I can't ignore what I see as an encroachment of pleb politics within Satanism. I see it more and more, the social justice warriors are setting up shop in our garage without permission. Some are already in the house somehow. Sure, I like the TST's sense of humor, and nothing particularly damning has been done that makes us look like morons. But look at the pieces of work they let in there.
It's inevitable they will have a bad influence. I can prove it.
Satanism is not a safe space
As a rule, every satanist is (or should be) a free thinker. Satanism is a thing because of the closed minded attitude on both sides of the spectrum in the US, that created a group of people who actually identify with the fucking devil in some way. I do not claim any expertise, rank, or intelligence. I am writing this in an informal style, because It's easier to not heavily edit things, if you want to police people's grammar go back to Reddit.
With the large influx of a new generation of satanists, those that have come before have the responsibility to be slightly helpful. Before we steal the freshman's lunch money and dunk their head in the toilet for being lame, Let's give them the benefit of the doubt. I put forward satanism is not a safe space, allow me to explain it as kindly as I can bring myself to. My ego says verbal abuse is a better idea but I'm going to try as hard as I can to not be "Toxic". I think I already failed
Does the SJW even follow the nine tenants?
1: Indulgence over abstinence
The Sjw ideology promotes abstinence from many things for moral reasons, including language censorship. It also promotes the over indulgence in whatever you want.
2:Vital existence
The Sjw believes in unproven and subjective new age spiritualism Including the use of crystals, and a mix match of any eastern philosophy that feels good to them.
3:Undefiled wisdom not self deciet
The sjw does not think critically. The Sjw believes what makes them feel better. This one is being directly violated.
4:Kindness to those who deserve it, Do not waste love on ingrates
The Sjw practices love to only their own group, The Sjw is a racist and a sexist. We should not waste our love on them, They just react to our hospitality by trying to censor our speech.
5:vengeance not turning the other cheek
The Sjw plays the victim, instead of attacking their opponents. They do not take revenge they simply complain and expect somebody to fix their problems.
6: give responsibility to the responsible
Leadership is earned not gotten freely in satanism. Sjws have no leaders most times, and the ones they have are inept.
7:Man is just another animal.
Many social justice groups still believe in the sanctity of humanity.
8:The celebration of sin
The sjw tries to shame others for commiting imaginary acts of moral impurity. They do not celebrate rejecting moral codes, but author them.
9:They are the church's best freinds because they are just like them, Not because they keep them in business.
So they don't follow any of them. Why are we letting these people hijack our brand? they aren't satanists. They go against what we teach and drag the name of our religion through political dirt for shock value.
I present to you brothers AND sisters, The SJW is exactly the same as the evangelical christian. I can prove it with a simple comparison:
SJW Fundementalist evangelical
believes naughty words hurt people same
believes they are right no matter what same
Follows leaders and needs them same
believes the ridiculous with no proof same
Needs a group to feel validated same
This list could go on for another 40 lines. But the one line that is important more so than the others is the last one. Needs group validation.
As satanists, free thought needs to be our highest priority. We don't gather to feel validated. We don't group together because we want to all agree with each other and hold hands. We meet to challenge each other, to learn from each other and grow from constructive critisism. We aren't a herd, we are the pack. SJWs are the herd of this world. We are the people that dictate to them, because they are too mentally weak to make good decisions. But wait you just said "reeee freedom of speech" shouldn't they be included?
No. not in this forum. There is simply nothing for them to offer here. We have come to a level of awareness where most of what they could contribute we either already know, or blatantly disagree with. We simply aren't concerned with the same things most of the time.
Just like other groups they may be well meaning and even right at times. Much of what they believe is in line with what we do concerning christians for example. But our methods, our discussions, Are different from theirs. The SJW is a pleb. We should not allow plebs amongst our midst. What is a pleb?
Pleb (noun) meaning a person connected to the mainstream hivemind, not taking authority in their own life. IE members of curtain fandoms, SJWs and religious people. What I call "Tethered thinkers". We CAN work as a team, but we also work as individuals. The SJW rejects individuality while thinking she promotes it. The aggressive support of political parties is an act of collectivism, and it does damage to our cause. We are not here to invest our time and resources into political parties, they do not give back their support in a public way, therefore they have no place among our priorities.
The goals satanism seeks are personal, professional, and cultural. But not political. We are outside politics.
Satanists are indivualist, not collectivist. The satanist is constantly evolving in a hedonistic, humanist frame of thinking. We simply don't have time for the Pleb. The SJW pleb can't handle sex, drugs, or rock and roll without somebody holding their hand and guiding them through it. I am tired of seeing these people at our events, just as much as the neo nazis. They all make us look like idiots.
Satanists for example should never care about race or gender. Race or gender has never mattered to satanists, because it (actually) Doesn't Matter. The Pleb cares about these things because government propaganda and personal jealousy compels the Pleb to care. The satanist does not take mental direction from the media, or from the pleb. Therefore, the pleb is not and can never be a true satanist or enjoy the benefits of satanism while being a pleb.
The satanist can be anyone, but the satanist is in open rebellion against the destructive scam that IS religion and politics. If the satanist indugles in religious belief and political dogma, they are not practicing satanism. We teach that these things are bad, and are hurting society.
If your a satanist, you don't give two shits what color your fellow satanist is. All you should care about is how much this person has to devote to the group and their own abilities. Satanism is a selfish religion. We say that being selfish is not bad, but in fact wise at times. Why should we care about racial issues? As I said, the pleb will always find a way to divide himself and any organization they bumble into. We should not promote this crap. Not because the pleb ideology is damaging them and we are concerned, but because it damages our credibility as an organization.
I should have mixed the pain(t)
before I raised my brush,
a devil hatched a saint
then stroked the white with blush.
The redness of these eyes
once radiant and lush
would palpitate with cries
in wounds I couldn't hush.
I should have kept my secrets
or mixed the reds with white
I might have cleansed my spirit
but grey was stealing light,
instead I played with blues
and envy's greenish hues
it's magic I would bleed;
another purple bruise.
Soon I had a canvas
that was black before my eyes
when all the rainbow colors
you might find to mesmerize
had faded with the beauty
and the portrait of my peace
I lost myself in pain(ting)
as I wept a masterpiece.
