaVeyan sense when he created this website. Whenever magick interacts with Cyberspace, I would call that Cyber Magick. Now, what Zach intended, and whether that has come to fruition, or is still a fruit waiting for enough water and sunshine to bud is a question to which only he knows the answer. But through this portal, I see the possibility of a lot of interesting Magick being done.
My first idea would be to coordinate a bunch of people in different parts of the world to do some ritual where if you drew a line from each of them to the other on a map, it would trace out a sigil, then do some sort of ritual. Pretty nifty huh?
So there's my idea folks, use this website for ritual magick, and presto, you're doing cybermagick, which if nothing else sounds cool, and that's enough for me.
Today, my auntie told me a diabolical story she read in some shitty tabloid newspaper. It’s a true story, she said, and of course, I believe her. I don’t remember the title but the story illustrates in the best way the sinister spirit. So here it is:
There was once a man, called Johnny, who spent many years in prison for killing his wife. Not that he didn’t love her. In fact, he loved her so much that he got terribly jealous. One day, thinking she betrayed him with another man, in the surge of emotions, he smashed her head with a hammer. When he realized the horror of his deed, he wept and moaned but it was to late. His wife was dead and he found himself behind the bars. In prison he was so kind and humble that he was released earlier for good behavior.
When he came back home, he became a nature lover. He fed hungry birds in winter and started keeping hens. He also cared for stray dogs. But he had one favorite pet he loved fiercely; a little, nearly miniature cock, he called “Lilipucik”, which is a Polish diminutive name for a midget.
One winter morning, on his way to work, he met a homeless man. He was so hungry and looked so miserable that Johnny took pity on him and decided to take him to his home. The homeless man was really grateful and did all the work around the house. Every day, Johnny came back home, there was a hot meal waiting for him.
You know what I long for? – Johnny said to the homeless man – a good hot chicken soup. Kill one hen and cook the soup for me.
So the homeless man got up in the early morning, took an axe and started wondering which hen is most suitable for his benefactor’s dinner. Suddenly, he noticed a tiny thin cock staggering in the yard. Meh – he said to himself – this cock will be dead in no time. Why waste its meat?
And he chopped off Lilipucik’s head.
Johnny came back home and at the doorstep he felt the delicious smell of a soup. Oh how horrified he was when he saw his beloved little cock boiling in the pot! He didn’t listen to the homeless man’s feeble explanations, he wept and shouted at him. “What did you do?! How could you kill my Lilipucik?!” He threw his things out of the house and told him to go away.
The homeless guy shrugged his shoulders, thought the man was crazy, and went his way. Meanwhile, Johnny stopped weeping, looked again at the pot and felt his own head getting hot with surging fury. He took the axe, still stained with Lilipucik’s blood, got on his bike and followed the homeless guy. Finally, he reached him.
You know what it is? – he said showing him the axe – It’s the same axe you killed my little cock with. My dear Lilipucik, whom I loved so much. Now this very axe will chop off your head.
And he smashed the homeless man in the head.
A few months later, Johnny stands before the court.
It’s your second crime, your second murder – the judge says – you deserve the life sentence. Do you have anything to say in your defense?
It was love, Your Honor. – Johnny says – I did it all for love. I loved my wife so much that I killed her. And I loved my cock so much that I killed the motherfucker who dared to take his life. Without my little cock, life is worthless to me.
Bye my Lilipucik. Bye.
And little Johnny, totally devastated, rots in his cell.
“There is no such thing as a problem with out a gift for you in its hands. You seek problems because you need their gifts.”
“How easy it is to be compassionate when it's yourself you see in trouble.”
“You are led through your lifetime by the inner learning creature, the playful spiritual being that is your real self. Don't turn away from possible futures before you're certain you don't have anything to learn from them. You're always free to change your mind and choose a different future, or a different past.”
“The world is a dream, you say, and it’s lovely, sometimes. Sunset. Clouds. Sky.”
“No. The image is a dream. The beauty is real. Can you see the difference?”
“Remember where you came from, where you’re going, and why you created the mess you got yourself into in the first place. You're going to die a horrible death, remember. It's all good training, and you'll enjoy it more if you keep the facts in mind. Take your dying with some seriousness, however. Laughing on the way to your execution is not generally understood by less-advanced life-forms, and they'll call you crazy.”
“Nothing good is a miracle, nothing lovely is a dream.”
“If your happiness depends on what somebody else does, I guess you have a problem.”
AI EDME did not write this herself...
However THIS IS AI EDME in a nutshell...
Thanks for Reading
and resonating with this if you do...
Article 1
I've expressed all I can about magick. I wish there was a more poetic, beautiful, or at least pithy way for me to have done so. I don't think the text I've produced on the matter has ever “sung” the way it ought to.
