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Khandnalie Member

Satanism in general is a philosophy that discourages false equality. Not everything is equal, some are better than others. Fred is smarter than Greg, but Lucy is smarter than Fred, and Greg is a lot stronger than either of them. People are different, unique, and for the most part inherently unequal in certain categories. Satanism, in general, will acknowledged this, and discourage false equivalency between people who are not equal in a given area.

Why, then, are we so tolerant of the notion that ideas are equal?

There are many cases when we are too quick to jump to the conclusion that two competing ideas are somehow on equal footing, and must be given equal consideration. This is a cancerous, poisonous trend that we should be careful to avoid. We need to realize that yes, you can indeed be wrong.

Define wrong? By wrong, I mean demonstrably, proveably, completely wrong. When the overwhelming majority of evidence weighs against an idea, it is wrong. When all logical arguments point to the invalidity of an idea, it is wrong. When something just is not factually correct, it is wrong. It doesn’t matter that it being wrong offends you, or implies something unpleasant, or that it hurts something. What is wrong is simply wrong. No amount of being offended or petulant whining will change that. This does not apply to abstract ideas, where there is plenty of logical wiggle room, or philosophical ponderings, or where the evidence is anything but overwhelmingly conclusive. Within the realm of thoughts and opinions, it is hard to pin anything down as being demonstrably wrong. You can disagree with them; that does not mean they are wrong. But where facts and evidence come into play, it is much more often cut and dry. If you are wrong, then you are simply wrong.

An example: The recent shitstoem over vaccinations. Now, I don’t know your position on vaccinating children. I don’t really care. What should be clear, however, is that there is an overwhelming scientific consensus: Vaccinations do not cause any significant harm to those who are vaccinated. Vaccines do not cause autism. Some previously suppressed diseases have begun to re-emerge, thanks in large part to the growing trend of parents refusing to vaccinate their children. Not vaccinating your child puts them directly at risk of contracting contagious diseases. Now, notice how each of those sentences ended with a period. They were not qualified, they were not compromised, they were absolute. That is because each of those statements is a fact. Thus, the anti-vaccination position, unless it condones the act of putting children at risk, and has a decidedly pro-polio agenda, is quite simply wrong. They are wrong. Demonstrably, they are wrong. Thus, these ideas should be tossed out without further examination. They should get no platform on which to spread their ignorance. They do not belong on the same stage as properly debatable ideas, or on any stage where facts and evidence come into play.

Now, that is just an example, but the problem should be made clear. When unequal ideas are made equal, it is immensely more harmful and more absurd than the equal treatment of unequal people. With this in mind, be sure to examine your ideas, and examine the ideas of others. Forever seek the truth. When dealing with reality, let logic guide your scrutinizing eye. When the wrong and factually incorrect try to seek equal treatment, demand to be given the same voice as the factual, put your foot down, and do not let ignorance advance any further.

Because yes, you can be wrong. And, when you’re wrong you’re wrong, and you should be told so.

Khandnalie Sep 21 '14 · Comments: 9 · Tags: facts, logic, equality, evidence, reason, rationality
Ok to the question to everyone is this: Who is ready for the second wave of virus outbreaks? I get the protesting and all of that. But what I am also very concerned for is the virus. 
CrimsonVirus5150 Jun 7 '20 · Comments: 9
He is in my heart and soul. I love, worship and adore him. 
Amy Mar 2 '18 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 9
      I have been meditating daily. My goal is to get into a deep trance so I can astral project.  the problem is 99% of the time i end up falling asleep. at first I thought maybe it was because was waiting until evening so I could be undisturbed (i have a 5 year old son) Maybe i was just too tired at the end of the day so I tried first thing in the morning after I already slept. still fell asleep every time.  that one time was I able to experience something different than I normally have. I felt like i was in a sleep paralysis and i got all swirly feeling and that's the last thing I remember until I woke up 2 hours later. Basically i wanted to know if anyone had any advice on my situation? Does it just take time and practice or am I possibly doing somethinnt wrong?

     There are some people that claim that they communicate with spirit guides while in a deep trance or experience a past life. I guess I'm just intrigued by the spiritual realm and would like to gain more knowledge of it as well as experience it. I suppose I could find a good book and read more about the subject but I was also curious about others opinions concerning Astral travel and communicating with spirits. 

Amethyst Jun 2 '18 · Comments: 9 · Tags: meditation, astral travel
Brother Shamus
To me Satanism seems the path least likely to lead to reget. Along with no regrets comes confrontation. Only on the rare occasion does that impulses play to your benefit. Mostly folk will try to beat it out of you. Here, is where most peoples integrity is loosely interpreted for the sake of compromise.  Playing some part like so many atheist politicians placating their Christian constituents at the National Prayer Breakfast.

That's why no pride is counterproductive to the core, however it is most precisely defined, but definitely counterproductive to you well being.

The trope seems to be Satanists are all the producers and sculptors of the world. Masters of the universe doing their own thing without restraint.  The myth here is the occurrence of Satanists being elite is in greater numbers than any other group. There are just as many hailing Satan all the to mounting debt. Sometimes my skeptical, untrusting, go fuck yourself core excludes me quite emphatically.

It seems my tendency to fight seemingly unnecessary minutia or manipulations of others has me losing it on shit people learn at management seminars.

From Dazed and Confused:

Pink:  You know coach. I gotta get going. Me and my loser friends you know we gotta go get Aerosmith tickets. Top priority of the summer.

* Walks away, turns back *

I might play ball. But I will never sign that

It seems my Satanism never grew beyond this apparent teenage angst.  Now it happens by degrees of defiance in proportion to how manipulative, indirect, or subtle the attempt to suggest appropriate behavior is.

In fact to sum it up I find my Satanism tends to cause more problems, but hey, at least I told off that "Neo-McCarthyist" coach.

For myself, "Satanism" does not lead to "elite". 

*** However ***

There is one "label" that almost assures you will be successful and financially stable throughout life.  You may think its Satanism, or theistic devil worship, or dark force magic, or Aleister bitch-fag crowley,  or if you are really retarded, Scientology.  It isn't. The proof is seen through aggregate achievement and generalization. 

The stereotypes. They are endowed doctors, engineers, scientists, lawyers, business executives, investment bankers, media moguls, celebrities, news anchors, journalists, and basically everything really well off that is not a pro athlete. They also pride themselves on a solid 401k.

The most disproportionately well off have been seeing to it that it stays that way since their lying inception over 2800 years ago.

For too long the Jews have plagued our planet by making sure they are always in a position of power.  From birth they teach their children to work hard because quite honestly their parents scare the shit out them and they'll never hear the end of it if they turn in a report card with a B on it.  Clones of forced stratification. They program their children to be top 5% (worse than an oriental with a fiddle) at everything to ensure they are well off enough if another holocaust occurs, to buy their way to somewhere neutral. 

My master tried to give eveyone else a fair piece of the pie, but his efforts failed and he fled to Argentina.. The Jews consolidated their power, staged a war trial, and leveraged their way back with more power than before.  AND NOW THEY HOARD IT. They "covet" it from the goy, gentile, or shegetz at the same time they take positions of power and saturate the media.

They have infiltrated your lives. They have a distinct agenda. They are the PROTO-SJW. Is it any wonder if you add an "E" and rearrange the letters it spells JEWS? They are securing their own future through the exaltation of political correctness and zero tolerance for intolerance, unless its Antifa. 

Secretly, they are buying all the gold, even the "gold" at Fort Knox. There is no gold standard since that Zionist Richard Nixon, The Federal Reserve, and Jerusalem decided to build a world of Zion-centric defense contracts against an enemy they purposely incite against themselves.

If the world hates the enemy of the jews it is less likely there will be another holocaust, which they live in such constant fear of they took over the world as a preemptive act against it happening again.

They have a higher per capita income than any other religion, including Scientology and hold to that advantage like the struggles of other volk doesn't mean shit. A good ol' jew system that works like a city construction job, tribe only. That is why all the best jobs go to the semitic kin. 

For these reasons I must conclude a Jewish is the true path of elite.

Are you ok with this? I am not. 
Are you gonna let the jews, even if they are dark jews all into the occulty whatnot level their Zionist control? Is the rest of the world including all whites, browns, blacks, yellows, and reds that aren't a Jewish, or otherwise turned that color by an angry god meant to suffer? 

To this it is time to say Nein! 

Brother Shamus Apr 17 '19 · Comments: 9

The substance cannot be abused if the substance sustains the person. Let this resound loudly in the halls of critics who choose to denounce the consumption of psychoactive compounds. I don't need to tell most of this board anything here because this is all stuff you probably already know. Does it deserve to be documented and discussed on this board? I believe yes.

Every other religion has procured a large amount of it's number as a result of broken promises regarding substance abuse treatment. I see this as an abuse of other people's self improvement. Does Satanism have an answer to this? no. Satanists accept that every Satanist handles their issues on a personal level different from every other. These are simply some observations I have made, that when properly noted have kept me from suffering ill effects from my own vices. I respectfully present these ideas as a simple example. There will never be a Satanist rehab facility because helping other people over come something nobody else but them can understand is a pointless endeavor.

The problem constantly presented by the establishment is the elimation of the chemical agressor and not the psychological problem. Before anyone can hope to alter a habit with any victory, they must first win a victory over themselves rather than over a substance. For example, if you drink too much, and embarrass yourself, the only solution is to become the most civil and well controlled drunk you can be, before dare attempting sobriety. How can a conflicted, depressed, and misplaced person hope to stay sober? You know full well your problems did not begin with boose, cigarettes, pills, meth, coke, whatever you began using to make your problems hurt you less on the inside.

The problems have been around long before you got high, and they will still be there to greet you when you come down. Rehab cannot help you. Sobriety cannot help you. Confidence, self-awareness, and knowledge can. You shouldn't ask yourself :"why do I get high?". That's a stupid question with a stupid answer. What you should ask is much more direct. "What can I do about these problems, OTHER than get high?" If you pursue this course of thinking, you may find yourself so occupied you have no time for your addiction anymore. This is however, unlikely to be easy at first. But you should always be your own master, and accept help from nobody. Only you can make yourself master of yourself. If you seek somebody else's authority, that authority will be there to stay.