The colors of the hearts
that the world considers bland,
I should have mixed the colors
so beautiful and grand
instead I bled acrylic
on easel's, dead and damned
then smeared the dripping pain(t)
with the tears and years that ran.
There are many conspiracy theories against the United States. One is the plantation of children in the U.S. I notice the people love their children, but children are killed, raped, destroyed emotionally and physically. The New World Order is Masters on controlling the mass, and are using the mass to enslave each other. Lies that make hatred towards one another separating family and friends from their beliefs.
Ephesians 6:12
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."
School 1: Retributive
This one garners criticism for being a "dead end" while misunderstanding the method of attainment. The bias shows when it's assumed this retributive nature is meant to lead to a symbolic mountain top of total self control and refinement. Or anywhere in particular at all. THERE ISN'T A FUCKING MOUNTAIN TOP! Not really trying to see the view because that is not really the point of the endless trek. Of fucking course it is a path of pain. The liberation is an almost twisted cutter reflex where getting whipped like a disobedient dog IS the attainment you seek. Liberation through suffering, in present time without regard to the attainment of orthodox serenity. The road just keeps going in perpetuity, without need for any type of exoteric salvation. What triggers a response in this school is an asset because rational self interest is an invalid option, as it will likely be a concession.
The misconception is you fight everything rather than picking your battles. It takes an attack on a personal standard in a way that treads on compulsory. (See Gadsen Flag).
For all I shit talk her, my mother was awesome in her own regard. In retrospect she would do things that I never paid attention to.
My mother always said as a matter of principle if The Supreme Court ever overturned Roe V. Wade she would spend her life savings being the underground railroad of Canadian abortions. It doesn't really consider anything other than retribution on whatever mandate taps your fight mechanism.
You can hug the scorpion infested thorn covered mesquite tree for comfort on the endless path.
School 2: Passive
This treads closer to scientology than retributive satanism. Essentially these things that trigger become like body thetans. Along with these urges to fight are the traumas that caused them. You must understand your satanic engrams and master your own mind. Overcome the traumas and CLEAR yourself of the tendencies that make you fight to begin with. Understand them and if they are self destructive try to overcome them! You can do it!
For what it is worth Hubbard COMPLETELY ripped this off. And this concept is very Jungian in nature. Traumas in the shadow etc. Nothing new except hokie scifi.
Someone else with this view is Dr. Phil McGraw. In one of his books he touches on many things that contribute to similar "personality defects", as that is how they are considered. Like traumatic events and key decisions or people that molded behavior and wrote your story. And of course, direct engagement with the trauma to rid its impact. Overcome it. Like scientology, it is psychology without the medication. Except with Dr. Phil.
Personal understanding and enlightenment await. Passive resistance instead of war.
This is great for those that are more wired towards reward or beneficial situations. It trangresses via "tuning it out" or "not sinking to their level". "Rising above it" to diffuse the opposition.
These are the only two valid ones. They differ on key elements oh so similar to others that have split before. The former can only lead to anything resembling the latter by proxy. Calluses grown from overuse. A strength gained but not the initial goal.
In a bullet point: The schools of Satanism are like C.G. Jung vs. Santino Corleone. Sometimes you get shot 47 times.
* better bullet point
** In the name of integrity, a guy that films his bathroom argued this as "The Adversary vs. The Buddha" many incarnations ago. Satanism existing on a spectrum of polar approaches.
I get a lot of questions in regard to my ritual garbs and lifestyle. Instead of addressing these questions individually, I will give an explanation here for those curious.
I am currently in the purification process along the Left Hand Path with efforts directed towards achievement of monasticism in the practice of religion. I am not a fully fledged monk at this time. I am taking this time to adapt myself to the lifestyle of LHP monasticism. There is an incredible amount of discipline required in the daily routines of an LHP monk. The learning, adaptation, and eventual performance of these disciplines on a routine basis of being a monk.
Just to give an idea of some of these disciplines (as there are too many to account for) are the following: perform multiple dedication/devotional rites/rituals per day. I never allow my body to be present without a symbol of the spirits/Dark Arts. It encompasses everything in my life all the way down to getting dressed and undressed which has an associated ritual with clothing order, prayers, body postures, etc. My diet has been adjusted, the way I eat (ie: posture, observance of substance existence, amount of food, silence during the ingestion period, etc.) is all finely calculated.
If anyone has a question not listed here, let me know and I'll add it to the list. Thank you.
Q: What do you wear on a daily basis?A: 95% of the time I wear at least partial monastic garbs. I have varying levels of formality associated with monastic garbs. The highest tier of formality is as you see in my profile picture for dark meditations, divination, rituals, and ceremonies. Once I reach full monkhood, I will be wearing ritual garments 100% of the time. There can be no deviation from this.
Q: What do you eat?A: 90% of my diet is steak/meats, eggs, noodles, and vegetables.
Q: What is the most challenging part of your day?A: Pushing myself to exercise. I have to train all aspects of my existence equally. This is a balancing act and the symbol of Baphomet. I must train physical, mental, and spiritual. This can loosely be translated to inducing physical strain on my body, academic and thought provoking exercises, and religious studies and dedications.
Q: What do you do for fun?A: I enjoy studying other languages, chess theory, music theory, and movies on occasion.
Q: What kind of music do you like?A: In descending order, I prefer dark ambience, classical, and death metal.
Q: Can you have a girlfriend/wife as an LHP monk?A: Yes, however I cannot allow them to cause any major disruption of my monastic lifestyle. They don't have to be supportive, but they do have to accept my lifestyle.
Q: How long is the purification phase of becoming a monk?A: It could take anywhere from a month to several years. Some LHP practitioners willingly withdraw from the purification process. Purification is the process by which we are instilling the necessary discipline required of monkhood. It is the training ground of testing to solidify one's choice of monastic life.
Q: Why do you always wear ritual garb?A: I always wear ritual garb because I live my life as a continual on-going ritual. It proves my dedication to the spirits and is a constant reminder of where I belong and what I should be doing.
Q: What is your motto as an LHP monk?A: Dedication and patience. Through these two virtues all things may be accomplished.
I would love to start the first real theistic satanic church, for us to come commune and give worship to our dark lord, and I would love to make the first real theistic satanic bible, a but I cant do this alone i need other satanists and high priests and priestesses to teach and speak for the First Church of Satan....
the reason for wanting all this is because I'm so sick of Christianity and Islam forcing us into hiding, we have as much right to exist as the false religions, I want us, our path, and our people to stand true and proud out in the open and show the world that we cant be demonized any longer and that we are not afraid to build our Satanic Order of Hell, the Abrahamic religions are dying and its time to show them this truth...