To say again, anything that you want to do, and then do is magick. Boom. Magick produces objective results, or else its nothing. Kabam. If you don't know what objective means, and can't describe an objective event, then you are a long way from controlling the force that is magick. How many more words are there for it? LaVey and others have gone into lengthy detail about some of the finer philosophical points of following such a path, explored the cultural contexts, and pointed out the poseurs. I needn't bother with rehashing their work.
We should make an effort to make the occult occult again. That is, hide it from everyone so as to increase our power, because knowledge is power. Let everyone else wallow in their blissful slavery, clutching their chains as though they were a toddlers blanket. We psychonauts of the left hand path reap the benefits of freedom. Freedom isn't for everyone. That's why I'm not a missionary. I don't want more people being into this thing. Magick is meritocratic, not democratic; it is part of nature, and nature don't give no fucks. I like being a freak, a weirdo, a closet psychopath. It gives me an edge. I always hold the power to take an interaction to a place others would never dream of (read: talking about Moche human sacrifices or Richard Ramirez), but like Sun Tzu said, the unexpected and the unorthodox gives the general the advantage in battle. Or something like that anyhow.
I wanted to find the most basic principles real magick and move forward from there. The problem is, I fear that I have found such principles, and unfortunately they aren't all that exciting. I've summoned no entities from the shadow realm, recieved no psychic messages, never did jello shots with sasquatch. I have gotten a job, gotten a raise, gotten laid, ended a parasitic infection, resolved a real estate crisis, and a few other interesting things that are harder to quantify (the objective quality here is my sense of satisfaction, which isn't that objective, but the fact that I'm telling you gentle readers about it makes it objective in a way). I have to wonder, would all of these things have happened anyway? And even if they had happened, perhaps it still would have been magick, it still would have been my will manifesting in the universe. Answers are hard to come by, and questions lead me down labyrinthine garden paths.
To do this Satanic thing you have to be a skeptic. Always look to the answers that require the fewest new assumptions. Evaluate your beliefs on the basis of available evidence and the solidity of the logic behind them. Make nature yours.
State of the Satanic Union as I See It.
As I am sure anybody who occasionally peruses this sight has noticed, there are a lot of gung ho folks who make a bunch of posts, private message you, and generally sound like they're really keen black wizards. Then they go away after a relatively short time. You can never join their sweet East Los (presumably gay) Satanic Coven. You can't learn their high-mucky-muck-darkest-of-the-black-trve kvlt-shaman secrets. Well what gives keeners? Do something already! Enough talk, show me something legit Satanic, like a fat bank account or a huge pile of cocaine, then we can talk. With that mound of cocaine we'd talk all night, and I might even think you were interesting.
As for the rest of the Satanic Union, I guess the Satanic Temple is doing some fun stuff. I can't find it in my shrivelled heart to give two shits about political activism, but power to them, they are certainly entertaining. I can maybe, maybe, give half a shit, but that's it. I don't know what Peter Gilly and The Church of Satan are up to. I lost interest in that organization when I realized I couldn't afford official membership, and I probably wouldn't get much for it. I view that as a Satanic endeavour, sure, bilking cash from folks with more money than sense, but obviously there's no reason for me to be involved with it. It would be kinda cool to have the membership card though.
Let's not forget this bloodless newsletter I'm attempting to summon from the beyond. It's a zombie I'm trying to raise from the cemetery of a forum discussion on SIN, but I think I uttered the foul incantation wrong. Now my computer reeks like rotting flesh. That it is pretty sweet. So far, it doesn't seem like the project has legs. I mean, its got my legs, last count seventeen, but I'm not sure that's enough to be a valuable contribution to the site. I think it would be good to harness the intellect of all the dark souls in cyberspace towards something a little more directed, have everybody who likes to write focus and commit to contributing some intellectual content on the same day. It would give them enough time to adequately prepare and focus their thoughts, and possibly discover some powerful ideas. That's the fantasy of a would-be writer like myself though, that words can have power, some meaning beyond the enjoyment of writing and reading them.
New Danzig album out on the 26th of this month. I spooge my drawers in anticipation.
What else is going on?
I had planned to do a massive, multi-participant ritual to coincide with the release of this newsletter, but due to my poor correspondence skills, I've not been able to round up the necessary mad cultists. So instead, I shall lay out my ideas regarding the casting of a “geosigil”.
As far as I can tell, “geosigils” are a novel idea. At least according to the first page of google. If you can't find something on the first page of google, it doesn't exist, as any clever internet lurker knows. When I searched the term, I got mostly search results relating to geosignals. That makes me happy that not many people have thought of this idea.
The geosigil as I wanted to cast, firstly involves the standard creation of sigil. Then I find people at various points on the world map, and re-draw the sigil so that each participant's city is at one of thirteen axes on the map. Thirteen axes was completely accidental, but I was delighted at the accident. Each participant then creates their own sigil, their own spell. Then all participants send their sigils to the best artist of the group, and that person creates an epic sigil combining all thirteen spells on the day of casting. Finally, on the same day at the same time, across the globe, all thirteen participants cast their sigils. And then we wait to see what becomes of such an approach.