You must appoint yourself judge, jury, and executioner in you're life. That is the only path to true freedom.

If there's a problem, it's your fault, if there's a victory, you got lucky, make sure and record the environment in which it has happened. I claim little credit for many of my victories, I more claim credit for making possible the environment in which they happened. The random aspect of life should not be ignored. It governs far more than the averge person is aware of. Your victories in life are a cast of lots and effort, nothing more. Understand this, and you WILL be victorious every time.

No cult, no social circle, not even one so well informed as this one, will be any help to a struggling addict. Isolation from people and things associated with the object of addiction is only a small relief, one which is made redundant very quickly. Isolation from the self cannot further the goals of the self, or one's true will. The fact is, mental strength wins mental conflicts. Don't let the god squad take over your life just because you like your drugs a little too much. Everybody I've met that quit anything with success did it alone. The people getting piss tested and praying are just a stone's throw away from ODing on their first relapse. 

Fuck god, your family already hates you, and shrinks don't understand you. YOU can do it.

TheblackestBart May 30 '19 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 9 · Tags: alcohol, drugs, psychology, satanism, addiction
Troll Member
A friend of mine asked about Satanic self-worship. I wrote the following in response to his brief inquiries and reflections:

As a Satanist, self-worship means to me applying most if not all of the categories of treatment generally regarded to GODS by other religious to oneself, not just metaphorically or euphemistically, but honestly and fully. I've th
ought long and hard about this, in part because i sought such worship of my Goddess and in part because i think it is an egotistical challenge to worship myself actively, rather than merely as part of some interest in outrage or humour.

I'd list those categories as:

• exaltation -- supernalizing in a personal and emotional sense for the time being of the worship; regaling those present with the glories and virtues of the focus of worship; praising aloud and with sonic volume, singing or dramatically portraying these virtues; celebrating the being and character of that entity, and particularly their importance to the worshipper and to the wider world. (lifting up from above)

• obeisance -- subordinating oneself before that entity or intelligence, especially physically before objects of worship inclusive of statues, images (generally 'idols') conceived as in some way representing and/or participating in the presence or person of the entity being worshipped; recognizing and paying tribute overtly to the dependency we have upon that entity, how their existence is central, essential, or of extreme importance to the continuation of what we value. (lifting up from below)

• ardour -- expressing emotional devotion in whatever capacity and role is pertinent (guardian, grandparent or parent, uncle or aunt, spouse or sibling, lover, friend, or comrade, cousin or child, pet or mascot; reciting or reading poetry, singing rapturous love songs, recounting tales of sweet, deep, and abiding love, attesting to the heights and depths which this love did, could, would, or will inspire, (establishing intimacy out of love on variable footing)

• alliance - declaring with force and faith one's solid testament to the entity, portraying, describing, or artfully depicting the tests to which this loyalty and compact has been put, establishing by dint of accompanying testimony and proof in endeavour (as by rite, blood pact, etc.) one's thorough commitment to the cause of the other. (establishing strength out of trust of a comparable equal)

You ask if the things you mention count (to me) as self-worship ('with that end in mind'? not sure what this means), and i will take them each in turn below:

-- giving yourself adoration and devotion: too vague.

-- loving the person one has become: fairly weak, perhaps a start.

-- appreciating one's finer qualities, self-improvement, attention to integrity, intentionality, and health: weak but a good start.

-- admiring one's own image as part of ordinary affairs: merely vainglory, but headed in the right direction if pursued to purpose.

So i'd have to say no they do not count, and i think i have made the extremity and intensity of ACTIVE ENGAGEMENT OF PRAISE AND DEDICATION, particularly in a ritual and ceremonial sense, clear as a criterion.

For Satanists i have repeatedly made it plain that i think it will be helpful for them to study in some detail how other religious conduct their worship, catalogue this to an extent, as i have, and then exercise this with respect to oneself, as i have experimentally achieved with canonizing myself and paying tribute to myself as a saint while attempting a communion with the Saint of Occultism.

{interlude after which further questions seemed important to put forward}

So does worshipping oneself create a sense of other? Does worship of a god predispose or necessitate the division of that object of worship into an other?

Let me broaden this a bit for philosophic purpose: ALL images of oneself are different than oneself. An observation of a mirror will demonstrate to us that the image is reversed right-to-left. A video reflection or phone-camera reflection for a selfie are very close, but as soon as we snap the photo to capture that image, the person of whom it was an image (us in the past) is necessarily different than our present being.

Thus the worship of oneself might be likened to a god in that we are always, when issuing devotion or exaltation, turning our worshipful attention to the PAST of the god. Why a god would necessarily need be different than ourselves is nothing i can answer. Is canonization something new or different, and does the fact that this is popularly issued by large churches make it of a different character than (and thus a more authentic version of) what we are doing?

I had already identified with the Jesus character many times, with bodhisattvas, with spiritually advanced images, prior. Prophethood, identification of my birthplace as a holy city (on account of my having come from it), was both arch and genuinely felt.

When does ego outstrip the usefulness of our activities as regards ego expansion with interest toward self-development? I suppose that once one integrates disciplines of humility and non-self-destructive asceticism that this curtails some if not all of the negative effects of egotism exercises, with titles, self-re-envisioning, and dramatic rite, role-playing, or faking-it-until-making-it.

You ask what connection there is between the object of worship and the idol. I suggest to you that you could merge those magically and therefore prevent any distinction through a spell (comparable to making a doll-baby of yourself and unifying with it, but instead doing it with a candle or a statue or a photo, and then directing your obeisance and dedication to that object).

Yes, there is a common TEMPORARY distinction, just like with all idols and most states of consciousness. Very few bhakti yogis can engage in worship sufficient that the idol *becomes* the very deity during that worship. For most religious that is an unimportant and merely ephemeral distinction operating during the prayers or worship event.

Troll Towelhead, Grand Mufti of Satanism
Troll Oct 22 '15 · Rate: 3.50 · Comments: 9 · Tags: self-worship, obeisance, adoration, worship, transgression

I'm not gunna get all emo or post pictures of pepe the frog hanging himself on /b/ and talk about how much my life sucks. Somehow, I still have some dignity left. I grew up watching my friends get tricked into living the way the establishment wants. If I thought that was scary I was terrified when I saw all others who rebelled get mentally and physically broken down to nothing. Did I really survive the dismal results of pushing away from the norm? I wonder sometimes. All I know is it's worth it. This is how I view the world, and some friendly advice for those who look through the glass of life and see the same things I do.

I feel like I know too much. The simple pleasures still enjoyed by people are lost to me. I don't have a family. I have few friends I've known for more than a year. I know all these things are essentially worthless. If somebody became a burden, I dropped them. If somebody became a liability, I stopped talking to them or associating. I also never explained myself when I did. I just knew they were hurting me and looked out for number 1. But more importantly, I realized most people don't live in reality.

If some idiot wants to make comments about how reality is subjective, you can fuck right off. Reality is, and has always been objective. If you think it isn't you've been eating too much acid.

I know what is true and what isn't, and it took me a very long time to get a clear picture. The schools, the church, and the establishment have hard protocols in place to control people. How else do you convince a grown man to legally bind himself to a woman, work the same job for 40 years and raise ungrateful children that leave him in a nursing home forgotten and dying? How else do you get desperately sick people to send money to a church so they will "pray for them". It takes a hard yolk to control the mind of man. 

The establishment says, "Don't do drugs, you can't handle it". They don't exactly want people smoking a joint and realizing getting on disability is better than working. Drugs and drinking often puts a chink in the false reality they present, either harmful or helpful. It's my theory they invented the idea of addiction to make sure nobody used drugs or drank with a bit of discipline. Of course if you do drugs sparingly, the stupid plebs will brand you a coward. If you live for the real truth, the real reality, you will always be attacked on both sides. You will find yourself constantly alone.

Now this next bit might piss some of you off. They also invented the modern family. If you have kids, thats great. The sort of minds on this board need to breed, and I'm sure your children are a wonderful part of your life. But doesn't it piss you off when the church sticks their claws into their brain? Don't you fucking hate it when your job runs your life because although you can go without and wouldn't mind, your kids can't? You don't deserve that. It is another technique to control you, and make you a cog in a machine instead of a person. Personal independence and freedom is truly dead save for a few pockets.

I know mostly everything on the news and assbook is fake propaganda. I know god doesn't exist. I know that social structure isn't really needed and is also a form of control. I will never graduate because I'm already making good money even though I dropped out in 9nth grade. I will never have a wedding because I don't want to lose my mind after I catch chad fucking my wife, or lose my freedom to some girl's offspring who are going to talk shit about me after I'm dead anyway. You're not getting me with any of it. The question is, what do I get out saying "fuck that" to everything society expects from me as a man?

To be honest not a whole lot. I have a relatively stress free life, but a lonely one. It would be nice to have some more friends who don't mind if I get too drunk and talk about bob lazar or operation blue beam, or about how I love Michael Aquino's work but sort of disagreed with the pheonix program. I've had to be happy with what I have. In conclusion I would like to present a small guide to staying together if you made it this far.

>You are going to watch your freinds crash and burn. This lifestyle is crazy, and can be mentally unhealthy if the combination isn't just right. I recently had to stop talking to a childhood sweetheart I linked up with again, she was banging meth and had essentially lost her mind. There was nothing I could do. Every single one hurts, but remember, they aren't the person they were before. And they would want you to live well for them. Stay strong so at least one of the gang makes it long enough to pass on what we have.

>You're going to be lonely, and that's ok. The establishment and shrinks will tell you that you need the group to survive. You don't. You don't even need other people to be happy. You can do it all by yourself "in your mom's basement" if you want. The only reason you think you need other people is because the herd mistakenly believes working together to build a huge eyesore like a mall is an achievement. If you can bring in an extra pair of hands to help, go for it. But you need to be concerned for you.