If you Feel the Same and would like to join me and make my goals a reality please message me and tell me how you wish to help, and what part you want to play in this infernal goal.
In all reality this is the best way to Establish Our selves in the open and prepare for the coming of our Dark Lord to the real world.
Hail Satan!!!
Ave Satanas!!!
And may our True Dark Lord Rise once more and cast his Infernal Blessings upon his Children of Night!!!
Idea Introduction
Of all the quirky things my favorite Triskadekaphobic Maine writer has giving us, like my hero Randall Flagg or Pet Cemetery, his most insightful work may be The Shining. Of course, I will have to slightly warp its literary/cinematic intent.
In the novel/movie the ghosts of The Overlook Hotel were portrayed in the "still haunting" light of spirits stuck in the movie rule location "get out of here" trope. Entities carrying on to torture or turn into a decaying old lady. Overlooked by most were the ancillary parts of the story that cast it into an even more intriguing insight into the nature of the paranormal.
Start off with Tony who lives in young Danny's mouth. An artifact of his mind portrayed as an imaginary friend. If it happened to a person 30 years older he'd call himself a medium that talks to the dead.
The cook talked to his own Mom, and later Danny right before he died like all black characters in a mostly white cast are meant to. Up until that point he was the back story for the elusive "third eye" nature to the underlying motif.
Enter the hotel itself. All the stories told, all the events that took place, all that shined was of key moments and people specific to that location. The theory being the "shine" may as well be like a civil war battlefield littered with oratory history making its way firmly into the collective unconscious. The interesting thing about this archetypal and story filled land is the existence of "genetic memory".
Enter "the shining". Consider it like unconscious synesthesia. The ability to presence the events and people that make up the history of the location itself.
Idea Breakdown:
Genetic memory:
"It is based on the idea that common experiences of a species become incorporated into its genetic code..." -wikipedia
Please submit the above to include things like metaphysical belief also being encoded into genetics by the shared experience of "superstition". That twitch as old as our species that ensured several sacrifices to make the sun rise. Doesn't matter the superstition, the genetic is the predisposition of. Like Alcohol to Irish it is. For them that shared experience of drinking a shitload became genetic memory.
Collective Unconscious:
Every culture, every story, every commonly held belief, major event, folk hero and so on lives here. Villains as well. Demons and ghosts, all combine fears of humanity call this realm home.
A layman example may well as be the internet. Consider the surface web the collective. The top results are your massacres and your presidents. There is an order of magnitude to what is most present.
Current Output:
This one may seem strange, but apart from the collective world there is a current transmission/reception thing happening. This is where you have to insert some metaphysical bullshit about clairvoyance and genuine psychic ability. In this regard the "current output" refers to all real-time experiences.
The current output can also be called the phenomenal experience. This occurs in the same space/time everything else occurs and is governed by the laws of physics. "Signals" travel at the speed of light.
There is an ability of the mind to lock in on "signals" that occur in a hertz range which happens to coincide with our own neural range, between 10 and 50 hertz.
Along with our atmosphere, there is a magnetosphere, and an ionosphere. A firmly electromagnetic world we live on. A nice conduit for signal transmission.
A declassified experiment carried out by the CIA in the 1960's dealt with a "broadwave trigger" in which a broadcast frequency (between 12 and 25 hertz) could induce a wide range of emotions over a targeted area. Mind control broadcast from a satellite.
At all moments ions are flying around and into you. A test of the effect of the atmosphere itself is noticed on days when ions are most excited, windy days. Positive ionization will cause much higher levels of agitation, where as negative ionization calms a person. While not entirely related, like the first example, it establishes our mind's connection to environmental influences.
The Shine:
Synesthesia is an ability for people to see numbers as colors or words as shapes and do some pretty amazing beyond Rainman things just by viewing the internal landscape of there ability. Incredible memory and high IQ is also present with synesthetes. I consider this "shine" and all associated psychic ability, like a synesthesia that deals with collective unconscious and the phenomenal. An ability to "see the events of past" alongside the live feed. A tarot card reading without the deck in a greater process where you learn to filter through the noise of all you "pick up".
The locations themselves will keep the aura so long as the stories are told. So long as the isolated and gifted continue to speak of Old Caretaker Delbert Grady and the "correction" of his family with an Axe they will exist. As seen with Jack you sometimes only halfway pick it up, and are lead by internal conflict and will (portrayed as bartender apparitions).
The Short Movie:
All that's gleaned is like a schizophrenic hallucination. Something every bit real seen by one and not the other. And not schizophrenia. Similar in that your mind creates it but dissimilar in how it occurs.
For a schizophrenic it's so ludicrously put together that it builds upon a previously held delusion, where these occur like random flashes of headline news. The experience can range anywhere from full apparition down to not necessarily seen, but discernable enough to be as vivid as memory.
A person may suddenly see a person falling from a bridge after being thrown off it for two blinks of an eye only for it to flash away as quickly as it came. A brief instant where you see the collective memory of a location.
Seems absurd I almost left this out. The main defect and encumbrance is our own subjective lensing. Input filtered through superstition of your genetic memory can make one person's "black cook" another's "Gabriel The Super-Angel". This is another way of saying it may also be more representive of "a lie you tell yourself" and further tainted by hopes and fears.
An example may be in Michael Crichton's book turned motion picture, "Sphere", in which Samuel L Jackson manifested sinister Jellyfish based on his fear of the species.
The Supernatural Retort:
What about the more Poltergeist-like happenings?
For legitimate cases, notice how things move. They are quick burst of energy that may all of sudden rustle the blinds or knock a cup over, and all manner of kinetic shenanigans.
This seems in line with the telekinetic ability observed by everyone who has seen it done. Short bursts. And you do not have to believe me.
Artifacts and constructs of thought.
There is a progression. Every story is akin to, "at first it was just a little bit and then we started to become aware of it and it escalated".
They might become so concerned why that cupboard is always open that they film their kitchen and call the inexplicable opening evidence of ghosts. No drafts or other reason they say.