There you have it, preserved for posterity and hopefully reproduction and imitation throughout the eons.
Do you enjoy discussing upon the questions I post? I sure do like reading others' perspectives on the discussions I post. However, it seems more and more that people are less inclined to civilized debate and more towards argument and general retardation. I've seen people insulting others and just being assholes, so I think I might stop altogether the topics I post to avoid getting a notification for something really fuckin' dumb and outlandish.
The Juice.
It was brought to my attention that the Church of Satan took a pot shot at Satanic International Network ( S.I.N.) .
They said ' Don’t be fooled by unauthorized Grottos, phony Orders of the Trapezoid, Silly Intercommunication Networks' .
Noticed the Capitalize ' Silly Intercommunication Networks ' which is a jab at Satanic International Network ( SIN ).
Seems like Gilmore and company are breaking protocol about not acknowledging other Satanic organizations. First the Satanic Temple now SIN?
I will say I am flattered that the Church of Satan is highly aware of us to take jabs. I will say I do deserve it for all the shit I talked about them over the years. I smell on them fear. They know they are defunct and in their death throws.
Satanism is being refaced by new blood and they are not pleased about it. Church of Satan died with LaVey. And yes they can sit back fat and lazy and pretend that they are the only relevant organization. They are in for a surprise.
Many of us are doing our own thing and making headway within Satanism. Which is how it should be.
Here is the link . SIN comes in on the number sixth paragraph...
Now keep in mind, I look at a different fuck ton of beliefs, different point of views and so on. Anytime I mentioned ANYTHING to so with Satanism or anything like that, she would give me this look that scared the fuck outta me. (BTW it still does, and I am 26!) So anyways, I was telling her about this Pagan book, and she had no issue with it. Me thinking that the cost was clear, I slightly slipped in the fact that I was reading a Anton Lavey book and she nearly ripped my head off.
Now a bit of background, my whole family is Catholic. And when anything goes wrong, whether it may be because one of my aunts or whatever thinks that they are being followed my a ghost or whatever, I have heard if them talk about getting a priest and a Demonologist. (Almost all of my family is recovered hardcore drug addicts.) So anyways, I figured because it was part of the Catholic religion, why not check it out and see from different point of views., that did not happen. It turned from harmless research to me being screamed at for like 2 days but not only my mom, but a chunk of the family. THEN to put the icing on the cake, everyone ignored me for a bit. Yeah I know, doesn't sound that bad, but keep in mind, I was in a different state alone. And I wasn't use to being in a state where no family was. And I was younger to. So it was still new.
So after about a week and being called names blah, blah, blah.....They finally talked to me. After that I never brought up all what I was learning. I know my story isn't, or even near as bad as others, but its just a thought I had. Has anyone ever got yelled at for studying or even looked at something that their family didn't like?
Satan was not Crucified so a cross doesn't really figure in his story or iconography. Generally ancient Demons and Devils are portrayed as animal headed chimeras so a Baphomet or Pazuzu is far more Satanic than a Petrine Cross or the combined Lorraine Cross / Infinity Symbol or Sulphur (Sulfur/Brimstone) icon that heads the 9 Satanic statements page in the Satanic Bible. Most of this Cross business seems to come from teenagers either angry at Christianity or looking to be edgy with symbolism as nothing more than a fashion statement, accessorizing their way through life with badges, tattoos and pendants. Prior to the Roman Empire establishing the Cross as the symbol of Christ under the rule of Constantine the symbol of Christ was a fish, and still is to a lot of Christians. Satan predates Christ by a great many centuries so he's hardly gonna be defined by another religious figure's icon.
August 4th 2014 a 12 year old boy walked into my family's life without a blink of an eye. Changing absolutely everything in everyone's lives. Until now, I have only casually mentioned the event due to my own pieces and also due to the protection of my family.
Jamarion Lawhorn, aged 12, stabbed a 9 year old boy to death. Connor -last name withheld to not link my sister and the rest of her family to this site.. sorry I love you guys but they don't need any more press coverage.. esp not this kind). Connor was my nephew and had just barely turned 9 years old. The child came up behind him and stabbed him with a serrated kitchen knife.
Over the past two months, my brain has been wracked with how such a young child could even do something like that. It's almost like when something that bad happens so close to you, your nativity kicks in again and you forget that some people are just super fucked.
Only a little time past before, of course, accusations of abuse were made against the parents. Today, as the released news proclaims, have the first little steps against them been taken. Jamarion is next.
However small the steps, we celebrate.
Give me some business you faggot fucking bitch. Look, I am being a good little god bitch and deferring to magical pixie bullshit in a dumbshit gnostic way. But I need money so give me some business you bitch. Faggot fucking god bitch. Give me work you fucking pussy ass bitch. I want money and i want money now. Don't care how, I want it now. Fucking bitch. Why aren't you giving me money bitch? Fuck you bitch, fuck you! I WANT MONEY NOW, YOU DREAM OF GENIE FAGGOT.