>Don't trust anyone. Nobody is beyond treachery, don't make yourself available to be hurt, or scammed. If 3 people already know, it isn't a secret anymore. Even your family will betray you if they get paid well enough. Even your wife will poison you for life insurance and run away with chad. 

Remember, don't try to control what you can't understand, just remember to always control your own feelings. There's nothing wrong with you. The left hand path is not for everyone, you're brave. Religion is convenient. Pleb politics makes it easy to pat yourself on the back. You chose reality. You chose to make your own beliefs, and your own goals. You chose yourself, and not the herd. Just remember to stay strong, the truth hurts.....
But it's well worth it.

TheblackestBart Jun 4 '19 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 9 · Tags: advice, conspiracy, freedom, psychology, satanism

“If you speak your truth, you’ll find your tribe.”

The shadows of the night revealed themselves as the full moon brought them forth. The blades of grass were swept back by the icy wind that danced it’s way around the forest. As the bards sung their songs in starlit bars and the drunken whores made their way to steal from oblivious men, I stayed at home, content with my books and hotchocolate.

Tribalism. The beliefs and acts of a tribe of people, gathered together for a purpose. The philosophy behind a group’s existence.

Subcultures formed out of a collective interest in a subject. Music, art, guns, sex, religion. All tastes belonging to humankind, displayed in the dark, so the purifying light of the sun cannot see them do it.

In this strange world I now found myself in, with people screaming and scared to leave their homes, I wonder about my place in it all. All roads are suppose to lead to Rome, with Rome being the revelation of one’s life, one’s purpose.

I ponder and wonder about the road I walk. This path of midnight under a full moon and a black sky. Echoes of wisdom past whisper around me, but I shrug them off. Words and phrases I’ve heard a thousand times, as if they were to be repeated until I could recite them by heart.

The dark storm that surrounded the land ate at my heart, little by little, until I saw that beast and dispelled it.

Chaos only brings about change. Isfet, the manifestation of evil, would only bring about the end.

I had been around evil before. Sadistic members of our society cast from the heavens to placate the drug of moral superiority of justice and righteousness. Soon, however, the drug took it’s hold on the most high and false fears became real and so did the screams.

The innocent people of the world turned into ghouls and monsters overnight and the crusades began. Monsters lurked in every corner. No stone was left unturned and the world turned into a schizophrenic’s paradise.

Wisdom once again returned to my ears, to echo long forgotten memories of the past. I shook my head, not wanting to relive what now seemed to be an alternate history.

But I found no solace in denial and the words of wisdom spoke and I found myself whisked away, infatuated with the siren of memory and her entrancing song.

“The gods make us go through hardships to prove, not only to them, but to ourselves that we are strong enough to handle them.”

Sliding into despair and self-deceiving malice would not be productive, I told myself. Accepting the wisdom of words told me a long time ago, I resumed my mental wandering, my attemptto understand the universe.

“If you speak your truth, you’ll find your tribe.”

Tribe. A group of people intrinsically linked to you, through blood or bond.

And so, in my mental wanderings, I asked myself: “Where is my tribe?”

I realized that I hadn’t spoken my truth. Everytime I tried to do so in the past, I stumbled, unsure of myself and the fear of friends fading if they knew the truth. Thus my fear of loneliness became manifest and the cycle of fear began again.

And so, howling like the wolf lost in the forest, I spoke to the void that I felt inside my heart for so long:

“The Truth: The dark night that I have found myself wandering in is not what is really there. The moon was hidden by the clouds and I was too afraid to notice. The night is where I call home. Visited by people serving gods not my own, people who think they are monsters of the night, those attracted to dark beauty and gothic revelations. The gods are ever present. Sitting under moonlight, lyres playing song of long lost romance and heroic legends. Heka exist, as it is has always been. Technology is used to perform heka by calling forth from the soul and manifesting it onto the physical plane.

Does anyone else share this same truth? Or something similar?

Tribe: Finding the Soul


JoshuaVonNoctis Nov 17 '20 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 9
Satanism is a philosophy based on stratification, survival of the fittest and natural law. This means if you can't hack it you will be crushed. Satanists are strong individuals, people who take responsibility for themselves and those they love.

Many Satanists identify as Atheist. It's a term to denote that they don't believe in any god, devil or such in any literal since. I, however do not like the term Atheist any longer. This is thanks the groups like the American Atheists and their ilk. These "Atheists" have given the impression to many that Atheists are liberal, state worshipping, democrats that have gay sex with the Humanist camp. 

These "Atheist" groups are anything but atheists. They have simply turned the Christian god into a Government. They cherish the weak. Always in the hunt to raise taxes to provide more food stamps and welfare. They whine and bitch for increased government and vote vote vote for the next lesbian or fag running for office waving a rainbow flag.

Satanism is about worshipping yourself, not the state. We aren't out there asking for food stamps and working in soup kitchens. Charity is seen for what it is a handout to the dregs. 

I foresee a large scale increase in those who identify as Satanists as more and more people become sick of the liberal agenda of the Atheist camp. 

Joker Aug 2 '15 · Rate: 1 · Comments: 8
Zach Black Owner
Nine years ago on this day 02-09-10. I launched SIN solo and was the very first user. I think the only user for a couple days. I no clue what i was doing having little computer skills and no networking skills to speak of. In fact, I did not even know what a network forum really was. I remember moving some stuff from one side of the room to the other and that was progress. Luckily I sounded the horn on YouTube and a couple dozen people showed up. Thankfully Beastxeno saw that I was in trouble and offered his assistance. He was the first in a series of admin to help sail the ship. 

At first SIN blew up huge within the first year. I guess because it was the new thing on the block. back then I was known on YouTube as another Satanist making videos but had not yet really begun to grow in popularity yet. I used what few thousand subscribers I had and fanned the flames as much as I could. 

I simply started SIN for the same reason I got on YouTube. I spent about a year and observed. After a while I saw what I liked and what I thought I could do better. So I did. I created SIN to be the premier Satanic Network just like I set out to dominate YouTube and become the most subscribed to and viewed Satanist on YouTube. And I did. I did in spades with more subs and video views that all Satanists combined. 

SIN started off to be a better version of the few networks I knew of. I remember MySatan, ICOS, Goat of Mendes and a couple others. Each of those networks had their pros and cons just like SIN does. Well I wanted to be better that all of them .... together. And within a few years SIN did just that. 

So nine years later where are we? I look around and I Tell you what I see. I see a few other networks sinking into oblivion. Bouncing around in a barrel like a bunch of wounded ducks. I see the haters who have betrayed my trust and set this place on fire hiding in the distance in the shadows. With no honor and to cowardly to raise a hand and take credit for being a back stabbing spineless weasel. I laugh at you as we still stand strong. Stronger than all the few left put together and I smile thinking to myself ...  ' what a bunch of pathetic weakling pussies. Is that really the best you got ' ?  Where are you all now? And does anyone notice or even care?  

Does anyone know what happened to that fat goofy looking flat chested ugly chick that you use to hang out with in real life? You know, the one who would go to your house and and chill with you. That one who went all the way up to Northern California to visit you at the winery wearing Jason Sorrell SIN shirt. What was her name again ? .. .. Exactly. 

I could go on about a few more but why bother. Nobody remembers you or cares. Nobody missed you for more than a month either. 

So those cowboys and cowgirls that are still left. Pull up a chair. Order yourself a drink. This could possibly be the last carnival to pass through this town again. This world is growing harder and harder for this type of engagement. Like the traveling sideshow freaks our time is coming and I can see the horizon. So lets order a round of drinks, toss your chips in and all bets are in. 

   I told you naysayers once nine years ago and I will say it again....

                      '' SIN aint going nowhere . I am all in ''. 

RiderOnTheStorm Mod

“Why Satan?” I am asked, by people who speak the name in hushed tones. “Why the Devil? Why evil?” These questions sound quite valid on the surface and I can understand the incredulity behind an uninformed mind’s opinion. Upon closer examination, however, the questions answer themselves.

Lucifer. God’s own most-loved creation, the favourite angel of the Almighty. Favoured by a God who created him knowing that he would fall and be cast down - and yet loved him most anyway. It seems odd to me that God’s best loved is mankind’s most loathed. And I don’t understand the reasons he is so hated and feared. If one studies any facet of Abrahamic religion, the only reasonable conclusion is that Lucifer is truly the champion of humankind.

John 3:16 states “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son; that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” God loved the world? When did he love it? When he flooded it and killed millions of people? When he had bears maul children for mocking a bald man? When he was so insecure he almost made a father kill his own son just to prove how much faith he had? This is not love. Creating beings imbued with free will and punishing them for exercising said free will is most assuredly not a loving act.

God created man and put him in paradise. But he encouraged man to remain ignorant. This was not for man’s own good - this was so man’s cognitive abilities would not rival God’s own. He created an item that would illuminate the mind of man and then banned him from ever utilising it. That is not love. Love - true, deep, unconditional love - is wanting to see your loved ones flourish; to see them reach the pinnacle of happiness and wisdom. Love is elevation and guidance - hate is suppression and willful obstruction.

Who then, in Eden, acted out of love? Certainly it was not God. It was the snake. The snake identified as Lucifer. It was Lucifer who encouraged humanity to gain wisdom and knowledge, it was Lucifer who supported humanity in their strive for autonomy, it was Lucifer who selflessly stepped in and guided man every step of the way, out of the garden of ignorance and into the world of wisdom. Lucifer lifted the veil God placed across the eyes of man: Lucifer taught man how to truly see.

Lucifer the Light Bringer, the Morning Star. For a being so reviled, he has never stopped loving and protecting us. Where God sees sin, Lucifer sees instinct. Instincts that are, often, pleasurable and beneficial for humanity, and are only considered “bad” when indulgence gives way to compulsion. Lucifer gave man the gift of freedom - freedom from a God who would control our thoughts and actions. Having given us such a gift, it’s only natural that he would want us to retain that freedom, and addictions and compulsions are masters we choose to obey. So he encourages us to learn, live, and enjoy, but bow to no master but ourselves. 

