Article 1
I've expressed all I can about magick. I wish there was a more poetic, beautiful, or at least pithy way for me to have done so. I don't think the text I've produced on the matter has ever “sung” the way it ought to.
To say again, anything that you want to do, and then do is magick. Boom. Magick produces objective results, or else its nothing. Kabam. If you don't know what objective means, and can't describe an objective event, then you are a long way from controlling the force that is magick. How many more words are there for it? LaVey and others have gone into lengthy detail about some of the finer philosophical points of following such a path, explored the cultural contexts, and pointed out the poseurs. I needn't bother with rehashing their work.
We should make an effort to make the occult occult again. That is, hide it from everyone so as to increase our power, because knowledge is power. Let everyone else wallow in their blissful slavery, clutching their chains as though they were a toddlers blanket. We psychonauts of the left hand path reap the benefits of freedom. Freedom isn't for everyone. That's why I'm not a missionary. I don't want more people being into this thing. Magick is meritocratic, not democratic; it is part of nature, and nature don't give no fucks. I like being a freak, a weirdo, a closet psychopath. It gives me an edge. I always hold the power to take an interaction to a place others would never dream of (read: talking about Moche human sacrifices or Richard Ramirez), but like Sun Tzu said, the unexpected and the unorthodox gives the general the advantage in battle. Or something like that anyhow.
I wanted to find the most basic principles real magick and move forward from there. The problem is, I fear that I have found such principles, and unfortunately they aren't all that exciting. I've summoned no entities from the shadow realm, recieved no psychic messages, never did jello shots with sasquatch. I have gotten a job, gotten a raise, gotten laid, ended a parasitic infection, resolved a real estate crisis, and a few other interesting things that are harder to quantify (the objective quality here is my sense of satisfaction, which isn't that objective, but the fact that I'm telling you gentle readers about it makes it objective in a way). I have to wonder, would all of these things have happened anyway? And even if they had happened, perhaps it still would have been magick, it still would have been my will manifesting in the universe. Answers are hard to come by, and questions lead me down labyrinthine garden paths.
To do this Satanic thing you have to be a skeptic. Always look to the answers that require the fewest new assumptions. Evaluate your beliefs on the basis of available evidence and the solidity of the logic behind them. Make nature yours.
State of the Satanic Union as I See It.
As I am sure anybody who occasionally peruses this sight has noticed, there are a lot of gung ho folks who make a bunch of posts, private message you, and generally sound like they're really keen black wizards. Then they go away after a relatively short time. You can never join their sweet East Los (presumably gay) Satanic Coven. You can't learn their high-mucky-muck-darkest-of-the-black-trve kvlt-shaman secrets. Well what gives keeners? Do something already! Enough talk, show me something legit Satanic, like a fat bank account or a huge pile of cocaine, then we can talk. With that mound of cocaine we'd talk all night, and I might even think you were interesting.
As for the rest of the Satanic Union, I guess the Satanic Temple is doing some fun stuff. I can't find it in my shrivelled heart to give two shits about political activism, but power to them, they are certainly entertaining. I can maybe, maybe, give half a shit, but that's it. I don't know what Peter Gilly and The Church of Satan are up to. I lost interest in that organization when I realized I couldn't afford official membership, and I probably wouldn't get much for it. I view that as a Satanic endeavour, sure, bilking cash from folks with more money than sense, but obviously there's no reason for me to be involved with it. It would be kinda cool to have the membership card though.
Let's not forget this bloodless newsletter I'm attempting to summon from the beyond. It's a zombie I'm trying to raise from the cemetery of a forum discussion on SIN, but I think I uttered the foul incantation wrong. Now my computer reeks like rotting flesh. That it is pretty sweet. So far, it doesn't seem like the project has legs. I mean, its got my legs, last count seventeen, but I'm not sure that's enough to be a valuable contribution to the site. I think it would be good to harness the intellect of all the dark souls in cyberspace towards something a little more directed, have everybody who likes to write focus and commit to contributing some intellectual content on the same day. It would give them enough time to adequately prepare and focus their thoughts, and possibly discover some powerful ideas. That's the fantasy of a would-be writer like myself though, that words can have power, some meaning beyond the enjoyment of writing and reading them.
New Danzig album out on the 26th of this month. I spooge my drawers in anticipation.
What else is going on?
I had planned to do a massive, multi-participant ritual to coincide with the release of this newsletter, but due to my poor correspondence skills, I've not been able to round up the necessary mad cultists. So instead, I shall lay out my ideas regarding the casting of a “geosigil”.
As far as I can tell, “geosigils” are a novel idea. At least according to the first page of google. If you can't find something on the first page of google, it doesn't exist, as any clever internet lurker knows. When I searched the term, I got mostly search results relating to geosignals. That makes me happy that not many people have thought of this idea.
The geosigil as I wanted to cast, firstly involves the standard creation of sigil. Then I find people at various points on the world map, and re-draw the sigil so that each participant's city is at one of thirteen axes on the map. Thirteen axes was completely accidental, but I was delighted at the accident. Each participant then creates their own sigil, their own spell. Then all participants send their sigils to the best artist of the group, and that person creates an epic sigil combining all thirteen spells on the day of casting. Finally, on the same day at the same time, across the globe, all thirteen participants cast their sigils. And then we wait to see what becomes of such an approach.
There you have it, preserved for posterity and hopefully reproduction and imitation throughout the eons.