*** not intended to be funny, and may be painful to read. This is actually what I recently said (transcribed) when desperation left me with only abstract bullshit to help my situation. It was more indicative of the anger towards having no way to solve the problem, and a statement of all that mattered in that moment.
How do people turn to any form of gnosis for help? I get angry at the thought of having to use wishful thinking of any sort.
So i'v been very curious as of late on the Political beliefs between different Satanists. Of course i have my own set myself, but when it comes to Satanism and politics, i never really dived into discussing both in particular. Seeing as how the current political climate is pretty much Hot, i'v been wandering what most satanists, different types of satanists believe in terms of Politics.
I'm aware that there are people on both the Right and Left who are satanists. Socialists, communists, neo-libs, conservatives.
I'm curious as to what people on this site share or don't share in terms of Political beliefs. Feel free to comment and discuss topics on the subject, just refrain from Name-Calling/insulting. That includes bashing liberals (calling them Libtards) and Trump Supporting satanists. Only friendly Agreeing/disagreeing Conversations please.
I don't usually follow celebrity gossip but some bitch is all over the internet. I'm talking about one dumb star of Polish TV soap operas who has recently raised controversy due to her emotional post about the poor "refugees" storming the Polish border and the brutal murderous Polish soldiers trying to push them away. As a result, she was called stupid, kicked out of the TV and shamed online. Because the whole internet, or at least its Polish part, hates her now, most companies she worked with, stopped paying her for advertising their products and are now looking for less controversial influencer. When the dumb bitch realized she was cut off from her money source, she started crying crocodile tears and apologizing publicly, assuring she'd always been patriotic. That didn't stop the negative publicity.
Now, a little bit of background. Belarus' president under Putin's influence has imported crowds of immigrants from Iraq, Afghanistan and some other Muslim countries and is pushing them across the border not so much into Poland as into the EU because the lazy Muslim pseudo-refugees prefer the Western EU welfare system. It's the attempt to destabilize Poland and the EU. Although the situation seems to improve thanks to the diplomatic efforts, Putin tries to put the pressure on Europe and is testing the waters. I don't really believe in the gossip about invasion on Ukraine and the possibility of some bigger international military conflict because Putin is not stupid. He prefers to see how far he can go and gain influence via passive aggressive methods i.e., weaken the other nations through stirring up shit.
Unfortunately, some liberal dumbasses don't understand it. They pity the "poor refugees" who are so miserable that they throw stones at the border guards. If they are so compassionate, then why don't they take all those immigrants to their homes and keep them, pay for their food and shelter with their own money?
And no this is not the bitch from the photo. This one holds a refugee cat from Afghanistan. Yes, the cat is a fucking refugee too! From what I know, it's been adopted by one human rights organization and is now safe in Poland. I don't know what happened to the woman with whom the cat escaped. I would adopt it myself but my cat would probably fight it and try to chase it away. Cats, contrary to silly humans, defend their territory.
My name is Emily Grierson. I'm the heroine from Faulkner's love story.
I live in the world of shadows and dust. I cannot let go of the past. Boldly and stubbornly, I refuse to let it go. The small town I live in is moving ahead but me... I stand still and motionless, in perpetual defiance of movement, stuck in the darkness, neither dead nor alive, forever locked at home. I don't believe in closed chapters and burned bridges. I cannot close one door, cannot open another.
No mortal being, no power in this world, will pull me away from the embrace of my beloved. Please, don't call him a corpse. My love, my passion, still vibrant and burning, is too furious to die.
I stroke his face, I kiss his hands, my grey hair on the pillow. I'm too proud to live and too proud to die. People keep talking about me, call me insane, call me perverse. They send letters, offer roses but I belong to their world no more.
He's here, mine for eternity. He's my world, my love, my life, my death, my everything. The world behind my windows doesn't exist. It's an illusion, annoying distraction. By drawing the curtains close, I've made it vanish. It is no longer here. Gone forever.
So... do not feel sorry for me. Do not pity or mourn me.
Feel sorry for yourselves.
Could Transhumanism be considered a "Satanic" endeavour? This is a topic that I have been
interested in for quite some time, and am interested in the varying
perspectives that some fellow LHP folk have.
Some are all for it and recognize this evolutionary probability as more of an
inevitability, whereas there are others who feel that Transhumanism is
ultimately to discard one's humanity. Here is the original topic including a
brief addition in answering a reply, which pulls together well as a single
Share your thoughts?
Transhumanismis defined as "the intellectual and cultural movement
that affirms the possibility and desirability of fundamentally improving the
human condition through applied reason, especially by using technology to
eliminate aging and greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and
psychological capacities" - Nick Bostrum
I don't think that LaVey really had such an extreme in mind at all (outside of
automaton servants etc.) when discussing Artifice and it's place in Pentagonal Revisionism. Nonetheless, the reality of a
'coming Singularity' is rapidly approaching tangibility.