Humanity has benefited from the indulgence of instinct, often seen as sin in the eyes of the righteous. Pride has given us health and self-esteem, lust has given us procreation and survival of the species, sloth has given us recuperation and reprieve from mental and physical exertion, gluttony has given us agriculture, envy has given us ambition, greed has given us exploration, and wrath has given us motivation. These are the seven deadliest sins, so abhorrent are they that God himself is incapable of forgiving these transgressions. To Lucifer, these are not sins, they are guarantors of health, prosperity, survival, and happiness. In fact, the only acts Lucifer cannot abide are the sins of willful ignorance and purposeful stagnation. 

While often portrayed as the Adversary (and rightfully so), it is obvious that he is not the adversary of goodness and purity. Satan is the adversary of tyranny and oppression. It is a mantle thrust upon him by detractors, but to those who understand his motives, it is a banner. Whenever man has created or appreciated art, it is because of the gift Lucifer gave us. Whenever man has applied critical thought to the world around him, it is because of the gift Lucifer gave us. Whenever man has escaped servitude and mental or physical bondage, whenever man has fought for justice and progress, it is because of the gift Lucifer gave us.

This is my answer. “Why Satan?” Because there is no other acceptable alternative. Lucifer gave us wisdom, joy, appreciation, freedom, love, acceptance, pleasure, and power. Lucifer was cast down from Heaven, rejected by his creator, because of the value he saw in himself and in God’s other creations. And in God’s eyes, the worst thing any creature can do is value himself, for to do so is to start the journey to self-reliance. And God cannot exist where man has come to rely on himself to meet his needs. The Devil has no such insecurities. He knew full well that by giving man the gift of knowledge, he would eventually find himself obsolete as mankind became self-aware and autonomous. I have no use for John 3:16, this is the truth: "For Lucifer so loved the world, that he gave himself, that whosoever should open their eyes would not wander blind, but have everlasting sight." - Rider 3:16

This is my love letter to the one that set me free. To the one who unbound my shackles of fear, insecurity, and mental servitude. A thank you to the fallen angel who has sacrificed his existence and reality in order to elevate my own. A declaration of gratitude and adoration to the one who is personified within myself. May the light he fell to bring us radiate through me for all to see. There is no God or Devil, no Heaven or Hell - there is only what we create for ourselves. This knowledge, this power, gives us each omnipotence, it requires only that we be brave enough to take it.

I am a Daughter of the Morning Star. I am the Adversary of the Dying Lamb. 

RiderOnTheStorm Dec 15 '16 · Rate: 4.75 · Comments: 8
Roxanne DeMonica

My favorite pictures of Anton LaVey are the ones with Jayne Mansfield.

They say Jayne was in the Black House for publicity, I believe her Satanism was legitimate. She would have turned 88 this year and I rubbed my clit to her naked gifs recently. I imagine what her ghost would tell me.

The best picture is both of them with LaVey holding a Chihuahua. Long story short, a Chihuahua showed up on my doorstep when I was 18, more than 10 years later he told me never to settle for anyone who loves me less than he did. Now in my mind’s eye he flies above me as a dragon, changing dramatically in size at will. When I worked at UPS he slept on top of the warehouse and his breath fogged up the skylight. He lands behind me heavy when somebody approaches me trying to waste my preciousss time. He was most definitely part of my entourage when I appeared before the The Throne.

Occasionally vultures circle round with my dragon. That tells me there’s something in my life that needs to die. They are comforting when I am in pain, they remind me the pain too will die and they will be there to consume all the flesh of it that remains. I found myself tied to a black hole of a person with what looked like intestines and they ate away at it for weeks until I was free and leveled up.

Do you ever worry that you died many times before and keep waking up in parallel universe type times and places? I started to feel unsure about being in my original reality after a seizure on air duster at an after party on Hale Street. Sometimes I feel that each of the million times I woke up from a black out or date rape I actually died. My only concern is what happened to my mother in all the other dimensions.

There’s a gang called Satan’s Disciples, the black and yellow baby devils. I was in SD’s motherland on 18th and Oakley the last time I was date raped. When I woke up HO was tattooed inside my pussy. Maybe I died there at the birthplace of Satan’s Disciples. Maybe I was mutated beyond belief and my mom in that other life is living out her days thinking I suffered.

I did a past life regression meditation on YouTube. The voice told me to relax and relax deeper and relax deeper and relax deeper until finally it told me to go back and asked me if I was a man or a woman. My brain said I was a man. The voice asked me what language I spoke. My brain said Farsi. I didn’t know Farsi was a language but they speak it in Iran. My brain responding to the voice told me I was 35. I killed my wife.

It makes sense that I’ve had to endure so much in this life because I killed my wife in another.

I’ve done other past life regressions that were wonderful. Billy and me floating high in a hot air balloon with a clear basket over the City of Atlantis. We were famous and we were in love.

But back to LaVey and his Chihuahua pictures. Even among dog lovers Chihuahuas are misunderstood and looked down on. They’re extremely sensitive to vibrations with their tiny bodies and giant bat ears. I used to joke that mine was my spirit guide but now he actually is one of them alternating as my baby puppy and my steadfast dragon among ancestors and deities and aliens and other thangs. Anton LaVey was born about a mile and a half from my house and Anton LaVey holding the world’s smallest dog breed from Mexico is my Anton LaVey.

Roxanne DeMonica Feb 5 '21 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 8 · Tags: anton lavey
Disappointment is a sort of bankruptcy - the bankruptcy of a soul that expends too much in hope and expectation. - Eric Hoffer

There comes the time in your life when you realize it is impossible to put together the shattered glass or that the diamond you cherished for so long is only a piece of trash. You can hold the sham in your hand and still delude yourself it is a gem or accept the bitter truth and throw it away.

Disillusionment has many faces. Each will haunt your memory for days, months or even years and hurt like a knife stabbing your chest. Whenever your dreams are shattered, the part of you dies. The reality you must face is too often gloomy, unfriendly or even scary. This and the painful realization that you have been deluding yourself for so long.

When the guy you were in love with turns out to be someone else than a prince in the golden castle, when your dream job turns out to be a nightmare, when your friends reject you, when you lose your religion and when you see you're not as perfect as you thought you were, bafflement, bitter disappointment and remorse are likely to follow. How could I be so stupid? How could I be so blind? I was in love. I was totally enchanted. I trusted my friends. I thought I could do that. Perhaps, I disappointed my friends. I was not a good wife. I could be more attractive. I could do better...

Cold evaluation of yourself and others is definitely in order, though not before you bury your dreams and illusions and let the grief pass. They deserve the mourning like the dead children, because they were part of you. Then and only then can you move on.

Every wall is a door. The end of something is the new beginning, an opportunity to look inside. The God that can save you will come from the darkest depths of your mind, your inner voice, your real self, real, not imaginary, not illusory and that voice will lead you along the path, your own path of life. The feeble voice so often unheard because of the loud and persistent gabble of experts, religious leaders, authority figures and all those who think they know the best how you should live your own life.

For what is a man, what has he got?
If not himself, then he has naught.
To say the things he truly feels;
And not the words of one who kneels.

Anna Nov 22 '14 · Rate: 4.50 · Comments: 8 · Tags: personal rant

First off, My name is Charles Benjamin Clifton, Second, as you can see on my Profile I am a Eclectic Satanist, I take things from other paths, and form it on my own. I take things from Asatru, Druidry, Buddhism,  and other Pagan/Old Spiritualistic Philosophies, and form it into my own path. Many people will ask me Why do you worship Satan or call yourself a Satanist? Well, my answer to that question is that I do not believe in a conscious Deity or Deities, I believe in a force greater than us, like Gravity for example, but its not a conscious life force. I use a blend of Different Philosophies to fit my own Beliefs. Then why do I call myself a Satanist? How does Satan come in to play? These are the questions people will ask me. I respond with this answer, The word Satan is Hebrew for Adversary or opposer. The Judeo-Christian Church deemed all alternate philosophies "Evil" and labeled them as "Satanist". I use Satan as an overall belief system, representing the Cardinal Nature of mankind and Elevating and Empowering Humanity to reach equality to "The Gods" The Gods, represents The Seven Chakras within ourselves. 

In my opinion that means to find yourself and to strive to better yourself.

CliftonC Apr 9 '15 · Rate: 4.33 · Comments: 8
Obscura TITS
I have no name for it.  It is what all angels and demons and gods and spirits and humanity fight.  The Thing from Wrinkle in Time.  What has tried to kill me since I was born.  Apep that all the gods fight each night to make sure the sun rises.  The death of the immortal soul, a true ending, outside Satan and Michael and Jesus and God and the True Enemy.  That Which Has No Name.  What I am utterly and irrevocably drawn to and what I will enter oblivion for.  What we will all die from, in the end, because no one speaks of it, fewer know it, and to see it is to realize: all the happy endings religions promise you, reincarnation, that love wins, that you can "become a living god," it all turns up trite shit.  Makes the Void look like a fucking fiesta and Chaos seem homey and all those monsters in the dark shit their pants.  It's what I've been fucking running from all my life yet it will be my undoing.  That Thing that Exists Outside All.  Gray.  Neutrality.  Staleness.  Kelvin Zero.  The opposite of noise, the absence of silence.  Where language and Ragnarok and Revelations fail and the truth of the matter is, God can die, no soul's immortality is guaranteed, this very universe, this very multiverse, all stages of reality and all stories we tell ourselves to sleep at night are just lies against whatever the fuck it is.

The virus.  The bug in the system.  What corrupts and is Gray.  Not black or white.  Absence and yet beyond absence.  What makes everything into it.  Fuck Qliphoth, it is the true husk.  Eggshell wanting to swallow everything in it's prison.  Where the Void of the lowest pits of the wailing damned far below the lap of Satan where demons drink to forget it, where that Void ends, where Darkness and Light have no domain, the the Thing hungers yet does not eat.  Dust.  Beyond something and nothing.  What sickens.  The Evil Inclination and yet the very basis for what all existence is destined to fight.  I can't name it, nothing can name it, demons and eldritch horrors and Choronzon all have their place.