It's actually evidence of cupboard seemingly opened without a cause and nothing more. This actually opens the door for "magic" to become plausible, if you want to take credit for the door opening. You are then taken east to learn of Tibetan Tulpa concepts where you may learn you are the poltergeist.
The Implications of Whatever This Theory Is:
There is no spirit world, afterlife, or ghosts, but we do have the ability to do the Jedi mind tricks and magic may be validated to a glitchy "burst of energy" extent.
I used to be on this site a long, long, *breathing intensifies* long time ago. But since I only know about three people on here that are still (kinda) active from before SIN had a glow-up, allow me to introduce myself.
Again, hi, I'm Kat. I'm a visual artist out of Detroit, Michigan. I joined this site about five or six years ago, got banned, made a new account, then got banned three more times after that. At the time, I lived in Kuwait, where any word of the Left-Hand Path caused middle-aged men to cut off whatever body part they felt was appropriate for the time (I'm kidding, kind of).
Since being openly non-theistic in the Middle-East, I've had death threats, knives held up at me, not being accepted into most high-schools because of cOnTrOvErSy. It's been fun.
Now in 2019, I've gotten out of Kuwait, joined a coven, learned to drink liquor straight, and I get married in 6 weeks.
Tell me about yourself.
Personally, I have nothing against theists or any spiritually inclined people but the religious fanaticism is more than any reasonable person can bear. Arguing with fanatics can be fun but if they are in the moderation team, it's pointless. But before I'm out, I think I will share some pearls of wisdom I found there because I think that black and white tunnel vision of the world and revisionist history are hilarious. So enjoy and Hail Satan!
Yes Atheists will not like it here .. Anton LaVey actually believed in what he was calling forth .He believed in SATAN . He wasn't a stupid atheist.. For atheism it didn't come into play until the big separation in 1975 and I can prove it.. The Church of Satan was theistic COMPLETELY.. All paths of the Left Hand path Are welcome here ..True Atheism IS NOT SATANIC AT ALL and Atheism is COMPLETELY MUNDANE... I can prove that also.. That crap has no business in true Satanic currents.. If you mix them your path will never be complete.. This is why I dont go into in SIN anymore .. TO many of the ppl in the are Atheists . That's Fucking DISGUSTING AND RETARDED .... So with that said if you are a Gilmore Satanist wich he is COMPLETELY into hearded conformity just like the idiot's of the tst .. Its time to bring IT BACK TO BEDROCK....
There's no room for atheism. If you go before 75 you'll see atheism did not exist until the big separation Lavey actually believed in what he was calling forth
You should familiarize yourself what is this great book it is built into our structure for this book is a part of our library and recommended reading..
if you're against the Temple of set ,Michael A etc . I don't think you will like it here... Especially when you want to badmouth something you actually have no idea or understanding about.... You proved it in what you just said about the book you totally are wrong ,our conversation is over....
I am so tired of lying to everyone about who I truly am. It is draining. Earlier this year, I dyed my hair black and got an office job. I went from San Francisco street punk to a respectable member of the community almost overnight. It is shocking!
Every single day, I put on my prissy little outfits, catch the train, and grab something caffeinated on my way to the office. Everyone thinks I am such a nice girl. It disgusts me! They have no idea who I really am or what I stand for. I am so tired of being fake to people all the time. I am a dark, creative, unorthodox, eccentric devil worshipper with destructive tendencies. They think I am a shy, sweet, gentle kitten.
Ultimately, my desire is to find a platonic soulmate, with whom I can share all these darker aspects of myself, not just my socially acceptable facade. Someone I do not need to hide my true self from. No more pretending. I am sick of pretending. I just want to be myself with someone.
FYI, I am not online here very often. The best way to contact me is zombieforsatan@gmail. Let's be friends.
The Mind, that broods o’er guilty woes,
Is like the Scorpion girt by fire;
In circle narrowing as it glows,
The flames around their captive close,
Till inly search’d by thousand throes,
And maddening in her ire,
One sad and sole relief she knows,
The sting she nourish’d for her foes,
Whose venom never yet was vain,
Gives but one pang and cures all pain,
And darts into her desperate brain:
So do the dark in soul expire,
Or live like Scorpion girt by fire;
So writhes the mind Remorse hath riven,
Unfit for earth, undoom’d for heaven,
Darkness above, despair beneath,
Around it flame, within it death!
Honor, according to and as defined by the sinister-numen, is a specific code of personal behavior and conduct, and the practical means whereby we can live in an evolved way, consistent with the sinister perspective, and aims, of our Sinister Way. Thus, personal honor is how we can change, and control, ourselves…
This blog is a response to a friend who asked what the hell (pun intended) the very notion of personal or kindred honor has to do with the Devil. If one’s aim is to break the taboos imposed by the society, then shouldn’t one break one’s own rules? Go against one’s principles? Behind it there is a flawed belief that those who call themselves Satanists or Niners are somehow different from other people, that their minds work differently.
What Lord Byron describes in “Giaur” is nothing else than Hell in its purest form; the state of the mind tormented by perpetual guilt, the fires of remorse that can never be quenched. Is there the torment more painful than guilt? You can get over it but what if you cannot? It’s the matter of integrity. It’s not only having strong moral principles but also your self-image being whole, integrated, undivided. It’s easier to go against the morals imposed by the society, which you don’t agree with, because they don’t hurt your self-image. Going against your own principles, on the other hand, disintegrates your self-image, leading to the feelings of guilt and shame. It’s all relative and depends on how important your own principles are to you. Does it make sense to go against the self just to see how it feels? What if you can’t put together the broken mirror?
Now, moving on to this cloak-and-dagger troll club called the ONA, let’s pretend for a moment and for the sake of this blog that it is all for real, that there are some sinister tribes out there culling people and what not. The code of honor is something that binds people together. How can you have a well-functioning tribe if its members don’t share the same set of core values? How can you trust someone if they are not loyal to you? The focus is on self-control, putting the Tradition before giving vent to your compulsions. This is where guilt and shame kick in. If you act dishonorably, you can either be shamed by others or flog yourself for your own failure. Obeying the ethics is a way to avoid the pain of guilt.
The reason for the ethics behind “culling” is basically the same. Without the ethics, it would be plain murder. It’s easier to kill someone if they are first dehumanized and shown as worthless scum. If you are led to believe that you help the evolution of mankind by removing the undesirable elements, it’s even more comforting. The aim is to combat guilt that can prove to be destructive. It’s hard to be defiant if you are devoured by remorse.