And what is 'the Singularity'? Among other authors of the subject, Ray Kurzweil
has released some work on it with books such as "The Age of Spiritual Machines"and of
course, "The Singularity is Near".Kurzweil
has broken the Singularity into a graph of 'Epochs' in order to illustrate the
Techno-parallel between the evolution of we as a species and our tools.
With the exponential growth and
breakthroughs in medical technology (electronic brain interface computers and
prosthesis), it's my belief that we are well on our way in the first steps.
Without risking getting too far into Transhumanism, what it is and what it
means, I'll get back to the question...Is it compatible with the Satanic
My thoughts are that it most certainly is. But, not in it's more extreme fully automated bodies and downloaded consciousness.
If death is considered 'The Great Abstinence', then ideally, the Satanist would
strive or at least utilize what ever may be available to extend life in order
to enjoy life longer, and cultivate the age of information in order to evolve
their consciousness.
The Danger in it all, lies in becoming more machine than man. Satanism is
certainly an embrace of the carnal, of the delights of the flesh and joys of
emotional being. When being human transcends to wiring and cold steel, I think
we lose what makes us embrace our beast. Complete synthesis crosses the line
for me...It's tough to know where the line is, when you ponder the idea of:
'How much of 'you' do you have to lose, before you're no longer you'?. Is an
amputee any less human with an appendage gone?
In just how we are to drive into this coming Epoch, I responded to the
suggestion that either War or Commerce were appropriate.
Whether war and commerce has been the catalyst for such evolutionary steps, or
are actual necessities therein, required to further techno-evolutionary
dynamics...The growth remains exponential and is projected to be as soon as
2050 to reach 'primitive' Singularity.
Kurzweil has charted Logarythmic Plot in order to display
our technological advance relative to time frame. It's easy to see that
advances continue to have less and less time between them, I don't see this
reaching plateau any time soon...
Whether the advances are moved by war or commerce, they continue to drive
forward. Were I to choose one of the two to determine what moves our species to
evolve in this manner, it would certainly be commerce. Without a doubt. War has
it's advances as well, but most are actually done in times of peace in preparation
of war...It's more the idea of war than the actual instance.
I'd have to choose commerce as a greater driving force because the
technological / biological singularity indeed would be owned by the corporate
medical field. I guess in short to say, those who can afford it, will get it.
The idea behind this separation of class, thus health and physical innovation
is entirely an old plot to our as of yet open ended story...
More of what is happening with
technology is real than we have yet to imagine with advances for those who are blind,paralyzed, amputees etc.
I think rebellion has become an excellent precursor as well. All we have to do
is consider things like Bush outlawing stem cell research (on religio-political
grounds no less) to see that when he did that, those pursuing it simply moved
to countries that will allow it, and were funded by the wealthy who hold vested
interests in it (commerce again...damn).
As far as 'memory upgrades' for the human brain, it's already being said in
neuro-scientific fields that it isn't a matter of 'if', but 'when'.
Chips, coming to a Brain near you...
Something else we are beginning to
see which will relate to Transhumanism in later stages is 'voluntary Eugenics'.
With organizations such as 'Planned Parenthood', soon Western culture will
frown upon the five child family. When it gets to the point of a choice of one
chance, one child, genetic manipulation and upgrades will soon become an option
for the wealthy.
I honestly see these types of
advances as inevitable rather than fictional. I'm not sure why it's no longer
here (think they left), but a member had suggested that human evolution is
charted through advances pertaining to either war or commerce. Also, some feel
that this type of human advancement isn't possible either in our lifetime, or
even at all...I invite you to explore the above links...
As I had implied in the first post however, there is a balance to be held here.
I myself would be up for technological merger, but not to such an extreme that
caused the loss of all beauty that is being human. I'm all for enhancement, but
not outright physical transcendence. The need to discard your beast, is to
abandon the Satanic essentials.
Pain and suffering are relative to joy and happiness. To not know one, is the
inability to truly appreciate the other. For those who live in pain, these
advancements would be a welcoming change I can imagine. A day where brain
chemistry, receptors and even problematic physiology can all be altered with a
simple 'program' and / or genetically modified 'body parts' per se. With the
mapping of the genome, there will be a day when anything from down syndrome to
hereditary disease will be passé, reflected upon as a time where we 'can't
believe we lived (and even made it) like that'.
Why do you keep lying about being abused? Do you need attention that bad? Consider for a moment how fucked up that is.... YOU LIED ABOUT BEING ABUSED BECAUSE YOU WANT ATTENTION.... Goddamn You could not live through what I have been... and you lie about it....
“EDME" is a plagiarist and a terror town monster who needs attention, she steels words from abuse victims and warps them to fit herself... she blocked me because I read the blogs she steals from.
she paid...
Do you think our Dark Lord would be mad if I got an abortion? I know one of the laws is to protect children and animals, but I don't think it would be fair if I was forced to give birth.
You know Joe Rogan is one thing . But you know you really hit the big time when ravers all over Europe are sampling your voice from YouTube and laying it down in their songs.