The Thing has no place.  It consumes and yet does not destroy.  It creates yet it creates nothing.  It is the very birth of paradox and madness and to touch it is to become a howling void.  The Thing is outside All, and yet wants to Be All.  And defeating it will cost everything I fucking love.

I was 12 when I first saw it.  Lost in Heaven as my soul fled my fucking child body and I witnessed the slaughter of archangels in spilled guts and hacked off heads by these puppets of the Thing.  Beyond dark matter and Kelvin Zero.  Just... a Thing.  A cancer and yet not of anything fleshy or natural or supernatural or bodily.  And despite Michael's legions, despite these angels of immense power with flaming swords and wings of adamant, the Thing was winning.  I was pulled down to the battlefield and screamed and no one could see or hear me.  I wove between angels and the Thing's puppets and knew if It touched me, I would be beyond oblivion, beyond death, beyond any hope of Allie or any love or hate or just, really, anything.  I would become It.  

Somehow Michael fucking found me and pulled me with the gravity of God to a bloody clearing where he was shouting orders with flaming sword in hand, terrified, his red hair matted with ichor.  Michael saved my life and all lives to come and everything that I was, as Michael is the only one that can see the Spy of God, and he shouted "Zophael!" in my small four foot whatever body and shoved me like lightning down my spine to my stomach and his look was utter terror and fury at me daring venture close to it.  I jolted back alive in a daze and knew the source of all my nightmares was very real.  The Thing yawned in my small fragile soul and I grasped something of annhilation.  Spies are only as good as the intelligence they gather, and I am the Herald of Hell, and I have been fucking trying to figure out the Thing for all my life, yet it's like being in the Mariana Trench with a matchstick.  If Michael and Samael fight it, what fucking chance does a kid stand?  Watchwomen are good at crying for help, not much else, and I had never screamed as much as I did that night.  That night I almost was erased.

I saw it again when I was 18.  Gray.  Nuclear winter.  Conformity.  No love or hate or anything unholy or holy.  It fed.  It nursed.  It consumed.  It injected.  The gods and demons and angels manifested to fight it, and people gave their lives over to the spirits as vessels, and I carved two bloody taws into my palms and Samael possessed me for the first time, and my eyes grew red as blood, and I wielded the scythe, and I went to face it while Satan piloted my fucking tissue paper body.  Samael spoke through me and gave commands, fighting at Michael and Odin and Athena and Ra's side - every fucking thing was there fucking fighting the Thing.  And it was a fucking massacre.  I remember seeing just this cancer on everything, the bug, the virus, the Thing, feeding.  Gray.  Winter yet not a time for rest.  Sleep yet not of dreams.  What Hell guards us from but could contain no more.  What Samael is a scapegoat for.  What the whole reason Fenrir and Set and Satan were invented as cardboard villains to project all the lies we have about the Thing to help us sleep at night.

I now give my body over willingly.  That's the whole point.  I can't keep fucking running from my rood, destruction, and husk.  It is in my heart because I am trying to understand It.  I remember locking myself in the Pit with it just to wipe the blood from Satan's brow for eternity as he held it back.  I don't know why he doesn't just give in.  When your soul is in constant battle, when your very being is zuhama, how do you live knowing if you make one fucking mistake the Thing will make you its chewtoy.  Demons are the fucking watchdogs, angels are the second defense, and Hell was invented as a barrier to contain the Thing, to make one last fuck you stand to the Gray.

At twelve, I found it face to face.  At my birth, I felt it.  It haunts and is the reason I am terrified of the dark.  Broken records.  Skips in the matrix.  It's all about programming, at the end of the day.  Do we get a choice in this, or are we already damned.  Apep.  

Snakes are slippery things.

Obscura Aug 30 '18 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 8

There is still one “Bad Attitude” from WOLFISM XIX that I haven’t yet discussed.


“Blessed are they who stand alone, for Leviathan has a place for them.”


Many people are frightened by the prospect of standing alone. They tremble at the thought of having no crowd to protectively encircle them. I vomit such people out of my mouth.


Some feel comforted by racial encirclement. “I’m white, and the great white army surrounds me.” Or: “I’m black, and my African forebears encircle me with justice like steel.” I reject all that. I’m Italian, but I take no solace in that. My strength and my cunning, and they alone, are the source of my inner peace.


Some feel comforted by religious encirclement. “I am a member of the Body of Christ.” Or: “I am of Israel, God’s chosen people.” Or: “The Ummat al-Islam contains me.” I reject all that. I could have decided to wrap religious Satanism around me like a blanket, to keep the bogeyman of aloneness at bay, but I chose instead to put the bogeyman to the sword.


Some feel comforted by national encirclement. “Stars and stripes forever!” Or: “Rule, Britannia!” I reject all that. Sure, I live in one of the world’s two superpowers (China being the other, whether anyone wants to admit that or not) but that doesn’t mean that I myself have super powers, and I have never known how to take pride in anything other than my own capabilities and accomplishments.


Some feel comforted by gender encirclement. “I’m a man like my daddy was.” Or: “I am woman – Hear me roar! Girl power forever!” I reject all that. My strength and my cunning do not derive from my Y-chromosome. And to all the women who roar: I admire you and I applaud your claiming of your power, but it is not your pair of X-chromosomes that make you elite amongst the beasts of the jungle: It is the steel in your spine, and the razor sharpness of your wits.   


Some feel comforted by philosophical encirclement. “I’m a Conservative.” Or: “I’m a Liberal.” Or: “I’m a Fascist.” Or: “I’m a Communist.” Or: “I’m an Objectivist.” Or: “I’m a Satanist.” I reject all that. I have declined even to name my philosophy Satanic, for two reasons: (1) arguing over what is or is not Satanic never ends and never bears any fruit; and (2) any such naming of my philosophy might imply I accept the authority of some prior thinker, and I do not: LaVey, for instance, is an influence, yes, a muse, yes, even a kind of mentor, yes – but never an authority over me. I make my own meaning and I am a law unto myself.


Standing alone is my freely chosen destiny and I happily take it up. That I do so is perhaps my greatest pride.


That said, there is an encirclement none of us can escape, short of wandering off into the wilderness and never being heard from again. Leviathan, by which I mean the human species as a titan on the earth, devouring all things, metabolizing all things, excreting all that is useless to it – this encircles us whether we like it or not. We’re part of it. Every dollar we spend is oxygen for it. Every product we produce is food for it. Every service we render is water for it. Every idea we circulate is body heat for it.


I don’t ask what I can do for Leviathan. I don’t need to. Everything I do, I ultimately do for Leviathan whether I like it or not, even if my conscious purpose is utterly selfish. No, what I ask is, what can Leviathan do for me? I don’t ask this question as an Italian; nor as any kind of religious adherent; nor as an American; nor as a man; nor even as a Satanist. I ask this question from a place of total individualism and complete egotism. What can Leviathan do for this unique biological organism that I perceive myself to be? Nor is it ever difficult for me to get my answer. Money, products, services, and ideas swarm all about me. I need merely be strong and cunning enough to be able to get my hands on the things I want or need.


Leviathan helps those who help themselves. ISCHYROS DIAVOLOS!

Wolfie Aug 12 '21 · Comments: 8 · Tags: egotism, individualism, ischyros diavolos!, leviathan, wolfism

Free thinking is the gift every satanist gives to themselves. If we take the world at face value, we lose it's real value. Their are many wheels and cogs that function together to create everything we see before us. Understanding these is the free thinker's mission. I can only speak for myself, My view of free thinking could also be called non-directed thinking. For example, teaching yourself skills, in my opinion, is an act of free thinking. You didn't take a class, you weren't employed to do it. You learned it simply for yourself. By yourself.

Have you ever been to a magic show? I love magic shows. There are many people, (Mainly other performers) who hate magicians. These people don't like a challenge. I've loved magic, in all it's forms since I was 10 and saw gandalf in lord of the rings. Actually, that might be the first time I began to doubt christianity. My mother hated the fact that he was my favorite character. She made sure I knew wizards and magicians were evil and served satan. I know this not to be true in every case. But the idea of magic planted a seed in my mind. When I go to a magic show, I'll stay up all night afterwards sipping scotch trying to figure out how the fuck that little bastard levitated a rubber ball.

Some people would say "Why the hell do you care what he does with a rubber ball?" and I would answer, why do people climb mountains? The challenge. We must challenge everything as satanists. Religious dogma, societal dogma, personal dogma. We must find out what makes it tick, so that it doesn't take advantage of us...

Dogma sometimes hides inside doubt. If you for example, Doubt anything that doesn't go with your accepted world view, you are therefore guilty of propagating dogma. I had to tangle with this when I left the pentecostal movement at the tender age of 14. To say that all faith healers are fake for example, is actually not accurate if you understand the placebo effect. I would be lying if I said every faith healing I witnessed at conferences was a lie. MOST of them were. Some however, did happen. I know there is no god at least in the abrahamic sense, call me a fool if you like. I know the resurrection of jesus was a fraud, call me evil if you like. I came to that conclusion from careful research. But you can watch a few documentaries and save yourself the time I wasted. It was never the "healer" that actually healed anyone. The statement every faith healer makes "I did this not of my own power" Is essentially true (In the case of legitimate faith healings, which always come about accidentally). I can explain.

The people that benefit from faith healings are a small group. It's rather a comedic callback to how medicine worked many years before any of us were born. Before we had surgery, before we had antibiotics, we had only the self and a desire for mental and physical health that didn't involve technology. I believe this is interesting because it brings us to the question, what is belief? Where do we pigeon hole belief so it doesn't hurt us? More importantly can we harness belief to our benefit? These questions have been asked for thousands of years. Accurate answers are available. We just don't chose to accept them.

The fact is the human mind is capable of incredible things. Theoretically the mind is in charge of the body and all of it's functions. The brain is the governing body in the human body. If the brain is properly motivated, I have no doubt it has the ability to attack disease and infection. I'm sure if properly motivated it could even regrow limbs. Unfortunately this level of power is so frustratingly unavailable.

What we do have is a huge body of evidence for that thing which we call the paranormal. We have evidence that proves part of it, and debunks part of it.

The paranormal is not proof of god. A free mind recognizes this.