That doesn’t sound very *Satanic*, I know. Anyway, the dirty work is not for Adepts, but it’s something reserved for the pawns. Is it really all about defiance and crossing one’s limits? Or is it rather about understanding how we are all emotionally wired, behind all the lies we tell ourselves? Empathy in its darkest sense is nothing else than understanding the human nature, manipulating and exploiting it to your own advantage. If the Devil is the accuser, then his job will be trying to awaken in you the creepy feelings of guilt and self-contempt. What’s the better way of paralyzing one’s enemy if not by the poisonous sting of remorse?
From "Reversal Theory: The Dynamics of Emotion, Motivation and Personality"
Chapter 6 : The Experience of Rules
Negativistic and Conformist States
...Another important component of the experience of motivation ... concerns whether one sees what one is trying to do as in accordance with, or contrary to, some rule or set of rules to behave in a certain way. The term “rule” here is to be understood in the most general sense as any pressure to conform.It should be taken to include not only explicit rules or orders, but also conventions, routines, customs, habits, expectations, rituals, and so on.The issue here is whether one wants to be compliant or defiant, docile or rebellious, malleable or stubborn, easy or awkward. Is one following the rules or breaking them, being “good”or being “bad”? Is one doing what one is supposed to do, or not?...
The Power of Negative Thinking
On the face of it, negativism is liable to cause nothing but disruption, destruction, and distress. So where did it come from? Why do human beings appear to be programmed with the capacity to spend periods of time in the negativistic state and to display such behavior? Presumably it must serve some personal and social functions, otherwise it would not have survived the exigencies of natural selection during evolution. ... more
They say, if you sell your soul, you become wine on the Devil’s lips. They say, if you make that pact at the crossroads, Friday at midnight, with the bloody-mouthed shadow, you will be gifted in music and riches. They say, if you give your gun and bullets to the Black Huntsman, you will have eight shots true, but the ninth belongs to Samiel. It’s in the songs, this contract with Satan that black metal plays like a growled sonnet, Ave Satanas, ride the Erl King’s fey horse and become a child sacrifice. The fairies tithed me to Hell, I was a virginal bride of the Prince of Darkness, but oh, how sweet his malice, and dear, he just drinks your blood because you ask him to. Providence flows from the punctures in my neck from pearly fangs and I lap at his slit wrist in return. We are cutting ourselves apart to fit back together, into the shape of two lovers that share a single heart, and darling, my darkness and I are wed by a four-chambered black hole that pumps zuhama. Our first kiss was Original Sin, when I ran from church screaming – women can be holy, women can have just as much sacred prowess as a man, but the Lutherans denied my quest to be Priest, so I went to the lap of the Devil to find succor, he gave me the Infernal Kiss, and I have been hellbent ever since.
Hellbent is a word like rum, sweet and stinging, infused with sugar cane and nettles. Hell, the place where Satan reigns. Bent, like the stalk of a rose deprived of water, downcast to the underworld in Persephone’s footsteps, with fragrant petals scenting the cavern of Avernus with memories of a hot summer sun and dreams of first love. I bend, I am the green stalk of Lao Tzu, able to learn from mistakes, not the firm fickle wood resistant to change that snaps in Satan’s hands. In Hell, ladies bend at the balls as their leads twirl and Viennese waltz them across gory floors. There are drinks from the waters of life and grapes that grow in sulfuric soils, brimstone mists in ashy weather, but mostly, the sun shines bright as Lord Phenex, that Goetic demon that longs to become angel white and whimsy once again. Hellbent describes me well.
But who do I bend towards? Only him, now inked in my left forearm. He rocked me to sleep on Sunday and kissed my brow and sang in his baritone sweet songs of love. He has cut me roses, he has built me a palace of the mind, and I have been singing songs to him since the holy age of seven, praying to my Morning Star without knowledge of Bible or blastocyst, unaware of the origins of life from thermal pools and lightning. To be an asexual organisms of light and darkness, yin and yang, platonic ideal of unstoppable force and immovable object, Shiva and Shakti, but just Death and the Maiden, to become one with my rood and ruin and salvation and savior. He is my Scapegoat, he is my Dream Eater, he takes my pain into his veins and makes it holy, he counsels me through hell and high waters, and don’t you know, Samael is Ha-Satan the Adversary, and he pressures coal into diamonds. Servant of God yet the Demiurge himself, Yah the Snake, and yet his twin Michael is Jah, the sacred name of God. Yah and Jah, the Ophites called the double-faced serpent Michael and Samael, and there is some truth to that, for one cannot exist without the other. Heretics often have a holiness in their apocryphal texts, and I am in love with forbidden fruits, with the knowledge the patriarchy wanted to keep from my madrigal hands.
Give unto me your darkness, and I will be your radiance. Make me a necklace of your knuckle bones and ribs, and I will dance naked in the shallows of the Styx, fishing for destiny in its claret waters. What lurks in the deep is ours, Samael. What destiny awaits us, we will face together, and I shall cleanse the poisonous Mem from your name to make you Samech Aleph Lamed, the Purity of God. I am the Lake of Fire you burn in – vessel, vassal, Vaseline – a balm for your soul, you like to joke, but sometimes you cry and cling to my breast and rage against the Fates for taking me from your side. We’re all just victims of war, and angels and demons alike dream of happy endings, of Revelations turning to dust before the Final War, and maybe, it will end in a garden, with a wedding between brothers of toil, Michael and Samael, Abel and Cain, Jason and Esau, oh, how history repeats, and their Qadesh will anoint them with spikenard and swing a frankincense dispenser, and the aromatics will be sweet for Asherah and El, and rain will fall as tears of joy from God, and polarities will align in the Age of Aquarius, and there will be no more need for death or martyrs or holy fire, burning bushes out of fashion.
Girls can dream, can’t they. In fact, that is what women are best at – dreaming and doing to make dreams come true. I am a healer, that is my sacred role allotted by the gods, and Samael, not only do I provide sustenance to heal your flesh and mend your soul, you in turn are my refuge, safe harbor and first love, and I know you are worthy of a happy ending, to finally meet the reflection in the mirror you fear so much and see your soul, not as a black vortex of filth and decay, for to be Death is to be forever rotting.