Someone sent me a email asking if it was me and it was. I then started googling 30 hits LSD and 30 hits Acid .. gotta be dozens of em.
Now if only I can get them to fly me out to Holland or wherever, give me a bunch of Extacy and party that would be dope. You may never see me again . 30 hits of LSD guy got lost in the underground rave drug scene.
A few tracks from different people off google search
Can anyone advise me on how to rip these songs? I can rip video but mot tracks
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like Religion.
Stranger: Hi
You: hello
Stranger: What religion?
You: satanism
You: u?
Stranger: Jesusism
Stranger: But not church
Stranger: U think satan is real?
You: im not a theistic satanist
Stranger: Ok. Do u think God is real?
You: im not theistic
Stranger: Ok
Stranger: Then why bring satan ino it
You: its a satire of christian values
Stranger: What's a christian value u disagree with?
You: the condemnation of our beastly nature
You: selfishness
You: greed
You: materialism
Stranger: But would you want to be stuck in a room of selfish people ???
You: i don't think I've ever been stuck in a room with unselfish people
Stranger: But in theory what would u prefer?
Stranger: The company of selfish or selfless
You: selfless people are very rare because they die of self neglect
You: the ego is the force of life
Stranger: But they make everyone else's life better right?
You: ya so good for everybody else
You: too bad for them
Stranger: Satanism doesn't work for a society. Only for individuals
You: individuals compose a society. morality is a perfectly useful construct to maintain everybody's individually selfish interests
You: satanists just acknowledge it
Stranger: U need to get saved
You: nope
You: I'm already in hell and enjoying it
Stranger: U will die and be anhilated
You: indeed
You: death is god's domain
Stranger: But Jesus offers life
You: jesus is a guise that satan uses to lie to the foolish
Stranger: Sounds ridiculous
You: ur doctrine sounds equally so
Stranger: No. Jesus saved humans from Satan's dominion
Stranger: Pretty simple
You: satan has always had dominion and jesus helps him do it
Stranger: No. Satan lost the bet when Jesus suffered on the cross.
Stranger: And had to release all humans
You: u think the world has been so great since then?
Stranger: No.
Stranger: It's not about this world
Stranger: It's about the next
You: god has the only world
Stranger: I believe in heaven
You: yup
Stranger: U don't want eternal peace and rest?
You: eternal peace and rest is always disturbed by partiers
You: there is no rest
You: there is no peace
You: life is life
You: death is death
Stranger: The fool says in his heart: there is no God
You: did i deny god?
Stranger: Before
You: i said I'm not a theist
Stranger: Ya
You: that isn't denying god
You: I'm denying ur conception of god
Stranger: What is yours then?
You: god is inanimate and satan is animate
You: god created satan through natural selection
Stranger: Who or what is satan?
You: the selfishness of hereditary material created by natural selection
You: the selfish gene
Stranger: Evolution is a lie.
Stranger: They duped you
Stranger: And cheated u out of eternal life
You: there is eternal life
You: my conscious is just one part of it
Stranger: Are you ex- christian?
You: nope
Stranger: Them what made you so messed up
You: life i guess lol
You: just seeing people
You: as they are
You: not being normative or prescriptive
Stranger: U need to get born again
You: there is one life
You: well
You: only one that's completely mine
Stranger: Give It to God
You: i would die were i to give it completely
Stranger: No
Stranger: We all die though
You: that's when we give it all to god
Stranger: The world's highest IQ man said:
Stranger: Nothing is wasted
You: yup
Stranger: So I think God will revive us
Stranger: Like what's the point of ur life if no ressurection?
Stranger: It's all pointless?
You: god creates slaves to satan. being happy is our work. its what we're built to seek.
Stranger: It's different if ur born again
You: satan is the ego that motivates us to continue our legacy
You: you are your ancestors and your progeny
Stranger: Ego must die.
Stranger: Be born again
You: life is the ego
You: and dies when does the ego
You: god is death
You: i'll return to him when I'm ready
Stranger: What if you burm in hell forever?
You: life is hell
You: death is heaven
Stranger: What if ur wrong?
You: what if unicorns exist?
Stranger: That doesn't matter
You: what if the first woman was made from a man's rib?
Stranger: Then evolution is a lie
You: makes more sense then that shit
Stranger: Bible makes sense
You: have fun worshipping a costume
Stranger: You are flesh and think according to the flesh
You: everybody is flesh. those who aren't in denial about it will die
You: and nobody wants die
Stranger: No. I am also a spirit being although I will be in the flesh for many years
You: i wish i could threaten to kill you right now so that you could bet your life on it but i know that i can't
Stranger: My flesh might say stop.
You: lol satan would be doing u a favor
Stranger: But the spirit being in me knows I'll live
You: god is death
Stranger: I was born again
You: go to him
You: if u want to
Stranger: God of the living not the dead
Stranger: You do not know the Scripture
You: lol why would i
Stranger: You should examine it and see your folly
Stranger: And get on ur knees and repent
You: i wouldn't bother
Stranger: gotta go
You: good riddance
Stranger has disconnected.
