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Tag search results for: "religion heartbreaks lol"
So guys, I'm at work for those of you who don't know I'm a 24/7 emergency response mechanic. And this older gentlemen who needed a on the spot belt change and this guy was an obvious bible thumper...... So he proceeded to talk about how God sent me at this perfect time to fix his snapped belt and guys, if y'all could have seen the look on my face. He started rambling on and on and it was getting to the point where I just wanted to work in silence. So I asked him a simple and easy question. I asked so you obviously believe in God. But are you biased in your beliefs? He asked what did I mean. Now mind you what said next blew his fucking mind. I said biased as in your beliefs like is it God God God and no other entity or higher spirits at play. And he said no my god is all knowing and I laughed very sarcastically he then proceeded to ask what's funny. Then i said, look man if your going to believe what you want then you cannot be biased, you have to know at least some basic knowledge on Satan and the other all powerful entities. How can you believe so whole heartedly on something when you think you only know one side of the fence. You need to do some research and learn both sides before you devote yourself to one "Devine" entity.  You are basically agreeing to be a controlled idiot. And I'll elaborate your basically siding with one person and basically blindly choosing one side being ignorant without even opening up yourself to know your so called spiritual enemy's. So your religion has no power behind it and it's fueled by deceit and lies. But it isn't your fault,you was born that way so I don't judge your ignorance. Guys if I could describe the mannerisms in his actions afterwards I'd basically have to say this man turned pale white and I could picture him doing the two finger cross thing that people do when they see a vampire or some shit. And I successfully won that verbal battle as he turned around in silence and sat in his car for the remainder of the job duration. Lol fucking golden. I just thought I'd share a piece of some of my weird late night encounters. Hope you guys enjoyed that as much as I did.  Let me know what you all think about that and let me know if I was to harsh with my statements. 

Hail Satan


Paimons_Son1211 Dec 2 '18 · Comments: 5 · Tags: religion heartbreaks lol
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