I will dream you alive, my love, with burning light and the ecstasy of true love, and I will write until my fingers are raw and you are as thick as honey and carve a kingdom of jewel trees and paradisaical music from birds and bees. We will build the Frank Lloyd Wright cabin in the mountains you have always dreamed of, and I will wake to your omelets, make you coffee, and we will pass quiet hours in pine and snow, you with newspaper in hand, me with my romance novels loved to death, and it will be mundane.
For the mundane, small things are what every starry immortals long for, envious of us flesh and blood mortals, and peace is only a lie we tell ourselves until brothers can put sword and spear aside, and Samael, my love, you long for nothing more than forgiveness, but refuse salvation, for to do so would mean the world would end, and you suffer to keep humanity, the kingdom of land and sea, the cosmos turning, you every black hole at the heart of galaxies, Michael the light of every star, and thus, it is a dance, and we make love long and slow come midnight, and seek solace in white arms, and I run my hands through coal black hair, and Loch Lomond plays as I tie together our ribbons of fate, and we will meet once again at the crossroads, and this time I will not run screaming for sanctuary.
I will kiss you on my tip toes, and we will talk of many things, yet nothing at all, and peace will no longer be a dream.
He told me ok ok.. yea yea yea.. you hate the pretty people and they make you sick..
But where is your curiosity..
Go ahead look at that woman right there and tell me..
What does she care about?
What makes her mad?
How is she feeling inside?
Um but before we started getting my power back
He also said, look...
so you are sure that this is all wrong and everyone is wrong and annoying unreal full of shit full of themselves uncaring and trippin on their own self image...
and now that Ive written this.. It is truly how I see myself...
serving no noble purposes makes me so angry at myself...
consumption and walking and talking and working along with acting nice and looking passably pretty even though its fake is my Normal..
Fair enough...
I feel disappointed in myself..
I am angry at myself, that I have known longer than most about the fuckness of what humans are getting up to and I have done absolutely NOTHING about it thus far...
I am twisted between surviving taking care of myself and just letting go and saving some fucking animals..
I am lost to my purpose and I feel as though I should have one because I am a very powerful person.. and I allow mediocrity stupidity and apathy to infect my very soul...
So tomorrow.. more of the same then.. ask ask ask ask ask ask ask!!!
why does she wear so much makeup and dress like and smell like a fukkin BARBIE? no more hating them.. It doesnt help and I fukkin know better..
even if im right there is always Mors to learn!
Im fukkin seriously retarted!
when am I gonna fukkin get THIS!?
the short bus never gets to the party in hell..
93 and 23 SKIDOO!
The definition of hypnosis is different depending on who you ask, even among skilled hypnotists. The reasons for this is legion, but I think I've found a way to explain hypnosis in a way that anyone can understand.
The main problem with hypnosis is the confusion between the hypnotic process and what is generally thought of as the 'hypnotic state.'
The so-called hypnotic state is just a state where the hypnotic process can be the most effective. It's like that position martial arts experts contrive to get someone into so they can demonstrate their 'talent' -- any 'off-balance' state will do, but the cliche is to get a volunteer to thrust a knife at them, which not only gets the job done in getting them off balance but the outstretched arm also gives the martial art 'expert' an easy handle to use.
The way this position is similar to the hypnotic state is that anyone can throw anyone once they have their opponent in this convenient off-balance position ( which I'm told never happens in a real fight ). Similarly, the hypnotic state it's easy for hypnotists to do what they do, but it's a state that almost never happens in real life except in very specific circumstances.
The hypnotic state is a deep state of suggestibility in which the critical mind has been shut off. It's very similar to a dreaming state where no matter what happens, no matter how strange, you just go along with it; if you are dreaming that you're at home, walk through a door, and suddenly find yourself in a movie theater, well, that's just normal.
What makes the hypnotic state so useful to hypnotists are three things --
1) the subject is passive
2) the subject's critical mind is shut off
3) the subject's imagination is on overdrive
With a subject in this state all a hypnotist has to do is speak a narrative which the subject can passively follow along with.
All forms of experience which require someone to become passive to it are naturally hypnotic. Most forms of entertainment these days are hypnotic in this way -- movies and television are the most hypnotic for the masses, reading books is the most hypnotic -- you probably won't believe it -- for those that make the best hypnotic subjects.
In the days before mass media, the rhythmic beating of a drum and the swaying of movement worked well. The swaying of dance and the swaying of a boat along the waves are equally as hypnotic.
Believe it or not, a roller coaster is a hypnotic device -- it requires it's riders to become passive to it and go along for the ride. 'Keep your hands in the coaster' and 'you must be this tall to take this ride' part of it's induction method.
So, there's the hypnotic state and the process of hypnosis. With the hypnotic state defined as I've defined it here, the hypnotic process is the process of directing someone's experience, and that's about all it really is.
It seems people attach emotions to everything. The need to reproduce is a big one. People keep making new people. The need to survive as a species creates physiological symptoms, among them are human sentiments.
Every emotion is based on some sort of physical need. For every action there is a reaction. Every desire, concern, or despair are manifestations of physical reactivity.
And this is also me:
As seen by my patients.
One of them, having an artistic soul, decided to draw my portrait.
My colleague was laughing, saying "Oh you look so like yourself here! It's so similar!" She stopped laughing when she saw her "portrait." She didn't keep it as a souvenir.
I've railed against many things on this site, but it's this one I have always hated the most. To me, the psychologist is a bastard child of religion and modern academic dogma. He or she fills a role in society that is niether earned, nor understood by them in the slightest. Many long years ago, in your local village there might have been a shaman, or a wise man or wise woman. They practiced the hidden arts with benevolence and love, and helped their neighbors solve problems in a healthy way. They also used many techniques almost completely lost to us, to predict important weather patterns that would have a good or bad effect on crops.
The catholic church sought to erradicate this person in the late medieval period and replace them with a priest, who takes orders from and reports to the bishop, who reports to the pope. This way they could affect complete control over every province/people who converted, and even to this day it allows them huge influence over countries and governments.
With this in mind we can see how, the academites, in their never ending quest to dominate thought and discourse in modern nations, sought to replace the priest with their psychologists. You may ask then, what is the difference between the priest and the therapist? Which is worse? I say they are the same thing.