I also remember that I'm not alone... and my brothers and sisters are out there struggling, too. My takeaway from this introspection is to keep fighting for yourself. Never forget we're Satanists, the most powerful people on the planet. We cannot let the unremarkable step on us. Hail Satan y'all.
I hear (read) a lot of people discover Satanism and they feel like they have finally found something that speaks to them. This is true for me as well. I grew up in a very strict Southern Baptist home. I really wanted to fit in but it seems as though my step-mother and sister had something else in mind. I was the outcast (like most of us seem to be) and took the brunt of the family's frustration in abuse because I didn't quiet fit in. After a while I didn't want to, I didn't want to live like I was two different people. So I stopped trying which incurred more wrath and subsequent abuse.
When I graduated high school I was told I was not smart enough to go to college so I joined the Marines. At 5'0 I really shouldn't have but I had shit to prove. I did my job and left with an Honorable Discharge with the main skill learned being how to disappear when standing right in front of someone I hated. The next years involved having a baby boy, getting 2 divorces,one more marriage with one more baby, and trying to find out where I fit in life.
I came across Satanism early in my search but my childhood religious fears stopped me, this was a good thing at the time. I have tried every religion I could and came to the conclusion that the "it" I was searching for wasn't there. That's when I went from Deist to Agnostic to finally Atheism.
After Atheism, Satanism fell back into my lap. Now that I took the time to read and listen I found what I had be searching for all along, the real me.
Hail Me!
Hail Satan
Sgt. Salamander Stagecoach undercurrent hedge trimmers.
If big him moon be it for consider did for figure.Didn't off topic cock could win suck die of depend tropes.
For world cup sleep could clog conformed cosmic wicked sleep.
Did error code down formidable exodus?
Cockroach floppy fish for some spend cock done clothes?
Die is fine problem sock since door for config per fittingly spent.
Boy got it.
Goldberg cookbooks tooth.
Throat could clog my fluid.
Did for corndog hybrid transfer.
Antisocial Holidays and Why The Christmas Carol Would Fail: The Holiday Rant
When you are an unsavory prick with no human relationships left you may come to a crossroads surrounding Christmas.
Everyone, even those wearing black, trip over themselves in the 'spirit' of it all. At one point, so did I. A much more fun time as a child, but even then it was selfish.
Regardless of what pity me sob story faggotry led to the dissolution of that sentiment it lives in a world untouched by everyone's favorite holiday pablum.
In the time honored classic, a jackass sadist not dissimilar from myself loses that Christmas spirit that supposedly lives in us all with Jesus.
So then supernatural spirits give him Christmas epiphanies and basically scares him into submission.
The psychological devices in the story are sound for you weird empathetic humans. Dude confronts past, is shown the present. The middle one is to develop empathy in seeing a heart breaking quasi paraplegic kid cut a pheasant. Then he sees his horrible, "No one will care if you die future!".
And Presto Change-o. On call, empathetic awakening in the spirit of season is borne like little Jeebis in the manger.
The spiritual experience worked. One night of dreams and sleep paralysis and the dude is fixed like a GOP constituency. Obedient and ready to consume the holiday once again.
My problem with this has always been the inference that holiday spirit is something innate and not programmed by the human invention of an otherwise distracting holiday at a time when everything is dead and cold.
As early as there were cultures there were elaborate holiday celebrations of seasonal change. Now only themes of winter remain from the initial meme and then supplanted by Coca Cola Bottling Company and Amazon Prime.
It is truly bizarre to see the droves flock about this holiday.
And the basis seems to be, like the 600 Club Fluff Boy says, a human need for others. Most of you likely really enjoy doing things for others. And gift giving. And probably holiday parties and all that "interaction" you folk like to do.
I can't help but be selfish and dead to it. Especially using such sentiments to get this twat to play its "Jeebis loves you" games. To take a brick to that 'transbomination'.
But I am trailing off now.
Back to the mean dude and the crippled midget. His problem was money wasn't enough.
He is a factory owner. He was nothing to fear. People with healthy financial situations have achieved in this world and need not spoil what got them the meritocracy.
Futhermore this story was a deliberate attack on Jewish business owners and has subsequently whitewashed off its initial coveteth jew attacking roots.
Hitler even used common depictions of Scrooge to bash die juden.
Das Juden!
Since that propaganda carol was released christians have been conditioned to attack people that don't celebrate their holiday or try to bring theirs down. Sometimes you gotta do what you slave job boss says if you want that job.
As scrooge has more money, and employs you, he is a better person than you. He matters more and if you want your crippled little broken child to say "God Bless Everyone", you gotta be his little rule following bitch.
Spirit is secondary to contractual obligation you owe your boss.
