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This idea shouldn't come as a surprise, or a novel idea to any practitioners of the so called "dark arts", "left hand path", or whatever other idiosyncratic label the reader chooses to place on their particular derivation of western occultism. Taking a drug, whether caffeine or heroin is in itself a work of magick in that you are causing something to happen in the objective universe, so long as you intend to experience the direct effect of the drug. That alone is a revelation to anybody who wants to see the "real" magick, especially if you opt for my easily met criteria for magick (you really ought to; you'll feel like Harry fucking Potter).

Used in a ritual context, that simple act of ingesting a psychoactive chemical can have powerful effects on the magick that one is performing. Good rituals evoke powerful emotions, and really there is no easier way to evoke powerful emotions than to take a drug. It goes without saying that caution should be exercised when monkeying around with drugs (yet I'm saying it) and I assume that anyone on this site and reading this post is intelligent enough to figure that out. The same should be noted about magick however. Bad things can happen if you are stupid, and even if you are smart and take every precaution you can think of, things still may go wrong.

SamaelSwine Feb 13 '17 · Comments: 4 · Tags: throwawaypost, drugs
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