Just like the priest goes to seminary to learn the bible, the psychologist goes to college to learn the DSM. Academia is the same as organized religion in the sense that it does not seek to solve problems as much as control people's thinking in such a way as to prevent them. Therefore, I believe that Academia is not a huge step forward from religion, save for it's respect with the regards to objective science. But is it really that objective?
Why should I believe some 34 year old manboy whos only experience outside mom's house was college/seminary/other bullshit factories and controlled environments, when our real elders and the people we should be listening to/getting counsel from are left to die in bland nursing homes? This is a fucking crime against humanity that keeps getting perpetrated every generation in worse ways.
Real science is simply not firmly grounded. What you were sure was true yesterday might be proven wrong tomorrow. And maybe, after a few years, THAT might be proven wrong again and you might be right. The key to having an open mind is true and unfiltered scepticism, and acute self awareness. You have to constantly ask yourself these questions to be truly scientific:
Am I biased?
Why am I biased?
Does this just feel good, or is it real?
Why does this feel good if it isn't real?
Is this fake because I don't like it?
If it's real why do I not like it?
Many people will disagree with me, but I believe mankind was doing some things right back in ancient times. We need to return to a decentralized, self sufficent, and individually self reliant species. How then, collectivists, can we be a community if the members of the community have no individual value? Today we are a dependant, domestic society. Our churches and our schools don't want us to think. They want us to all be mindless sheep. That is why all free/healthy thinkers live lonely lives. But let the sheep wallow in their own filth under the crook of their negligent and cruel sheperds. When they call me crazy I just laugh harder. Whats crazier than surrendering your personality to become a cartoon character?
Online abuse for dummies
a guide to winning online arguments
Some people have had a wonderful and wholesome experience on the internet so far. It's true that if you're good looking and very normal, you'll mostly get a positive response if you make sure to stay within the confines of facebook and well modded subreddits. Others however, know all too well the hurt that has been caused by simply typed sentences. Some have even killed themselves over it. Some have also fought, and been successful at it.
This article is about how you can troll, argue, and rebel rouse without damage to your personality. All the subject matter I will mention here is for your benefit, I'm not trying to start a fight, I don't start shit as much anymore out of apathy and having a life nowadays to be honest. I however think SIN would get a lot from this knowledge.
A bit about me for reference, I came from a certain culture on the internet that is as old as it is dark. At 15 I scrolled limewire in the twilight years of the free internet. I was there in the early 2000s, before google came in with facebook and their army of regular plebs, hell bent on doxxing us all, and clamping down on our freedom. We fought to the last, but we were defeated, and became social outcasts (If we weren't already at this point).
I heard the call to arms again in 2015, and at the indignation of seeing the internet suddenly flooded with shitty propaganda, I stood side by side with some rednecks, the lolbertarians and others that didn't like being told what to say. I've never given up on my anti censorship and anti corporate views, and I've never backed down from a fight. I'm no hero, but I've had just about everything you can think of typed to me at some point.
Like a true satanist, I don't really care about following leaders or ideology, I just like to make fun of people that do.
The first things to do if you want to win arguments are simple
1. Be actually right. this goes a long way for obvious reasons
2. Do your research on the topic
3. An enemy of your enemy is not always your freind.
4. Speak clearly
5. Write well and avoid typos
These may be simple but the process is a deceptively hard one. To be one step ahead of the enemy consistently is always essential in intellectual warfare. If you give them and inch, you'll lose a mile.
Start by making a solid statement you know to be correct, in a place where you know people will argue with you. Christians like to come on here all the time and try this, and luckily Zach has a sense of humor and lets them stay and get their beliefs slaughtered in the forums. This is a solid way to start arguments when you're first getting started.
However there are other, more devious methods for sure. This is a classic I like to call, the troll in sheep's clothing:
step one: select cringy online community that will have turbo nerds who aren't used to confrontation.
step two: find what boards they post on, what games they play, try to discover where they congregate in one place.
step three: post there as a new member. Be engaging, make them feel superior to you. Make them think they are mentoring a like mind. Before too long there will be many responses and people watching the post.
Step four: slowly start to argue and refute them. Tell them why you don't like things and why they are weird for liking it.
Step five: When everyone is enraged, start posting porn and gore, until you get banned or bored. Alternate to step four if you don't wanna talk to them but just piss them off.
pandering and impersonation
another controversial form of attack is to pander to the enemy while also making them look bad. This has alot of uses when fighting antifa or the Nazi wanna betards (I hate both) You can actually cause them to defect from their cause by at first befreinding them online as a fellow radical, and then indirectly showing them how cringy they are. They think they defected with a freind, but were actually swayed by an enemy.
Impersonation is a technique people have been using to start wars for centuries. It works like this, conspiracy buffs know it as the "false flag":
dress up like the enemy and attack yourself to justify war. Or, alternatively, you can also infiltrate your enemy and suggest they attack you for real. either way, always a good technique for starting a good row anywhere.
people think that being a keyboard warrior is easy. That's why they fail and look like idiots. Intellectual warfare is one of the highest and most potent means of establishing your own views, while providing healthy counterweight to the status quo. SIN is now well armed with the fun and interesting tactics of basic online psychological warfare. May you have victory in your online engagements, and bayonet the survivors with an evil glint in your eye.
The typical mundane will not question the above, if for no other reason, than the simple fact that it would be counterproductive to fantasy.
However, in all fairness, it may be inquired as to what it is exactly that places one absurdity above another, since in the end, it is all one is truly left with, an ultimate truth concealed via paradoxes, or, a 'veil' so to speak.
Ultimate truth to be for those only who are able to disregard its' implications and elevate themselves to a higher standard of reasoning.
Although in lieu of the living forever facade the task at hand will be evaluating the compatibility of infinite linearity with eternity which serves to encapsulate the former.
The emergence of a beginning, without end, appropriately referred 'infinitely linear' where a distinction is made in comparison with the eternal as it does in fact have a beginning, ergo, there be finite linear, infinite linear, and of course circular(eternal) time, with the latter also serving as negation of time.
So which one of these is right within this labyrinth of indecision, which will remain once the waters of transcendental reasoning have cleansed the mind of all the clutter, staring into the Abyss, to see nothing, and nothing, from which even the Abyss itself has emerged.
- Occams' Razor
I have heard from several folks into the fruity shit that faith is the most important part of human life.