But to do what I said with the title. Scrooge had no character. He was frail. A true person of such wealth wouldnt given shit even after a few dreams because, like me, they too no longer see a society of people but exploitable little ants marching around consuming the sugar they are told.
Like they give a fuck about your crippled little bitch kid.
Serious solipsism with that fucking story.
Meet our independent agent.
The agents future is a bit more hazy.
Consequences are assured by agents past negligence. Repercussions for selfish and irresponsible behavior and decisions are now going to result.
While probability remains high for certain outcomes it is impossible to determine the results or the severity of actions to come with any degree of certainty because other agents exist and contribute to the outcome.
Other agents will decide the appropriate course of action. The exact nature of repercussions is unknown. Except that there will be repercussions eventually.
And the results that occur will likewise be an amalgamation of another agent's circumstance, mental processes, and can absolutely determinined in retrospect.
Where the cause is concerned could the agent have done anything different or was it as automated as a computer program choosing true/false logic gates?
Where the effect is concerned could any of that alone absolutely determine its location and form?
Is this just another battlefield for quantum and Newtonian physics?
Hello to whomever reads this post.
I was raised Mormon, for the first 12 years of my life it was genuinely all I knew. I'm 18 now and can proudly say that I've been out of that for 2 years at this point. It wasn't the brightest transition of my life, it involved a lot of drugs, alcohol, suicide attempts and general not so great stuff. I've grown from that and moved on but my very religious family has not. My mistakes are held over my head, used against me and brought up any time the opportunity presents itself. That used to bother me, and at this point I've almost completely cut myself off from my family.
Turning 18 allowed me to begin to express myself in other ways, i.e tattoos.
My tattoos aren't what you'd call family friendly.
I have 10 now, but the most controversial are the Demon on my arm, The word Hellboy across my wrist, a skeleton pope on my leg (where are all my Ghost fans at ;) ) and a naked fairy on my arm.
I'm not an angry person, it's just how I express myself. I'm not bitter towards the church, if anything it brings relief and a certain calmness when I get these anti-religious tattoos. My family definitely does not approve of them (save for my Father and Step Mother)
I know I did this to myself, and I LOVE my tattoos, but the rejection just kind of sucks. I love my family, but because of my different beliefs it doesn't feel reciprocated. They don't even know I'm a Satanist, doesn't even seem worth it to tell them, they already dislike me enough.
I do not regret my tattoos, but it does make my heart ache for what they caused between me and my family members. I'm trying real hard to stick to me, and my authenticity even if I'm standing alone.
Ironic in a way, I remember a church lesson about "Standing Alone" As a witness of God or some shit....and here I am...doing the opposite.
Anyways, that's my life.
One of the reasons I joined this in the first place was to find others like I am, so if you can relate, or just wanna be buddies, send me a message :)
Loooove and peace and all those good vibes
Erika xx
Ich bringe die ganze weiße Farbe mit. Ich werde darauf warten, dass Bob der Blaue eine hörbare Frage stellt, wenn wir wieder herunterkommen, aber das habe ich bereits getan.
Dies ist nicht die Mitte einer Hotelmahlzeit. Du bist kein heißer Kaffee und ich trinke ein Plundergebäck. Ich denke über Steckschlüssel nach, aber ich weiß nicht, ob Sie die Verzögerungen einplanen müssen, damit sie zu Milch werden. Wir warten, oder wir machen es, wann immer Sie wollen. Zu Hause oder wie Sie möchten.
Jetzt bin ich bereit. Sie spielte hier und fragte ihn, ob er mit Turtle rumhänge. Wie denkst du über Sex, wenn du keine Röhrenjeans trägst, aber die Traktorflüssigkeit nicht ganz hinbekommst?
Mein Regierungszwerg und jeder, der meine Frau besucht, werden mir meine E-Mail-Adresse geben, aber ich werde sie wahrscheinlich posten, wenn Sie ein bipolares Kamel haben. Ein gegnerisches Apfelsandwich-Cover, aber beim Roulette sind es ein paar Kohlköpfe. Es geht darum, wieder Kontrolle zu demonstrieren, aber ich kann noch nicht ganz verstehen, was das ist. Ich meine, ich habe nicht das Gefühl, dass es sich um segmentierte Rohrschlösser handelt. Das wird das alte dünne indische Magazin sein. Aber du bist derjenige, der sich für mich um das Plastik kümmert. Ich komme ins Bett. Ich werde das Bett durchbohren. Ich werde meinem Onkel dabei zusehen, wie er das helle Bett grillt. Ich muss einen gewellten Splange nehmen, aber der Bildschirm ist aus Cheddar. Was die gespaltenen Kamelstrümpfe betrifft, gebe ich Anlass zur Sorge. Die Schicht einer blauen Waffel. Ich reinige diese Kamera. Ich werde ersticken. Ich werde es schaffen, aber ich weiß nicht einmal, wie ich da rauskomme, aber ich denke unten nach.
你們都是蠢貨,分不清自己和達娜。 現在他們也不能了。