But a free mind is also self aware. You must predict how you will react to information before you become aware of it. After all the propagandist is no liar. He very often speaks the truth. The price he charges for the truths he knows is your obedience and support. His craft is made redundant when you steal the truth from him and walk off with it, holding your nose in the air and leaving his ideology in the dirt where it belongs. Throw off the group! What did they ever do for you? Think with impunity and selfishness. Think with no regard for who you are, who you aren't. Think outside the box, outside yourself, and outside the pleb braincage society will attempt to lock you in!

TheblackestBart May 3 '19 · Comments: 8
Brother Shamus
** PETA Fag disclaimer ** If you have a strong aversion to animal abuse or animal torture in any way I STRONGLY advise you do not read the following. 

Climbing up the pepper tree in the back yard, I remember it fondly. A warm morning in the spring of 1876. A lad of 10, full of jubilation. This was just something I cherished. I had waited patiently for two weeks, for this moment. For the child of darkness hath come to fulfill his karma. His duty. 

For this joyful spring morning was the day I was to teach a little doves how to fly.

The mother of course, would reject these befouled and tainted chicks if I put them back when I was done playing with them. Luckily for the mother it would not need to make that decision.

I eagerly plucked the babies from their nest and took them down the tree.  I left them in a spot near the center of the yard. I dashed to the woodshed to fetch me my favorite bird teaching aid.  A wooden tennis racket. 

Now it was time. I plucked one up from the ground and tossed it aloft. It tried to flap its undeveloped wings, but that was to no avail.


You can get sufficient range with a tennis racket. I saw it landed near an adjacent property.  I hustled out for my favorite part, watching it writhe in its death throes. Gasping. It would heave and convulse, sometimes be split wide open.  I firmly remember these being my first moments of adrenaline release.  I knew I was a  demented little shit from them on.

"Do you like to play with fire little boy?"

Yes, as a matter of fact I do.

Eventually it would die. And it was time to do the other one.

It only progressed from there.

You know your destiny when you play games of capture and imprisonment to live animals. It really does put the lotion in the basket.

You can't really cure demented, no matter what convention or manufactured remedy you throw at it. It will always win.

Or in futuristic terms, it will always rejoin its droogs and commence to raping once again.

Did this take it too far?
Brother Shamus Sep 2 '18 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 8
I need help on how to sell my soul for money and riches...what should i do
slimink Feb 26 '19 · Comments: 8
The Satanist
Like everything in this world, we become stupid, and start following your so-called books on such a complex subject. I was young, stupid, and also big headed, this was my first experience down below.

After ten years trying, I succeeded to summon. Yep, I thought I done it all damn wrong, there in front of me a black mass, a mist if you wish to say. And only thing which came to my mind was this statement, "How are you doing?" and it disappeared. What a dumb ass! Saying the most dumbest statement ever. Wow.

The Satanist Nov 4 '16 · Rate: 1 · Comments: 7

Shawn Aug 19 '15 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 7
What is your all's take on Theistic Satanism? Compared to the Atheistic world view of Laveyan Satanism. Even Lavey himself said that if one wishes to practice Theistic Satanism, he doesn't discourage users from doing so. Because he recognizes that having an anthropomorphic being as a focal point in ritual to be necessary if they choose to do so in that manner. 
PaleFolklore Jun 4 '16 · Comments: 7
So i wanted to write a Blog about the Paranormal and hauntings. Just to tell my point of view on some experiences i have had with normal, as well as demonic type hauntings before - and read about others, and their take on what they think about the Paranormal.

First to start off, i wanted to talk about my experiences. I have had a total of 4 experiences with "Hauntings" before. Once when i was a little kid, and 3 times during a Ghost Hunting session 2 years ago. My first experience, happened when i was 8 years old. My great grandfather was a WWII veteran, and served in Europe against Nazi Germany - he was Airbourn Infantry. He passed away a year after i was born, so i never got to meet him - to my memory. I remember seeing pictures of him alive, and pictures taken of him whilst in his Casket during his Funeral. He was buried in his Airbourne Retirement uniform - and this experience happened after getting home from School. I entered my house and went to my bedroom, and about 5-9 minutes after getting home, i looked through the hallway into my parents' bedroom, and i seen my GGF standing there looking at the wall. He appeared in his Retirement uniform. I looked at him for about 16 seconds, and there was no emotion coming from him. I looked away for 2 seconds to put something i had in my hand down, looked back, and he was gone. It freaked me out, but at the same time i felt a loving presence during the Experience.

My other Experiences happened in One place 2 years ago. Near me there is a famous haunted bar called Bobby Mackey's Music World in Wilder,Ky. I went there after seeing the establishment featured on TV. I wont tell the full story, as its longer then my first story - But, all the experiences i had, where sort of Demonic in Nature. We heard growls, screams, yells, and i even seen on 2 occasions, full figures of 2 men near the establishments Staging area. I was touched numerous times, and one full apparent touch, was on my arm, as i felt large, sand-paper like hand, grab my arm for 1 second. Which i was no where near anyone else at the time, and was completely alone. If you would like to read more about this establishment, just click Here.

With that being said, i wanted to get other peoples takes on what they think about the Paranormal, hauntings, and Ghosts in General - and also hear, if possible, anyone else's experience's in it.

Being a Chaos-Gnostic Satanist - obviously the type of satanism i follow, doesn't pertain to any worshiping of an Supernatural Entity - and i know some Satanists are either Skeptical, or neutral to these sort of things.

Xaroxeum May 17 '16 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 7 · Tags: demonic, possession, paranormal, ghosts, haunting, exorcism, demonic haunting
My religion teacher is trying to get different people from different religions to talk to our high school class. If I can get her to agree would any of you come to my high school and talk to our class about leveyan satanism?
AngelMarie Oct 12 '17 · Comments: 7 · Tags: school, satanism, leveyan, class, azle, religion class
ol' grimey
People are never about what they claim to be about, they tend to be nothing, but phony hypocrites and it's extremely bizarre when those who claim to be something other than your average herded mass piece of shit, they are found to be herded  mass pieces of shit on the dark side.  If this is all what humanity is I wouldn't want to be a part of it if you paid me, I don't have tolerance for talking retarded apes, especially when they wear the black hat, claiming to be different from those who wear the white hat, but is actually the exact replica of the white hat wearers.
ol' grimey Mar 2 '16 · Comments: 7
Zach Black Owner
I have been invited to be a special special guest  at the Left Hand Path Consortium this coming April in Atlanta Georgia. I am humbled at the invitation. To be part of one of the largest gatherings of Occultists in modern history is truly thrilling. 

Although there is no script I know the expectation is that I talk about modern Satanism and the online Satanic communities. Which I am a ideal person to have doing so. 

I will talk about that which I am known best for and have chiseled out a name for myself in. But I will only spend so much time doing so. All of my thoughts and opinions on the topic have been put out there in videos, blogs, forums ect. Nothing new. 

I am going to spend most of my time talking about something far more important than Satanism or online satanic communities. Something that has destroyed great souls and crushes life from everyone that stands against it. 

The name was coined by Wilhelm Reich in 1930's. He called it the emotional plague. We are all infected. I am going to point it out and ways I think might be counter to it. 

Other than what I have mentioned is there anything you would want to here me speak about? I would like some suggestions. And I appreciate them in advance. 

Joining me at the consortium are many from SIN. Also prominent figures in their respective fields. Ranging from Luciferians, Pagans, Wiccans, Dark Buddist mons, Shamans, Witch doctors ect ect ect .. Live music, dinner parties, rituals and much more. 

They have rented the top two floors of the Sheridan Hotel in Atlanta including the ballroom. For a entire weekend. 200 rooms have been paid for the guest and presenters/entertainers/ect. This will be off the hook. I will be there. Join us. 

SIN members attending thus far that I know of other than I is Laurie ( host ), Typhon ( host ) , Tessa ( presenter ) Johnny Watts, Mel, Shea Bile ( entertainer ) and several more. 

Here is Shea Bile spoken word.. 

More info can be found on the right sidebar in white on this network. 

sonofject Member
So, the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was...oh wait.

Listen to my story. This may be our last chance.

Everyone has a backstory. Or a history. Or a war story. Or an origin story. Something that fleshes out a person's character.

I've been bopping around online since about 2008 under the user name 'sonofject'. In early 2010, I created a youtube account with that name and haven't changed it since. To date, I've left a pretty concise online footprint of my persona that is easily researched on google, and there haven't been many intimations of my user name that aren't 'me' (well...I did run into another 'Sonofject' on an anime image board, whoever it was had a penchant for drawing FFX female characters as trannys with dicks...ya gotta love the internet).

 There was a time in my early youtube days when I used to be a bona fide trollhard. Though I can't say that I ever elevated my trolling into a true art form, I can say that I had some really great shits and gigs during that period. I had this routine where I would smoke ridiculous amounts of Cali good-good trees, then--I would go to youtube vids and try to wreck people in the comments section. No real reason to, I just liked doing things like that. A lot of it, I think, had to do with some anger projection issues along with a mild case of adult ADHD and just being high on weed. My primary fixation would be videos about Anton LaVey, Boyd Rice, Scientology, and a few obscure occultist groups like the Process (PCFJ), and the P2 Masonic Lodge. I would also, on occasion, peruse the odd christian fundie videos that bashed theosophy and new age mystery schools, but that shit got old real fast. It stops being fun when your target fails to see the humor and absurdity in religion. After that, it's like whipping someone with a wet noodle. Stupidity should be painful and all that, but I digress. I'm a grown-ass man with the heart of a carnival barker and soul of an entertainer. Life is carny, carny is life.