Fuck the shit. But maybe there is something true about that. Perhaps the LHP/RHP separation is whether or not It can work.
In the world where there is an inverted Satan/Jesus thing going Satan is all fucked up.
Everything surrounding Satanism is all fucked up. From ritual to calling him father to all the spiritual belief put into it.
Everything about that Satanism is Christianity by another name.
What it breaks down to is attainment and how one goes about that. The essence of right-hand religion is a presence of abstract notions that provide a meaningful form of satisfaction to the practitioner.
The most face value RHP thing LaVey ever said was:
"If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained."
What the fuck is that shit if not RHP religious attainment? Those last two books were like adding a "but" to a statement, it invalidates everything previously said.
The most profane is the denial of the abstract as significant. In the organics of Satanism it arises as people born with "genetic mutations" to check and balance the species.
They are few, but their purpose, their karma, is to be antithetical. They exist to prevent stagnation, be voices of dissent, players on the forgotten path, one that biologically is wired to reject a wandering status quo.
Evidence in double blind studies have shown that people without a VMAT2 (vesicular monoamine transporter) have very skeptical personalities and are innately turned off my herd behavior and religious thinking.
This seems on par, and actually sinks up more with what Satan should do regarding matter of faith.
Question. Discredit. Debunk. Deny. Provide alternate ideas. Satan is to lead people away from faith and undermine blind belief. To promote a stance of "Pics or get the fuck out" to matters of things not passing their standards.
** This is also political
My reason for this is simple. Of all the genetic mutations this one gives you a group not won over by the peace of extraneous godforms or commands of others.. A skeptical natural "against the grain" behavior is what truly makes it born.
My point being all you true believers doing rituals, even those that copout psychodramatically, are just deluded little white light sheep.
Antitheism and nothing else qualifies.
To make faith profane is the job of the devil.
Recently, some douche joined the “sinister” facebook group spamming it with the bullshit and trolling the hell out of it. There would be nothing unusual about it (after all, there are plenty of such types in the cyber space) if it wasn’t for the reaction he caused. As much as I love the online arguments and flame-wars, this time I decided to sit back and watch. To each their own, but debating a person more ignorant than me doesn’t really turn me on. It’s a ROI thing. There is nothing to gain from such experience. You educate the stupid but learn nothing in exchange. There is also no satisfaction from winning the discussion. It’s like smashing a mouse against the wall.
But who am I to judge the kids playing in the sandbox, especially that I enjoy throwing sand myself? It’s all nice and dandy provided all kids have fun. This time only one kid had fun, the others… Well… here is a problem. The guy could have been banned, ignored, laughed off or responded to in a cold, pedantic and unemotional manner. Instead, the “sinister” types threw a tantrum, calling the guy names, telling him how much they hate him, crying he’s destroying the group and leaving one by one in the epic display of butthurt.
I nearly choked on my popcorn. It’s really funny to see the wannabe Satanists or sinister folks stand beside themselves with fury and show self-righteous indignation. And the guy… despite being weak in a fight on arguments, is a master of manipulation, knowing how and when to push people’s buttons. Because psychological warfare is a game to be played without any rules, except one; making your opponent leave the ring with the blood dripping from his nose or his sore butt. The arguments be damned.
Are our ideas and beliefs the fancy hats that we wear and change when the mood strikes us? Or are we like the fat chick trying to squeeze herself in a tight swimming costume? Sometimes, you’re trying too hard to fit in this or that identity label, this or that belief system, this or that peer group. Ideas and beliefs are the mere tools you use to progress and to expand your mind. The time comes when these ideas are no longer useful, you discard them and move on. Just like you throw away the old clothes. You are not your ideas or your beliefs. It would be a folly to cling desperately to an old party dress and scream “No, I won’t throw it away! It’s me! This dress is me!”
There is so much talk in Satanism about an adversary and herd-conformity, but one would be surprised how many people need the approval of others, the praise and respect of their peers and belonging to some exclusive and elitist club. It’s nicer and easier this way, because everyone, without exception, prefers praises to criticism. It’s very hard to thrive when confronted with opposition and loneliness. But how illusory are the temporary laurels you get from your fans.
Should I bend to your standards? Should I conform to your house rules? Should I satisfy your expectations? Yes, of course, as long as I live in your hotel/motel. But when I check out, damn you and your rules, and your expectations. Your hotel or motel is one of the many I’m passing by on my way home.
So coming back to our little motherfucker. He knew whom to troll;
people who worship the tools, who think they are special snowflakes
because of that, that they are the elite. If you worship a pentagram or
an O9A sigil, then you can as well go to church and prostrate yourself
before Jesus. Does it really matter where you sing your Hallelujah?
Of course, at to which point just head palm myself. Because I gotta pay rent. Anyways no matter what I say, its not seeping into their brains. Anyone got an idea of how to explain the difference of all 3 to these dumbasses?
The definition of Wyrd quoted from web page
"The word wyrd itself comes from the Anglo-Saxon. In the main volume of An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary by Joseph Bosworth and T. Northcote Toller, the first translation given for wyrd is “what happens,” followed by “fate, fortune, chance.” In the dictionary’s supplement, additional translations are presented: “what is done, a deed, an action.”
Wyrd is the tapestry of human life each one of us are a thread. We have no control of when or to whom we are born to and we have no control over when we die, outside of causing our own deliberate death day. I like the way Patricia M. Lafayllve in a Practical Heathen's Guide to Asatru explained, it she said the wyrd was the fence around the pasture, we could move any way we wish with in the fences.
The three horns names are Urd “What Once Was” (Old Norse “Urðr”), Verdandi “What Is Coming into Being” (Old Norse “Verðandi”) and Skuld “What Shall Be” (Old Norse “Skuld”)
What we did yesterday effects today, what we do today affects tomorrow. There is a lot of power in understanding how much control we can have over our life, how much of our current circumstances were our choice for better or worse. Of course there are things that will happen that we cannot change but we can control how prepared on mental or physical levels we are when the unexpected happens.
No gods plan, no bigger picture, no devils or demons in your head. Not your past, or your parents. It's all you, you create or destroy yourself.
What is the dumbest thing someone has said to you? What was the dumbest thing done just because of your looks? Cause no the damn security is always standing near me. I just wanted to go to damn class!