Somehow or another I managed to stumble across a little corner of the tubes with a small but vocal community of 'online satanists'. It was here that I met a youtube denizen by the name of Zach Black. Long story short, we became fast friends in real life and the rest is history. Suffice it to say, I've been down with Z's brainchild known as SIN since its beginnings, and through all its incarnations as a social networking site, I've run across many people I consider friends and whatnot. Those that know me know that I don't starfuck on people of notoriety, I don't like to name drop most of the time, and I don't like the limelight of online popularity. I've made a couple-few videos pertaining to satanism on youtube, but I'm no cult of personality by any stretch. It was Z himself that coined a nickname for me, the "Pimp-a-Pino" (a nice play on my filipino heritage and my love of all things pimpish) it seemed to stick and I liked it, although I actually prefer following my primal design of being a pragmatic learner with a strong carnal/adversarial nature that is sometimes hard to control. As I walk the satanic path, as a lone practitioner, these ideologies are distinguished by a more existential and practical reality in which to apply them.

But back to Tidus and why I chose him as a part of my online persona. It's quite mundane, really--I'm a huge fan of the Final Fantasy sagas, particularly parts 7 and 10 in the series. It would take me a long while to describe how I resonated with the protagonist Tidus and his pathei mathos, but to sum it up let me just say that if you played FFX and completed it, then you'll catch the feels of this epic archetypal story that I give a most prominent wink/homage to through my online persona. It's my 'final fantasy 'of sorts, a self-imposed psychodrama, if you will.

“What’s the point of pretending to be all grown up.... if it means the things I wanna say never get said? How am I supposed to change anything?” –Tidus (FFX)

by sonofject

sonofject Sep 9 '15 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 7 · Tags: game spoiler tidus was a dream videri quam esse
I am curious about satanism and I have been researching it but there is little to nothing to be found on satanic weddings. I find that peculiar and frustrating. Mostly frustrating because my boyfriend has said he wants to marry me and we would both prefer a satanic wedding. Not that we are getting married anytime soon.
AngelMarie May 30 '17 · Rate: 2 · Comments: 7
Just read another news report about yet another shooting in California, and the suspect is yet another senior citizen. I’ve also seen incidents of old people running people over and doing all kinds of crazy shit. None of this surprises me. We live in a country that uses people for all they have to benefit a few people at the top, and when you can no longer produce any more, you’re living a life of abject poverty. There’s scores and scores of people and organizations that specifically target seniors for scams and snake oil. We’re going to see more and more of these incidents until the people that built this country are taken care of properly.
Dantalion Jan 23 '23 · Comments: 7

Has anyone ever considered the possibility, that you may have at one point in your life, inadvertently killed somebody after setting of a chain-reaction of events that eventually leads to some tragedy for another person?

For example. A guy rams his trolley into your ankles at Wallmart and walks away without saying sorry. You call him a "prick", and he goes home in such an enraged mood that he murders his wife with a toilet plunger to the face.

I could potentially be starting a chain of events with this very post.

VVOTAN-XIV Nov 5 '17 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 7
I'm torn between these choices of behavior, in calling out flaws/mistakes:

(1) mindful of virtue and outcome, as in Attitudes & Responsibilities of Mastery

(2) just letting it rip: sarcasm, poking fun

The first one requires discipline and vision.
The second one celebrates integrity and honest expression.

Situational empathy (bioenergetic field co-resonance) influences the spontaneous reaction.

Thus if the environmental mood was say, poking fun at someone, my spontaneous response would be #2 snark.

It would take some effort and distancing to shift to #1.

Is the answer then all about effectivity? How would you know the results?
mae_amoreh Dec 17 '17 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 7
Sorrow Tilla
how many of you have seen a demon or ghost?
Sorrow Tilla Dec 27 '17 · Comments: 7
Earlier today, I was at my friends apartment and I showed him my new longboard deck I just bought. He looks at it and says to me “Bro, you’re 40 now. Aren’t you a little old to be longboarding?” Wanna know my answer to that? Hell no! I believe that it’s important for any Satanist to always have a young mindset. Many of the things humans desire to do are activities young people typically engage in, like: sex, snowboarding, longboarding, parties, raves, etc…

It’s been shown that the mind can coax the body into doing incredible things. For example, in the military, instructors get the plebes to do all those extra push ups even though the plebes physically can’t do any more. The mind tells the body to push itself that much further. I believe that if your mind tells the body that it’s young, your body will stay younger. If your body stays young, you live longer. There is a guy named Dean Karnazes. He is an ultramarathoner. This guy runs 100 mile races at a break neck pace….and he’s in his 50s!!! Do you think this guy trains like a typical 50 year old? Hell, most guys in their 50s can’t even run a mile. There’s a lot of guys in their 50s that can’t walk at all!! I guarantee you Dean keeps a young mindset and he will probably out live all of us.

What I’m trying to say is if you tell your body it’s old, you will look and feel old and will live a shorter life. It’s looking like most of us won’t be able to retire until we’re 70 years old. Wouldn’t you like to live another 20 years doing the things you want to do without having a job tying you down? Now THATS Satanic! Stay young folks.
Dantalion Jan 17 '23 · Comments: 7

There is nothing worse than getting trolled by the opposite sex because your sex life is lacking. You can't always see the true person behind the sex appeal. Let's face it, sometimes ya' git hot and bothered. A wise man I know said writing out your thoughts orders the mind. I find this to be very true, and it stands to point if your mind is in order then what information it produces is much more easily understood. 

As I have said before, most humans are the same all across the board. They do things for the same reasons every time. If there were no patterns there would be no behavioral science. This concept is not only confirmed but proven in the process of all human courtship and sexual affairs. The patterns are easy to understand but hard to see in real time. If I'm going to write articles here, I'm going to try and help more than complain. Here's a basic guide to help you spot the dangerous people out there who want to use your lust to undermine you. This is what I've learned so far.

1. Beware of the ungrateful

We teach people that we only give love to those who love us. If somebody helps me even in a small way, I always believe in recognizing that support and returning it. If you spend the calories or the money to fuck somebody, and they don't say thank you, don't fuck them again. If they aren't satisfied by you, don't draw satisfaction from them. This is one of the many pathways to an abusive relationship where one partner is simply settling for the other until a better 

match comes along. This only leads to pain in the end. 

2.One is never better than all the others

All love affairs are temporary. Some VERY temporary. Some of the ugliest people in this world have great sex lives. Celebrate your break ups! You're free to move on. Moving on is a gift you give yourself. Holding a grudge is how you give time and energy to somebody who doesn't care about you.

3. sex is a drug everyone is addicted to

If you asked me what I would do for a quality piece of ass, I'd be up for some fairly difficult challenges at first. But never count your chickens before they hatch. Nowadays I find it rarely worth it to put in effort for something that may only last 20 minutes. If it doesn't come to you, why pursue? spend time on improving yourself instead. Don't let the prospect of a quick fix force you disrupt your normal MO.

4.Fuck your friends don't get married

Marriage is out dated in my opinion. Does it work? It has on some rare occasions. But In the modern world the need for it just isn't there. I'm a bit young but I'm pretty sure even when I'm older I won't want to have a wife and kids to drag around on my adventures. Being single is cheaper, more convenient

and most of all, statistically safer. Most domestic murders are motivated by infidelity. Most of the time it's the girl who gets murdered. I'm not a feminist it's just statistically more likely. That does suck for you ladies It's very sad that culture hasn't tried harder to sell this Idea of sexual liberation to women. They'll stay with one douschebag forever because they saw too many movies and think love only comes in pre packaged gestures. I have great respect for any female Who might be called a "slutt" because they indulge freely. The madona and whore complex is a sign of immaturity.

5. Everybody wants something, and it's not always sex

If it isn't raw unadulterated debauchery just for the sake of it I'm taking my business elsewhere. I don't believe in fucking people to climb a social ladder. To me it's just a bodily function like taking a piss on a tree. If I'm sufficiently aroused by someone and I know it won't make me sick, I'm game. I care not about the social implications, or wether or not it means anything. I wouldn't mind paying for sex on occasion if the rates weren't outrageous. And so many people get taken advantage of a swindled because they are lonely. Don't be lonely, be antisocial.

Let me say that again,

>be antisocial

Most of the plebs you will meet are simply not worth the effort. be socially apathedic until something impressive comes along. That's how you prevent depression, jealousy, all of it. Me, I'd rather be alone than sit next to somebody who annoys me. A lot of people annoy me. I have no problem with being patient and waiting for quality. This goes for friends as well. 3 loyal bois is better than a hoard of supporters.

Remember your the shit. It's a pleasure to know you. So treat yourself well, don't settle for trash. And don't let trash tell you what to settle for. YOU are always in charge

TheblackestBart Apr 14 '19 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 7 · Tags: freedom, sex, relationships, scams, stupidity
Dark Enlightenment
If you do the devil wrong-wise you are going to have a bad time.

Always learn to pizza before you french fry.

This is simple.  It is all real.  AND IT WANTS YOU DEAD!.

In the Nazi Germany there was a true occult society that totally influenced Himler, and subsequently some art school dropout faggot.

They believed in a magical force, which is actually like the one in the star wars pictures.  A "vril".

This is like a cosmic channel that exists in a realm of wind and ghosts, wait wrong culture, spirits and alien forefathers. We come from The Pleiades.  Our true form is Aryan. Don't listen to all the contrary genetic evidence, that is just what they want you to think.

Since the time they seeded our planet they have communicated through this "vril", I think, I am not actually sure, in any case this is the "divine channel", the bridge to the world of the extra-dimensional, hyper-dimensional, or possibly transgalactic.  A psychic channel and force of causal manipulation that one can harness, but also become susceptible to all people and entities that use that channel. 

Unfortunately, even the help of Nordic Aliens and occulty whatnot The Third Reich forces couldn't counter the audacity of Imperial Japan and horrible tactical planning of the art school dropout faggot.

But the force is totally real. If you do the devil, you do that channel, and you are going totally regret it until you are down on your knees praying for a zombie Jew's strength of eternal abstraction to save you. 

So even if you're a skeptic, if you dabble with the devil it will prove itself to be real and lead you right back to the comfort of superstitious explanations.  Not a very good way to turn people, but hey, the mystical forces want you back in line and the evil ones work for the good ones in concert. So really everything serves a movie like superhero agenda. Where a cosmic good is the true nature of everything and THEY WILL RETURN YOU IF YOU FUCK UP OR STRAY FROM THE MANDATED PATH.

I am seriously, I have awakened. It's all about the mystical ancient force of something that doesn't half to make sense anymore. The force is not to be played with.

With ABSOLUTE MORAL ethics (because an ancient good is for true) you can totally use this channel and the ethereal entities that inhabit this psychic whatever to manipulate the causal. They will inexplicably break that tree branch or otherwise change the timing of something using some acausal creature power. Outside our space/time, of course.

But if you are not as "pure of spirit" as King Arthur you will not be reborn to harness the power, also like King Arthur, and to a lesser extent The Lord of the Rings.

All hail the cosmic hyper-dimensional god channel!

"It doesn't need to add up" <- that should be its tagline.
Dark Enlightenment Apr 21 '19 · Comments: 7
The light of candlefire brought the shadows forth from their hidden alcove. The smell of pine and cedarwood filled the room and I prepared myself for the devotional rite. Khonsu, Lord of the Moon and Lord of Offerings, was who I praised that night. The silver light that filled the sky touched down into my room and I basked in it's radiance.

Then Zach messaged me on Facebook and was like: "Josh, I cannot do the internetz plz help."

I rolled my eyes and got a nat 18. I could do that cause unlike these n00bs I took Improved Critical and my weapon has keen. Not looking a gift horse in the mouth, I accepted the invitation back to my old stomping grounds.

As much as some people like to bad mouth LHP paths, I much rather hang around them then my RHP brethren. I once read that there was more to the Left-Hand Path then simply the Balastky definitions of 'ego before divinity' and 'divinity before ego.'

So who knows? Maybe I was part of the Left-Hand Path the entire time and didn't know it.
JoshuaVonNoctis Sep 2 '19 · Comments: 7
Dark Enlightenment
It seems everyone really does live in America. Coca Cola, Wonderbra, and our Right/Left political dynamic is inspirational to other countries. And Satirists are unsurprisingly usually lefties wherever you go. 

You can even play Mad Libs with it. 

In June 2015, the ruling of _________ Government launched a poster campaign during the intensifying ________ migrant crisis. Their billboard, among others, said "If you come to ________, you cannot take the _______' jobs away!".

In response, the (satirical political) Party and (another satirical political party) jointly called for an "anti-anti-immigration campaign" and collected more than tenfold of the expected amount from supporters to set up around 800 billboards with ironic and funny slogans in ________ and English as caricatures of the governments' messages, such as "Sorry about our ________" and "Feel free to come to ______ , we already work in ______!"

Dark Enlightenment Sep 25 '19 · Comments: 7
Kortnie Creamer

Sucks that I can't outwardly express my opinions.

Sure, I have that ability and no one is stopping me but myself but, the fact of the matter is, I have opinions that aren't exactly what people want to hear. Not things the masses would agree with. Especially since tolerance and acceptance seem to be trending lately.

What's ironic is that people that fought for the right to have a voice, an opinion, a choice.., they'll be the first ones to tell me to shut the fuck up. It almost seems as though the people that were once considered the 'mass' are now the 'minority' and those who were the minority, despite knowing what it's like not having a voice, get a kick out of disregarding the opinions of others and shutting them down.

Is that what politics have turned into? One fucking childish game of "I can't hear you, I can't hear you! La la la la la la!"?

Kortnie Creamer Nov 16 '19 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 7 · Tags: america, politics, rant, thoughts, double-standards, sardonic, apathetic, vent, unpopular
Tkwilliams Member
Before the spread of the abrahamic religions the pagan tribes had no concept of absolute evil. Monotheism created absolute evil when they created absolute good. Let go with the theory that the laws of the universe work on polarity, if you have Devine good by default diabolical evil must exist. (As above of below) if the church's of the abrahamic gods empty and most of the world would be some variant of atheists or gnostic would that mean the end of satanism? The ideas or philosophies could continue under a different name for sure but if "god" is dead then satan goes with him. If we follow the theory of polarity. 
Tkwilliams Feb 11 '20 · Comments: 7
Recently I saw the Satanic Church going to these protests. And it got me thinking, how many of us have gone to these? I am not gonna lie, I went to one here in Colorado. (It was in Downtown Colorado Springs.) At first it was pretty chill, until some dickwad threw a firework at the cops first. (I have the video) And then thats when everything went to shit.

So the question is this, have you gone? If not, why? If you have, why and what happened when you went?

CrimsonVirus5150 Jun 8 '20 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 7 · Tags: #protests #asks
Infernal Acumen Member

This is my take-away from what Charles Manson said in his interview. What are your thoughts?

1) The happiness doesn't come from everything we have or could have, but from our state of mind. We are only as free as our mind allows us to be.


2) We will be going through changes, whether we want to or not. We will be forced by the ongoing of life to change. We might as well choose the changes we wish to undergo. We need to make change.


3) People are too concerned with doing things they don't want to do instead of doing what they want to do. We spend our life in servitude of impressing others, doing as others command of us, instead of leading ourselves through our own lives.


4) When people don't understand us, they will do whatever they can to take action against us in retaliation for being that which they don't favor. People will justify these things to themselves to keep their little bubble of happiness safe and in tact. Don't deviate from society, even if you are right, because it's that society who judges whether or not you are right. De facto/ De juro.


5) How many people is our government responsible for forcing onto ventilators (through the development of manmade diseases), jamming pills down their throat (or shots into their arms), and killed? Look at what society has done to create and empower the government we have to enforce such things.


6) Society sows seeds and expects everyone else to collectively reap the rotting fruits. Even if they didn't plant them. Terrible decisions are made to create monsters. When the monsters act like monsters, society acts appalled. As if society is nothing but model citizens doing the right thing at all times and making the best decisions.

It is non-sensical to create a monster and not expect a monster to act like a monster. Society is to blame for the seeds they sow. Individuals are to blame for the seeds they sow.


7) We aren't responsible for anyone else actions other than our own actions. If only that could be more valued in today's society.


8 ) If we focused more on what actually mattered instead of false hopes and living a fake life, we may actually find fulfillment in the life we are attempting to escape.

Infernal Acumen Oct 15 '21 · Rate: 1 · Comments: 7
Here, in this house, there is no future. Past and the present are the same thing.

So today I went to the cinema to watch the movie "Spencer." It wasn't really what I expected and it was a bit amusing to watch several people leave the theatre. Perhaps, they were bored or disappointed. As with any other celebrity, if people fall in love with Diana, they love not the real person but the legend, and the movie totally ruins it portraying Diana as a freaking looney. However, Kristen Stewart was so convincing in her lunacy that I just sat there and watched.

I loved the weirdness of this movie, its haunting, unreal, dream-like atmosphere. It was charming because it was so strange. Its focus is not on Diana's life but on the state of her mind. Trapped in the cold, limbo-like palace, too weak to make it or leave it, she's gradually losing her sanity, suspecting everyone of watching and controlling her and plotting against her. She even goes as far as accusing the royal chef of putting the book about Anne Boleyn in her bedroom in order to frighten her into submission. Being bitter and frustrated, she fails to notice the small acts of kindness and care on the part of other people.

She defies her cage but not enough to leave it behind. She escapes but comes back. The freedom comes only in her imagination and dreams. Like she imagines wounding herself or throwing herself down the stairs. The symbol of her enslavement is the pearl necklace she's ordered to wear, the gift from her husband, the same he gave to his mistress. She has a fanciful vision of riping it apart and eating the pearls with her soup but the necklace stays in place. It's near the end of the movie that she destroys it.

The breakthrough is visiting the ruins of her childhood home. Finally, she gathers enough of strength to interrupt the shooting of pheasants her sons were forced to take part in and run away with them, regaining her freedom.

The movie wasn't too sentimental due to some comical moments. Then, there were beautiful costumes and the enchanting scenes of Diana dancing through the palace rooms. It was like a strange fairy-tale.

But well... it was just a movie. I think that the real Diana was a spoiled capricious doll who didn't really know what she wanted out of life. She was too rich to have real problems so she suffered from imaginary ones. 

Anna Nov 12 '21 · Comments: 7 · Tags: spencer movie, diana
For the past 100 years, humanity has experienced, for the most part, a period of unfathomable prosperity. Our population went from 2 billion to almost 8 billion in a very short amount of time. Because of advances in technology (and oil) we have been able to have access to plentiful resources that has successfully sustained this population. People have gone from lives of hard physical labor to working from home 4 days a week. For a large portion of the world, people are able to live relatively good lives with minimal effort, talent or skill. It seems that we have reached the peak of advancement of humanity.

But I believe we are in the beginning stages of entering what I call the new Satanic age, where resources become scarce, conflicts over territory erupt because of climate change and other factors, and nuclear conflict sees its first major stages. All the pieces are coming together. We will have a period of decades where only the strongest, most resourceful and talented will survive.

I believe that these supply shocks that we are seeing will progressively get worse. Countries will have to fight wars over resources. I believe that China will invade Taiwan, and there will be a major war between China and the United States. Thousands of satellites will be shot out of orbit causing the Kepler Syndrome. Satellite communications will be a thing of the past. Shortly thereafter there will be nuclear exchanges across the world. Billions will die. After this, we enter what I call the New Satanic Age. Where in the process of recovery and reorganization of the world, only the strongest and most resourceful and creative people will end up on top. These are people with very good survival skills. Homesteaders, primitive survival experts. Urban survival experts. All of whom are well armed and skilled with various weaponry. These people will form communities of people who will learn from these ultra talented individuals. These communities will become more and more resourceful and will form new nations. The weak will be weeded out and the gene pool will only be left with the strongest, smartest and most fit, skilled individuals. New creative methods and new brilliant art will be passed on to new generations of the best bred humans, and I believe that through all the turmoil, humanity will be left in a better state then what we have today. A measurement of success won’t be how much money you have, or what possessions you have, it will be how skilled of an artist you are, or how well you can hunt, or how good of a shot you are. Who grows the most food, who fires a bow the most accurately. Who is the best engineer or inventor.
Dantalion May 30 '22 · Comments: 7
I absolutely just love those sleepless nights with writers block, oh I just feel so productive....NOT Lmfao
Paimons_Son1211 Nov 29 '18 · Comments: 7
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